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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/24/2017 4:06 AM

Blayze nodded his head in agreement. There was no reason to argue with Adair, of course, since he really didn't care which way they went. If he had, he wouldn't have asked his partner which way to go in the first place.

The blond haired man began to navigate through the crowd, doing his best to avoid even rubbing shoulders with the many strangers congregating in the festival grounds, and making sure that his white shoes didn't get stepped on and scuffed up.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/24/2017 4:22 AM

The red haired man hurried to catch up with the other man that had gotten a bit of a head start. Although Adair was cautious to avoid contact with other people and creatures, he got slip through the crowds with ease, weaving in and out flawlessly.

On the other hand, Blayze couldn't move as quickly, given his awkward choice of footwear. Of course he had to choose the appropriate footwear to match with his yukata, a pair of geta.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/24/2017 5:01 AM

Blayze had made a traditional choice. It wasn't unexpected, really. He wouldn't go out wearing things that just did not go together well. He had much more pride in his sense of fashion than that. But, his clothing really wasn't that convenient for the setting. In fact, it probably wasn't convenient for any setting. Certainly, by the time he was done, his feet would be hurting.

Adair failed to notice that his partner was struggling to keep up with him.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/24/2017 5:53 AM

"W-wait up!" Blayze called out to Adair, whom had already gotten a ways ahead of him.

The other man had weaved through the crowd by the time the red head had given a shout, putting a few people between them. By some stroke of luck, Adair managed to hear his partner shouting, though, even over all the other chattering voices around. He stopped in his tracks, turning back in the direction he had come from to seek Blayze out.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/24/2017 5:55 AM

Since he saw the other man stop and turn around to look for him, Blayze picked up the pace. "Excuse me, pardon me," he said, dodging around the few people that got in his way.

"Hurry up!" Adair shouted back at him finally, already growing impatient. He didn't like the crowds to begin with, so he was already in a foul mood, and now this, right from the get go.

"I am hurrying!" the red haired man protested.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/24/2017 6:28 AM

When Blayze caught back up to the man waiting for him, he heaved a somewhat dramatic sigh. Then, he bushed a loose strand of hair out of his face, before playfully glaring at his companion. "I am hurrying, just like you. It's just that I can't possibly move as quickly as you do, not in this outfit. You need to slow down."

Adair huffed in response to the other man's words. "Fine. I'll slow down a bit. Don't fall behind this time."

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/24/2017 6:30 AM

Really, Blayze was so troublesome. What was the point of dressing up like that, if it it hindered their work?

Adair knew if he actually voiced such a thought, though, he wouldn't like the answer given to him. Probably another remark about this being like a date, or just because he thought it was lovely, so he wanted to wear it. The red head wasn't always the most practical, and the blond was perfectly aware of that fact.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/24/2017 6:33 AM

Of course, being used to it didn't mean that he agreed with it. Those were two very different things. His silence was simply because he already knew it would be a wasted effort to say anything otherwise.

"Yes," Blayze agreed. "I'll follow right behind you."

Adair nodded, accepting the answer, and turned away on his heels. He began moving again, though his steps were much slower this time. Still, each one was calculated, as he avoided brushing against people around them.

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