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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 3:39 PM

It seemed she was all right now. She smiled again, so War was able to smile a little, too. Rhosey was strong, she always had been, and time helped to ease the pain.

He nodded his head in response to her question. "Yeah. But you shouldn't be so surprised. I'm not above making special orders." Although he didn't seem like that sort of guy, it was true, and his sister already knew that. He'd do things that seemed out of character without a second thought, if it was to make someone else happy. He wasn't embarrassed by it.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 3:42 PM

"It was more difficult to find a shop that was willing to take the request," he admitted. "Most weren't that confident in how well the dyes would take, so they declined the request. The place I got those from... They said they''d so whatever it takes to make sure they turned out well." Money wasn't of any consequence, so he paid them nicely for their efforts, although they refused to really like him over pay. From what he could tell, that florist was very passionate about their work.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 3:51 PM

Rhosey certainly wasn't surprised that War put in that much effort, but it warmed her heart, all the same. "You know, I wont ever mind if you're late, no matter the reason," she reminded him. War already knew this, too. After all, their lives were both very busy. He didn't even have to ever explain himself. How many times had he returned home, soaked in blood, his own or not? How many times had she treated him for gun shot wounds? Being late because of picking up an order from somewhere was far better than any of those things. "I'm just glad that you made it."

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 4:06 PM

"Of course I'd make it today. I wouldn't miss it." There was no way that he'd leave her all alone today, when it would, undoubtedly, bring back painful memories.

There was a moment of silence between them, as Rhosey only nodded her head in understanding, before she continued on, "I'm sure the tea is ready now." Setting her lovely, unique bouquet aside on an empty space on the table, she moved to carefully lift the saucer off of her tea cup. Peering inside, it was determined that, indeed, her tea was ready.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 5:27 PM

Across from her, War mirrored her actions, as he checked his own tea, knowing that if hers was ready to drink, so was his. He returned the saucer to its rightful place, lifted his tea cup, and gave the tea a small taste. The liquid was still very warm and it was somewhat soothing. While he already knew he liked this particular tea, whether he wanted to add a half of a spoonful of sugar or not varied from time to time.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 5:31 PM

Rhosey chuckled once at the sight, watching her brother delicately lift the tea cup and give it a taste. She had seen it many times before, but it was still so amusing, watching a man no shorter than six feet tall with a fairly muscular build, dressed in all black, carefully hold a dainty tea cup.

War didn't respond to her amusement, already knowing well enough why she was amused.

After deciding he needed the extra pick me up after being out all night, though, he spoke, "Can you pass me the sugar?" It was more on her side than his, and he didn't want to rudely reach over everything to get to it.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/11/2017 1:26 AM

Without saying a thing, the woman carefully lifted up the sugar and held it out for her brother to take. "Thank you," War said, as he reached out for it. "You're welcome," Rhosey replied, automatically.

Once in his hands, he set it down on his side. Lifting his spoon, which had gone unused up until now, he took a small amount of sugar and poured it into his cup. Afterwards, he stirred his tea, coaxing the sugar to dissolve. As he didn't intend to add any more sugar than that, he wasn't concerned with using his spoon to do so.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/11/2017 1:34 AM

All the while, Rhosey was already enjoying her tea, taking a long drink while she watched her brother. She didn't add any sugar to hers, as she didn't feel like it. The dessert she had made for them to eat would be plenty sweet enough, for the time being.

War finally lifted his cup once more and gave it taste. Sweeter, but not too sweet, it was the perfect result.

"So," Rhosey began, lowering her cup. "How did things go last night?"

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/11/2017 1:40 AM

"It went... well," the man answered after a moment. "I was able to glean the information I needed from the target, without harming them, I might add, so I was able to retrieve what was stolen. It was more of an annoyance, than anything else." It took a long time, but not because it was a particularly difficult or dangerous task. It just took some time tracking down what needed to be found.

"I see. That's good." Rhosey was always glad to hear that War was able to hold himself back. "So, it wasn't dangerous?"

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/11/2017 1:44 AM

War shook his head. "It wasn't dangerous. I'm fine. See?" At that moment, the man scooted back in his chair and stood up, arms raised up, so that she could get a clear look at him.

Rhosey shook her head. "I see, I see," she told him. "You don't have to go that far." She could tell, at a glance, that he wasn't injured. Well, War was good at hiding it, if he was, but she had been with him long enough to tell, one way or another.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/11/2017 1:51 AM

"I'm just glad to hear it," Rhosey went on.

He wasn't hurt, and he hadn't hurt anyone, so she was happy. In the end, all she could really ask for was War not to be hurt. Even if he had to hurt someone else, ultimately, she still wanted her brother to come back to her. Perhaps it was selfish of her, but she couldn't deny it. To her, his life was more precious than many others, especially the sketchy sorts they often encountered. But if he could avoid it all, she was glad.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/11/2017 1:53 AM

War already knew all that, though.

Although their peculiar jobs made it that they got themselves in dangerous situations and often had to fight, Rhosey didn't like hurting anyone. At least, not seriously. She aimed to knock people out or injure them in ways that they would still heal well from later. Broken arms stopped people from using guns or blades, but they'd still live.

For that reason, War tried to uphold her ideals, too. He didn't take lives, if he could avoid it, and adjusted the way he fought.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/11/2017 1:57 AM

That matter settled, the man returned to his seat, pulling it forward once more before sitting down.

"You should try the cinnamon monkey bread," his sister told him, once he'd settled back in. "It's not much, but it's my gift to you today. Sorry that it's not more extravagant." He'd specially ordered dyed roses for her, and hand selected each of her chocolates from a chocolatier, but all she did was set up their usual tea party.

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