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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/23/2016 5:37 PM

"I have some money to pay for it" said Bannick, wishing he'd kept his mouth shut as soon as he did so. He only had a little bag of Key Stones, after all, and he would need it for when they kicked him off the ship.

He needn't have worried, however; the captain merely snorted before telling him kindly to put his gold away and stop trying to throw it around. "Son, trust me when I say that ye won't need to pay fer any o' this. The ship chooses, an' she chose ye, and tha's why we're here."
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/23/2016 5:41 PM

Bannick frowned twice, at the mention of gold (for nobody had used gold in Evelon in centuries, as Key Stones were more valuable and - being magical currency - could not be forged), and at the mention of the ship 'choosing' him. He had heard tales of magically-imbued vessels, after all who hadn't, but a sentient ship? He was now beginning to doubt the captain's sanity, as well as his choice, and something must have shown on his face because the captain chuckled with obvious amusement.

"Lad, believe me, I was once as sceptical as ye; the ship chooses, an' 'er choice is ne'er wrong." The captain grinned, and Bannick could see that four or five of his teeth were capped in gold.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/26/2017 12:58 PM


Bannick's mouth began to water as the Kalamarei - the First Mate - he had seen earlier pushed open the cabin door, carrying a tray on which sat two silver domes with handles. The First Mate winked at him as he carefully set the tray down on the table between Bannick and the Captain, and removed the domes. Bannick had never seen silver plate covers before, and his eyes went wide as the smell of freshly cooked fish hit him.

The Captain grinned at the look on the young man's face. He had not missed the look of disbelief in his eyes before, and hoped the young man would be more open minded once his stomach was filled.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/26/2017 1:29 PM

Bannick glanced up to see the Captain watching him drooling over the fish. He blushed in embarrassment, and straightened himself, feeling foolish. The First Mate chuckled gently, and placed a napkin with cutlery rolled in it beside his plate.

"Tuck in, lad, a'fore it gets cold" the Captain said, picking up his own utensils and beginning to cut into the fish on his plate. Bannick watched him place a piece in his mouth, chew and swallow, before picking up his knife and fork - he didn't quite trust the Captain yet, after all.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/27/2017 6:45 AM

After dinner, the captain opened the porthole behind his chair, and lit a pipe. The sweet smell of vanilla tobacco filled the cabin, and Bannick - who had almost eaten more than his stomach could hold - sat back in his chair. He felt a bit more at ease, though he couldn't tell if it were the gentle rocking of the ship and the dimming sunlight coming in through the portholes, or if it was something he should have been worried about.

"Now lad," spoke the Captain, as the puffs of smoke rose lazily from the bowl of his pipe, "It is time we spoke about the ship." He paused a moment, as the memories came flooding back, before he launched into his tale.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/27/2017 6:50 AM

Bannick frowned, and shifted so that he was leaning on the arm of the chair. The Captain eyed him over the glowing bowl of his pipe, measuring his reaction to the tale he had just been told.

"Forgive me, Captain" said Bannick after a long silence; "I just - the thought of a cursed ship is a lot to take in, particularly considering I am presently on said ship."

The Captain sighed, but understood; it was the first thing you lost when the ship chose you for her crew - once you were aboard, you were bound to her, until your service - whatever the ship deemed it to be - was over. He himself had looked for a way out, long ago, and had merely extended his own sentence.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/27/2017 6:57 AM

"Try not to worry yerself o'ermuch lad, we live a good life, and we do dock in each port as we go - the ship will call to ye when it is time to go, just as she calls to each of us. The rewards, though - that'll be the payoff, as ye'll soon find out."

The Captain sat back in his chair, with his legs stretched out, and smiled; oh yes, the young lad would soon find his calling - the sea was a cruel mistress sometimes, but those who served the Anihir were marine royalty, and rewarded for their service well.

"Pardon me, Captain, but I still don't quite understand why I have been chosen to serve aboard this vessel - sentient as it may be - considering I was only dropped off by my previous crew this morning." Bannick flushed, but kept his stare level as the Captain let out a gentle sigh. He could hear whispers, now, at the edge of his hearing, but it was a strange whisper, a comforting whisper, like the wind through the sails or the sea breeze stirring a calm bay.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/27/2017 7:02 AM

The Captain smiled, and lifted his pipe out of his mouth to speak. "Dropped ye off, eh? Bit sudden, I'd wager - some half-hearted explanation about how they couldn't keep ye, and they be a reason ye needed ta go, right? I've heard the same story too many times, lad, and I assure ye, that was yer first callin'."

Bannick sat, open mouthed; it was as if the Captain had heard the conversation he'd had with Captain Witham just before they left him at the dock. "I was happy there," he pleaded, his heart in his stomach; the fish he'd eaten felt like lead, and though it had left a delicious taste in his mouth, all he could now taste was bile. "Why would I be pulled out of a happy life, to serve a ship I've never seen, with a crew I've never met - what could I have done to deserve such a fate?" he cried in distress, leaning towards the Captain.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/27/2017 7:08 AM

The Captain felt for Bannick; it was a story he had heard many a time, with recruits pulled from their families and fortunes, hearths and homesteads, and each time it saddened him a little more. Yet he knew that with time, the ship would prove correct in her choices - she had never yet been wrong, as each of the crew upon leaving had tried to stay, to no avail.

"Lad, I cannae tell ye what she has planned fer ye, but I can tell ye this - it seems like a sentence now, but soon ye'll feel like ye've never been anywhere else but right here, and ye'll wish ye were still here when it's o'er."

The Captain paused, and Bannick put his head in his hands, feeling like a fool for climbing aboard a ship he didn't know, even if he knew what awaited him had he stayed. He wished he had left the port, left Jawan, gone far away, and never chanced a look at the strange, old-fashioned ship he was now doomed to serve for who-knew-how-long.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/27/2017 9:41 AM

A loud 'thunk' noise echoed through the cabin, and Captain Timbers frowned as he felt something clunk against the side of his boot. The ship had rocked, very gently, and had seemingly pushed a small chest the size of his forearm over to him.

He glanced at the compass on his table, and noticed that the arrow that was marked neither 'North' nor 'South' was pointing directly at Bannick, who sat across from him. The Captain shifted the compass slightly to make sure the needle was definitely pointing at Bannick, and Bannick, who was still moping in his misery, raised his head enough to glance at what he was doing.

"Lad, I've been the Captain of this ship fer far too long, and I think she's tryin' ta tell me somethin' about ye" said Captain Timbers, with one hand on his chin.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/24/2020 9:16 AM

Too caught up in his misery to really pay attention, Bannick only glanced at the compass out of the corner of his eye, before noticing that it was pointing directly towards him regardless of how the Captain turned it. He held out a hand as the Captain gently lifted it out of its case, and gasped as it touched his palm.
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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/24/2020 9:19 AM

"I reckon this be intended for ye too" murmured the Vaptain, watching Bannick's eyes go wide as he lifted the chest and set it down on the table. The front of the chest had a slot for the compass embedded into it, and Bannick watched as his fingers slid the compass into its housing seemingly without his conscious involvement.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea... (Start)(Self)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/24/2020 9:22 AM

A soft 'click' was heard in the silent cabin, and Captain Timbers frowned; he couldn't remember ever having opened this little chest before, as it had never felt quite right to do so, and although he had no objections on principle - for he had learned to trust the whims of the ship long ago - it was still a little nerve-wracking.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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