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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/13/2017 5:43 AM

The god sighed at Prosper's lack of comprehension, but, really, what did he expect? Without giving a direct answer, he supposed it was a stretch for him to put it together. "Husbands, wives, partners, it's a relatively equal partnership. That wasn't necessarily the case in the past, but it's commonplace for my kind." Their exception, their ability to bond with one person so that they would never have to lose them, was believed to exist for love, not necessity. Energy was a necessity, but that could be satisfied by many without forming a bond.

Unfortunately, Prosper wasn't really going to get the answer he was looking for. Ryo had grown to be an impulsive creature. Calculations, considerations, cautiousness, he'd spent too much of his life constrained, and shed such things long ago. "Because I felt like it." It was convenient, to have his source of energy at home, waiting for him to return. Although, for the sake of the argument, there was something else to consider. Something he'd only thought of now, after the fact.

He closed the menu, dropping it back onto the table's surface, while he dug out his mobile phone from his pocket. Unlocking it, the god dismissed the several notifications that had built up since he'd checked it after work. He navigated to his list of contacts, which was packed full, especially with women's names, and slide his phone over toward Prosper's side of the table. "Go ahead, look. Those are all the people around me. Some contact me several times a day. I could have any of them, but, the fact is, I am unable to rely on any of them." None of them would have really been bothered if Ryo ceased to exist. If he was dying, it would make no difference to them. They were, ultimately, useless. Just sources of energy, nothing more.

" Even if I could rely on any of them, this reality would be difficult to face. You, on the other hand, you're familiar with these sorts of things. With gods. And, that aside, you asked for someone in your dying moments, so I was simply gracious enough to answer that call." In the only way he was able to. "After all, I'm a god that answers prayers." His last words were spoken almost bitterly. His entire existence was to serve others. That was the only reason his kind came to be. That was his lot in life, which he had forsaken.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 06/13/2017 5:32 PM

He opened his mouth to protest. The idea that marriage partners could be equal was of itself news to Prosper, but he allowed that it had been some time since he had been in touch with society. But the rest of it--- Ryo was rich, he was handsome, he was offering immortality and everything someone could ever want. Who would reject that? But the words died in his mouth. He was. He was rejecting it. Prosper, someone who knew of gods and power. Someone whom Ryo had expected to cope better with the news.

Was Ryo... The idea seemed impossible, but it came to him all the same: was Ryo hurt by this, his rejection? There had been impatience in Ryo's voice as he handed over his phone, his movements sharp with frustration. Was there something else disguised beneath, that Prosper hadn't noticed? He took the smartphone gingerly, thumbing through the list of names. None of them meant anything to him, but the sheer volume was astounding. And yet, Ryo still felt that something was missing.

Had he been... lonely?

Prosper's expression softened as he turned Ryo's words over in his mind. In the end, this was his answer: it had been an impulse choice, and Ryo was trying to make the best of it. It was anti-climactic, but also surprisingly... human, in a fallible way.

Until now, he had always thought Ryo of a kind with his old master, never truly human. He felt oddly guilty for it now. He had always thought those with enough power could do whatever they pleased. It had never occurred to him that power could be its own kind of yoke, that gods could be made to bend.

"I'm sorry," he said, handing back the phone, though he didn't know what it was he was apologizing for. His words, his actions. The state of things. His fingers picked at the menu, flipped it quietly open to a page.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/14/2017 3:55 AM

Whether the answer had really been satisfactory or not, Ryo couldn't say for certain, but it seemed acceptable this time, at the very least. Prosper didn't press the issue further.

Gathering up his phone, he returned to the main menu and shut off the screen, before sliding it back into place, safely returned to his pocket. "I have no intention of seeing anyone else any longer; there would be no purpose to it," he informed him while doing so. In spite of everything he'd done in the past and that this was an arbitrary arrangement, although one that could not be broken, the god had no intention of sleeping around. Sex with anyone else still could have been a shallow pleasure, but only at best. Sure, he desired it, but, at the most basic level, he only had an interest in the person he was bound to. It was instinct, which had already began taking hold. He might have thought it annoying, had he really had any attachments to anyone else, but he didn't, so it was what it was. "So you're stuck with me."

Picking up his menu once again and flipping it open, he idly spoke, "I think I'll get the steak." He presumed their sever would be arriving soon, so they needed to make their choices soon. Still, he flipped through it, reading over the seasonal dishes, in attempt to find something that he might have wanted more.

While considering these simple things, Ryo recalled that feeling he had earlier, just after he had left home. At the time, since Prosper didn't contact him, he didn't think much of it, but he still asked, "Did anything happen while I was gone today?" His tone, for the most part, was just conversational, asking without looking up from the menu. It could have meant anything, perhaps just wondering how Prosper had spent his day.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 06/14/2017 6:13 AM

Prosper didn't know if what Ryo said was meant to assure him, but he chose not to comment on the matter. A moment ago, he might have said that it wasn't his place to care whether Ryo consorted with anyone else, but after Ryo's comments about the people in his life, he felt like it would be in poor taste. He busied himself with the menu, though now that he was looking at it, he hardly knew what to choose.

He was browsing through the pasta section, having remembered Ryo's recommendations, when the god's question registered and he felt his blood run cold. To his credit, there was no outward reaction. Those who couldn't hide their tells didn't survive very long in their service to his former master. Any appetite he might have had dissipated, however, as he searched Ryo's face for clues.

Ryo knew. He must have known. This was a test, a... a game. Prosper remembered how Ryo had seen into his thoughts that first morning, and the chill solidified into something like nausea in his gut.

What could he do? He had no choice. Much as it pained him to do anything that felt so much like selling out one of his fellows, lying would have been futile anyway. "I had a... visitor," he said, his expression returning to the same distant impassivity that he had assumed before. His hands, which had been holding the menu, set it down so they could rest carefully, meticulously still on top. "She was a servant of my--- of the god I had served before, but she came of her own volition, not on his orders. She was... concerned for me."

Years and years of subjugation steeled him against the punishment that he anticipated. He was already cursing himself for being foolish enough to have let down his guard and forgotten, or thinking there wouldn't be consequences. Years of subjugation kept his voice steady, soft, devoid of emotion. "The error was mine for letting her in. Please, punish me as you see fit." He didn't know if Ryo could find her, or whether he meant to exact--- what, punishment? Revenge? But he didn't quite dare ask for Inna to be spared, for fear of inciting him to do just that. It had been a favorite tactic of Elouan's, to drive a wedge between his servants, that they might not conspire together to rise against him.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/14/2017 7:23 AM

Initially, his gaze had remained on the menu. It was true that, to a degree, this was a test, but Ryo would have accepted any answer. The god was just curious if Prosper would tell him the truth or not, whatever it may have been. But that unmistakable change, as his partner's voice returned to that already all too familiar dead tone of voice, void of feeling, Ryo reacted to it. The moment he heard Prosper speak, his attention was ripped away from the menu entirely, no longer able play through it casually, and his eyes moved to examine the other man's face. There was nothing there. That wasn't a surprise.

He remained quiet for the duration of the explanation, eyes never straying from him, but when Prosper invited Ryo to punish him, the god felt a flicker of anger. Not mad at Prosper, but at the idea, itself. Slowly, deliberately, he lowered the menu back onto the table.

"I see. Very well." That was his answer. And, with it, the table and all of its trimmings that separated the two of them vanished from sight, in the same fashion that Ryo had that very same morning. The outside world slowed down around them, trapping them in their own bubble, so as not to accidentally be disturbed.

The god rose from his seat, once again demanding that Prosper "Hold still." What Ryo was thinking, what he was feeling, wasn't portrayed in his voice, either. That was only fair, wasn't it?

Then, he, too, vanished.

But it was the same as before.

He returned only the briefest of moments later, his hands gingerly on either side of Prosper's face, guiding him to look upward, while his own body was bent over, so that his mouth was gently pressed against that of the other man. Another kiss. It lasted but a few seconds, before Ryo pulled back ever so slightly. "I have no desire to hurt you, or anyone else. I don't like to." His words were only softly whispered with their close proximity. Ryo leaned in, for one more kiss then, taking the same care in doing so, before releasing his hold on the other man, dropping his hands and standing up right again.

The corners of his mouth turned up in a faint smirk. "There. Your punishment."

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 06/15/2017 2:05 AM

The table disappeared. Prosper's hands fell limp to his sides, and terror blazed a trail down his spine. He didn't flinch, though it was a close thing; he was no stranger to punishments, but this was a new master, whose inclinations he didn't know, and the display of power did nothing to ease his fear.

Ryo ordered him to be still, but he might as well have saved his breath. Prosper already knew how futile it would be to try anything, and he was the one who had asked for this, after all. He made a decision in the moment that Ryo stood, and closed his eyes, slowly, as if he were merely tired. He didn't see Ryo disappear, but the touch on his face came too soon. He did flinch then, despite himself, his body tensed against the expectation of pain.

It never came. Ryo's hands--- Prosper realized that they were hands--- were gentle, and the touch of his lips gentler yet. Prosper's breath caught, but before he could do anything more than stare, Ryo pulled back to murmur something. Prosper barely had time to register what he had said before Ryo kissed him again.

His punishment, Ryo had said--- though clearly he had only called it that make a mockery of the idea. Prosper was at a loss. His expectations were so far removed from what had happened that the discrepancy left him dumbstruck, even as the anxious high of adrenaline still ran through his body.

He was saved, momentarily, from forming a response by a knock on the door. "Excuse me, sirs, are you ready to... order...?" The waiter paused at the door, looking uncertainly from Ryo to Prosper. The two were no longer so intimately close as they had been a moment ago, but something about the air between them must have been peculiar still... Or perhaps it was the fact that the table was still nowhere to be seen.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/15/2017 3:03 AM

Not having responded to the knock on the door with enough haste, Ryo cursed under his breath, "Fuck," when the sever paused in the door way. With a wave of his hand, which was really only just for show, time around them stopped. While he and Prosper could still move, everyone else seemed frozen. Temporarily, they were displaced, and the world was quiet.

Without another word, the god turned away from his partner and returned to his chair. Once he was sitting again, the table immediately reappeared, entirely the same as it had prior to its disappearance. Ryo picked up his menu once more. And, then and only then, did time around them resume. Instead of wasting energy on tampering with someone's mind, which may or may not have gone well, he'd made the decision to play things off as if the sever had simply just been seeing things.

The poor sever was left with a look of utter confusion on his face. In the blink of an eye, a moment he didn't even see, Ryo was sitting in his chair, the table was there. Nothing was out of place.

"Ah, yes," Ryo greeted the man as if absolutely nothing was out of the ordinary, looking up from his menu, which seemed to snap the sever out of his thoughts and he moved to approach their table. All while still wondering what in the world was going on. "For an appetizer, well try the sweet potato bruschetta." That was new. "And I'll have the braised beef short ribs." There was a pause, while he closed his menu. "Ah, and a raspberry iced tea. I doubt we'll be partaking in the wine this evening."

It was only then that both sets of eyes, Ryo and the sever, looked over to Prosper. "And for you, Sir?"

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 06/20/2017 2:22 AM

Prosper was all too glad for the interruption, and gladder still for the fact that Ryo answered first. The restoration of the table was slightly startling in its abruptness, but that was a small price to pay for the time he'd been given, to collect his thoughts. By the time the waiter turned to him, he'd had the presence of mind to open the menu proper, though he was still left staring at the words, few of them managing to register even as his eyes flicked over them all.

Pasta, he remembered. That was what he'd been looking at before. He had no more memory of pasta dishes than anything else, but given that he hardly knew his own preferences, anything would do, wouldn't it? He chose one of the dishes accompanied by a picture, so he would know a little better what to expect, if nothing else. "A... fettuccini with chicken marsala," he said, reading the name, his tongue stumbling slightly over the unfamiliar words. "And... black tea." It wasn't the most adventurous order, but it was enough. He didn't bother with the appetizers, as Ryo had already ordered one, and his newly-returned appetite wasn't very large as of yet. Even hungry, he could only stomach so much at a time.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/02/2017 1:41 AM

Once their orders were taken, the server excused himself and saw himself out, shutting the door to their private room behind him. Once again, the god and his partner were left entirely alone. The silence was broken before long with Ryo chuckling once, and shaking his head, at the expense of the server. It was almost cruel to pretend that nothing unusual had happened, but it really did beat having to get up and trying to mess with his head. If the god's powers didn't have to be used, there was no reason to waste energy.

The server returned quickly, making sure to loudly knock this time, and await Ryo's reponse, before entering. He'd only came back with their drinks, this time, but assured them that it would not be a long wait for their meals; he made a quick exit, after doing what needed to be done.

"It would be better if you didn't hate me," Ryo only stated the obvious some time later, after they had been left alone again, but didn't elaborate any further than that. Although, it could have been taken as his reason for not dealing out actual punishments, which was very much true. Ryo had no desire to harm Prosper or truly be hated by him. The god certainly did things the other man didn't like, but crossing certain boundaries was something he had been avoiding, even if he selfishly pushed for his own ways. If he didn't care about Prosper's opinion of him at all, Ryo would have already gone and forced himself onto the other man and had his way with him. But the fact was, he was patient and careful, because he wanted this to work as best as it possibly could.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 09/03/2017 12:22 AM

Prosper reached for his tea, but flinched as soon as his fingers brushed the cup. He hadn't anticipated how hot it would be. He listened to Ryo's words and was silent for a long time, turning them over in his mind.

He didn't know what to make of this--- Ryo, their contract, his own situation, any of it. He was beginning to realize how narrow his world had become in his long years of service. He knew he ought to say something, but what?

"I don't hate you," he said quietly. It was true, though perhaps not in the manner that Ryo would have wished. Prosper had never felt it was his place to have an opinion of his masters to begin with. If he thought about it, however, it was hard to reconcile many of Ryo's actions with his words. Ryo had been taking care of him, after all, even when Prosper hadn't been useful; and it was true that he had come to no harm since entering their contract.

But it had only been two days. Prosper was loath to trust anything that felt like kindness, and everything that had happened seemed tinged with a sense of non-reality, as if he might wake to find that it had all been a dream.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/06/2017 12:00 AM

Given that he'd specifically ordered iced tea, Ryo was able to collect his drink from the table and take a long sip without any reservations. Of course, he could have had tea made with water that had just been at its boiling point and it wouldn't have made any difference to him. Same way that the cold and the heat didn't bother him on the outside, things consumed were no different.

Hearing Prosper's answer, the god thought for a moment, taking another sip as he did. Once he set the glass down and shifted, switching which leg he had crossed over the other, he smirked a bit. "Ah, right, you like to pretend that you don't feel anything at all."

There were better things he could have said. He even almost did. 'Hate,' had been much too strong of a word for someone like Prosper. 'Dislike,' would have been more suitable, or, perhaps, 'resent.' But instead of correcting himself, Ryo made the choice to intentionally poke at Prosper even more in an attempt to elicit some sort of reaction.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/09/2017 9:40 AM

Prosper's eyes widened for a moment, incrementally. He hadn't expected that sort of snide remark, though maybe he should have; it also hadn't occurred to him how much his outward demeanor bothered Ryo. It was meant, perhaps, to anger Prosper in turn, but Prosper found that he didn't have it in him to be angry. If anything, he was... exhausted, all the time. Not in the physical sense, but mentally, as an undercurrent to everything else he was and was not feeling. It was hard to say whether it was merely something left over from his oppressive past service, or a response to the whirlwind of change that was happening around him now.

What could he have said? Explained that his master--- his former master--- punished them for becoming attached to things, for wasting time with grief or despondence, for anything other than work? But Prosper didn't want pity; not that he really believed he would find it with Ryo, but he didn't want to appear as if he were seeking it out.

Methodically, he ate his pasta, twisting it with slightly awkward movements of his fork. He didn't really taste it. The pervasive unease that followed from his awareness of his master's displeasure coiled like a serpent of hot ash in his abdomen, slowly writhing. He paused a moment, his gaze fixed on his plate. His eyes flicked up, very briefly, and then back down.

He licked his lips--- a nervous check. He was already getting sloppy. "What would you like me to do?" he said. Unspoken was the fact that they had known each other two days. Prosper was--- was trained to obedience, yes, but he could only change so quickly. And so very little of what he was facing now made sense to him against the backdrop of the past fifty-odd years.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/07/2017 4:30 AM

Hm. Although it was somewhat disappointing for Ryo that Prosper didn't much react to his words, it wasn't like his lack of reaction was anything unexpected. That was still boring, but it was more than just that. Thus far, his companion's strongest reactions had been terror, and the god was all too aware of that, even in such a short amount of time they had spent together. It was quite tragic.

For the time being, since the other man went about eating, he was content to set to work on eating his meal, as well. Ribs were often eaten with hands only, and it was usually quite a messy venture, but at such an upscale restaurant, that was not the case. Ryo carefully cut meat from the bones with a knife and fork; an incredibly easy task when the meat was so soft it was practically falling right off of it. It was fine dining, and he didn't have any complaints about the taste. He rarely did, at this place.

When Prosper finally did speak, Ryo was bringing the fork to his mouth with another delicate bite, and he paused, to glance across the table at him. He wasn't even looking at him, but Ryo stared, even as he finished up his bite, while considering his answer. It was only once he chewed and swallowed the bite of rib meat that he replied. "From now on, you should live." That wasn't all that helpful, of which he knew, but, then, Prosper's question had been considerably vague.

Sighing, the god set the fork down on the edge of his plate. "That is, whatever you're feeling, whatever you're thinking, it's fine to express it. You don't have to do... that." He gestured vaguely to all of Prosper with his hand. "Where you try to keep yourself in check. Whatever it was that you're used to, throw it out the window. I'm not the same person as the one you served before, and you're not just a servant."

With their circumstances, whether either of them liked it or not, Prosper was his lover. The one and only person for Ryo now. Without him, his life was forfeit.  "I've said it again and again, you're my precious wife, remember? So even if you piss me off, I'm not really going to hurt you. So don't be so afraid of me, either." Ryo's life hung int he balance, needing Prosper, so, now, the value of the other man's life was the same as the gods. "Other than that, keep me... fed. I need intimate, physical contact with you to survive, so the faster you learn to not resist that as much, the less I'll have to force it on you." He'd take what he needed to survive, but he really rather would not have to take it by force. It was much more desirable and ideal to have it given up to him.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 12/07/2017 5:42 AM

Prosper listened in wary silence, doing his best to withhold any opinion, even in his own mind, until Ryo was finished. He kept eating, just to give himself something to do, though the food still sat heavy in his stomach. He tried to, anyway. Eventually he found that he couldn't, and had to stop.

His hands, on his cutlery, were trembling--- though with what, he didn't know. It had grown difficult to identify his own feelings.

Live. He wanted to laugh, though he wouldn't. Couldn't. The sound of it died in his throat, lodging there like so much food he couldn't swallow. What did that even mean? He wanted--- wanted, unaccountably, to throw the entire plate of pasta in Ryo's face. Didn't. It was a senseless impulse, even if Ryo had told him to express himself as he liked. He was not a child, and a tantrum would only make things worse, even if he meant to start 'living'.

Ryo's final words to him were almost--- almost kind, and this was worse, somehow. Prosper didn't miss the reminder that he owed a duty to Ryo, however. If Ryo was aiming for a reaction, he had struck true this time, though even Prosper would have been hard pressed to say what it would be. He only knew that he felt some sort of tension building within himself, and it would demand an outlet soon.

His lips parted. He could hear himself say, "What if I wanted to leave?" His voice was still soft, though there was an edge to it now that he would never have dared to use before. He knew at once that the answer would be that he couldn't, but that sense of frustration made him sharp, eager to pick at the contradiction in Ryo's words. He smiled slightly, a tight and unhappy little twist of the mouth. He felt sick inside. "What if I do hate you, then? What if all I want to do with this life you've given me is end it?"

He didn't know if any of it was true, but he no longer had the wherewithal to stop himself. And this was what Ryo wanted, after all, wasn't it? Another time, perhaps--- given more time, or any measure of calm, he could have seen that he was being unreasonable, ungrateful. However, all he wanted to do now was give vent to the ugly sensation inside him, stirred up by Ryo's words.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/07/2017 6:38 AM

Finally, finally Prosper began to express himself and, even though the words had a sharp edge unlike anything before, the god was grinning. Ryo had dismissed his food entirely, leaning forward, into Prosper and his words, with one arm resting on the table. Had he kept a tail in this form, as he did in his god form, it would be flicking with excitement over it.

"Then hate me," Ryo answered, not angered by Prosper's words, although it sounded almost like a challenge. How long would Prosper really last, hating him, when Ryo desired not to be hated? The god was confident that it wouldn't last forever. "But if you take your own life, I'll just have to keep bringing you back, over and over again, until you find your own will to live." He meant it when he said he couldn't live without him, and he wasn't ready to die yet. "Or until you're so much like me that you can no longer die."

"Even if you do hate me, leaving, forever, is the one thing I can't let you do. I can't die yet as, unlike you, I actually have responsibilities that I can't give up." But, once he said these words, the god sat back up, and began digging into his pocket. He was going to do this later, but it seemed more appropriate to just get it out of the way now, even if he wasn't sure he could really trust Prosper, yet.

Within a moment, he held his keys in his hand and he removed one from the key ring. Setting the others aside, he held the single key in the palm of his hand, outstretched across the table, closing his fingers over it for a moment. When he unclenched his hand, there was a second key, a perfect duplicate of the first. "But I wont keep you locked up in a cage. Go ahead, and leave, wander around, enjoy yourself. But don't forget to come back home." And, it went without saying, if Prosper left and didn't come back, then it would be Ryo that went to find him.

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