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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/21/2017 8:06 PM

As far as Rebi knew, she had been expelled.

Komo had spoken the truth, and it had scared her even more than she had already been. As long as he hadn't known the truth, she had been able to manipulate him. He had thought that she was tough and strong, and he had wanted to earn her approval at all costs. Now that he knew how weak she was - how scared she was - he would probably be eager to exert his control over her. The very thing she feared was about to come true.

Unless, that is, she remained in hiding. As soon as she had left the school, she had found a hotel nearby. A large bribe was all it had taken to convince the staff to allow her to stay there alone, even as a minor. Her mother probably didn't even know she had left the school, since she paid for everything with keystones instead of using her bank account.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/21/2017 8:31 PM

Now that it's Saturday, I should be able to catch that bus to the city. Maybe I'll be able to find Rebi somewhere. I just have to figure out where she would go.

As I walk around the city, I carry a photograph of her. I'd managed to borrow an old yearbook from one of my classmates yesterday and scanned her picture from it. "Excuse me," I say to one man. "Have you seen this girl? She's gone missing." The man shakes his head and continues on his way. This continues until I find an old woman. She says that she'd seen her enter a hotel just the other day. "Thank you," I say to her as she leaves me with instructions to get there.

When I get to the hotel, I head straight for the front desk. Hopefully, my crutches and braces don't throw him off. "Excuse me, sir?" The man turns his attention to me, so I continue. "Have you seen this girl? She went missing a few days ago."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/21/2017 8:38 PM

Although she had been cautious about not leaving her hotel room, eventually Rebi couldn't stand being cooped up any longer. She was sick of the sub-par room service sandwiches, and she could only watch the news so many times before it became utterly boring.

But as she stepped out of the elevator into the lobby, she saw the last person she had expected - Komo - speaking to the concierge. Before she could stop herself, she gasped loudly, easily loud enough for him to hear her. Her first instinct was to run, but something inside of her wouldn't let her move. She couldn't tell whether it was the fear of his control causing her to freeze...or if it could possibly be the unexplainable sense of joy she felt as she realized that he had come looking for her.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/22/2017 11:02 PM

Although the voice is familiar to me, I've never actually heard it make that noise. looking to my right, I see Rebi as she's just stepped out of the elevator. I can't even remember what I was saying to the man behind the desk. All I can focus on is her. I start moving towards her, finding it hard to resist the urge to run. When I finally make it to her, I instinctively throw my arms out ready to embrace her. “I'm so glad you're safe.”

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/22/2017 11:16 PM

At first, the girl hadn't noticed the crutches on which Komo relied, nor the braces on both knees. But as he hobbled forward as fast as they would carry him, she couldn't help but feel incredibly guilty. She had done this to him. Her pride and refusal to listen to his commands hadn't just lost them the fight - it had injured her partner, and quite badly.

Expecting nothing less than a slap to the face, Rebi was stunned when instead Komo wrapped her in his arms. Being caught off guard, she was unable to stop the hug from happening, and then she was too afraid of causing him to stumble and fall to push him away, so she simply stood there awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, once he had stepped away. "Aren't you pissed at me?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/22/2017 11:33 PM

I pull my arms back towards me, steadying myself on the crutches. "Of course I am. They disqualified us from the match. I say we should have a rematch." I look her in the face, waiting a few seconds before the grin sprouts on my face. "But I can't face them alone. I need my fighter, just like you need your sacrifice. I still believe in you." Then I remember that she's been gone for a few days. She has to be worried for what the principle will demand. "By the way, I talked to Miss Lane, the principle. She said if I got you back to school in a week, she'd give you another chance." I don't bother telling her that I'd put my enrollment on the line to get her that chance. I don't want to pressure her into staying away. "But please don't give up on us. I'll keep my faith in our unit as long as I breath."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/22/2017 11:41 PM

In an instant, Rebi's mask cracked. The tough persona vanished, washed away by the wetness that was suddenly streaming from her eyes. When had that started? And why couldn't she stop, even though she knew she probably looked pathetic and she was definitely causing a scene.

"I...I don't understand," she managed to croak through the tears. "Why would you come back for me? Why would you even want to keep me on your team?" Wiping her nose on her sleeve, she continued blubbering in a very unattractive way, trying to speak through it even though half of her words were probably unintelligible. "I've been so mean to you. You're supposed to be able to basically control me - why aren't you doing that? Why don't you make me suffer, make me pay for how horrible I was to you?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/23/2017 12:03 AM

When I see the tears start to stream down her face, I immediately feel bad for what I said, fearful that I'd upset her in someway. But in some strange way, I can tell that she's not upset with me, so I make no attempt to apologize. I simply let her speak her mind. And what she says starts to bring tears to my eyes as well. When she finishes, I place my hand on her cheek and wipe away the tears with my thumb. "You're my Fighter. I'm your sacrifice. I don't want to control you. It's my job to protect you. It's my job to show you where to hit and how hard to hit." My hand then wraps to her back and I pull her close again, giving her another hug. That's when my tears start pouring out. "Besides, you're my girl," I whisper in her ear. "I wouldn't trade you for anyone else." When I say that, I really mean my fighter, but part of me wants it to mean so much more.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2017 12:19 AM

This time, Rebi melted in Komo's arms. Pressing her face against his chest, she let her tears stain his shirt as her arms wrapped around his neck. Habit made her want to push him away and challenge the truth to his words. But something inside of her told her that her Sacrifice meant every word. Her mother was wrong - being a Fighter wasn't a curse, not for her.

"I want to do this right," she sniffled, speaking half into his shirt because she was unwilling to move away just yet. "I want to form a True Bond with you, and become Soulmates, just like we were meant to be."

Something she had learned in their Fighter Unit History class came to her mind. Bonds were often strengthened through some sort of intimate action. It could be as small as holding hands or hugging, or as close as...kissing.

Lifting her head, Rebi finally looked into Komo's eyes. Then, she stood on tiptoe, offering him a kiss - her very first, if he chose to accept it.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/23/2017 12:34 AM

What? What happened? My lips are pressed into hers? It only takes a second for my thoughts to silence themselves. All I can focus on is the curve of her mouth as it melds with mine. The warmth of her breathe as she breathes against me. And I pull her tighter than I thought possible. This whole experience probably only lasts a few seconds, but to me it feels like an eternity of bliss. This is my first kiss as well, though I'm not aware that this is hers.

When we finally pull apart, I look down into her eyes, drowning in seas of violet. "I love you, Rebi." Crap. That was suppose to be in my head. I don't know why, but the words somehow slipped out.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2017 12:46 AM

The kiss wasn't what Rebi had expected her first kiss to be like, but somehow, it was better. It wasn't the sloppy kind of kiss she had seen in the hallways at school, nor was it the passionate embrace of tongues shown on the romantic dramas that she definitely did not watch regularly on television. It was very brief, and innocent, and pure. It was, in a word - perfect. So what if it was cliche? It was true. It was honestly the most perfect first kiss that Rebi could have imagined.

Of course, the words that came afterwords scared her. "I...I'm not ready for love yet," she admitted. "I think both of us are kinda being influenced by the emotional pulls of our bond right now." After a moment, she added, "But I hope that we can get to that point...someday. Just maybe not right here, in a hotel lobby."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/23/2017 12:56 AM

Hearing her say that was enough to pull me back to reality. My cheeks start to fill with red at her statement. "Right," I agree through a rough voice. "Sorry, I... I got carried away." Maybe I should let go for now. Maybe I should pull her closer. I want to hold her again, but if I'm scaring her I should probably give her some space. I distance myself a bit, leaning back on the crutches again, but my hands stay comforted on her arms. I'm not holding her still, more assuring myself that she's still here. "Should we get back to the bus stop for now? It'd probably be more comfortable in our dorm than in this building."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2017 8:45 AM

"I dunno, this hotel was pretty comfortable," Rebi said, keeping her face serious despite the fact that she was joking. Then, she smiled. "But it would be nice to go home. I mean...to our dorm." She hadn't intended to refer to it as 'home'. But now that she thought about it, maybe it was home to her. Her actual home, the one where her mother lived, wasn't a safe or pleasant place for her. Maybe the dorm she shared with Komo would give her an actual place to call home.

That is, unless she wouldn't be allowed to return. Biting her lip, Rebi stopped walking just as they made it outside the hotel. "Komo?" she called in a small voice. "I really messed up this time. What if they don't let me stay in the school?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/23/2017 9:12 AM

Hobbling along on my crutches, I manage to keep pace with Rebi, that is until I notice she'd stopped a few feet behind me. Hearing her say my name, I turn around and come up to her. "Are you okay?" I ask before she explains her fear. Hearing her voice that fear, I explain to her. "It'll be okay. I assured Miss Lane that I wouldn't give up on you. I let her know that if you weren't coming back then neither was I. I'm not letting you leave me that easily." I let out a light chuckle and place her hand in mine. "Even if you break both my legs, I'll still come running to your side."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/23/2017 9:27 AM

"Or hobbling," Rebi said, and then burst out laughing. She knew it was really not a joking matter, but she could only handle so much seriousness. She had basically burned through a week's worth of serious conversation in a matter of less than an hour, so she was more than ready to switch to a lighter topic.

"Hey, did that bitch Ellen's black eyes finally go away?" she giggled. "Remember how she tried so hard to hide it with makeup?" Other students were beginning to gather around to wait for the bus as well. In a slightly louder voice, Rebi added, "Ellen got what was coming to her." A few heads nodded in agreement - and Rebi realized that maybe she hadn't been as alone in her torment from the mean girls as she had thought.

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