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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 4:28 AM


Captin Cuttlefish
(Prn. Pee-oh-noh-noh)
species: Paint Drakel
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Pio comes from Brazil, she has a superior photographic memory and she loves to paint. She finds herself in many different sorts of social situations and usually tries to help everyone she meets. She holds honor and chivalry very highly. they practically define how she treats any and everyone. She tries to play according to culture and custom and usually has to bow out when "women aren't supposed to..." you name it. She started getting into sailing when she was commissioned to paint a mural for a sea captain of a massive royal ship. The Mural was of a great battle she witnessed the captain win. The ship was later taken by pirates and she was traded to an island where she lived for some months before deciding to join some fishermen. They got caught in a storm and she along with her friend washed up on an island. She learned how to fight off big predators and survive with the help of her friend and one day a small pirate ship came to the island. Pio woke up from sun bathing on some rocks to a suspicious man digging a hole just beyond her rocks. Curious and hardly shy, she called out to him. The man acted very odd and panicked around quite a bit, the ruckus only got worse as his crew of two others who were walking a big box toward the hole from the ship also spotted her and ALSO started panicking and running around. Pio's friend showed up right when they gathered their wits and threatened to kill her to keep their secret place a secret. She agreed that it would probably be the logical way to handle it, being that they didn't know she was an honest sort that could keep a secret. Her friend made a big noise over the scene which brought the pirates back into a panic. Pio assured them that they were the only two on the island. The intent to kill was clear in their eyes, Pio's friend had his fishing spear in hand and scolded Pio for putting them in such a situation. Another pirate ship showed up with in moments of the attack on their lives. This ship was much larger and carried a much fiercer band of pirates who were apparently very pissed about this little squatter ship stealing their treasure. The cycle appeared to be starting again, Pio was commissioned to paint a mural for the large pirate ship and her friend joined the crew.

Art of Pio: Characetr Draft
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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 4:32 AM


The Trader
(Prn. S-al-vah-doh-r)
species: Human
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Salvador is a Spaniard who traveled with a world trades shipping company for most of his teen years. He specialized in fish and exotic spices. He is a tradesman through and through but having to deal with pirating and the dangers of looters, he was also taught to toughen up. He's a clever guy, highly resourceful and generally known for his "law of fairness" by anyone in trades. He's a little money driven but that's never been a problem for him. He was between shipments in a village he frequented and decided to go out with the fishing crew as it is his belief that you should never do business in something you don't understand. There was a terrible storm that capsized the large fishing vessel. He and a new acquaintance, a woman, found themselves stranded on an island he wasn't familiar with. After having to baby the fearless and impulsive girl, he trained her to survive the jungle, what was safe to eat and what was not. To his surprise she had plants and techniques memorized after being shown a single time which made her far more bearable. He had just finished carving his first blade from bone  when he heard a commotion ahead. Tying the blade to a stick he had spent the past few weeks smoothing, he called out to the girl and the strangers who were all near the large rock cluster that he usually used for cleaning fish when the girl wasn't sleeping on it. The three strangers panicked at his appearance and the next thing Salvador knew, he was was standing next to the delinquent woman with his life being threatened by these presumed pirates. Ready to fight, he clutched his spear, but a much larger ship was noticed farther down the beach with some extremely peeved pirates who came after the three idiots who stole their treasure. The pirates were shouting and rambling about how hard it was to uncover that lost treasure, a tossle broke out, the chest was busted open against a tree, and suddenly Salvador's attitude toward these Pirates shifted entirely. Once the whole issue was sorted, the captain of the larger crew noticed the paintings all over the rock cluster. Gorgeous murals of life-like quality, the only real talent besides learning fast that the girl seemed to have. The Captain invited her to paint in their ship and Salvador joined the Pirates.


Art of Salvador: Character Draft

Myrddin Ambrosius

(Prn. M-ehr-thin or M-ehr-dhin)
species: Soveris
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Words and stuff


Art of Myrddin: (none yet)

James Leer

The Phantom Magician
(Prn. Jay-mz)
species: Dino Fenrif
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Expert Sailor; When ever he can't find work, he'll take a small, low profile sailboat accross coast lines and swindle the trade roads and port cities as carefully as he can. He can steal extremely large treasures under anyone's nose with out ever being seen and so he has earned the name "the Phantom Magician." When he is going to spend a lot of time on land or doesn't intend to come back to the area he beached on, he will store his sailboat in his compositor. A compositor is a small container of varying forms (his is a draw pouch/ coin purse that he ties to his belt.) The compositor works like a sort of black hole container that places anything it is gien in an alternate layer of reality only to be retrieved if it's summoned by the compositor's owner. He stole this product from the Gypsy Lunet, a fortune teller with a tallent for the stars. She's marked him in the heavens and keeps a close eye on him now. James is not aware.

Art of ???: (none)

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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 4:46 AM

Gevry Patches

The Kin Head
(Prn. Guh-eh-ver-ee)
species: Psych Snatcher
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Gevry, according to Belt, was never human. In fact, Belt believes this strange person is some sort of weed a unicorn pissed on or a gnome bled on in some great battle between Gnomes and old hag fairies. Belt's just a creative. It's true however, that Gevry is not and never was human. He simply seems to have a developing conscious and an addiction to eating, yes, eating wooden ships. It was good old Belt that thought to take advantage of this. Gevry is a prideful guy, standing at somewhere near 4ft tall he even tends to try to stand on higher things to look taller than his crew so Belt decided to name him captain upon embarking in their metal steamer with their newly formed crew. Sometimes it's a real pain keeping him happy, but he can sniff out a ship at any distance, it's believed he can literally see a good hundred leagues farther than a human and apparently has something to do with the hooked horn on his head. Unfortunately, he'll go for partially sunken ships that were long since looted and even "log-logs" on islands so he's not always that efficient. Gevry secretly wishes he was human and occasionally gets called Pinocchio by Belt who has his suspicions. Captian Gevry Patches has come a long way from their first few voyages and has learned to ask why humans do certain things that aren't logical to him, he seems to be trying to grasp humor and makes some real literal jokes as often as they come to mind.
"Hey Scissors, why..why is tree called bark? It's not dog!" it should be noted he isn't the most eloquent speaker yet and he's still trying to figure out how to laugh.

Art of Gevry:(none)


Psycho Engineer
species: Cheerwockee
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Belt grew up in a port city, his mother owned a hat shop and his father built inventions. Belt has a thing for ladies in hats because of his mother, but followed in his father's shoes as an inventor. He's still way ahead of the world when it comes to steam power. He tends to have some sort of sign on his head for odd creatures who often come to him out of nowhere, Gevry Patches being one of them, and a little coal dragon-dog he named Pinch who provides the coal he uses to run Hades, their steam powered ship. Belt is a real quiet worker but he has a good sense of humor and makes friends extremely easily, often already teasing and giving nick names with in an hour of meeting someone. He's a good guy, but when the Royal Navy started attacking his city because some pirates with a high bounty on their heads were reported to be there, his life's path became clear. His mother's hat shop burned to the ground, his father was gravely injured saving his mother in the fire and one his two sisters were kidnapped. The locals said it was the pirates but Belt saw the uniforms down the ally as he was chasing after her screams, he smelled the cologne. It's believed she was likely murdered but he refuses to believe that and it has been his purpose in pirating; to take back his family's wealth and find his sister, Beth. "Belt" isn't his birth name, it actually came from mentioning Beth's name once, he was misheard and now it's more of a nick name and alter ego. When it's time to attack a ship, he seems to lose his mind, intelligence still in tact, it's like he lets  Gevry's psychotic hungry spirit completely reflect in himself. Likely just a coping mechanism, but he seems to enjoy himself, just stay out of his way when he's like that.

Art of ???: (none)


The Tropics Cannibal
species: Saffron Hydrolisk
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


He's not actually a people eater, He just tends to bite a lot when he fights. Hynes doesn't seem to know exactly where he's from, he describes it from memory sometimes but no one can place exactly where that must be. His accent is mixed between his Island's language and his origins. He was living with islanders in the topics and has a lot of strange habits like dancing before he eats and doing ritual death songs every night for a week after someone has died. Despite his viscous and scary title, he actually seems to shy away from violence and doesn't like death. He's a very serious and dry person but Capt. Gevry seems to make him laugh which makes staying with the crew better. It's actually Hynes' fault Belt had to install a livable prison in the ship, Hynes doesn't like leaving people to drown when Capt. Gevry eats their ships. Being the crew's most fearsome fighter, Hynes' customs sometimes have that effect on their choices. His reason for being on the ship has more to do with cooking. He loves learning foreign techniques and happens to be an insanely good fisherman and hunter. Capt. Gevry likes the the wooden kabobs most.
Art of ???: (none)


Punch 'n Crunch
species: Prismatic Rollaby
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


"Scissors" is actually his last name. He says he has a girly first name and won't say what it is but he'll make up names just to throw everyone off, "oh yeah, it's actually Daisy Scissors. Lame right?" or, "That's MISS Susan Scissors to you!"  This guy kicks like a bullet so he doesn't use his legs often and usually just uses his fists. He has anger management issues but he really likes messing with people. He'll make his jokes like they are the grave truth so he can laugh on the inside at the reactions he gets. Scissors has been a pirate since he was old enough to scrub decks. He honestly doesn't know anything other than drinking, fighting, looting and loving the ocean. He doesn't even have land legs. He wobbles around and once actually asked if it was the island swaying with the ocean. Sometimes he'll even get sick from the stable ground so he rarely agrees to go on land for anything. He will randomly say the words "punch n' crunch" when he's fighting because those are usually the two moves he'll repeat to take a guy out. He usually brings a club or large hammer for the crunching part but Belt makes fun of him for either.

Art of Scissors: By Meee

Ribcage- Navigation- rn: Benjamin Speaks

First mate- possibly female? Crossdressed? Name: Dan/Danny- Danica?
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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 4:48 AM


The Robber
(Prn. A-ng-us)
species: Custom Anala
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Angus is an outlaw and a pervert. His weaknesses include women and their jewelry. His hobbies include drinking in pig pens or jail cells and making up terrible poems to "charm" any lady that comes in his path. Seriously, the stuff just spews out of his mouth before he even sees them, it's like he senses the presence of beautiful women. He has an odd fighting style that he picked up in a backwater country he won't admit he was raised in (no idea why, maybe he's trying to protect his family? He's hardly the type...) He's scrappy to say the least, and no one would ever say he has a good heart; He really is just a schmuck. Angus is a land maggot with no interest in the sea, what makes him scary is that he doesn't need the sea to travel. Angus has (had) something he uses very sparingly that started him on his jewelry craze: an ancient Egyptian jeweled collar from the Desert of Eternity. It happened to be hidden inside a hollow pillar of his family's old front porch. Could this be the real reason he doesn't want people to know he came from that shabby, dirty country? What ever the case, he tore the collar up to just the gems to find out if they individually possessed the power of travel. To his surprise only one small green gem seemed to have the power. So he sold off all the other gems the jeweler could identify as valuable and tossed the rest under his porch with all them useless drawings of animal headed people and ugly triangles. Needless to say, the man can't read and he also knows nothing about history. Well, one of the ladies in town bought a ruby off the old man jeweler that set him up to be able to afford a move to the big city. Angus was still getting the hang of traveling with his rock, which he discovered only worked at night. A few weeks after the lady received her new ring, she was trampled by a horse and carriage; a common means of death for women wearing large rimmed bonnets (which were in fashion). At the morgue she reportedly just woke up and went home. People chalked it up to a bad call from the doctor (wouldn't be the first time) but the miracle was that he even had her broken collar bone and in-caved skull misdiagnosed. Of course this wasn't raising any flags for anyone including Angus. No, it was during a drunk rant by her brother that the red flags started showing up, "hell, turns out the doctor was right, she doesn't have a heart beat. There ain't no blood pumpin' in her veins no more. Her whole body's goin' black-green like one big nasty bruise!" sure enough, with check-up from the doctor she was pronounced dead and standing. Now if there's one thing anyone that works with animals knows, it's that when the heart stops the cow is dead, when the meat is going green, it's rotten and no good. Not long after, her ring was stolen, which she hardly cared about because being black-green was far more horrid. It's good to note she didn't die after losing it. The old man jeweler got a visit from old Angus quickly after and to Angus' unhappy surprise, all of those jewels had long sense been sold to travelers, at a popular trade city no less. You can guess why he's jewelry crazy. He has no idea how many rocks he lost but he has a useless log the jeweler gave him. Too bad Angus can't read.

Art of Angus: (none)
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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 4:53 AM


The Swordsman
species: Nitro Fellox
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Open for Trade

Personality Goes Here

Art of ???: (none)

Hemwick the Illusionist
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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 5:06 AM


The Look Out
species: Rustico Magistrey
Life Mate:
Open for Trade


Personality Goes Here

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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 5:20 AM


The Astrology Gypsy
(Prn. Loo-net)
species: Human
Age: won't say
Gender: Female
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Lunet is a romantic. She likes reading fortunes and some times gets carried away with her readings. She has no gift in the trade, her skills lie in the stars, and while she has a special sort of relationship with them, she rarely actually uses her gift in her work.

Art of Lunet: (none)
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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 5:46 AM


Dirty Cowboy
(Prn. Jeh-did-I-uh)
species: Human
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Jed is a Cowboy from a country much like our own America, in a place he often refers to as "the Wild West". He is a bold man who likes getting down and dirty and will wrestle a bear as fast as hog tie a wild bore. He can easily be caught doing something ridiculously dangerous with a dirt filled grin, hootin' and hollerin' the whole time. He left his dear Wild West because of problems with a woman. He will be caught blaming women for man's plight but should you get his opinion of women directly from an inquiry, he would speak of only honeysuckle and sunshine. He is a man easily duped by love and he knows it. Despite all this, Jedidiah doesn't think of the Gyspy women as women at all, more like nagging mamas or faithful hound dogs. This is his unspoken view, let's hope it stays that way for his own sake. He has been traveling with tobacco in his spit and mud on his face for longer then he can reckon, but he thinks he's been to just about every place in the world by now. His speech pattern is sometimes very hard to understand, but very colorful. He speaks like a classic backwater cowboy.


Art of Jed: (none)



A Cheat
(Prn. )
species: Human
Age: won't say
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Presently owned by Desrian


Info goes here.

Art of Castian: Dancey man


The Apothecary Gypsy
(Prn. An-iss-ah)
species: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Anica left home to find her own way in life. She was always the go-to for herbs and plants and she's discovered it to be her money maker. She grew up learning how to use and identify plants by anyone willing to teach her, but her favorite part about plants is their smell. If she could just sell perfume and oils all the time she would!

Art of Anica: Realism sketch
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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 5:53 AM



Black Dawn
(Prn. tie-beer-ee-us)
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Tiberius is a mercenary who will sometimes go on sea voyages if work calls for it. He appears to change crews regularly but that's because he's for hire for anywhere for the right price.

Art of Tiberius: (none)

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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 11/01/2015 6:23 AM

Avis Sagrim

Captain Grimeye
(Prn. )
species: Lucain
Character Form: Human
Age: Anywhere between 20 and 30
Gender: Male
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Standing at 6 feet and 7 inches tall, you'd think his stature would have given him a better pirate name. Avis looks to have a very lucky pirate's life with the hottest crew of women on the seven seas, but that's hardly the case. His ship is cursed, and it's not just the ship, he himself has been cursed by an angry goddess. What could he possibly be cursed with? Well it may sound stupid, but the guy got a piece of mermaid mirror stuck in his eye. Not just any mermaid mirror either, before he broke it, it happened to be the last intact mermaid mirror in the world. And guess who it belonged to? Yep! The Mermaid Goddess, Atargatis. The mirror has an attraction enchantment on it that was meant to captivate mermaids. It's sort of like a drug when they look at it.
So that crew of smoking hot women? Yep, all mermaids. Mermaid that were supposed to destroy his ship and drown him.

Art of ???: (none)



Temptation's Ambassador
(Prn. )
species: Unknown
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Personality to be written

Art of ???: (none)



(Prn. )
species: Unknown
Age: Child
Gender: Female
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Personality to be written

Art of ???: (none)


(Prn. )
species: Unknown
Age: ageless
Gender: Female
Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Personality to be written

Art of ???: (none)
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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 04/05/2017 4:39 AM



Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Art of ???: (none)

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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 04/05/2017 4:39 AM



Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Art of ???: (none)

"The Black Dawn,
what a ludicrous title."
"Have you ever seen a black sunrise,
Mr. Speaks?"
"Precisely my point Mr...
What was it again?"

"Ah yes, well,
how does one suppose the light-giving sun should rise black?"
"Why would one suppose it refers to the sun?
Does the dawn not refer to the moment a new day is revealed?

"Indeed it does! Imagine it! A dawn of darkness! Asinine!"

"You've never seen the sky after a pirate raid, mate."

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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 04/05/2017 4:39 AM



Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Art of ???: (none)

"The Black Dawn,
what a ludicrous title."
"Have you ever seen a black sunrise,
Mr. Speaks?"
"Precisely my point Mr...
What was it again?"

"Ah yes, well,
how does one suppose the light-giving sun should rise black?"
"Why would one suppose it refers to the sun?
Does the dawn not refer to the moment a new day is revealed?

"Indeed it does! Imagine it! A dawn of darkness! Asinine!"

"You've never seen the sky after a pirate raid, mate."

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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 04/05/2017 4:40 AM



Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Art of ???: (none)

"The Black Dawn,
what a ludicrous title."
"Have you ever seen a black sunrise,
Mr. Speaks?"
"Precisely my point Mr...
What was it again?"

"Ah yes, well,
how does one suppose the light-giving sun should rise black?"
"Why would one suppose it refers to the sun?
Does the dawn not refer to the moment a new day is revealed?

"Indeed it does! Imagine it! A dawn of darkness! Asinine!"

"You've never seen the sky after a pirate raid, mate."

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Vagrant Voyagers

Postby Pio » 04/05/2017 4:42 AM


Life Mate:
Not for Trade


Art of ???: (none)

"The Black Dawn,
what a ludicrous title."
"Have you ever seen a black sunrise,
Mr. Speaks?"
"Precisely my point Mr...
What was it again?"

"Ah yes, well,
how does one suppose the light-giving sun should rise black?"
"Why would one suppose it refers to the sun?
Does the dawn not refer to the moment a new day is revealed?

"Indeed it does! Imagine it! A dawn of darkness! Asinine!"

"You've never seen the sky after a pirate raid, mate."

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