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Custom order?

Postby MillietheWarrior » 08/01/2017 1:38 AM


I haven't posted in a while but I check up every once in a blue moon. I was wondering; I made a custom order a looooong time ago (back when they were open in Jan or something not sure the date) and I was wondering if those would be sent out by chance? I ask only because that was paid for in RL $ and I need to account for why I spent it. So far it's just money floating in space. =/

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Re: Custom order?

Postby Kyrit » 08/01/2017 3:34 AM

I know Baal's been recently trying to catch up on orders, though it's going a bit slow since she's got a good few games she's been working with the development of. I'll shot this her way though, just so she knows someone was asking about customs.
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Re: Custom order?

Postby BaalsBaby » 08/02/2017 4:01 AM

Hello lovely!

I'm so sorry about the wait, I know it's been a loooong time and I'm definitely feeling guilty for it. Please know that I am still working on them and the modmins have been helping me out with the work as well. (I have this horrible thing where I want to do ALL the orders and release them ALL at once, but I really should just start handing them out as I complete them).

As always, I'm definitely going to be compensating all your patience, and I've got a special thing waiting for everyone as well to hopefully make some of that wait worth it. c: <3

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Re: Custom order?

Postby Mojave » 08/02/2017 6:51 PM

Thanks for the update, Baal! C: -starts gettijg excited for her Dramatical Murder boys-
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