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Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/11/2017 3:39 PM


Water dripped. The clang of metal echoed through the empty space as the elderly woman descended into the darkness, the hand of a young man guiding her path. She stepped onto the concrete floor and the man followed in suit, moving much more nimbly. The unlikely pair stood there a moment, the echoes of sloshing water the only sound to accompany them in the tunnel. The man had long become accustomed to the revolting stench emmanating from their surroundings, but it was always still enough to make his stomach turn. They must not have a sense of smell, he mused to himself, watching the old woman's contented face. Lucky her. "It's this way," he said, the soft words sounding loud in the space. He took her hand, light and fragile, in his own, and began walking down the concrete path.

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Re: Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/17/2017 2:37 PM

"Why are we here?" the woman asked him as they trudged deeper into the sewers. Billy was surprised she hadn't asked sooner. "Well, you need to cross a river," he said, his free hand fidgeting with the zipper on his worn-out jacket. "Afraid this is all we got." She nodded, slipping back into thought. They came to a stretch alongside a deeper section of the channel, the turgid waters slipping past. Anchored to the edge was the boat. It wasn't a nice boat like they always showed in the pictures, cutting swiftly through the gloomy waters. It wasn't even a rowboat turned decrepid from endless eons. Just several planks of wood lashed together, with buoys on the side. A dark cane lay on it's surface.

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Re: Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/17/2017 2:38 PM

He jumped the couple of feet down, his feet landing squarely on the deck. The craft was inelegant, but at least it was sturdy. One less thing he'd had to worry about with the job; the raft had showed up then along with the rest of it. He turned and offered his hand to the woman waiting. She took it, looking down at the planks below. Her other hand clutched her shawl tightly. Slowly, unsteadily, she lowered herself down, until they were standing at the same level.  He helped her get seated. Her eyes stared blankly at the distance ahead of them. He untied the rope tethering them in place, and took his own seat across from her.

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Re: Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/17/2017 2:39 PM

They were off. Depictions would show the boat keeper rowing their way across still waters, but there was no need to do that here. The slow waters carried them through the dark towards their destination. He picked up the cane and set it in his lap, his hands running over the smooth surface. "He vivido una larga vida." He looked up at the sound, his gaze meeting the elderly woman's eyes. "A difficult one, but full." So many of the people he dealt with were indignant, or lost; confused, or disconsolate, or filled with terror. Who was this woman, that she could be so accepting of all that was happening? Billy's fingers moved with a will of their own, tracing the grooves carved in the cane's dark wood, and he felt a pang in his heart.

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Re: Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/17/2017 2:39 PM

She was watching the waters now as they flowed past. "Mi hija..." Almost a whisper. Billy looked to where she was staring. There were the rumors that the dead could see their memories in these waters. All he saw was a crumpled Budweiser can. But maybe she could see something else. He had been denied his own chance of finding out for sure. They slipped into the unlit stretch of the passage, the darkness enveloping them like a cloak. A soft glow emmenating from the woman provided the only illumination.

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Re: Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/20/2017 7:43 AM

The woman began talking about her own life, sometimes to him, sometimes in a language he could not understand. He listened, but his mind drifted to his own memories. Strips of sunlight illuminating a dingy flat. An icon watching him from above the stove. He was sitting on the floor, racing two toy cars. Ratty slippers at the base of the recliner, a knarled hand gripping a cane tightly as the figure moved to stand. An elderly voice reminded him to hurry up or he'd be late for school. Milk-soaked toast with sugar. His stomach growled at that one. Ok, not a good idea to think about food. Billy forced himself back into the present.

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Re: Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/20/2017 7:43 AM

They were almost there anyways. The tunnel brightened up ahead, their path once again lighted by electronic lights. The roaring of water had grown louder, a distant echo reminiscent of a waterfall. They were closer to the center of the system now. To the side was a walkway not unlike what they had been on earlier. The platform was a little higher, but this one had a ladder built into it. Resting by the ladder's top was a small bundle of plastic roses. Billy had managed to fish them out of a dumpster. It wasn't much, perhaps, but he felt like these people deserved something. After all, these people wouldn't be attending their own funerals. Some of them might not even be lucky enough for that.

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Re: Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/20/2017 9:10 PM

He grabbed onto one of the metal rails, pulling the raft alongside the ladder. "This is your stop." The woman stood, hesitated. Then she began climbing the rungs with a strength she hadn't displayed earlier. At the top she stopped and looked back at the man watching from the boat. "Thank you." Her grateful smile was the last he saw of her. She stood, and her image faded, until there was only darkness again.
He reached under the side of the raft and retrieved a pole that was lashed there. Time to return this raft where it belonged.

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Re: Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/20/2017 9:11 PM

Billy blinked from the bright light as he strolled out of the sewer system's main entrance (not the same place he'd entered with the lady - he'd wanted to avoid walking her past the crew). The glare of the sun further illuminated his disheveled state, which had been camoflagued in the shadows of the sewer tunnel. Shoes with laces and soles stained a dark brown, jeans with dirty knees and frayed bottoms, an ill-fitting purple shirt that hadn't been washed in days, and a crumpled jacket filled with loose seams, including one particular tear left over from the incident. At least he'd been able to wash the bloodstains out then. Oily black curls framed his squinting features, and a five o'clock shadow had started forming on his face. His right hand carried the cane by the middle, the only item lending any polish to his appearance. A quick check to ensure the mati ward still hung around his neck; one mistake had been more than enough.

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Re: Memories Resurfacing [S/P]

Postby amapup » 06/20/2017 9:11 PM

He unfolded his other hand, in which lay a few keystones from the old woman. At least the work usually paid something. (How ghosts retained any money to pay him with though was beyond him. Weren't material possessions supposed to be left behind?) He rummaged through his jean pocket, and pulled out more keystones, propping the cane against his leg for a moment as he counted his earnings. The nausea from his stomach had been growing steadily stronger over the hours. Should be enough to buy something to eat. Not that he could die from hunger anymore (was that supposed to be a relief?), but he still had to endure all the pain of it (it sure didn't feel like a relief).

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