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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/21/2016 7:30 AM

   Male; No Preference
   Lineage: Brother to Nina
Character Images: Human form (made with the candybar doll maker)
Photobucket Hosted Image
  Lifemate Status: Tentative
  Trade Status: N/A
  Additions Needed: Two black studded wristbands on each of his front legs (stacked with one straight and one at an angle on top of it leaning towards the outside of the leg in question) resting on his paws.

       Name: Nox
       Definition: Night (Latin)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 17
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Umbravore/Omnivore
       Height: 47cm (Tali form), 5' 7" (Human Form) Length: 45cm (Tali Form) Weight: 11kg (Tali Form) 56kg (Human Form)
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   A gentle, quiet creature, prone to loneliness. Always wants to help others but is very insecure. Loves Fudge and his sister dearly.
   H I S T O R Y
   Nox, like his sister Nina, is a quiet and pleasant young man. They used to be known as 'The Happy Twins' until they lost their parents to a carriage accident when they were 14. Since then, their outlook has been bleak and they have kept to themselves in the forest, rejecting interactions with anyone other than Ratchet, Crax and Candy, who knew them from before the accident. Nox lost himself to depression and apathy after the loss of his parents, and sadly even the love of his sister wasn't enough to pull him out of it.
Since he found Fudge, he has opened up and relaxed, showing more of his old self than anyone thought had survived. He refuses to leave her alone for any amount of time unless she's with Nina, and carries her about in a pouch Nina had a friend (Crax) make specially.
Nowadays Nox spends his days running errands for Ratchet in exchange for payment in the form of various odds and ends.

Posts: 36 Level: 8
   Element: Dark/Metal
        Offense: 13
        Defense: 9
        Precision: 21 (+2 Roraldi Forests Bonus)
        Endurance: 15
        Speed: 14
        Fame: 15
   -Species Traits- Forest Dweller
   -Acclimation Traits- Terrain Traveller, Cold Adaption
   -Healing Traits- Disease Immunity, Herbalist, Regenerate Limbs.
   -Magic Traits- Elemental Manipulation, Shadow Shift, Shape-Shifter, Time Warp.
   -Personality Traits- Adaptable, Green Thumb, Inner Discipline, Intellectual, Multiple Personalities, Sticky Fingers.
   -Physical Traits- Body Pouch, Night Vision, Photoresistant, Prehensile Tail, Thought-Speech.
   -Social Traits- Grid, Legendary Tracker, Master Chef, Master Of Disguise, Mechanic, Scavenger.
   Battle Traits: Life Drain, Lunge, Lurking Shadows, Voltage, Blade, Burst Spin. (Species traits: None) (Color traits: Dark Heart, The Will's Connection))
   RP Color: #000080

   Silence and Serenity - 34 Posts
   Mate -- None
   Family -- Nina (Sister), Fudge (Adopted)
   Friends -- Crax, Candy, Ratchet
   Allies -- Kit (Ratchet's Assistant)
   Enemies -- None
   Neutral -- None

Plot Notes
   Nox got lost in Roraldi Forests one day, and spent the night in a tree, only to be kidnapped by a mysterious stranger on a Hollowheart the next morning. He was taken to a clearing where there were many creatures in cages, and it was there that he found Fudge. He rescued her and took her home, where he lived with Nina. He asked Ratchet to make them collars for communication purposes, and Nina began to teach Fudge how to paint. Nox found another kuhna kit in the forest whom he took to Ratchet, who adopted the kit as an assistant.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> None - Post count
   --> Non-RP Posts - 2

General Notes
The Tali is a feathered canid that can be commonly found in domestication, native to the forested regions of most continents. They are social creatures that live in packs headed by an alpha mated pair and use a variety of sounds to communicate to others. Because of their delicate build, Tali prefer to hunt smaller prey rather than large game. The iconic bright coat and plumage of a Tali are used to ward off predators as well as attract mates.
The scientists here at the Evelon Preservation Zoo have discovered yet ANOTHER type of color out there. These void creatures show no emotion whatsoever, seemingly devoid of feeling anything but emptyness. They seem to be searching for something, some kind of emotion that they cannot attain. We do not prefer this pet for the 'loving' owners who wish to cuddle and pamper their pets, for they will find no happiness with these such pets. They also seem to be fearsome battlers when pitted against another pet in a duel. Pets of the Void color seem to incorporate colors of black and violet somewhere.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/21/2016 8:56 AM

   Female; No Preference
   [Cake Kuhna]
   Lineage: Adopted by Nox
Character Images: Baby (original) version
Photobucket hosted image
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: N/A
  Breeding Status: Closed
  Lifemate: Tentative
  Trade Status: N/A
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Fudge
       Definition: One who is stubborn (American)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Female Age: 6
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Saccharovore/Omnivore
       Height: 15cm Length: 20 cm Weight: 4.5kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Reclusive and shy unless comfortable with present company. Naturally curious and sweet. Very young. Doesn't like to speak.
   H I S T O R Y
   Fudge was torn from her mother's side as a very young kit and was caged, to be sold as an exotic pet. Nox found her there and escaped with her, taking her home.
She has been adopted by Nox and his sister Nina, who is now teaching her art.
She trusts Nox absolutely and will hardly ever stray from his side, preferring to be carried in a pouch. When she's not with Nox, she is acting as Nina's apprentice in the shop.

Posts: 22 Level: 5
   Element: Fire
        Offense: 8
        Defense: 6
        Precision: 15 (+2 Roraldi Forests Bonus)
        Endurance: 14
        Speed: 10
        Fame: 9
   -Species Traits- Hyper, Padded Paws
   -Marking Traits- N/A
   -Acclimation Traits- Terrain Traveller, Heat Adaption
   -Healing Traits- Disease Immunity, Herbalist, First Aid
   -Magic Traits- Witchlight, Weather Warper, Lifesense, Elemental Manipulation
   -Personality Traits- Explorer, Green Thumb, Innocent, Pure Soul, Sticky Fingers, Introvert
   -Physical Traits- Body Pouch, Evasive, Keen Scent, Prehensile Tail, Petite Figure
   -Social Traits- Jailbird (Captive), Protected (Nox), Scavenger, Sisigwad, Silent Shadow, Apprentice (Artist - Nina)
   Battle Traits: Tough Hide, Subduing Strike, Aimed Strike, Raging Blaze, Pyro, Energy Siphon (Species traits: None) (Marking traits: N/A)
   RP Color: #FFBFFF

   Silence and Serenity - 21 Posts
   Mate -- None
   Family -- Nox, Nina
   Friends -- None
   Allies -- Crax, Candy, Ratchet, Kit
   Enemies -- None
   Neutral -- None

Plot Notes
Nox got lost in Roraldi Forests one day, and spent the night in a tree, only to be kidnapped by a mysterious stranger on a Hollowheart the next morning. He was taken to a clearing where there were many creatures in cages, and it was there that he found Fudge. He rescued her and took her home, where he lived with Nina. He asked Ratchet to make them collars for communication purposes, and Nina began to teach Fudge how to paint. Nox found another kuhna kit in the forest whom he took to Ratchet, who adopted the kit as an assistant.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> None - Post Count
   --> Non-RP Posts - 1

General Notes
Is a kit for all RP purposes
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/21/2016 9:47 AM

   Male; No Preference
   Lineage: N/A
Character Images: None
  Lifemate Status: Open
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: Steampunk goggles on his head, scattered tools, gears and springs around his feet, a brass gear stuck to the bottom of the raised hind paw.

       Name: Ratchet
       Definition: A particular type of mechanism, or a specific part of said mechanism (English; Various Origins)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 35
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Electrivore/Silicivore
       Height: 71cm Length: 74cm Weight: 82kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   An eccentric inventor, who is warm and friendly if a little scatter-brained. Does not need sleep, and has little sense of time.
   H I S T O R Y
   Ratchet remembers being an inventor, but cannot remember the time before he was a clockwork cyborg. He does remember Nina and Nox, however, and has been close friends with them since they were little - before their parents died. They do not know that he remembers their parents, but he has buried the memory inside the clockwork portion of his brain.
He made the communications collars for Nina, Nox and Fudge, and they are linked to his in-built communicator so they may contact him at any time.
He has adopted Kit, the sucrose kuhna kit Nox found, as his apprentice and is teaching him the tools of his trade.

Posts: 6 Level: 2
   Element: Metal/Electricity
        Offense: 8
        Defense: 3
        Precision: 7 (+2 Roraldi Forests Bonus)
        Endurance: 13
        Speed: 10
        Fame: 5
   -Species Traits- Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Night Vision
   -Colour Traits- Cyborg, Diligent
   -Acclimation Traits- Heat Adaption, Cold Adaption
   -Healing Traits- Disease Immunity, Life Transfer, Resurrect (Trades donor's sense/limb for life of other)
   -Magic Traits- Elemental Manipulation, Lifesense, Phylactery (every one of his creations), Witchlight
   -Personality Traits- Inner Discipline, Intellectual, Obsessive Compulsive (feels extremely 'itchy' in ordered surroundings), One Track Mind, Pure Soul
   -Physical Traits- Padded Paws, Prehensile Tail, Night Vision, Body Pouch, Extended Life Span
   -Social Traits- Grid (communication collar network), Independant, Klutz, Mechanic, Teacher (Training Kit), Technician
   Battle Traits: Lightningstorm, Static Charge, Blade, Iron Forge, Subduing Strike, Wing Buffet (Species traits: Flyby Attack, Wingstorm) (Color traits: Metal Plating))
   RP Color: #408000

   Mate -- None
   Family -- Kit (Adopted/Apprentice)
   Friends -- Nina, Nox, Fudge, Crax, Candy
   Allies -- None
   Enemies -- None
   Neutral -- None

Plot Notes
   Nox got lost in Roraldi Forests one day, and spent the night in a tree, only to be kidnapped by a mysterious stranger on a Hollowheart the next morning. He was taken to a clearing where there were many creatures in cages, and it was there that he found Fudge. He rescued her and took her home, where he lived with Nina. He asked Ratchet to make them collars for communication purposes, and Nina began to teach Fudge how to paint. Nox found another kuhna kit in the forest whom he took to Ratchet, who adopted the kit as an assistant.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Lone Saloon Submission - 1 Post

General Notes
Yonyuus are winged canines native to the Whisper Forest that are rare and considered an endangered species. Their main source of food are Leplora and other small mammals, which they hunt easily their foggy environments with keen eyesight. Contemporary cultures believe Yonyuu fell into a deep slumber in underground caverns after witnessing the corruption of ancient civilizations, just before disaster hit. As such, they are portents of omens whether good or bad.
More machine than animal, Clockwork creatures have internal mechanisms instead of organs, oil instead of blood. They are fully capable of living on their own but would much rather have orders to follow or tasks to perform, as they were mostly programmed to serve. They can appear emotionless but actually do experience feelings deep within. It is supposed that these are some of Xai're, the death god's creations, but that theory can never be proved.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/21/2016 12:42 PM

   Male; No Preference
   [Sucrose Kuhna]
   Lineage: Adopted by [url]Ratchet[/url]
Character Images: Baby (original)
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: N/A
  Breeding Status: Closed
  Lifemate: Tentative
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: A small set of brown goggles, and his assisted flying mechanism - a set of leather steampunk wings on a leather harness (should cover his actual wings).

       Name: Kit
       Definition: Derived from the Greek Christophoros, which is composed of the elements Christos (Christ) and pherein (to bear). (Greek Origin)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 11
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Saccharovore/Omnivore
       Height: 26cm Length: 30cm Weight: 6kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Rambunctious and clever. Likes learning things and tinkering about - especially with machines. Fairly quiet and a quick learner. Likes helping Ratchet. Doesn't speak - is mute.
   H I S T O R Y
   Found by Nox in a fallen tree by the lake in Roraldi Forest, little is known about Kit's past. As he cannot speak, he cannot tell anybody what happened, so whatever he remembers of it is currently a mystery.
He was adopted by Ratchet, who made him his apprentice and assistant. Together they build machines and tinker with Ratchet's inventions.
Kit cannot fly, but Ratchet had an assisted flying mechanism available; he controls it using the straps on the harness.

Posts: 4 Level: 1
   Element: Electricity/Energy
        Offense: 5
        Defense: 1
        Precision: 2 (+2 Roraldi Forests Bonus)
        Endurance: 10
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 8
   -Species Traits- Hyper, Padded Paws
   -Marking Traits- N/A
   -Acclimation Traits- o
   -Healing Traits- o
   -Magic Traits- o
   -Personality Traits- o
   -Physical Traits- o
   -Social Traits- o
   Battle Traits: o (Species traits:) (Marking traits:)
   RP Color: ColorCode

   Mate -- None
   Family -- Ratchet (Mentor)
   Friends -- None
   Allies -- Nina, Nox, Fudge, Crax, Candy
   Enemies -- None
   Neutral -- None

Plot Notes
Nox got lost in Roraldi Forests one day, and spent the night in a tree, only to be kidnapped by a mysterious stranger on a Hollowheart the next morning. He was taken to a clearing where there were many creatures in cages, and it was there that he found Fudge. He rescued her and took her home, where he lived with Nina. He asked Ratchet to make them collars for communication purposes, and Nina began to teach Fudge how to paint. Nox found another kuhna kit in the forest whom he took to Ratchet, who adopted the kit as an assistant.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> None - Post Count

General Notes
Is not an adult, but is less of a kit than [url]Fudge[/url].
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Captain Jeremiah Timbers

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/01/2017 4:35 PM

.:Captain Jeremiah Timbers:.
   |Cap-tan Jeh-reh-my-ah Tim-ber-s|
   Male; Females Preferred
   Lineage: N/A
Character Images: URL HERE
  Lifemate Status: Open
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: A captain's tricorn hat, an eyepatch over his far eye (the one not seen properly), a gold earring through the lump on his head behind the right eye, and a scroll in his left forepaw

       Name: Jeremiah
       Definition: God has uplifted (Hebrew)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 47
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Piscivore
       Height: 5'10 Length: 6'4 Weight: 70kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Firm, but gentle; he has a great deal of experience when it comes to new crew members being pulled from their families, and is always sympathetic. He is kind, and open-minded, but will not tolerate insubordination or acting up without a good reason. Well-liked and well-mannered, he is charming and witty, and very easy to get along with.
   H I S T O R Y
   Captain of the good ship Anihir, Jeremiah Timbers has sailed the seas of Evelon for nigh on thirty-five years, beginning as a lad and continuing until now. He ran away from home at age twelve, after being put to work in a coal-mine by his cruel father. Something called him to the dockyard, where he came upon an old-fashioned wooden ship bearing the name Anihir, and he was welcomed aboard by the Captain. He worked his way up the ranks from Cabin Boy to First Mate, taking over from the Captain when he eventually retired.

Posts: 5 Level: 2
   Element: Water/Ice
        Offense: 5
        Defense: 6
        Precision: 8
        Endurance: 11
        Speed: 5
        Fame: 7 (+2 Jawan Bonus)
   -Species Traits- Breath Holder, Hydrodynamic
   -Acclimation Traits- o
   -Healing Traits- o
   -Magic Traits- o
   -Personality Traits- o
   -Physical Traits- o
   -Social Traits- o
   Battle Traits: o (Species traits: None) (Color traits: None))
   RP Color: ColorCode

   Mate --
   Family --
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> None - Post count

General Notes
Icthysaurs were long thought to be extinct until a specimen was found by a lone fisherman on the coast of Nodia Sea. Subsequent discoveries of this rare species have led to several breeding programs concerning the aid of this prehistoric reptile. They live a mostly marine lifestyle, inhabiting secluded island chains untouched by man. Preying on fish and shellfish, they can stay submerged for over an hour. These cold blooded reptiles must bask on sun warmed rocks after long swims.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Bannick Baylight

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/01/2017 5:04 PM

.:Bannick Baylight:.
   |Ban-nick B-ey-lite|
   Male; Females Preferred
   Lineage: N/A
Character Images: None
  Lifemate Status: Available
  Trade Status: N/A
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Bannick
       Definition: Unknown (Lingual Origin Unknown)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: [url]None[/url]
       Gender: Male Age: 17
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Omnivore
       Height: 5'6'' Length: 5'9'' Weight: 57kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Somewhat temperamental and prone to sulkiness, but good-hearted. Tends to get attached quickly and is not fond of change.
   H I S T O R Y
   Bannick was born aboard a ship, to the wife of a passenger bound for Jawan. Unfortunately, both his mother and father passed away during the journey due to a fever that was spreading amongst the sailors. The crew took pity on him, and as they could not dock for fear of spreading the disease to the townspeople, raised him as one of their own.
He was suddenly dropped off in Jawan shortly after his 17th birthday, with little explanation, despite his crew's reluctance, though the Captain gave him a measurable bag of Key Stones to tide him over. Wandering the dock, he came across an old-fashioned galleon named the Anihir, and was beckoned aboard by Captain Timbersbers.

Posts: 11 Level: 3
   Element: Water
        Offense: 8
        Defense: 8
        Precision: 10
        Endurance: 16
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 12 (+2 Jawan Bonus)
   -Species Traits- Breath Holder, Hydrodynamic
   -Color Traits- [color=646464]Hydrodynamic[/color]
   -Acclimation Traits- Cave Dweller (submerged), Cold Adaption, Deep-Sea Adaption, Ocean Dweller
   -Healing Traits- Bone Mender, Disease Immunity, First Aid, Medical MacGuyver, Regenerate Limbs, War Medic
   -Magic Traits- Witchlight, Size modifier, Shadow Shift, Shape-Shifter (Anthro - keeps his tail, fins and foot shape, but has a humanoid head and hands)
   -Personality Traits- Sticky Fingers, Animal Lover, Explorer, Hard-Headed, Wanderlust
   -Physical Traits- Body Pouch, Contortionist, Evasive, Human Form, Human Speech, Leaper, Night Vision (submerged), Photoresistant, Tree-Climber (rigging)
   -Social Traits- Hoarder, Scavenger, Tracker
   Battle Traits: Creeping Shadows, Deepening Darkness, Voltage, Lunge, Chance Hit, Combat Endurance (Species traits: None) (Color traits: None))
   RP Color: #000080

   Mate --
   Family --
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> None - Post count

General Notes
One of Evelon’s salt water reptiles, Hydrolisks are commonly found in both the Freighlei and Rewhister Oceans. Their diet consists mostly of fish and shellfish but these predators will eat just about anything that moves. These solitary reptiles live in small groups during the mating season, during which they will travel together to shallow waters to lay their eggs. Though they are reptiles, their complex social structures and mannerisms seem more mammalian in nature.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/01/2017 6:01 PM

   Male; Females Preferred
   Lineage: Custom
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: N/A
  Breeding Status: Available
  Lifemate: Tentative
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Gabriel
       Definition: God is my strength (Hebrew)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 30
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Carnivore/Osteophagous
       Height: 5'9'' Length: 4'6'' Weight: 46kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Melancholy and sensitive; misses his family and regrets his existence. Morose and snarky when annoyed. Loyal and sweet, with a witty sense of humour when relaxed (though it is rare to see).
   H I S T O R Y
   Gabriel was a mild-mannered businessman with a wife and family, until a fatal car crash sent him to the morgue. Something went awry with his death, however, and to everyone's surprise he climbed out of the morgue and went to find his family, who promptly attacked him, labelling him as an 'abomination'. He left his home city with nothing but the tattered rags he had died in, and went far away from everything he loved.
By chance, he met Rheese, who introduced him to Lloyd, who became the bane of his un-life.

Posts: 58 Level: 12
   Element: Air/Dark
        Offense: 13
        Defense: 17
        Precision: 20
        Endurance: 19
        Speed: 17
        Fame: 23
   -Species Traits- Aerodynamic, Dash, Evasive, Extended Life Span, Keen Hearing
   -Marking Traits- N/A
   -Acclimation Traits- o
   -Healing Traits- o
   -Magic Traits- o
   -Personality Traits- o
   -Physical Traits- o
   -Social Traits- o
   Battle Traits: o (Species traits: Dodge) (Marking traits: None)
   RP Color: ColorCode

   Mate --
   Family --
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes
When looking for an outfit for Rheese's Halloween Ball, Gabriel stumbled upon an all-leather Biker outfit, complete with boots, trousers, jacket, and black t-shirt with a skull on the front and back. Since finding the outfit, he has discovered a sense of confidence and ease he lost long before his undeath, and now makes sure to wear at least part of the outfit whenever he has to do something that would normally stress him out.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Will Zombunny Help Me? - 10 Posts
   --> Breeding with Lloyd - 25 Posts
   --> Seasonal Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Birthday Boutique Request - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Huntsman's Hall Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Seasonal Specialties Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Wishing Well Raffle Post 26/12/2020 - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery - 1 Post
  --> Wishing Well Raffle Post 27/12/2020 - 1 Post
   --> Wishing Well Raffle Post 28/12/2020 - 1 Post
   --> Wishing Well Post - 1 Post
   --> Huntsman's Hall Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Seasonal Specialities Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Seasonal Specialities - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery - 1 Post
   --> Equal Pet Exchange Request - 1 Post
   --> Equal Pet Exchange Request - 1 Post
   --> Seasonal Specialties Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar 2021 - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar 2021 - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar 2021 - 1 Post
   --> Equal Pet Exchange Request - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Birthday Boutique 2022 - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery 2023 Yearlies - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery 2024 Yearlies - 1 Post
   --> Equal Pet Exchange - 1 Post

General Notes
Every year, many onlookers will see shooting stars racing across the night sky on the day just before summer. What most do not realize, is that these falling stars are really errant Diosols falling from the heavens, or so rumors go. Regardless of tales, the Diosol is a rare find indeed. Other stories about the Diosol include that they are 'servants of Yepha', and if you can harvest the energies of enough Diosol, one will be granted the gift of everlasting life. Others believe it bad luck to harm a Diosol. Even so, most Diosol are hunted for the former belief, so many Diosol are usually untrusting of others. The floating wings on their back that grant them flight cannot be explained, but seem attached to a Diosol when they are needed and can also be discarded or taken off on command. An absent-minded Diosol could actually misplace their wings. Once a Diosol learns to bond with someone, they trust in that person for life.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/01/2017 7:06 PM

   Male; No Preference
   Lineage: Custom
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: N/A
  Breeding Status: Available
  Lifemate: Tentative
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Lloyd
       Definition: Grey-Haired (Welsh)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 27
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Sanguivore/Animavore
       Height: 5'8'' Length: 4'2'' Weight: 45kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Pretentious and snarky, Lloyd has a bit of a mean streak. He likes to make fun of others, especially those who react strongly, and doesn't really care when he goes to far. Pompous and always wants to be the centre of attention.
   H I S T O R Y
   Lloyd used to live in an old theatre, which had hidden catacombs underneath it. When things went badly and the management decided to stop enabling his living, he decided to do something about downsizing his problem - unfortunately, it backfired and he was killed when the chandelier he had rigged to fall upon the audience instead swung and landed on him whilst he was onstage.
After awaking from his death in the morgue, Lloyd decided to use his now ghastly appearance to his advantage, and certainly did not hesitate to jump back into theatre, where he has had great success.
He was introduced to Gabriel by Rheese, and has never stopped winding him up since; he does genuinely like Gabriel's company, but just can't resist getting the reactions he so loves.

Posts: 28 Level: 6
   Element: Air/Dark
        Offense: 7
        Defense: 9
        Precision: 14
        Endurance: 13
        Speed: 11
        Fame: 15
   -Species Traits- Aerodynamic, Dash, Evasive, Extended Life Span, Keen Hearing
   -Marking Traits- o
   -Acclimation Traits- o
   -Healing Traits- o
   -Magic Traits- o
   -Personality Traits- o
   -Physical Traits- o
   -Social Traits- o
   Battle Traits: o (Species traits: Dodge) (Marking traits: None)
   RP Color: ColorCode

   Mate --
   Family --
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Breeding with Gabriel - 25 Posts
   --> Advent Calendar 2021 - 1 Post

General Notes

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/01/2017 7:22 PM

   Female; Males Preferred
   Lineage: Custom
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: N/A
  Breeding Status: Available
  Lifemate: Tentative
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Rheese
       Definition: Enthusiastic (Welsh)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Female Age: 28
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Carnivore/Sanguivore
       Height: 5'7'' Length: 4'2'' Weight: 60kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Rheese appears to be respectable and ladylike, but she is highly skilled in violence and is not afraid of a good fight. She is kind-hearted and fearless, and will stop at nothing to protect and encourage those she loves.
   H I S T O R Y
   Rheese was the only daughter to a rich family, who tragically lost their lives and home in a large fire. Rheese was found dead on the scene, and was restored by a cybernetics team as per her family's will, so as to be able to carry on the family name. She is now very rich, and enjoys a life of luxury with her closest friends, Lloyd and Gabriel.

Posts: 11 Level: 3
   Element: Air/Dark
        Offense: 4
        Defense: 7
        Precision: 11
        Endurance: 10
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 13
   -Species Traits- Aerodynamic, Dash, Evasive, Extended Life Span, Keen Hearing
   -Marking Traits- o
   -Acclimation Traits- o
   -Healing Traits- o
   -Magic Traits- o
   -Personality Traits- o
   -Physical Traits- o
   -Social Traits- o
   Battle Traits: o (Species traits: Dodge) (Marking traits: )
   RP Color: ColorCode

   Mate --
   Family --
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes
None Yet

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Will Zombunny Help Me? - 2 Posts
   --> Seasonal Specialties Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Seasonal Specialties Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar Event - 1 Post
   --> Seasonal Specialties Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Seasonal Specialties Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Seasonal Specialties Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Seasonal Specialities - 1 Post
   --> Mage's Brewery Purchase - 1 Post
   --> Equal Pet Exchange Request - 1 Post
  --> Advent Calendar 2021 - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar 2021 - 1 Post
   --> Advent Calendar 2021 - 1 Post

General Notes
Every year, many onlookers will see shooting stars racing across the night sky on the day just before summer. What most do not realize, is that these falling stars are really errant Diosols falling from the heavens, or so rumors go. Regardless of tales, the Diosol is a rare find indeed. Other stories about the Diosol include that they are 'servants of Yepha', and if you can harvest the energies of enough Diosol, one will be granted the gift of everlasting life. Others believe it bad luck to harm a Diosol. Even so, most Diosol are hunted for the former belief, so many Diosol are usually untrusting of others. The floating wings on their back that grant them flight cannot be explained, but seem attached to a Diosol when they are needed and can also be discarded or taken off on command. An absent-minded Diosol could actually misplace their wings. Once a Diosol learns to bond with someone, they trust in that person for life.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/01/2017 7:39 PM

   Female; Males Preferred
   Lineage: N/A
Character Images: Human Form (Made with the Candybar Doll Maker)
  Lifemate Status: Available
  Trade Status: N/A
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Bali
       Definition: Strength (Sanskrit)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Female Age: 22
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Umbravore
       Height: 5'5'' Length: 5'2'' Weight: 54kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Clumsy, happy-go-lucky and good-natured. Likes making people happy, and enjoys company.
   H I S T O R Y
   Bali was a hyperactive child whom nobody knew how to deal with. She was often criticized and punished, and is now somewhat self-conscious because of it.

Posts: 6 Level: 2
   Element: Acid/Metal
        Offense: 7
        Defense: 3
        Precision: 8
        Endurance: 10 (+2 Basantha Shrine Bonus)
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 9
   -Species Traits- Forest Dweller
   -Color Traits- Chaotic Mind
   -Acclimation Traits- Terrain Traveller, Heat Adaption
   -Healing Traits- Disease Immunity, Herbalist, Regenerate Limbs
   -Magic Traits- Elemental Manipulation, Shadow Shift, Shape-Shifter, Time Warp
   -Personality Traits- Adaptable, Green Thumb, Inner Discipline, Intellectual, Multiple Personalities, Sticky Fingers
   -Physical Traits- Body Pouch, Night Vision, Photoresistant, Prehensile Tail, Thought-Speech
   -Social Traits- Grid, Legendary Tracker, Master Chef, Master Of Disguise, Mechanic, Scavenger
   Battle Traits: Life Drain, Lurking Shadows, The Will's Connection, Voltage, Blade, Burst Spin (Species traits: None) (Color traits: None))
   RP Color: #800040

   Mate --
   Family --
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes
   Bali has journeyed to Basantha Shrine to try to learn from the monks that live there, as her chaotic tendencies are making it difficult to function in normal society. She hopes to find peace, and thinks that it will help her be less clumsy, though so far she has been there for only one night and has already made a mess of her robes and room.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Novice Treasure Hunters [Moofius] - 6 Posts
   --> Lone Saloon - Hunt Turn-In - 1 Post

General Notes
The Tali is a feathered canid that can be commonly found in domestication, native to the forested regions of most continents. They are social creatures that live in packs headed by an alpha mated pair and use a variety of sounds to communicate to others. Because of their delicate build, Tali prefer to hunt smaller prey rather than large game. The iconic bright coat and plumage of a Tali are used to ward off predators as well as attract mates.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/01/2017 8:05 PM

   Male; No Preference
   Lineage: Custom
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: Doberman, Vines
  Breeding Status: Available
  Lifemate: Tentative
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: A Red Rose being held in his mouth

       Name: Ren
       Definition: Lotus or Love (Japanese)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 34
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Omnivore
       Height: 6'1'' Length: 5'4'' Weight: 75kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Flirty and witty, good-natured and kind-hearted. Very loving; adores his sons and his job.
   H I S T O R Y
   Ren has always been a ladykiller (and a bit of a mankiller too!). A florist by profession and passion, he has a way with flowers and plants that nobody, not even his sons, can match.
Ren had a relationship with another man, which left him with three baby boys and their older brother (who was not his biologically, but he loves him all the same).
Recently, Ren has moved to the city to set up a florists' in the hope of being even more successful, and expanding the business into a family-run florists.

Posts: 48 Level: 10
   Element: ELEMENT
        Offense: 19
        Defense: 23 (+2 Lamenolai Bonus)
        Precision: 15
        Endurance: 20
        Speed: 17
        Fame: 26 (+2 Lamenolai Bonus)
   -Species Traits- None
   -Marking Traits- None
   -Acclimation Traits-
   -Healing Traits- o
   -Magic Traits- o
   -Personality Traits- o
   -Physical Traits- o
   -Social Traits- o
   Battle Traits: o (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: Entangling Roots, Mother Nature's Son)
   RP Color: ColorCode

   Flowers For A Lady
   Mate --
   Family -- Sons: (Biological) Viram, Caram, Yuram, (Adopted): Corthrim
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes
Ren and his sons have set up shop in the big city, and are busy with a thriving business. A holiday is looming, and they are working around the clock to design and fill orders before their due dates.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> So Sweet, It Will Make You SICK (Talcen) - 11 Posts
   --> Breeding with Sedimus (Talcen) - 14 Posts
   --> Can't Stop Myself (MidnightDraconia) - 19 Posts
   --> City Life (Dead) - 1 Post
   --> Smelling of Roses - 34 Posts
   --> Apples And Oranges - 13 Posts
   --> Advent Calendar 2021 - 1 Post
   --> Sedimus' Thanks for life celebration 2022 - 1 Post
   --> Sedimus' Thanks for life celebration 2022 - 1 Post
   --> Sedimus' Thanks for life celebration 2022 - 1 Post

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
Aside from their brute strength, Doberman Lucain are a proud race of graceful domestics. They are both intelligent and compassionate as well as fiercely loyal and protective; their reputations as home guardians is widely known. It is said the first king of Lambastia did not set stone statues of gargoyles outside his castle, but instead figures of his three loyal Doberman Lucain sentinels.
Creatures of the forests and woodlands, the Vines-marked Lucain almost always have something to do with plants or vegetation. Vines Lucain seem to enjoy the bright sunlight and get along well with all other types of creatures without too much of a fuss. In this way, these Lucain may have great allies and alliances with others. Oftentimes, they are quite charismatic or extravagant, and prefer to try an be unique as much as possible even if they don't particularly succeed.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/01/2017 8:20 PM

   Male; Females Preferred
   Lineage: Ren x Sedimus
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: Vines, Warrior
  Breeding Status: Available
  Lifemate: Available
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Viram
       Definition: Very Strong (Hindu)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 16
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Carnivore
       Height: 5'10'' Length: 5'3'' Weight: 56kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Viram is the eldest and most mature of the triplets, but he still has the hot-headed character of youth. He adores his brothers, and has a very loving heart.
   H I S T O R Y
   Eldest of Ren's triplets and most gifted with plants, Viram is regarded as being the successor to the family business. His other father left when he was very young, and he doesn't really remember him.

Posts: 0 Level: 1
   Element: ELEMENT
        Offense: 10
        Defense: 6
        Precision: 6
        Endurance: 11
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 10
   -Species Traits- o
   -Marking Traits- Independent
   -Acclimation Traits- o
   -Healing Traits- o
   -Magic Traits- o
   -Personality Traits- o
   -Physical Traits- o
   -Social Traits- o
   Battle Traits: o (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: Entangling Roots, Mother Nature's Son, Powerful Jaws)
   RP Color: ColorCode

   Flowers For A Lady
   Mate --
   Family -- (Father) Ren, (Brothers) Caram, Yuram, (Half-Brother) Corthrim
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes
Ren and his sons have set up shop in the big city, and are busy with a thriving business. A holiday is looming, and they are working around the clock to design and fill orders before their due dates.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Smelling of Roses - 12 Posts
   --> Apples And Oranges - 10 Posts

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
Creatures of the forests and woodlands, the Vines-marked Lucain almost always have something to do with plants or vegetation. Vines Lucain seem to enjoy the bright sunlight and get along well with all other types of creatures without too much of a fuss. In this way, these Lucain may have great allies and alliances with others. Oftentimes, they are quite charismatic or extravagant, and prefer to try an be unique as much as possible even if they don't particularly succeed.
A rare coloration, the Warrior pattern can only be found on male Lucain! The Warrior marking is considered to be a symbol of great honor and responsibility and those who bear the mark are often leaders and protectors of the pack. If there is more than one Warrior in a pack, the males will often fight to the death to proclaim their stature. They are a hardy species and can fend for themselves if necessary.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/01/2017 9:03 PM

   Male; No Preference
   Lineage: Ren x Sedimus
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: Ancient, Doberman
  Breeding Status: Available
  Lifemate: Available
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Caram
       Definition: Unknown (Lingual Origin Unknown)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: [url]HERE[/url]
       Gender: Male Age: 16
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Carnivore
       Height: 5'9'' Length: 5'2'' Weight: 54kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Quiet and introverted; likes reading and being undisturbed. Highly intelligent. Kind-hearted and gentle.
   H I S T O R Y
   Quieter and less outspoken than his older brothers, Caram is the middle of the triplets. Highly analytical and very intelligent, Caram has a knack for mathematics and has been helping with his father's accounts for years. He is kind and gentle, and a little antisocial at times. His other father left when he was very young, and he doesn't really remember him.

Posts: 0 Level: 1
   Element: ELEMENT
        Offense: 10
        Defense: 6
        Precision: 6
        Endurance: 11
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 10
   -Species Traits- o
   -Marking Traits- Extended Life Span
   -Acclimation Traits- o
   -Healing Traits- o
   -Magic Traits- o
   -Personality Traits- o
   -Physical Traits- o
   -Social Traits- o
   Battle Traits: o (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: None)
   RP Color: ColorCode

   Flowers For A Lady
   Mate --
   Family -- (Father) Ren, (Brothers) Viram, Yuram, (Half-Brother) Corthrim
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes
Ren and his sons have set up shop in the big city, and are busy with a thriving business. A holiday is looming, and they are working around the clock to design and fill orders before their due dates.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Smelling of Roses - 8 Posts
   --> Apples And Oranges - 8 Posts

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
Known to have existed around the time of the ancient civiliation that was destroyed long ago, these Lucain were genetically created along with the Ancient Kuhnas so that they could have another chance. They are always cool in stressful situations and communicate easily with other Lucain.
Aside from their brute strength, Doberman Lucain are a proud race of graceful domestics. They are both intelligent and compassionate as well as fiercely loyal and protective; their reputations as home guardians is widely known. It is said the first king of Lambastia did not set stone statues of gargoyles outside his castle, but instead figures of his three loyal Doberman Lucain sentinels.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/02/2017 3:50 AM

   Male; Males Preferred
   Lineage: Ren x Sedimus
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: Coontail, Doberman, Warrior
  Breeding Status: Available
  Lifemate: Available
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Yuram
       Definition: Unknown (Lingual Origin Unknown)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: [url]HERE[/url]
       Gender: Male Age: 16
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Carnivore
       Height: 5'6'' Length: 4'10'' Weight: 46kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Happy-go-lucky and playful, young at heart. Sweet and gentle, and very loving.
   H I S T O R Y
   Yuram is the youngest of the triplets, and the baby of the family. He's a little clumsy but his enthusiasm always makes up for it, and he loves tending to the shop for the customers. He can be very loud, at times, but his brothers and father all adore him anyway.

Posts: 0 Level: 1
   Element: ELEMENT
        Offense: 10
        Defense: 6
        Precision: 6
        Endurance: 11
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 10
   -Species Traits- None
   -Marking Traits- City Dweller, Hoarder, Scavenger, Independent
   -Acclimation Traits- o
   -Healing Traits- o
   -Magic Traits- o
   -Personality Traits- o
   -Physical Traits- o
   -Social Traits- o
   Battle Traits: o (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: Powerful Jaws)
   RP Color: ColorCode

   Flowers For A Lady
   Mate --
   Family -- (Father) Ren, (Brothers) Viram, Caram, (Half-Brother) Corthrim
   Friends --
   Allies --
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes
Ren and his sons have set up shop in the big city, and are busy with a thriving business. A holiday is looming, and they are working around the clock to design and fill orders before their due dates.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Smelling of Roses - 11 Posts
   --> Apples And Oranges - 9 Posts

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
Aside from their brute strength, Doberman Lucain are a proud race of graceful domestics. They are both intelligent and compassionate as well as fiercely loyal and protective; their reputations as home guardians is widely known. It is said the first king of Lambastia did not set stone statues of gargoyles outside his castle, but instead figures of his three loyal Doberman Lucain sentinels.
A rare coloration, the Warrior pattern can only be found on male Lucain! The Warrior marking is considered to be a symbol of great honor and responsibility and those who bear the mark are often leaders and protectors of the pack. If there is more than one Warrior in a pack, the males will often fight to the death to proclaim their stature. They are a hardy species and can fend for themselves if necessary.
Always hungry, Coontail Lucain are adept foragers and food theives, able to sneak by and take someone's food without them knowing of it. They are also sometimes kleptomaniacs, who love to gather things they get in large piles hidden away somewhere.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/02/2017 4:15 AM

   Male; Females Preferred
   Lineage: Arthur x Sedimus
Character Images:
(Young Pre-war) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
(Young during war) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
(Older during war) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
(Older Post-war) 1
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: Ancient, Coontail, Tearstain, Warrior
  Breeding Status: Available
  Lifemate: Tentative
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Corthrim
       Definition: Unknown (Lingual Origin Unknown)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: [url]HERE[/url]
       Gender: Male Age: 18
       Alignment: Imperial Diet: Carnivore/Omnivore
       Height: 5'7'' Length: 5' Weight: 62kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Brash and impulsive; a good heart, but he doesn't always think before he acts. Argumentative and temperamental.
   H I S T O R Y
   Corthrim was brought to Ren by his father during their relationship. When his father left after the triplets were born, he left Corthrim in Ren's care, who welcomed him in with open arms and adopted him as his own. Though he is very fond of his adoptive father and brothers, he has always felt isolated from the family, partially due to feeling unwanted by both his biological fathers, and partially because he hasn't got their gift with plants - he's even managed to kill cactuses, and can't see how he could possibly work in the family business without causing mayhem.
Corthrim was a few years old when his father left, and he still remembers him somewhat. He doesn't directly remember his other father, but he remembers his father telling him stories about how he was a powerful warrior. These stories inspired him to join the army, though unfortunately he chose to join the Imperial uprising rather than the established Purine forces. He hopes to return to his family one day, with the honour of a successful soldier behind him.

Posts: 2 Level: 1
   Element: Ice/Metal
        Offense: 10
        Defense: 6
        Precision: 6
        Endurance: 11
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 10
   -Species Traits- None
   -Marking Traits- Extended Lifespan, City Dweller, Scavenger, Independent, Hoarder
   -Acclimation Traits- Cold Adaption
   -Healing Traits- First Aid, Speedy Healer
   -Magic Traits- Shape-Shifter (human, anthro), Witchlight
   -Personality Traits- Adaptable, Blunt, Cynic, Defensive, For The Cause (war), Gold-Hearted-Jerk, Hard-Headed, Introvert, Loyal, Perceptive, Rude (only when away from family), Sticky Fingers, Traumatized (abandoned with Ren by his father), Weak Mind (easily riled up)
   -Physical Traits- Body Pouch, Evasive, Human Form, Human Speech, Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, Keen Vision, Leaper, Night Vision, Padded Paws, Photoresistant, Spider Climb
   -Social Traits- Adopted (Ren), Klutz (verbal; defensive), Military Man (recruit), Silent Shadow
   Battle Traits: Aimed Strike, Burst Spin, Dodge, Extended Claws, Guerrila Fighter, Lunge (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: Powerful Jaws)
   RP Color: #BF8040

   Mate --
   Family -- (Adoptive Father) Ren, (Half-Brothers) Viram, Caram, Yuram
   Friends --
   Allies -- Vanni, Teira
   Enemies --
   Neutral --

Plot Notes
Stationed in the training grounds, Corthrim has been assigned to a small group consisting of himself, Teira and Vanni, their commander. The personality and attitude clashes between him and Teira were so great that Vanni took them out into the woods to train. After avoiding a Purine scouting party, they are returning to camp to warn them of the Purine threat.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Smelling of Roses - 20 Posts
   --> Apples And Oranges - 8 Posts
  --> Five years on sign-up thread - 1 Post
   -> Advent Calendar 2021 - 1 Post

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
Known to have existed around the time of the ancient civiliation that was destroyed long ago, these Lucain were genetically created along with the Ancient Kuhnas so that they could have another chance. They are always cool in stressful situations and communicate easily with other Lucain.
A rare coloration, the Warrior pattern can only be found on male Lucain! The Warrior marking is considered to be a symbol of great honor and responsibility and those who bear the mark are often leaders and protectors of the pack. If there is more than one Warrior in a pack, the males will often fight to the death to proclaim their stature. They are a hardy species and can fend for themselves if necessary.
Always hungry, Coontail Lucain are adept foragers and food theives, able to sneak by and take someone's food without them knowing of it. They are also sometimes kleptomaniacs, who love to gather things they get in large piles hidden away somewhere.
Having suffered since birth, the Tearstain Lucain are believed to all have originated from the same area a long time ago, near the Tuun Mountains and Basantha Shrine. There it is said that they were cursed to live unfortunate lives, hence the Tearstain marking that some believed is caused by all the sorrow they undergo.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
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