The longest range in Lambastia, the Tuun Mountains cover up much of the northwest. Unlike the harsh Fe'gan Mountains, the Tuun Mountains have varying temperatures, from very mild to slightly colder depending on where you go and which sections you explore. (+3 Offense)

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/28/2017 4:17 PM

Shaya entered the room, and Drake closed the door behind her softly - so softly, she didn't even hear him lock it. It seemed that her belongings had been brought here already, and the first thing she did was to take out the granlick bulbs and place one at the window, and one at the door.

"Excellent, it seems that you're learning" remarked Mick, only semi-sarcastically.

"I'm being hosted by a vampire, haunted by you, and chased by that thing - it's about time I learned something" Shaya replied glumly, as she began to undress. She pulled her pyjamas on, and climbed onto the bed.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/28/2017 4:19 PM

Mick grimaced, and hovered in front of her face. "We're both to blame for waking the hag up, so don't feel so glum" he said, looking into her dull eyes.

Shaya nodded, but she couldn't help feeling down - and so very tired. The bed was large, and comfortable, and she felt like she was sinking into the sheets. "I can't- can't fix it now" she yawned out, as she lay down and placed her head on the pillow.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/28/2017 4:22 PM

"Sleep" said Mick, zooming over to the window, to look out at the cavern. "I will keep watch, though I doubt it's needed tonight" he said, already turning away from her.

"Thanks, Mick" whispered Shaya sleepily, as she closed her eyes. A few moments later, she was fully asleep and the only sounds were her gentle breathing and the occasional crackle of the fire.

Mick turned back to look at her sleeping face, and his frown deepened at the thought of what awaited them.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/28/2017 4:25 PM

Shaya dreamed that night of vampire knights and hags with claws, and though her body rested well her mind was tormented. She awoke more than once with tears on her pillow, and Mick's gentle soothing lulled her back to sleep.

Mick was worried about her, but at least the Granlick was keeping Drake at bay. He didn't particularly want to discuss Shaya with him, and even less so when she was asleep. Sometimes, he thought to himself, he missed being alive just to be able to sleep and turn off for a short while.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/02/2017 2:40 AM

Morning came, as morning does, and Shaga awoke in a state of melancholy.

"Hey, this isn't like you," joked Mick, attempting to make her smile. "Normally you'd be bouncing around, excited at the thought of exploring somewhere like this." He was genuinely concerned for the normally bright, bubbly girl.

Hahaha gave him a feeble impression of a smile, and sighed. "Sorry Mick," she said quietly, holding her knees and wrapping her tails around her.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/02/2017 4:46 AM

"Hey, it's gonna be ok" soothed Mick; "we're safer in here than anywhere else, and soon we'll get used to it."

Shaya sniffled, and wiped her eye with her sleeve. "I know you're right, but we're in a lot of trouble this time, and its my fault. I wish I'd never heard about that old cabin, I wish I had listened to you, I wish I could see the sun instead of a fireplace."

Mick winced; things like this were difficult, since a ghost couldn't offer more comfort than a few gentle words.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/07/2017 4:27 AM

Mick huffed; he wasn't good at dealing with emotions any more, and it was frustrating to feel so useless whilst the normally bubbly go-for-it girl was sat crying in a corner.

As he opened his mouth to speak, Shaya's ears pricked up; she could hear pacing outside the door of the room.

"I'm impressed, Mick; she's more prepared than I expected" Drake said, an amused tone coloring his voice. He was unable to enter due to the Granlick bulb in front of the door, and had been waiting for them to open it. Unfortunately, he wasn't the sort to wait patiently, and had excellent hearing, so when he heard them speaking he had taken the opportunity.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/07/2017 4:30 AM

Shaya sighed, and stretched as she stood up. She was already showered and dressed, and made her way to the door to let their host into the room, picking up the Granlick bulb on the way.

"Well done, provisions and personal safety are lesson one" Drake said, as she let him inside. "Breakfast will be served downstairs shortly, however, so you may want to put that somewhere safe for the time being."

Shaya's stomach rumbled, and she nodded; placing the bulb on the bedside table, she waited until Mick was hovering above her shoulder to leave the room, making sure Drake went ahead of them.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/09/2017 6:58 AM

Drake continued to chatter as they went down to the inn's main room, but Shaya wasn't really listening. She was still quite upset about having gotten them into so much trouble, and was having difficulty on focusing on anything else.

"You should pay attention" scolded Mick, gently; he knew Drake had heard him, but some of the things that were being said were important and Shaya was missing them.

"Sorry" mumbled Shaya, looking up at the large Batti in front of her. Drake frowned; this was not the same plucky girl he had seen in the carriage.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/09/2017 7:00 AM

Shaya huffed a sigh; she hoped she would feel better after breakfast, but it was a slim hope. Her body felt heavy, and it was as if there was a fog of dullness surrounding her.

Mick frowned, and zoomed over to whisper something to Drake. Shaya knew she was out of sorts, but she still felt a little cross at being left out by Mick. At least she could feel that, instead of the dullness. she thought to herself.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/09/2017 7:03 AM

Drake nodded to Mick's suggestion, and clapped his hands. "Young lady, I believe I know something that may help you - but first, we must eat." He led them to a table, and beckoned the innkeeper over to serve them.

A little later, Shaya was pushing what was actually a very good omelette around on her plate listlessly, cautiously avoiding looking at the dark brown liquid Drake was sipping from a tall wine glass. He had assured her it was only synthetic blood substitute, designed to give him the nutrients he needed without the bloodlust which came with drinking actual blood, but it still creeped her out.

Mick remained at her shoulder, silent for the moment; he hoped his plan would work.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/09/2017 7:10 AM

Shaya blushed as the innkeeper tutted whilst she cleared the plates; she had tried to eat the omelette, but it was hard when she didn't feel hungry due to the weight of despair in her stomach. At the very least, she had eaten a little of it; they would have to be satisfied with that.

"Shaya, how much time have you spent indoors before?" asked Drake gently as they walked, surprising her.

She thought hard for a moment, before answering; "Not a lot, I think; there was always something to do outside."

Drake nodded, and smiled a little; "I assume that it was irrelevant whether the sun was up or not?" he asked casually.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/09/2017 7:13 AM

Shaya shrugged; it wasn't really something she had tried to pay attention to, as she was always more interested in whatever she was poking her nose into.

"I never really thought about it; I guess when the sun was down, there was always the moon" she said, hunching a little at the thought of being locked away from both celestial bodies. She felt uncomfortable, as if she was being smothered by the cave, despite it being so large and open.

Drake and Mick exchanged a glance, and nodded to each other. They had hit the nail on the head, and hopefully Drake would be able to remedy the problem.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/09/2017 7:16 AM

"Here we are" said Drake, coming to a stop in front of a large bolted door, with rivets reinforcing it. He brought out a large iron key, and inserted it into the keyhole before turning it a quarter-turn to the left, and a whole turn to the right.

As Shaya followed him inside, she shivered, wondering for the first time what exactly they had planned for her.

"Welcome," said Drake imperiously, "to the interrogation room." He turned the lights on, and Shaya tripped over herself trying to get away from the chair in the middle of the room with the restraints on it.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Brush With Death, A Sweep With Dinner [Self]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/09/2017 7:18 AM

"Drake! What the devil do you think you're doing!" Scolded Mick, zooming in front of Shaya so that he looked the Batti squarely in the eye. "We're here to help her, not to scare her to death. You said you had somewhere that would help!"

Shaya crouched over, too terrified to move; what were they planning, and why hadn't she listened earlier?

Drake raised his eyebrows, and placed a hand over his heart. "Mick, you wound me" he said, a small smile gracing his lips; "This is where we will help her - this room is the key."
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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