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When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/06/2017 5:54 PM

Fifteen Years Ago

"Get her to the ER, STAT!" Blue doctors robes pull the cart through several swinging doors before finding their destination. "You're going to be alright Misses Harrison. Just hold on a little longer." It doesn't take long before blood is on everything. "We have to act fast to save the baby." The surgeons pass medical tools to each other, frantically trying to save both lives. "Get me two bags of A negative," one of the doctors demands of a nurse. The tones begins steadily increasing for a few seconds, until it stops with one never-ending note. Though no one has stopped working, a voice is heard declaring the time of death.

Many minutes pass by while an anxious man sits in the waiting room. In his hand, Kyle grips tightly onto a ball cap, as though he were trying to crush it. After having sweat through his shirt, he approaches the receptionist once more. "I've been here for fifteen minutes. Will you please let me see my wife?" His demands go unmet as she keeps her attention on her computer. BANG! His fist hit the desk, a sure sign that he's had enough.

Just in time to hear his outburst, the doctor walks into the waiting room. The sight of so much blood has changed the his frustration to concern. "My wife, is she..." He can hardly speak at this point. The doctor simply comes up and places a hand on his shoulder. Kyle doesn't have to hear anything to see the bad news on his face. Kyle couldn't manage to restrain himself from crying right there. "Do you want to see him?" Face covered in tears, he looked at the doctor in hopes that the newborn child would ease his broken heart.

As he walk to the window, Kyle looks into the nursery, watching in amazement at the face of his only son. "What will you name him?" the doctor asks. "I'm thinking of naming him after Karen." The doctor chuckles a little. "Karen is an odd name for a boy." He looks at the doctor, then explains. "Her maiden name was Komo. I think that's what I'll name him." His gaze falls back on the child behind the glass.

Present Day
Komo Harrison

Here I sit, in the office of the principle. The principle of a school I really hoped I'd be able to attend. Ten Moons Academy. I just have to wait for her to show up with my test results. And with much excitement, I hear the door creak open. The sound of rustling files let's me know that my waiting wasn't in vain. "Well, mister Harrison, I-" "Komo," I interrupt her. "As I was saying, mister Komo Harrison, we have your results back." She seems to be studying them for a while. "And?" I ask. She obliges, "and we seem to have finally found her match. Or should I say her sacrifice. Newly applied and already found your true fighter. It seems luck is in your favor." She starts studying them again before she lets out a shocked gasp. "This isn't just a true pairing, it's a soul mating."

The use of the words soul and mating leave me a bit confused. "Soul mating?" The principle looks back at me and explains. "It's when a fighter and sacrifice are born on the exact same day, at the exact same second. It's extremely rare and almost always leads to a stronger unit altogether. I've never heard of a soul mating that hasn't done extraordinary things." This seems enough to get me excited. Apparently I have a soul mate.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/06/2017 6:12 PM

Rebi Hollins

Today, Rebi wore a black long-sleeved shirt. Normally she would wear the name imprinted down her left upper arm proudly, but today she was covering it in an act of rebellion. She was meeting her Sacrifice today. No, not her Sacrifice. The Sacrifice. She wasn't ready to accept him just because some lady who ran a school for fighting units claimed that they belonged together.

The teenager didn't much care what the principal had rambled on about soul mates and incredibly abilities. All that had stuck out to her was the fact that she was supposedly the Fighter of their unit. What a load of bullcrap. Rebi had known from a young age that she was born to be a fearless Sacrifice, bearing the weight of the restrictions from spell battles while her fighter wove words into attacks. She was supposed to be the Sacrifice, and she was supposed to be in charge. Whatever that old bat had said was obviously a lie. This guy might call himself a Sacrifice, but he hadn't even known about his true name until recently. Obviously, Rebi wasn't going to just submit to him.

Pushing open the double doors, the girl took three steps into the room in which the boy was waiting for her. Crossing her arms over her chest, she scowled, letting the doors swing closed behind her.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/07/2017 10:22 PM

I can't believe that I only just applied and I already found my true partner. I can only imagine the look on my face is completely ridiculous, but I don't care. "Can I meet her?" I ask the principle. She gestures back towards the door. Behind the glass, I can see the shaded figure of someone just about my size.

The seat is barely able to contain me once I hear the door creak open. Right away, I get up out of my seat and grab the handle, ripping the door open. My free hand goes right away to take hers. "Hi, my name is Komo," I say, not waiting to introduce myself.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/07/2017 10:44 PM

Rebi swiftly pulled her hand back as if it had been burned. "Don't touch me," she growled. Without bothering to acknowledge his introduction, she looked him up and down, studying him. Her look was one of obvious disapproval, not because she didn't like what she saw, but because she was dead set on hating this guy.

Behind the teenage boy, the principal cleared her throat. "Wouldn't you like to introduce yourself to your Soulmate?" she asked. "You've been waiting years-"

"He's not my Soulmate." Rebi interrupted flatly. "And he's not my Sacrifice, either." Glaring at him coldly, she tossed her black hair over her shoulder. "If you really want to know, my name is Rebi. Reh. Bee. Don't call me 'Raybee' or 'rahbee' or anything like that. It's Rebi, and you'd better not forget it."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/07/2017 11:09 PM

At first, I don't know what to think. My hand is left hanging in the air, so I let it fall to my side. I then follow her eyes as they study me. When I hear her bitter, hateful words, I can't help but feel a sharp pain in my chest. But I've got to hold my head high. Dad taught me better than to judge someone by their first impression.

Seeing her send daggers at me, I try to diffuse the tension with a coy smile. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Rebi." I try to take care that I say her name right. The last thing I want to do is get on her bad side. Especially if we do become a fighter unit. "Would you want to test our abilities?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/08/2017 2:34 AM

The girl opened her mouth, preparing to tell the guy off, but the principal cut her off before she had the chance to speak. "I don't think you two are ready for that just yet," she said slowly. "A Fighter Unit should be bonded before they attempt any word spell battles." It was obvious that the two were definitely not ready to create a lasting bond. "For now, how about the two of you get to know each other, hmm? Your dorm isn't ready yet, but feel free to take a walk through the gardens outside."

Rolling her eyes, Rebi let out a loud sigh. "Fine, I'll take a walk outside with Coma." She purposefully mispronounced Komo's name, just to see how he'd react. "But only because I want to be a part of this school. I want to be around when my real partner shows up."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/09/2017 2:08 AM

Of course, it seems a little hypocritical to get my name wrong on purpose after she demands I learn hers. I'm not going to do anything about it. I don't want to cause her any more discomfort than she already has. Besides, I know that if I say anything that'll only cause her to act out more. It'd be best for both of us if I just suck it up and deal with it.

"That's okay," I say to her, knowing that she'd rather be anywhere than with me. "We don't know each other at all, so it's obvious there's gonna be some friction. If you want to walk the campus without me, I understand. But I'm new here, so I might get lost easily."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/09/2017 11:04 AM

The girl didn't bother looking over her shoulder as she spoke. "You can walk with me or not - I don't really care." She opened the doors, walking ahead without checking whether or not the boy was following. "I don't mind you following me around like a lost puppy dog. As long as you don't spout any of that Soulmate nonsense or try to make me follow your commands or whatever."

As the doors started to shut, the principal called out, "Wait just a minute, Miss Hollins." Once Rebi had turned, holding one door open with her hand, the woman continued, "You came to us, wanting us to find the other half of your fighter unit. We have done so. Whether you choose to form your bond and participate in wordspell battles is up to you. But you will not be allowed to remain enrolled here on your own, now that your partner has been found. Either you accept Komo as your Sacrifice, or I'm afraid I will have no other option than to expel you."

The door slammed shut, and Rebi began walking down the hall towards the doors leading outside at a fast pace. She kept her head down, praying that no one would see the tears sparkling in her eyes that she refused to shed.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/09/2017 11:23 AM

Even though my situation is less than desirable, hearing her say she didn't care if I walked with her makes me happy. Even if it's just a sliver of a chance, it's still a chance. Maybe I can use that to get her trust someday. For now, I'll just walk beside her, keeping silent so I don't irritate her. A simple nod is all I do to show I understand.

However, before we're even away from the principles office, I can hear her call out to Rebi. With that, I can already tell there's going to be some kind of confrontation. And while I am glad that she's sticking up for me, I almost wish she'd let it go. Threatening Rebi feels like the worst possible way to get her to trust me. In fact, I was luck to not be in the door frame when she slammed it shut. I open the door and offer a quick apology. "I'm sorry for how this went. I'll see if there's something I can do to calm her down." Although that's probably a long shot, it's worth a shot.

I run up beside Rebi, being careful not to become an irritant. "Sorry for what the principle said. I don't want you to feel like you're trapped with me. But for what it's worth, you can at least practice with me. Get use to battling. Then when you're partner actually shows up," which I keep quiet of how I find it unlikely," you'll be ready for him. Or her, if it's a girl. What do you say?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/09/2017 12:58 PM

The teenage girl watched the boy beside her out of the corner of her eye. She could tell that he was just trying to calm her down, which only served to infuriate her more. Already, he was trying to manipulate her emotions! She knew that he didn't believe anyone else was coming for her...he just wanted to trick her into working with him. She opened her mouth, prepared to give him a piece of her mind.

"Okay." What came out wasn't exactly what she had been intending. At the last minute, she had realized that even if he had only offered this suggestion as a ways to placate her, it was still a solution to her problem. Whenever her partner finally did show up, she would already be strong enough to protect them. Sure, she'd be training as a Fighter instead of her rightful place as Sacrifice, but that could actually come in handy. A Sacrifice who was able to act as a Fighter too was a rare - and valuable - partner to find.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/10/2017 7:59 PM

Wow. I'm surprised that actually got her to cooperate. But I'm probably not giving her enough credit. For all I know, she could just be frustrated because she'd planned it all out from the very beginning. And perhaps I shouldn't focus as much on the first impression as I have. "Okay, so where would we go if we want to practice using spells?" I look out one of the windows, studying the layout of the campus. From what I can tell, it looks like there's a gym on the other end. "Would that be the best place to start at?" I ask her, hoping she'd know the layout better than me.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/10/2017 10:20 PM

Rebi looked at the boy like he was crazy. "You don't think that we're just going to sit out here and practice, do you?" Maybe agreeing to go through with this, even if only for the time being, had been a bad idea. The guy obviously had no clue what he was doing. They weren't even bonded, but he already wanted them to try working as a team. "We can't just start battling. We have to know the rules of a wordspell battle, we have to be bonded, and you have to be prepared physically. Do you even know what a restriction feels like?"

Suddenly, an idea came to her. It was an evil idea, and she almost pushed it away...but part of her, the petty part that wanted to make him hate her so he would just leave already, wouldn't just let it go that easily. "You know, if you really wanted to start practicing that badly, I could try a few spells on you. It would let you feel the weight of restrictions, and I would get practice, too."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/11/2017 10:14 PM

Maybe suggesting that we start training wasn't such a good idea. And now she seems to be suggesting that she cast her spells on me. Maybe I should've just kept my big mouth shut. But maybe, just maybe, I can actually get something out of this. She's right in that I've never felt the weight of the word spell restrictions. That's definitely something that I have to get use to. I know it's a bit risky, not to mention unorthodox, but perhaps it's not to bad of a way to start. Besides, I've got to learn to trust her. Even if she doesn't deserve it yet.

"If you're ready to do that, then I'm ready as well. We'll probably have to find a place where we won't draw a crowd. We probably wouldn't want to get attention that way."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/11/2017 10:32 PM

Rebi turned, canting her head to the left. "There's an arena for wordspell tournaments we can use. It's always locked when not in use, but I know a way to get past that." Afraid that he would be too afraid to break in, she added, "I'm sure the principal won't mind us using it. She'll probably be glad that we're actually working together...like a team." Okay, so that last part was totally a lie. Nothing about what they were about to do could be considered teamwork. But hopefully there was enough truth in her statement to convince Komo to go along with her plan.

"So?" She glanced over her shoulder. "Are you coming, or not?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Trees (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/11/2017 10:51 PM

"I'm coming," I say to let her know I'll go along with it. But if I'm honest, I'm sure that she's only doing this to hurt me. Nevertheless, I'll have to get use to people trying to hurt me. That's the only way I'll get stronger.

When we get there, I'm not surprised to find  it locked up as she had said, but it doesn't take long for her to get us in as she had said. The inside is wide and open, letting the wind and sunlight wash over us. The feeling of the air is ominous, as if something crazy had happened here years before.

Standing a couple meters before her, I declare "I'm ready when you are," and brace myself for the worst.

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