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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/14/2017 12:39 PM


Meri walked in to the shop, her hooves clacking against the floor, sounding almost like the heels of stilettos.
Now, she never saw the use in such inpractical footwear, even in her human form. Granted, in formal meetings she would wear them, but she always hated it. looking around, she figured that stilettos, or...even a human form might be mildly out of place. she huffed slightly when looking at thepictures.
No, this establishment certainly was not exactly her perfect place to be. But she was a professional, and there was business to be done here. The short Leumoo clacked up to the Desk, fixing life with her red eyes.

"Good evening Madam" she greeted. "I am here to purchase one Non-Breedable custom Token.
To be paid in GT. I...think it was five, wasnt it?" she placed the currency on the desk in front of the woman.
Blinking once, she added
"If it is not too much trouble, I would further more like to redeem this Token right away.
It appears my...Boss-" she said the word tentatively "Is in a bit of a hurry to get their hands on this creature."
she produced, from a pouch slung around her shoulders/back, a formular with a photo attached.

1. Preferred Hunter: Whoever wants to do it
2. Species:Palowockee
Eye color/main color etc: (Reference 'photo')
Remarks: The Mask and the necklace would be add ons, I believe, as well as possibly the big main marking across the side. please write a PM to let me know how much more you would like for it. thank you. ST

[Paid; 5 GT]
Cannot say, I'm breaking the rules
If I can glue em back together.


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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby Flame » 04/15/2017 8:38 PM


The blue merle Tali was beginning to become a rather familiar face in many of the shops here in Evelon. Atlas was once again on one of his errands today, although this time, he wasn't here to purchase anything for his mistress specifically. Instead, he'd been sent to put in an order for a friend of hers, but it was all the same to the Tali. By this point, he didn't really even need to think about where he was going - he knew exactly where the shop he was looking for was located by this point, which allowed him more freedom to sniff every interesting-looking nook and cranny of the street along his way. Nevertheless, it surprisingly only added a few extra minutes to his trip, and before long, he found himself at the Huntsman's Hall once again. Pushing his way inside the door, he made his way up to the counter, depositing a slip of paper with instructions scrawled on it. Well, on the bright side, it at least seemed like he was getting better at keeping the deliveries drier nowadays - luckily for the woman at the desk, this piece of paper was considerably drier than historical orders had been.

Purchasing One Custom Non-Breedable Token (5GT), to be sent to MillietheWarrior.

[Paid; 5 GT]
[Token recorded]
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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby Mojave » 04/18/2017 6:27 AM

A rather small young woman entered the shop, her presence announced by the clinking of a heavy bag of keystones. Silently, she made her way to the front counter where she deposited the funds. "I hear you can find rare creatures? I'm willing to pay a hefty sum for assistance, if you've got someone free." Her voice was surprisingly cheerful, and she cracked a bright smile at the person before her. "Here's the 700ks for one custom kuhna/lakundra token that I'd also like to redeem.

I need help finding a... demon." She hesitated, as if she wasn't sure what to call the creature she sought. "This demon is wily, and she (I believe it's a she, anyway) would probably rather not be found. But here's a description of her." She passed a completed form across the counter, letting it rest next to the bag of money. "I don't have a picture of her, but she's said to resemble a kuhna based on a Fuyuzakura Shinzo. I hear she likes mountainous regions and has an affinity for sakura trees." She winked before she stepped back. "Let me know if you find her!"

1. Preferred Hunter: anyone
2. Species: kuhna based on fuyuzakura shinzo- standard gen base, rejection tail, shy smile, glowing eyes (If possible to change from standard, I would prefer demon or blind. Whichever shows up better), angel wings
2. Eye color: same as shinzo but glowing
3. Main body colors: (These range anywhere from body, wing, flame, ect, so please be sure to indicate a chosen color for each section of your pet that can be changed. This also includes the color of any markings the pet already has) I would like the same body colors and markings as the shinzo, please. For the sakura branches and blossoms, I would like it to come up the hind leg and extend over the back and body up the neck like on the shinzo. For the tail blossoms, please don't extend them past the base fluff or half way up the tail. I would also like the face marking, though if it can't be exact, I can provide examples of "oriental vectors" that I'd like in place of the original marking. For the wings, I would like them to be colored like the shinzo's, black with red tips.
4. Extra markings and color: (Please describe as best as possible if there are additional markings you would like drawn and what color you would like them to be. Drawn examples are allowed) I'm not sure how much of the markings are going to be considered extra so just let me know how much it'll be
5. Aura color: same soft orange glow as shinzo

[Paid; 700 KS]
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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby RiDragon » 04/18/2017 6:21 PM

"It's okay Olive, we'll find him."  Said the pale boy holding the hand of an obviously hysterical girl wearing bright pink.

"But we haven't seen him in so long!  I'm so scared, Null.  I think he might be in serious trouble!"  She responded, biting her fingernails.

Null carefully removed her fingers from her mouth before she ended up biting them off.  "I told you, it'll be ok.  These people are amazing at finding any sort of creature you want.  I'm sure they can find him for you."  He turned to the woman at the counter.  "Hey, we're looking for someone, Olive, can you hand over the Goddess Tears??"

The girl came up to the counter and shakily put down 5 GT, trying to hold back tears.  "I..  I wrote down what he looks like, and I even doodled him for you...  Please find him for me, okay?"



Preferred Hunter: I have a bias towards Zap since she did my first custom so well!
Species: Fenling
Eye color: Light Blue Iris
Main body colors: White main body, similiar or same light blue for markings
Extra markings and color: Red tailed fox-like markings also in an icy light blue color.  I'd also love a small pair of spectacles on the bridge of his muzzle if that's possible!  Let me know how much extra that'd be if it is extra.
Aura color: Up to artist

BASIC DRAWING HERE This is a super basic scribble of the colors I want on him.  Though I had to use a mouse to color this and couldn't do it that well :P  I give the artist, whoever it may be, full creative freedom in making this custom!  All I really need is the icy blue fox-like markings and eyes and white body.   Please let me know if I did anything wrong or too vague!  I'm super new to this!

[Paid; 5 GT]

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Drifting aimless
I feel their heat
warming, selfless
I will give... I will take

I will feel the stars crash, crash down
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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/18/2017 10:54 PM


Skipping into the shop was a possibly familiar Meji. It had only been the month before that Clone had stopped in for the purchase of a very special token, and here she was, again. Although, this time, she was only humming a curious tune, rather than singing it out loud.

"Why hello there!" she greeted the person in charge, grinning quite cheerfully. "There is this girl I know... No, no, not like that! But, anyway, it's this person's birthday. Or it was. No, I think it is. I'd like to get them a little gift, though, hm?"

Non-Breedable Gift Token
For Omnisearch
200 KS

[Paid; 200 KS]
[Token recorded]

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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby Silver » 04/19/2017 6:48 AM

A cheerful white Tali bounded through the marketplace with a fierce look of determination in her steely grey eyes. Her tail swished playfully behind her as she investigated the various shops along the way. Every time she saw an open door, she poked her nose in, hastily sniffed around, then bounced away again.
Eventually she found the scent she was looking for, and this time she folded her wings to her sides and skipped inside.

She wandered up the the counter and thrust her front paws at the counter. The first attempt was a miss, so she tried again. As gently as she could manage, she opened her mouth and dropped something on the counter.  It was a well worn old photograph, and a slobbery Non-breedable Gift Token. How did she get ahold of that?

1. Preferred Hunter: Any
2. Species: Tali
2. Eye color: Very pale/cloudy blue. (Feel free to adjust.)
3. Main body colors: PSD
4. Extra markings and color: I'd like the shading on the feathers (body and wings) to be kinda shiny, as though they're metallic.
5. Aura color: None

[Token use recorded]

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I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby Kylo » 04/21/2017 1:18 AM


The smaller man crept in and looked about the place, unsure if this was the right location. He had lost contact with his...friend...and needed to find them as soon as possible. Things were beginning to get a little too...violent for his tastes and he needed help getting out of a situation before it all went to hell.

He scrutinized the information boards and frowned at the strange language. Apparently Basic was not the primary language here. With a sigh he dug around in his jacket and fished out a basic language translator. He had built it himself a while back and hadn't really had a use for it before now as he already fluently spoken several common galactic languages.

Holding the device up to the boards it slowly began to translate the information. Reading it over once it was done he pulled out a piece of flimsi and a stylus and began to write down and fill out the form according the the translator.

Once finished he approached the counter and set the flimsi and some of the currency used on this planet on the counter and waved the person working it down and pointed to it. Hopefully that would be enough to get the message across until he was able to learn this planet's language.

Buying ONE Non-breedable Custom Token with 5GT

1. Preferred Hunter: Kreepydile
2. Species: Slynx
2. Eye color: #2E9FF1
3. Main body colors: Base color: EDC98E Spots:090909 (Can be made a lighter black if necessary for shading)
4. Extra markings and color: Spots:090909 (Can be made a lighter black if necessary for shading) Scars: C57D7D (Can be changed to make look more realistic)
Image PSD available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5dyzzpu61bh8 ... x.psd?dl=0
5. Aura color: No aura.
6. Additional: Need tail and ears edited to look as shown in picture above

EDIT: To change species since the symonia is unavailable.

[Paid; 5 GT]

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby Sarah » 05/15/2017 2:07 PM

Her last lord was still in hiding. If he hadn’t proven himself useful she wouldn't have bothered, but he was useful, and she wasn't going to kill him. It was always frustrating when her legion was not at her fingertips. It was especially frustrating when she had to seek help from the outside.

“Hello, dear hunter, there is something that I require of you,” she wrote. As much as Annabelle loved running errands, she was far too busy to go to the hall herself. “I’d like to buy one random Kuhna/Lakundra token, and one custom Kuhna/Lakundra token,” she specified. There was a bit of GT enclosed in the letter, as well as a description of the being she was looking for.

Sarah wrote:Using the custom Kuhna/Lakundra token
Artist: Whoever
Lakundra - Rejection Base - Sad smile
Base Color: #fffcf1
Bone Wings: #e3dac9 (claw bits: Black)
Toes (Paw Pads): dark grey
Dark grey thorned vines that start at the toes and wind/branch towards the top of the head.
Lighter grey vines that go underneath
Kind of like he has vines under his skin, some are closer to the surface, others are deeper.
No Feral Claws – Smoke
Lighter line art if possible

[Paid; 18 GT]
[Random token recorded]

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby FieldsofIris » 05/17/2017 9:37 PM


It wasn't often that Mae was sent to run errands for Iris. But, with Dahlia out of commission - Kosok refusing to leave her side - and Ricky slumped by paperwork, it seemed that Mae was the only one without something to do around the Garden. Hell, even Andromeda was out and about today! With an annoyed grunt, the young woman wiped the sweat from her brow and entered the shop. Luckily for her, it seemed like the place had some sort of AC, which she took a moment to bask in as she scanned the images on the wall. After a few minutes, Mae was jolted from her daze by the voice of the clerk calling from the back of the room. She turned from the wall and took her time maneuvering to the desk, rooting around in her pocket for the payment and directions from Iris. By the time she reached the chipper woman behind the desk, she had found what she was looking for, and met the woman's eyes with a slight smile.

"I'm looking to make a purchase for a - " Mae squinted down at the paper for a moment before continuing. "Kuhna/Lakundra Custom Token, using GT?" Setting the paper down in front of the clerk, Mae used her other hand to set a small bag in front of her, as well. "And this is to be sent to Flame, please."

1 Kuhna/Lakundra Custom Token for Flame
10 GT

[Paid; 10 GT]
[Token recorded]

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby Middy » 05/20/2017 3:42 PM


Skye had it in her head that she needed a new friend or two. Things got lonely in her part of the citadel, that's all. What she needed was someone to be her guard and watch her while she did her work. Something that would be big enough to snuggle with too! Long nights spent stargazing meant that snuggling up to something big and protective would bring comfort, especially to her paranoia. Maaaybe even... pick up something extra for the future. She had made her decision, and decided to just go for it. "Hey there, I am interested in getting and using a Kuhna/Lakundra custom token, and a Non-breedable custom token."


Preferred Hunter: Kreepy (If not too busy hun!)
Species: Lakundra
Body Type: Normal
Based on: Silvally
Eye color: #e6ebf3
Expression: Neutral
Wings: Ancient (Outside #2b547a, Webbing #f6fbfe)
Tail: Bobtail
Main body colors: #47423d for body, #dfe3eb for the mane. Similar to Silvally.
Extra markings and color: Front arms in #557063, similar scale patterns in #55496f
Basically, something like Silvally in color and whatnot, I know I discussed with Kreepy on Steam about giving it a mask add-on, and front insect-like arms. I can pay the extra fee in KS if need be. I also want something like his head spikes too, since I don't think I can do something exactly. If I can, let me know. Thanks! <3
Also purchasing: Non-breedable (custom) for 5GT
Total: 15GT

[Paid; 15 GT]
[Token Recorded]

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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby Saahs » 05/26/2017 9:04 PM

There was something unsettling about the woman that had just entered the hall. Perhaps it was the way she moved--robotic, elegant, a number of motions that clashed against one another. Or maybe how her gaze flitted over everything, both looking past everything as well as boring into its very core. The way her expression was as unchanging as a stone untouched by storm or sea. Or it could have been the rise and fall of one's breathing, that she did not seem to have.

Whatever it was, it was best left said that something just wasn't right about her, and leave it at that. If the hooked sickles chained to her sides were anything to go by, it was possibly safe to not say or even think anything about the matter at all.

She lifted her head, turning it to the smaller woman at the counter. Her eyes didn't land on her for a moment after. "Leif, that is a lovely name," she called, her voice far more animated than... everything else about her. Her upper half swayed from side to side akin to a serpent as she approached Leif. Vibrant green eyes drifted down to the displayed tokens, a finger tracing around them as if she'd never seen such things. She flicked her attention back up to Leif, face ever blank. "I will take one of these, here." A black nail tapped against the displayed Custom Kuhna token. After fishing something out of a pouch, she holds up a small bag filled with 700 Keystones. Then the woman fluttered her eyelashes--and smiled. It felt better when she wasn't smiling. "Please~."

Preferred Hunter: Whichever lovely wants to take it!
Species: Standard generation kuhna, snarl expression, no wings
Eye color: #7B0000 iris, #350000 pupil
Main body colors: #181B21 for the blue base; #1A1A1A for the grey gradient up the forelegs, tail, and head; #1A1211 for the brown hair, bigger tail tip, and toes; #0B0B0B for the dark grey/black underbelly, ear tips, hair tips, smaller tail tips, claws, and "dripping" up the legs; #060304 gradient into #0C0607 for the dark shadows around the eyes; #574C40 for the ear fluffs, nose, and scars
Extra markings and color: This symbol in black, tilted to the left to be on his back as shown in the preview (the symbol is one I came up with, if copyright stuff is a concern!)
Aura color: #0B001E

[Paid; 700 KS]
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
trails of insecurities.

i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

in darkness i trust.

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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby Silver » 05/29/2017 8:35 AM

"Hiyeeee!" Mimsy called out as she skipped into the hall. "So," she began talking before introducing herself or allowing the person she was talking to either. "I have. The best idea. Seriously, it's going to be awesoooome! I want a kitty, right, but not just any kitty, a kitty just covered in sparkles, and she's all pink and soft and has cute little wingsies, and oh my gosh does anyone have a piece of paper so I can write this down or for that matter can I just draw it? It might take a while, everything has to be just perfect, okay?"

"Oh right, and I have one of these, you do want it, don't you?" She pulled a Anniversary Token from one of her pockets and held it out as if she were teasing a dog with a bone.

1. Preferred Hunter: N/A
2. Species: Kuhna
2. Eye color: Gold
3. Main body colors: Pink, purple, and yellow with dusk stars.
4. Extra markings and color: See PSD in Staff Dropbox
5. Aura color: None

[Token use recorded]

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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby Kylo » 06/04/2017 1:10 PM


He was back again though this time for a much different person than the previous one. He had started to figure out this world's language slowly though he was still very rough at it.

Pulling out the printed photo of the man he needed to find this time, he unfolded the creased flimsi and tried to straighten out the creases.  

Finally getting it to be at least acceptable he approached the counter and offered up an insincere smile before grabbing a form and filling it out. He attached his photo to the form and handed it over to the person running the counter.

"I need...this...person," he managed to grind out after having to carefully think over how to correctly form the sentence. "I am paying in...goddess tears. Purchasing one...custom kuhna...token."

1. Preferred Hunter: zapdragon555
2. Species: Kuhna Original
2. Eye color: #E3974A
3. Main body colors: Hair: #EB690C Main body color:#E38B44 Markings Color: #944B37 Beard Marking: #EA690D Paw Pads: #C85E6A Wings color: #FFC822
4. Extra markings and color:  Using the snarl expression with demon (slit) eyes, edited hair, and black glasses in that style. Markings based on the moscow mutation of tabby cats.
5. Aura color: None
6. Link to psd preview showing what wanted. Please pm me so we can discuss as I suck at drawing wings: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gx4ie985w6xrn ... a.psd?dl=0

[Paid; 10 GT]

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby RiDragon » 06/05/2017 10:06 PM


A lanky pale skinned boy arrived at the storefront, awkwardly rubbing his shoulder.  He felt weird, going somewhere without his companion.  He tried to remind himself that he wasn't a pet anymore, but it just felt...  Off.  He inhaled the humid air and made his way into the store.

"Hey."  He murmured, avoiding eye contact.  "Need you to find someone, please."  He almost turned to leave before he had finished.  "Oh uh.  Yeah.  A Custom Non Breedable is what I need, paid by Goddess Tears.  Five, I believe."  He hoped everything would work out okay.  This was the last custom non-breedable token of the year he could get, after all.

1. Preferred Hunter: Mmmm if Zap's available maybe?  She's the one who helped me pick the species.
2. Species: Fenling
2. Eye color: See PSD.  Right eye has a pale blue pupil and dark blue iris.  Left eye has a normal pupil with a light blue iris, but the whites of that eye are dark blue.
3. Main body colors: Pink
4. Extra markings and color: Would like a smile on her face with a few teeth sticking out from it.  Let me know if this is extra, and how much extra this would be!  Her other markings are lilac, her body gems are red and her floating gems are a darker purple.  Her chest fur is blonde as well as her chin markings and ear fluff.
5. Aura color: Whichever looks best

Here's the PSD!

[Refunded; yearly limit already reached]

I see the stars,

Drifting aimless
I feel their heat
warming, selfless
I will give... I will take

I will feel the stars crash, crash down
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Re: .:Huntsman's Hall:.

Postby jobiehanna » 06/09/2017 11:55 PM

A black cloaked figure arrived at the stand. Milky white eyes stare blindly out from beneath the hood of the cloak, and a long fingered, pale hand reaches out. Within the skeletal fingers is a picture of a brown striped Fenling. "This picture is... outdated," it whispered. And indeed, the Fenling's image is faded and old. "However, I'm sure you know what sort of creature it is I'm looking for." How the blind creature knows what is on the piece of parchment is unclear, but it is obviously looking for something specific.

After a moment of quiet, the tall figure clears its throat. "Thank you for your service. I'll be waiting." With a swish of its black cloak, the figure turns on its heal and glides away, leaving the piece of parchment of the stand.

I'm just looking to update this Fenling to the new lines please~ Basically just a line swap. c:
1. Preferred Hunter: Whoever would like to
2. Species: Fenling
2. Eye color: Based on image
3. Main body colors: Based on image
4. Extra markings and color: Based on image
5. Aura color: Based on image


And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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