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I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/13/2016 6:20 AM


Ten days had come and gone since Alba, one of the first two Artificial Personal Lovers to be distributed, had come to live with his user. In that time, the APL had not made any progress. Embry had initially shot down his confession and avoided the subject altogether. As far as his primary functions went, Alba was far from operating to his fullest capabilities. None of these things, nor the fact that his user had spent nearly every waking hour out of the house since his arrival, deterred him. Whether or not Embry loved him, Alba loved Embry, and he wanted nothing more than for him to be happy. That was all that really mattered.

There were still things he could do for Embry. Since his arrival, the APL had prepared three meals a day, every day, and he took care of all the chores. In fact, the house was spotless and the fridge and pantry had more than a few instant foods stocked. He'd even already found work, although he had not yet announced this. Alba could not be sure how successful he would be at modeling after a single shoot, although he was making quick work of the preparations to find modeling work on his own.

Not knowing exactly when Embry would be arriving home, Alba had already finished preparing dinner in the form of a personal sized steak, a baked potato, and steamed vegetables. He'd even served it onto a plate and left it on the table, covered in tin foil, ready to be reheated, should his user not return home in time to eat it warm.

He was now sitting on the couch, which was pretty much his designated space in the apartment, staring at the two neatly wrapped gifts he held in his hands. Since it was a one time gig, Alba had been paid cash for his modeling shoot, and he had planned to get something for Embry with his first pay check at the very beginning. After all, Embry had already spent money on him, in the form of spare clothes.

It just so happened that everyone from the modeling shoot was offered to take home a gift from the sponsors and, although there were items that suited Alba, he was drawn to a pair of crystal stud earrings that would have passed worn by either gender. He'd noticed Embry's piercings almost immediately and decided that the earrings would definitely suit him. Yet, just passing along the gift wouldn't quite be right. So he'd gone out and purchased the latest first person shooter game, too, since they'd talked a little bit about playing one together.

He'd been holding onto the gifts since the day of the shoot, three days ago, but Alba had yet to find any decent opportunity to give them to Embry. Tonight, though, he was determined to finally do so.

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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby crow » 04/23/2016 9:51 PM


... Okay, so Embry might have been avoiding his home. Or, more accurately, avoiding his new roommate.

It wasn't the nice thing to do, and he knew it. It was just... It was still weird. His little apartment was cleaner than it had been since he moved in. After the first time he woke to the sight of his floor free from its customary drifts of undone laundry, he had self-consciously started picking up after himself. It should have been a good thing, that someone was bothering to clean the place, but it just felt like another reminder that he didn't have the place to himself anymore.

It didn't feel right either. Embry knew better than anyone that there was no such thing as a free lunch, but the kind of compensation Alba seemed to want... What kind of person just up and confesses their love to someone they'd just met? He couldn't wrap his head around it.

So he did the cowardly thing and just avoided the issue altogether. It wasn't as if he had no excuse. Trawling through flea markets and kitschy garage sales was genuinely time-consuming, and spring was a busy season. During the summer, he lived more at the storage depot than at home. But it was also true that he didn't usually throw himself at it with this much fervor, and if he was being honest, it was starting to wear him out.

He did still need to sleep, so around 11 PM, Embry drifted into the building and down the hall to the door that marked his apartment. He paused for a moment, hand hovering over the doorknob, hesitating; but exhaustion won out and he pushed the door open. What he hadn't expected was to find Alba sitting there waiting for him.

"Oh," he said awkwardly. "Still up, huh?" Yes, great going, Embry. Because robots sleep, he thought, immediately chagrined. It was late though, and he was tired. Words were probably going to fail him no matter what he tried to say.
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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/01/2016 7:14 PM

Hearing the faint sound of footsteps and even the doorknob being twisted open, Alba was aware of Embry's return before he had even arrived in front of him. For the sake of not being strange, though, his gaze didn't shift up to his User until he spoke. But he didn't address the two gifts he held in his hands, not first. Instead, he repeated the words he often already told Embry. "Dinner is on the table." Although, sometimes 'dinner,' was replaced with 'breakfast,' or 'lunch,' depending on the time of day.

Then, however, he stood up to his full height, simultaneously stacking one of the two neatly wrapped gifts on top of the other. The video game was, conveniently, stacked on top. "I got these for you," he declared. Then moved close enough to Embry to offer them out to him. "I wanted to do something to thank you. Both for buying me new things, and for keeping me." It was evident in Alba's voice that he appreciated what had been done for him. Embry could have sent him back to the Love Me Corporation, but he didn't, and so Alba was allowed to live. There was hardly any gift he could give to show his thanks for being given the gift to live his life, for not being destroyed, but this was a start.

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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby crow » 10/01/2016 10:50 AM

"Yeah," said Embry, dully registering the customary greeting. He was mostly relieved; nothing out of the ordinary, no deviation from how they'd been carrying on thus far. But there was a little part of him that was... well, disappointed wasn't the word, but it was like he'd been dreading something and building it up only to find that it had all been for nothing. It definitely wasn't disappointment.

He kicked off his ratty sneakers at the door and was already shuffling towards the kitchen when he noticed Alba rising to his feet. He didn't even register the gifts at first; he always forgot how tall Alba was until they were standing next to each other. It made him uncomfortably aware of his own diminutive height, and that made everything worse, somehow. The proximity reignited whatever it was in him that had relaxed at Alba's mention of dinner, and he only belatedly realized what Alba was talking about after he spoke. For a moment, all Embry could manage was a dumbfounded, "Oh."

It just sounded so... Well, so sad when Alba put it that way. For keeping him. For, what, buying him clothes and giving him a place to stay? Like that was something Alba ought to be grateful for. He pushed the gifts back at Alba, shaking his head. "No, you know what..." Gods, he had to tilt his head back just to look Alba in the eye. "You don't need to give me presents for--- for housing you, for fuck's sake. I'm not a monster," he said, half exasperated.
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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/12/2016 1:28 AM

"I never implied that you were." His words were just a matter-of-fact. Alba would have never associated Embry with a monster. That was just something he wouldn't do. But the fact that his User was avoiding him was obvious. Painfully obvious. From their conversations, his attitude, it was easily evident that Embry didn't actually want him here. He was probably keeping him out of guilt or human obligation. Something like that.

None of it  changed the fact that Alba wanted to be with him. If Embry didn't love him, the APL could do nothing but accept it. But Alba wanted to love him, wanted to like him. At the very least, he didn't want Embry to dislike him in return.

Still, this was hard. Embry was confusing. Any data he had preinstalled on Embry was established to be falsified, and filed away as useless information, so Alba was running on his own thoughts and intuition only. His actions were mostly guess work and he simply doing what he wanted to.

"They're for you. I just wanted to get you something." Alba chose to correct himself. "Giving thanks is something a friend would do in this situation, is it not? If you lent them money and gave them a place to stay. So take them," he insisted, nearly shoving the gifts into Embry's hands. It was plainly clear that the APL wasn't going to take no for an answer. "I have no use for them. You could always throw them away, if you so wish."

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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby crow » 10/23/2016 10:47 AM

Embry knew he'd fucked up as soon as the words left his mouth, but he didn't know what else to do. Or say. Actually, he'd never been good with words--- just one thing on a never-ending list of disappointments leveled at him before he'd started living with his lola. He could sense Alba taking it in stride, which only made him feel worse. "No, I--- That wasn't what I meant. I just..." He ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it angrily in frustration. He took a deep breath, and tried to marshal his thoughts. "I just don't want you to feel obligated," he said at last. "But, uh, if that's not what it is, then... Thanks." The last word was mumbled, and he couldn't quite bring himself to look at Alba anymore. Almost perversely, he began to wonder what exactly it was Alba had gotten him, but it seemed pretty shameless to ask after what he'd just said.

Still, it felt as though he ought to say something, to put some distance between them and all that foot-in-mouth nonsense he'd spouted. "So... What's your job like? Are you having fun?" It occurred to him, with another pang of guilt, that he didn't actually know much about what Alba did during the day. That had been deliberate, but now, as if his admission had opened a floodgate, all the feelings he'd been avoiding came rushing in. He spoke now as much to take his mind off those feelings as to assuage them.
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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/24/2016 4:00 AM

Alba observed Embry, his words and actions, curious of them. Everything he said, everything he did, was stored away in the APL's memory. Honestly, he was desperately grasping at anything and everything, wanting to know more about him. When you liked someone, you just wanted to know more about them, and Alba thought the same way. Even this information, watching as Embry tripped over himself, tried to clarify, was useful.

"I will only do what I want to do," Alba informed him, hoping the words were somehow reassuring. It didn't matter if he did it out of obligation or for some other reason, it was still a matter of him making the choice to do it. He enjoyed doing things for Embry.

It was unexpected that Embry showed any interest in him, so the question came as a surprise, but not an unwelcomed one. Alba couldn't stop himself from grinning. "When we went out the other day, someone from a modeling agency gave me their card. I was invited for a modeling shoot, some sort of special promotion where amateurs worked with professional models; I enjoyed it. It paid well." The APL couldn't stop the undertones of excitement from creeping into his voice. Alba enjoyed fashion, so dressing up into many different outfits and posing for the camera was a fun experience. It also gave him experience interacting with other people. "Using copies of those photos, I've been putting together a portfolio. I think I want to pursue it."

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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby crow » 11/20/2016 11:25 PM

"Good," said Embry, though privately he wasn't entirely sure he believed Alba. Someone who spent that much time trying to make Embry happy when they barely knew each other... No, he wasn't going to think about it. Down that path lay more opportunities for him to say something stupid, and he was quite done with that today. He set the gifts aside on the table and took a seat, though he picked at his food more than he ate. It was hard to feel hungry so soon after his outburst, and he focused on the change of topic a little desperately at first.

The tension eased out of him as he listened to Alba talk about his job. "Oh, do you?" he said, with something like genuine interest. The career was a good fit; even he had to admit that Alba was attractive, and he wouldn't have looked out of place at all down a runway, or on some billboard ad. "That's... good. I'm glad you found something you like. If I can help, let me know." He didn't really know much about the world of modelling, but he enjoyed his own work, so he could understand some of it, at least. And this was easy--- an easy topic, with none of the weight of what Alba was, or what he wanted to be to Embry. He could do this. They were just roommates, shooting the shit over dinner. "What were you modeling?" If Alba had mentioned it before, it had slipped his mind. He felt a slight tug of guilt at that too, but he could start paying attention now. Still better late than never.
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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/09/2017 6:22 AM

Alba nodded his head. Yes, he did, indeed, enjoy modeling work. The APL had been the one to meticulously select his outfit prior to his delivery, and he seemed to have an eye for such things. Of course, he was still sent with next to nothing on, at the suggestion of one of the LMC staff members.

"There were multiple sponsors of the event; one of which I was told is a fashion company that encompasses not only clothing but home decor, as well. So I modeled all sorts of clothing and accessories, as well as posed with the props. There were multiple sets." He answered Embry's question rather enthusiastically still. The APL was most definitely interested in the topic at hand.

"The agency seems to have close ties with that particular brand, actually. One of those," he motioned toward the gifts that he'd handed over, "Came from the event. They offered everyone a gift, but I thought that was more suitable for you than myself."

Alba continued on, with little more than a short pause. "I'll be submitting my portfolio to several places soon and attempting freelance work. If that goes over well -  I've been told it's as if I was born for this, so I'm hopeful - I may be able to find an agency to sign with. I may be especially busy soon, if all goes well."

"Oh. But don't worry, I still intend to prepare your meals even if I'm gone during the day. I enjoy cooking, too. I just don't get to eat it; I can only taste it. Since you're around, I actually get to cook for someone." Alba smiled a bit. "It's nice."

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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby crow » 06/20/2017 2:48 AM

Watching Alba light up as he warmed to his topic, Embry was struck at how much... how much his own person he was then. It hadn't really sunk in at first, especially with all that I-love-you stuff, and the... Actually, maybe the less said about their first meeting, the better. He felt himself relaxing too, smiling back a little. Alba's enthusiasm was infectious.

He was a little surprised that Alba alluded to the gift again, and eyed it with a mix of curiosity and slight trepidation. He hadn't expected it to have come from Alba's place of work, though maybe that had been naive of him. It wasn't the re-gifting he minded--- not him, of all people--- but he wasn't very... fashionable. If the item was too chic or high-end, he wasn't sure he'd be able to wear it at all, even though Alba said he'd thought it would suit Embry.

He didn't say anything on the matter, however, nor did he let himself dwell on it.

"Good luck with your job hunt," he said, and meant it. Finding employment could be a real pain sometimes, even when you had the connections--- and the looks, in Alba's case. "And if you get busy, you don't have to worry about me. I mean, work is work, and I like instant noodles as much as the next guy. And sometimes---"

He paused a moment, blinking at a sudden realization. "Oh," he said, a strange expression crossing his features. Even he wasn't sure what it was he was feeling. "Um... I don't know how often you'll be home, but... If someone... I mean, sometimes my lola comes by and... stocks the fridge." Okay, there wasn't really a way to make it not sound lame. Mostly his old roommates had accepted it after they'd tasted her cooking, since nobody could stand against the power of her food, though he'd still gotten ribbed for the fact that he relied so much on his grandma. He wondered, for a panicky moment, if she'd been by already and gone home because a stranger answered the door, but she would have messaged him if she was coming.

The thing was, he hadn't really thought about how he was going to explain this to her. Hadn't thought about Alba and his lola in the same context at all, actually. But now that Alba was settled in, he realized it was going to happen at some point. Likely sooner rather than later, given how much time had passed since he'd seen her last.

"She has a key," he heard himself saying, "so just... Don't be surprised, I guess." He didn't know what else to say, though clearly there was a lot more that could be said on the topic.
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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/09/2017 12:15 AM

Beyond the enthusiasm he expressed for his own interest and work possibility, the APL definitely noticed that Embry seemed more relaxed now. Perhaps more relaxed around him than he ever had been before. As such, he concluded that the topic was a reasonably comfortable one.

He nodded his head, appreciating the 'good luck,' from his User, and was prepared to reassure him that he did, indeed, enjoy cooking, so it wouldn't really be a hassle. But he saw the look on Embry's face, and knew he probably wouldn't get to say so. And, sure enough, another topic came up.

But, even as the APL nodded his head again, making note of everything Embry said, he still had to ask, "But... Your Iola is...?" He'd never heard of the term, nor was it something that was already stored in his library. For a moment, he wondered if he should be concerned; he honestly didn't know anything about personal life, so as far as he knew, it could have been a term of endearment for a lover of some sort. Although, he also thought better of that. Assuming something like that would have been assuming the worst. For now, he'd assume it was probably a family member.

"And should she show up, I suppose... I am your roommate, if the question arises?" Even Alba wouldn't tell just anyone that he was an Artificial Personal Lover, as there were basically a well kept secret, at this point, and he already knew Embry would not accept a more intimate term.

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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby crow » 10/09/2017 12:30 AM

"Oh, er--- my, um, grandma." It felt strange to call her that, but a lot of people didn't know the term. Then again, most of the time she was there when the topic came up, and if they could see her, it was pretty self-explanatory.

Following that line of thought, Embry dug around in his pockets for his phone. Pulling up his photos, he flipped through until he came to one of the two of them together, and held it up so Alba could see. "I'm a quarter Filipino on my mom's side, so that's what I call her. I mean, I don't speak Tagalog or anything, but... Lola basically raised me, I guess." The photo on his phone was the two of them at his high school graduation, Embry looking awkward in his robe, and lola beaming at the camera. She was a stocky, round-faced woman with wispy grey hair, just the sort of tiny grandmother that people expected to help cross the street in old TV shows. Embry, standing beside her, didn't look much different in the photo than he did now, excepting the fact that his hair had been shorter.

As soon as Alba offered to introduce himself as Embry's roommate, Embry breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, could you?" he said, smiling gratefully. "Thanks. That'd make things a lot easier for me, y'know? Lola's not getting any younger, and I don't know if... Well, I don't know." She had a wicked sense of humor, moreso than he had expected when he'd first met her, but Embry had never pushed the boundaries of how liberal she was on things like gay relationships.

Not that this was a gay relationship. They were roommates. It was just Alba who had the weird ideas, but he still didn't want Alba giving lola a fright.
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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/27/2018 2:28 AM

"Ah. Your grandmother." That was definitely a term that the APL was familiar with, and he was somewhat relieved to hear that his User was, in fact, referring to a family member rather than someone else.

When Embry began digging into his pocket and looking through his mobile phone, Alba watched him with some curiosity, and then leaned in when he held it out for the APL to see. A faint smile appeared on his face as he looked over the picture, noting that Embry really didn't look all that different at the time the picture was taken, and saved the image into his memory. "I've saved it the picture, so I'll recognize her when I see her," he informed him. He also saved that bit of information; that she had been the one to mostly raise Embry, since he had little information on him, as it was. Anything was valuable.

The APL certainly didn't miss Embry's relieved sigh, and while he smiled slightly, on the inside, he was frowning. "Just to make it clear, I wont really do anything that... would make you dislike me. If I can help it." Regardless of what Alba may have been expecting out of this, what he wanted out of it, he wasn't about to completely force himself onto Embry, even if it was entirely possible. A human wasn't as strong as an android, but, to him, Embry's happiness was already more important than his own.

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Re: I'm Bulletproof, Nothing to Lose [Private]

Postby crow » 01/29/2018 1:08 AM

Embry blinked at the relief in Alba's voice. "Wait, what did you... You didn't think it was my girlfriend or something, did you?" He couldn't help but laugh a little at the idea of it--- not the idea of him having a girlfriend, which was not at all ridiculous, but at the idea that his lola had been mistaken for one. It wasn't that he didn't understand, but it was just so hard to picture when he knew the truth of it.

He calmed when Alba said he would recognize her, nodding along with the words. "I just don't want her to think I've been evicted or something, if she comes by when you're around and I'm not," he explained. It had happened once before, and she had freaked out, first because he didn't tell her, and then because she thought he was stuck out on the streets, when really he'd just shacked up with an acquaintance until he managed to find a new place.

Alba's words about not doing anything Embry disliked made him feel a bit awkward, and he shifted in his seat slightly, fidgeting. At a loss for what he could say to that, he hastily changed the subject. "Hey, so... I'm going on a purchase trip soon. Did you... want to come along?" It wasn't the most elegant invitation, and, okay, maybe it was just that he felt guilty... But it might be fun to have someone along with him for once, and maybe it would be a nice way to do something together before Alba got too much busier.
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