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Blind Date: Burian x Ampere

Postby amapup » 02/15/2017 2:33 PM

[Medicai City?]

His head jerked up as the clock tower across the street began chiming. Three o'clock. That was when they're arranged to meet after all. Three o'clock at the Cinnamon Cafe, who's patio he now stood in front of. He had only been to the cafe once before, on a lunch outing with his thesis advisor. It had seemed like a nice enough place to suggest for the meeting. The sky was still overcast like it had been most of the day, but the forecasters had promised no rain; Burian hoped they were right.

His twin tails swung low as he scanned the assortment of people and animals passing by. Would he be able to identify the date he was meeting up with? Why had he even signed for this? He remembered his labmates laughing, patting him on the back as they'd nudged him towards the sign-up station. They'd said he needed to get out more, stop spending so much time buried in his work. Burian was doubtful a blind date was the best way to accomplish that. But here he was. Hopefully this wouldn't turn out to be a disaster.

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Re: Blind Date: Burian x Ampere

Postby Indigo » 02/15/2017 6:43 PM

Ampere had never heard of the Cinnamon Cafe. Hard to know if that was a good thing; she mostly frequented cafes with live music, since she couldn't eat traditional food, and the fact that she didn't know of this one might mean it wasn't one of those. On the other hand, there were worse fates than having nothing to eat for an hour or two. Such as a bad date. When was the last time she'd even been on a date?

Well, at least she was bound to make a good impression. If nothing else she might be able to ward off a storm, if those clouds turned to rain, though they looked like they could go either way. She filed the idea away for later use. For now she'd have to rely on words; fortunately she had plenty of those.

She was also a few minutes late, but you couldn't win them all.

The information she'd been given about her date included only the loosest of descriptions, which wasn't much to go on, and she didn't want to start yelling and draw a whole bunch of attention to herself, so instead she walked up to the cafe with as much purpose in her stride as she could muster. Hopefully that would be enough.

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Re: Blind Date: Burian x Ampere

Postby amapup » 02/15/2017 11:55 PM

Burian had been counting the seconds since the clock chimed, discomfort increasing with every moment. He tilted his glasses back on his muzzle. Suppose they had already arrived, and he had missed them? Or what if they never showed up at all? The dating organization didn't have much of a safeguard against that; they did the work of setting up the pairings, but once the actual date had been arranged you were on your own with everything after.

After what felt like forever he saw a blue and yellow wockee striding towards the entrance, glancing around as they approached. Could this be who he was supposed to meet? Five minutes twenty-nine seconds. Surely a reasonable time window by the standards of most, but as a punctual perfectionist he couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation. Well, he would never find out just standing here.

The lucain approached the stranger, reaching them by the door. "Excuse me," he ventured, dipping his head, "are you meeting someone here?"

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Postby Indigo » 02/16/2017 7:53 PM

She hadn't expected her plan to work quite so fast. Maybe it hadn't, and this was just someone who thought she might be lost, but the description had specified Lucain. "Yeah," she said. "Are you Burian? That's how you say it, yeah? They just gave me a piece of paper." She glanced up at the clock tower. "Sorry about the whole time thing. I couldn't find the place."

That was true, but she'd also spent a bit more time than she'd like to admit getting ready. She didn't really want to care about how she came off to this stranger, but she did, and while she wasn't about to acknowledge it outwardly—or ask for directions so she could be at least sort of on time, that had been an oversight—she had put a bit more effort into grooming than usual. And then she'd immediately covered most of that up with a long black coat, because she liked the dramatic way it swished around her when she walked and also because she immediately felt self-conscious about trying to make a good impression.

Maybe it wasn't a bad impulse, though. He was a pretty nice-looking Lucain. The glasses had a certain appeal. And he had bothered to be on time, or at least earlier than her, though it was kind of hypocritical to count that as a point in his favor.

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Re: Blind Date: Burian x Ampere

Postby amapup » 02/17/2017 11:00 AM

Burian hadn't really expected his hunch to be right, so he was a little surprised when the wockee turned towards him, and even more so when she spoke his name.

"Ah!" he exclaimed, straightening up. "Yes, but you can just call me Marb." He attempted what he hoped looked like a smile. It felt odd letting the family nickname roll off his tongue; outside of immediate relatives there were only a few very close friends that used it with him. But dates were supposed to be for learning about one another, yes? To her mention of the time he replied "That's alright," although it may have sounded a bit curter than he intended. "So you must be Ampere?"

The organization hadn't really given him much info on what to expect other than a name. A wockee was an... interesting choice. Although she looked handsome enough. Burian had the impression from her appearance that she may have taken this date a little more seriously than he had. Not that he was slovenly dressed - he always took care to present himself in a professional manner. But he hadn't done anything particularly special either. But he had walked over here straight from the university, and was still carrying the leather satchel filled with his research.

He turned his head towards the door, about to suggest they go in, when a sinking feeling entered his chest. Wockees didn't eat food, did they. Couldn't they have told me anything?! "Apologies for the location," he stated, turning back to her. "I wasn't informed..." His gaze trailed downwards. What kind of sounds did wockees eat? He wasn't really sure.

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Postby Indigo » 02/17/2017 6:49 PM

"Yeah, but if we're doing nicknames you can call me Amp," she said. She was doing that a lot recently, she reflected, and then stopped reflecting because now was probably not the best time for that sort of thing. You're supposed to make conversation on dates, she was pretty sure.

She let out a short laugh, in the hope that it would have the effect of a reassuring smile. "It's no problem. Standard date locations are what they are, hey? I'm not that hungry, and I can't imagine it'll be completely silent in there, anyway." If she really wanted to she could process their conversation that way, but she always felt kind of gross about doing that. Whatever. There would undoubtedly be something.

The realization seemed to have stopped Marb in his tracks, and Ampere didn't really want to stand out here awkwardly figuring out what to do next for any length of time, so she started toward the cafe entrance. No reason to change what little plan there was. This whole thing was still...weird for her, and she had the impression it was similarly weird for him, which didn't bode all that well, if she was realistic; she'd do whatever was necessary to make things go a little smoother. Within reason, anyway.

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Re: Blind Date: Burian x Ampere

Postby amapup » 02/18/2017 12:14 PM

Amp, a fitting nickname for a creature that lived off of sound. Standard date locations are what they are, hey? "I suppose so," he replied, relaxing a bit. Well if she wasn't concerned about it, there was no point in worrying over it himself. He followed her to the doorway and held the door open for her as they entered.

The place had a cozy interior, with a small but varied selection of seating for both pets and humans and walls a warm brown color that  suited the cafe's name. The windows in the front looked out on the large terrace and fountain outside. Three o'clock wasn't a prime dating hour, but there were still a few other parties present aside from themselves, the occasional murmur punctuating the soft acoustic music and the grinding of the coffee machine at the back counter. A sign by the front stated "SEAT YOURSELF".

Burian glanced around the establishment. Ordinarily when visiting these sorts of places he would find himself the quietest part of the room, to better concentrate on his work. However, he was here for a different purpose this time. "Do you want to sit outside?" he asked, turning towards Ampere. That was his personal preference, but he would stay in if that made her more comfortable.

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Re: Blind Date: Burian x Ampere

Postby Indigo » 02/23/2017 1:36 AM

She stifled another bark of laughter at being asked about sitting outside the moment they came in. "Sure. I'm pretty weatherproof." There would probably be more sound options inside, technically speaking, but conversation and recorded music weren't really her preference, and anyway if it started to rain while they were out there she'd get a chance to show off. Which was probably a bad idea if she wanted to maintain some semblance of confidentiality around her magic, but hey, anyone she got sort of close to was going to find out sooner or later and if she got along with this guy long enough for the weather to turn bad that would probably count.

Not that she was at all sure it would go that well. He seemed awfully stiff. She wasn't even really sure how to get a conversation going with him, and normally that was the easy part, talking people's ear off being one of her more practiced skills.

[Sorry this is not a very good post. I wasn't sure what to write and I wanted to keep things moving?]

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Re: Blind Date: Burian x Ampere

Postby amapup » 02/27/2017 10:18 AM

Burian seemed a little taken aback by the response. "The weather report said there wasn't supposed to be rain..." Had this been a bad suggestion? But Amp had said yes all the same, so he nudged the terrace door open and tried to quell the growing knot inside his stomach.

The outside air helped with that, at least momentarily. "So, did you have to travel far to get here?" he asked, hoping to keep conversation from falling flat. At least she seemed a little chattier than himself. He moved towards a table not too far from the speakers, or the entrance - just in case they did have to dash inside later.

((Many apologies for the late reply, and the poor quality. :cry: School has been eating me alive.))

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Postby Indigo » 03/01/2017 7:12 PM

"Fair enough, if you trust the weather report." It came out with a touch more scorn than she'd intended, but that was fine, she could make up for it later. "But like I said, weatherproof. It's no problem, whatever happens." She followed him to the table. Near the speakers was particularly convenient, should she decide she wanted lunch.

Good, maybe he was opening up a little. That would make this more pleasant if nothing else. "Mm, not really," she said in answer to his question. "I live in Lamenolai, but I was in the area visiting a friend, so it wasn't much trouble. I did get kind of lost, but you could say that's my fault." She shrugged. "You? I'd guess you're from the area, since the place was your idea, but you never know. What do you do, anyway? You look like you were doing something important before this. Academic? Business?" She tilted her head, more because she was thinking than to emphasize the question, but it probably had that effect all the same.

Of course there was a distinct possibility that this line of questioning would lead immediately to him asking what she did, but what good was curiosity if you didn't let it overwhelm common sense once in a while? If pressed she could just make something up. Or tell the truth, but "municipal weather mage" invited a lot of questions she wasn't all that jazzed about answering, and even more doubts.

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Re: Blind Date: Burian x Ampere

Postby amapup » 03/15/2017 2:33 AM

Burian ducked out of his satchel (careful not to knock the glasses off his nose in the process) and placed the strap around the back of the chair, before hopping in the seat himself. He nodded along to Amp's reply as he sat, keeping his forepaws off the table for now. He was struck more fully now by her casualty of speech, expressing a level of comfort that he himself usually lacked. She also appeared skilled at leading conversation, which hopefully boded well for the date.  "That's good," he replied, in reference to her friend. So they lived a good ways apart - but it wasn't as though the cities lacked any decent transportation between them. "I do live in the vicinity, although I must admit I've only been here once before. It's a popular spot though."

The chance to talk about some of his work animated the lucain a bit. "I'm actually a graduate student and researcher over at the university, studying epidemiology - that's the study of diseases and related ailments," he added, in case she didn't know the term. "I'm doing my focus specifically on highly infectious tropical diseases. My current research involves monitoring incidences of Zuma virus outbreaks in the Tengal combined with some computational modeling to determine the best prevention strategies."

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