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Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/05/2015 2:40 AM

The guard for the coma-ward really didn't have much to do. He'd pace a bit, check in on the rooms, make sure the monitors and machines were working properly, and then go back to sitting on his ass on the chair the hospital had provided for him. These guys were not exactly the lives of the party, as the vast majority of them had been dead-to-the-world for years. There was this one kid in one of the rooms. Horrible accident. Six or seven loads of rebar for a construction site coming down on the poor boy's head. Well, and every other part of him. Crushed his legs, his arms, part of his chest. Reconstructive surgery had - for the most part - taken care of the rest of that. Bones had healed, grown together, the pins in his arm had long since been removed. But the kid was still there. In the ward. Out like a light. For two-and-a-half whole years. But still, interesting story aside, not a single one of these kids, adults, or elders was going to wake up...

Which was why he was so surprised when one of the room-monitors started screeching at him in that annoying way it had when something was really, really important, and needed his attention immediately. What he saw on the video-monitor actually startled him so badly that he knocked over his chair in the scramble to get to the call-button.

Shortly, half-a-dozen nurses and two doctors were rocketing down the hall toward the room where the kid with the head-trauma had been sitting like a sleeping beau. He was awake. So the guard did his job, and dialed in the contact number they had on file for him. As it rang, he thought fondly about his vacation in two weeks. Maybe he'd just head off and never come back.

"Hello? Mrs. Veritas? This is Hopehome Hospital. I'm contacting you on behalf of a patient here that you are recorded as the sole contact for? Casey? ... He's awake, ma'am."
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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/05/2015 3:23 AM


Having forced herself to change, or at least to fake it, Lie had become an incredibly successful career woman. In the past, when she was desperate for money, she had managed to sink her claws into a blue blood wedding. The awful bride took an interest in her talent for planning and unique insight, as she was determined to have a wedding never before seen among her social circle. From then on, she was well regarded among such crowd and, although she often disliked her clients, it brought in the money. Being booked for such events had enabled her to make the money she needed to pay off outstanding medical bills and, afterwards, provided her a way to distract herself some of the time. Reality was sometimes incredibly painful and, on the bad days, it was difficult to even bring herself to visit Casey. Not because she didn't long to see him, but because she couldn't dare to look into his face without feeling guilty. Guilty for what she had to do to survive while he was otherwise incapacitated. Things had gotten so complicated and she didn't want to think about that, either.

Gathering up an armful of files and folders in one arm, she held her sleek cell phone to her ear, on call with the client she was soon to be meeting with. "Yes, yes, no problem. I will be there in ten minutes," she began to reassure them, for the third time. There had been some sort of cake disaster. "Just tell the baker to wait for me, I'll hand--" Her words were cut short, when she heard a beep, signalling a call on the other line. "Excuse me, I have another call. Just a moment. No, don't worry." Pulling it away from her ear to agree to switch calls, she greeted with her usual professional, "Hello, this Lie. How may I be of service?" Commonly, it was only clients, or those relating to her clients, that got in contact with her.

The words that she heard instead of a client, made her stop short in her stride, dropping her phone in shock. Paused for a moment, she practically threw the files she held to scramble for her phone. "Yes, hello?" she began to speak before she could even get the phone to her ear again. "I'll be right here!"

She was running out the door, frantically switching her call over again, "Hello? I'm sorry, I have to cancel. Something else came up. I can't meet you. I'll call you tomorrow." Her words were rushed and left little time for the client to complain, although she could hear them practically yelling when she hung up.

Right now, nothing else mattered.

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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/05/2015 3:39 AM


Casey Vertias had indeed woken up. He was being checked over for residual effects and possible brain-damage when they let Lie in to see him. Truth be told, he looked terrible. At least when he had been asleep, he hadn't had this half-confused look to him, nor the sort of half-awake awareness of his surroundings. A sight very familiar to Lie, Daniel was also in the room, this time seated by Casey's bed, with his hand settled on Casey's own. He was talking low to him, and the boy who had just woken up seemed to not quite be getting what he was saying, because he kept asking him to slow down.

The nurse stationed outside the room let Lie in quietly, with a bit of an aside to her. "That other boy's been with him for about thirty minutes. I don't know what they're talking about, but he seems to be upsetting him..."

Daniel squeezed his hand. "You've got to believe me, Case. Your little girlfriend's been keeping you alive, but she hasn't exactly kept her hands to herself..."

Coughing a bit, Casey tried to answer, then shook his head a bit. "I don't... I don't understand. I don't even... know who you are. Who are you?.... Where is Lie?"
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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/05/2015 3:58 AM

Lie had made good time, all things considered, but apparently, not good enough. Outside of Casey's room, she paused to speak with the nurse and then thank her. Taking in a deep breath, she steeled herself, and pushed the door to the room open with her eyes in a glare.

"Daniel, get away from Casey," she demanded, her tone much different than the soft spoken, uncertain one that she carried in the past. It was different, but she hoped that Casey could at least still recognize it. After all, it was much like the tone she carried when she was in need of feeding. Her other self, although it was still her own self, was much more confident and demanding and, certainly, had pursued Casey when he was still physically fit. "You don't know anything."

She moved across the room with the unnatural grace that was all too natural for her, her eyes soon shifting from Daniel over to Casey. He no longer appeared serene, like when he was asleep, but, even so, seeing his eyes open, hearing him speak, it brought tears to her eyes. For him, she could not formulate any words, but expressed herself by rushing to his side and throwing her arms around him. She was very enthusiastic, inwardly hysterical in her joy, but did her best to be gentle still. At least she was weaker, in her current state.

Finally, she managed to utter the words, "You-you're awake... Finally awake..."

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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/05/2015 4:06 AM

Casey seemed a bit awkward at it, but he lifted his arms, and curled them around her, closing his eyes, and putting his head over her shoulder, tightening his grip. "I'm so sorry, Lie." he rasped, fingers gripping her shirt as he just... held her. Of course he recognized her. She was all he could think about while he was motionless in the dark.

Daniel backed up, actually being respectful for once, and... saw his way out of the room. He'd let them reunite. Tobias had dug up a lot of dirt on this femme. Enough for him to worry about the friend he considered closer than a brother... but he could broach that subject later.

After a couple of moments, Casey pulled away from the hug, and reached out to touch Lie's arm. His eyes... weren't tracking. They seemed to be staring straight across the room, even though he was touching her shoulder, her arm, her hands. "Lie... That is you, right? I recognize your voice..."
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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/05/2015 7:31 PM

Lie held tightly onto Casey, unwilling to let go, and only vaguely noticing that Daniel had left them alone. Her heightened senses told her so, but she didn't bother looking his way. Whatever he was telling Casey, she had a pretty good idea of what it was, and was somewhat surprised to see him give up, even for a short time. Still, she had no intentions of keeping the truth from Casey. Just, now was not the time. He'd just woken up! She shouldn't shock him...

When he pulled away from the hug, she tried to blink joyful, relieved the tears from her eyes, trying to meet his gaze. He wouldn't meet her gaze. At first, she frowned, a troublesome feeling of dread creeping up inside her. His words came as a shock to her, but they confirmed her fears. "Casey... Y-yes, it's me... Of course it's me."

She grabbed a hold of both of his hands and moved so she was entirely sitting down the edge of his hospital bed. The tears began falling again, much worse than before, and the larger part of her was panicking, but she tried not to reveal it in her voice.  After giving his hands a squeeze, they moved to either side of his face, both leaning in and drawing him in just a little closer, so their foreheads were touching. "I'm here," she reassured him.

Did the doctor's already know? Why hadn't someone told her? Warned her?

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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/05/2015 8:04 PM

"Don't cry.... I hear you crying... " Casey said, sounding more than a little distraught himself. He reached out to feel for, and take, her hand, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing it, even if they were already in close proximity to one-another. "You are... all I thought about, Lie. Every moment I spent in that darkness, I was... trying to come to grips with my mistakes in life, and..." He offered a lopsided grin. "You were one of the things that I didn't screw up. Maybe even the only thing. Until the accident, anyway."

He dropped her hand, and wrapped his arms around her again, holding her. "I don't understand, nor care, what Daniel is trying to tell me about you. If you want to tell me something, that's fine. But... I want you to say whatever you need to say on your own time. Not on his."

Slowly, his hand rubbed up and down on her back, trying to comfort her, trying to get her to stop crying. He realized why she was, and he'd come to terms with that later. It was still a bit of a surprise to him... a shock. But Lie was more important. She was the one he had to protect. She was the one he would do anything for - even swallow back his own fear.
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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/29/2015 2:49 AM

Lie knew it was horribly selfish of her to be the one crying, the one getting comforted. It should have been the opposite. Certainly, Casey was also shocked, if not frightened by this new development, and here she was being held. After all this time, though, it was a relief to finally be held. To finally be supported in some way again. Over the last few years, she had to forcefully changer her entire self, in order to get by. To do what she absolutely needed to do. All she wanted to do now was cuddle up close and not let go.

Listening to his voice brought her some peace and she finally managed to calm herself down enough to offer a quiet reply. "You're all I've ever wanted. I don't care about the past - you know that. And the accident, it wasn't your fault. It never could have been your fault." No one would have chosen to go through what he had.

"I... I do have things to tell you," she then admitted. "Things have changed a lot since you've been... asleep." She didn't know what else to call it, really. "I mean... I've changed some... I hope... Well, I hope I don't scare you away. Some things are dramatically different."

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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/29/2015 3:39 PM

"Lie.... You couldn't scare me away if you tried. I couldn't really care less what you are... so long as your heart still belongs to me." he murmured, tangling his fingers in her hair, and just holding her to his shoulder. "Because my heart still belongs to you. I don't care who you slept with. I don't care if you've had children - I'll love them as my own, if nothing else. I really don't care if you have a boyfriend, either. So long as... you're here... and you still love this fuck-up even now."

He kissed what he judged to be the side of her cheek, and ended up in her hair - but at least he was still on her. The world was darkness - there was no light anywhere, and he was sure he probably looked a little terrifying to her. Knowing his luck, he had all the hazy stuff in his eyes that made them look clouded or white. That's what b..  That's what blind... people looked like, wasn't it?

It wasn't until after a couple of moments of holding her that he got the signal that one of the areas she was leaning against... was very, very sore. He winced a bit.

"Lie... love... I'm not trying to push you away, I promise, but... The side you're leaning against... it sort of hurts."
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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/31/2015 1:53 AM

Listening to his words was reassuring, but also made her frown. Though, it was not as if he would know that now. He would not have been able to see it. She stayed quiet for a time, even after hearing him speak, in favor of simply enjoying the moment of finally being together again as they were. Countless times, over the years, she had sat beside him as he was fast asleep. She would hold his hand, talk to him, even occasionally plant a kiss a or two, but that was nothing compared to everything happening now. Finally sharing these simple things with him again was amazing.

When he'd mentioned his pain, she uttered a quick, "I'm sorry," before sitting upright again, no longer putting any pressure on him. "I... I have changed," Lie began to explain herself. She reached out to still hold onto one of his hands, using it as a reassuring anchor. "Though, perhaps nothing so extreme as you might be imagining. I couldn't possibly give my heart to anyone else. No one other than you will do. I decided that a long time ago," she informed him.

"I don't have a boyfriend, other than you, silly, nor do I have any children other than our own. Although... Emilia and I don't make a habit of seeing one another often. Daniel was right, though, I have slept with people other than you. Once every three months or so... You remember, don't you? I'm not... normal." This was the complicated part. The part that made her feel horrible, ashamed, dirty. "I did what I absolutely had to do in order to survive, nothing else.  I can promise you that. I certainly didn't enjoy it."

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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/31/2015 2:22 AM

Casey sighed, and smiled, closing his eyes. They weren't any use to him anyway. "Of course I remember, Lie. You told me what you were before the accident. I didn't leave then, I'm not leaving now." he murmured. "I'd be more worried that you might leave me." He dipped his head, and rested it on her shoulder. "After all, I can no longer protect you - I can't... I can't see."

Sighing, he reached out with his hand, finding her shoulder and sliding down to her lower-back, pulling her closer to him. He needed her there, needed her close. Right now, the pain didn't matter, he just needed to feel her. "Lie..." he whispered. "Do you still want me like this? I can't... I can't even see to feed myself, let alone defend you from thugs, or... or anything else."

His head dropped again, and his hands slid down to both of her sides, taking her in a soft kiss. At least he could find her lips right now. Once he broke it, he whispered "I love you Lie." and pillowed his head against her shoulder.
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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/22/2017 11:19 PM

If there was ever a time for Lie to hate what she had become, to hate that some person had the audacity to toy with her life so many years ago and make into something other than what she was, it was now. Being turned into a monster was bad enough, but it hurt more now than it ever had. Even with her powers, she couldn't do anything for the one she loved when he got hurt and, because she needed to feed to survive, she had no other choice but to sleep around. She only looked at it as eating, a means for survival, but she still hated it.

Over and over again, she had to remind herself, though, that had she not been what she was, she never would have met Casey in the first place. She doubted she would have ever fallen in love with anyone, had they not met. Because she was a monster, she found someone more precious to her than anyone else.

But that didn't stop her, either, from thinking, "If only it had been me." If she had been there, or she had been the one that had gotten into the accident, she would have been fine. She would have taken his place any day, even if she knew he'd probably be angry if she actually told him such.

Still, hearing that he didn't hate her, she breathed out a heavy sigh of relief. It was as if a weight had been lifted off of her chest. Although she was afraid of hurting him again, when he pulled her close, she didn't resist at all. If he wanted it, too, then of course she wanted to be close. "Of course I still want you. How could I ever want anyone else?" The idea that she might not want him, that she might throw him away now, was utterly preposterous.

With their kiss, however short, her heart swelled with joy. It had been so long, and she thought the day might never come again that he touched her, held her, kissed her, that she would even hear his voice again. She wrapped her arms around him and held him now, as he rested his head on her. It was her turn to do that for him. "I love you, too, Casey," she whispered. "It's not your sight that I fell in love with. Or even your body. Just you. As long as you're here, with me, that's all that matters. If it's not you, than no one will do. I already resigned myself to that, that, if it's not you, I would just be alone, no matter what." Even if he hadn't pulled through, and it meant spending all of her years alone, she could not fathom loving anyone else. In fact, had he not made it, she was certain that, by now, she would have been gone from this world, too. There would have been no reason to feed, to keep herself alive, if he hadn't been here, waiting for her. "So... You'll really, really stay with me, won't you?"

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Re: Awakening at Last [(P)(M:E) Toxic x Ari]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/22/2017 11:54 PM

Casey tangled his fingers in Lie's hair, and held her close. Even though he couldn't see her - he could sense her, feel her, know she was beside him. That was enough. He nodded a bit. "Of course I'll stay with you. Although I don't think I'll be doing much of leading or guiding for a while." There was a strange feeling in his chest - and the back of his mind. His eyes didn't work, but that didn't mean he couldn't cry. Hot tears started sliding down his face, and he squeezed Lie even tighter against him. "I'm so sorry I left you for so long." he whispered, before degenerating into full-out sobs.

It took him a good ten or twelve minutes to get that out of his system, and when he finally DID calm down, he straightened up slightly and gave a quiet sigh. His eyes still hurt from crying - as did his chest - but he had a slight smile on his face. "I'll be able to come home with you soon." he told his girlfriend quietly. "I hope you can find the patience in your soul to deal with me while I get used to this... change."
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