Full Name: Amrita Navolska
Handle: Wraith
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Lucain/Digital Mage
Other Form: Human
Voice: #92d200 ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Yusai x OdilieOrientation StraightPast Mates: N/A.
Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: Hacker
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Camue Raun
Handle: Protocol
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Lucain/Hybrid (Shadow/Energy Mage)
Other Form: Human
Voice: #f27d1e ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Jiayi x NyxiaOrientation Bi- CuriousPast Mates: N/A.
Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: Hacker
Camue took up with computers at a young age and has since turned to his greatest ambition of all, to create an unstoppable computer virus capable of giving him control over anything he pleases. Camue isn’t unsocial, he’s usually just more interested in the things going on throughout the web; that doesn’t mean he shuns human contact, in fact the opposite is true. He enjoys the brief time he spends with his sister Xacia, no matter what causes these meetings, and is even found to sometimes forgo his work to just go outside and explore the world around him a bit. He is known to be leery of people he doesn’t know, as he views anyone and everyone unknown to him a possible threat to himself or his often flighty sister. He took on the handle Protocol because he is a bit more of a stickler for rules, be they those of the Crash, or his own personal code. This doesn't mean he isn't a full blown law breaker, or that he's ever shied away from something fun. Camue lives by his own code of conduct and has a list of personal rules which he will never break, a means of order in his world of chaos. Probably the least talkative of the entire group, Protocol also tends to act as the muscle of the group, keeping unwanted visitor away with his unique metal bending powers.
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Draupnir Bane
Handle: Riot
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Lucain/Energy Warlock
Other Form: Human
Voice: #2843c8 ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Chacal Bane x Meeka DashOrientation StraightPast Mates: N/A.
Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: Hacker
Draupnir knew from childhood that she wasn't like the rest of the world. Born a warlock in a world governed by humans; Draupnir learned quickly a single lessen, how to survive. Capable of hiding what she was well enough to pass for human, Draupnir began to learn the skills she would need with computers and the Wire. Like other supernaturals in this new age, Draupnir isn't quick to trust anyone, including other supernaturals. Instead she's a bit of a cold woman, who always keeps her eye on the prize. Known best for her skill with alarm systems, and weapon control systems, Draupnir has quickly become an asset to the resistance groups of this new world. She built a place where those she felt most skilled, and trustworthy could live and gather. The Crash is her baby, and those inside it a family. Her younger brother and half brother have come along for the ride, though her younger brother is useless to what they do. A quick witted woman with a sharp tongue and a fast moving mind, Draupnir isn't the type most want to cross. Known for keeping her thoughts and opinions to herself if they aren't critical to a job, she's become a silent big sister to the rest of the group. Though she's serious to a fault, and not known to have a sense of humor, Draupnir does enjoy the others.
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Raimitsu Tiro
Handle: Mech
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Lucain/Cyborg (Altered) Human
Other Form: Human
Voice: #71217a ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Custom/None
Orientation UnknownPast Mates: N/A.
Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: Hacker
Mech is the most unusual of the group, and he doesn't even notice it. Far more serious than Draupnir, Mech is a man with a mission and a cause. He can be grumpy or aggressive towards outsiders and even those in the Crash, he means well enough. Once a soldier, Mech has learned how to compartmentalize his thoughts and feeling. His job and his true nature are what make him so dangerous, especially towards those who fight on the side of the governing bodies. Unlike the others, Mech was a regular human once, before he allowed the military to fuse his body with mechanical and computerized parts. Now filled with rage and hatred for the people he believes used him, and later destroyed his life; Mech's only reason for living is revenge. He's a rough man with a hair trigger temper, and a bit of bloodlust. Often growling at the members of Draupnir's little group when they mess around, he's main goal is to keep them safe and alive.
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Vemek Bane
Handle: Trojan
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Lucain/Warlock
Other Form: Human
Voice: #930e8e ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Apathy x MeekaOrientation Bi-SexualPast Mates: N/A.
Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: Hacker
Like his sister Riot, Trojan has a gift with computers. Flamboyant and flashy, everything Trojan does he does with style. While he may seem carefree and a bit of a party boy, not all is as it seems with him. A sharp mind hidden behind a pretty face, Trojan is usually an inside man. He lives for the chance to charm or even seduce the enemy out of their secrets, and nothing is too far for him. While he knows it worries his sister to no end, he just can't keep himself cooped up in the abandoned building where his sister and the others live and work. A social creature by nature, Trojan loves to meet new people and try new things.
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Vyeon Jokirn
Handle: Overload
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Lucain/Digital Mage
Other Form: Human
Voice: #6dd34d ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Euslan x AmaraOrientation StraightPast Mates: N/A.
Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: Hacker
Overload is normally a level headed individual, who crafts some of the worst code anyone can imagine. Never one to brag or act superior because of his inborn skills, he tends to shrug off any praise for his work. However Overload has a secret about his past, something he keeps to himself. Obsessed with the paranormal and spirit interactions, he's constantly crawling the Wire for and claims made or stories written on such subjects. Its a project he keeps to himself, though the others have noticed or even been dragged into it. He will go out to houses claiming to be haunted, even at risk to himself. Otherwise he's a fairly normal guy, with a laid back attitude, though he's rarely impressed by anything.
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Xacia Raun
Handle: Phantom
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Lucain/Hybrid (Chaos/Energy Mage)
Other Form: Human
Voice: #e53b92 ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Jiayi x NyxiaOrientation StraightPast Mates: N/A.
Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: Hacker
Being born of a strange union between a creature of death and chaos, and a mage can make a girl a little bit crazy. Xacia however is more than a little crazy, she's down right insane sometimes. She doesn't mean for the mass of havoc that follows her like a plague, but it seems like something she can barely contain it. She’s a wild little creature with an almost insane love for the night scene, which she frequents constantly. Never does anything seem to keep her attention for long, and she can get bored easily which often leads to her either wandering off or letting loose her chaos powers to see what could happen. This has led to a bit of a disturbing trend with her, where she has taken to hanging around with dark fae in order to replenish herself. While she is an ever-present being in the club scenes as well as the shadier and wilder atmospheres she isn’t an easy creature to get close to, often using her natural charm and carefree facade as a front to keep others back. Her power allows her to disrupt anything connected to the Wire, which makes her very useful. However her adrenaline junkie way of behaving, often leads to her taking huge and sometimes outrageous risks for a job.
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Elikyo Okima
Handle: Mirage
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Blue Ancient Kuhna/Digital Spirit
Other Form: Human
Voice: #338bc4 ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: None/Original
Orientation StraightPast Mates: N/A.
Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: Hacker
Mirage got her handle from the effect she has on the different systems she enters. While Mirage is normally a very serious and emotionless creature, gathering the information she's sent after and returning without caring what would happen to the people she's stolen from. On rare occasions she has actually made contact with others, speaking with them at length about anything and everything. Mirage is one of the only supernaturals in the world capable of actually entering the Wire, which she does with her mind. Now and again she will even enjoy the time she spends with those on the Wire, sometimes secretly returning to check up on them. She's only been known to appear to people using gaming software. Mirage is an enigma even to those at the Crash, mostly due to her solitary and somewhat secretive nature. She does have a bit of humor, and will sometimes spring it on the others in random moments.
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Ciye Zhou
Handle: Circuit
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Custom Kuhna/
Other Form: Human
Voice: #f403d4 ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Rukiel x CheshieOrientation Bi- CuriousPast Mates: N/A.
Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: Hacker
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Euslan Bane
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Lucain/Warlock
Other Form: Human
Voice: #37a2e6 ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Chacal Bane x Meeka DashOrientation StraightPast Mates: AmaraLifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: 1,
3Occupation: N/A.
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: Anima Zelder
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Lucain/Enchanted Mortal
Other Form: Human
Voice: #89bbe6 ||
Diet: Omnivore
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenLineage: Custom/None
Orientation Bi-SexualPast Mates: Lifemate Status: Closed ||
Lifemate: N/A.
Offspring: Occupation: N/A.
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations:
NoneEvelon Traits:
Battle Traits:
Non-Evelon Traits:
Full Name: X'tir
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Lucross
Other Form: N/A
Voice: #1f76e2 ||
Diet: Silicivore/Xylophagous
Trade Statue: Closed ||
Rp Status: OpenOccupation: Anima's Pet
Current Exploration:
NonePast Explorations: