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Sakana's Booth - Self [M:L!]

Postby amanda784 » 08/12/2017 1:40 PM

The following is a follow-up of Sakana's life after this role-play (this is a breeding labeled [M]):

Character list for this role-play will be posted in my pen soon.

Sakana laid a hand over her rounded belly. It wouldn't be long know before they would be here. She enjoyed laying one hand over her stomach as she painted. She still painted with the brush Azraille had made her from her own fur. The other mother of her children. She was long gone now...

Sakana sighed and crumpled up another piece of paper, tears welling in her eyes.

She could no longer see Azraille in her mind. All she had left of her was her own paintings of her. She tried so hard to use those paintings to paint new ones, but something was always missing...

Her grace, her spirit, and her heart. Without being next to her, she could no longer capture them with paints.

Focus, she scolded herself internally. Two weeks. Two weeks until her very own and very first art gallery.

Sakana was in fear of having to move back to the slums. If she didn't make enough to pay her rent of this gallery she would be forced too. However, without Azrialle here to be her muse she was struggling to find anything worth painting. Everything she did paint fell short of her perfectionist standards.

"Fuck!" she screamed throwing some watercolor paints towards her wall. She was even more moody lately given the pregnancy hormones. She couldn't push her feelings down.
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Re: Sakana's Booth - Self [M:L!]

Postby amanda784 » 08/15/2017 11:57 AM

Sakana added yet another "X" across the day on the calendar.

Damn, she thought to herself.

13 days until her gallery. She wanted to show the world her paintings of Azraille. Every painting since those has found its fate crumpled in her trash. The problem was that she could not sell her paintings of Azraille. She could not sell her last piece of her. Could you imagine? An art gallery where nothing was for sale; it would be a disaster.

The fate of Sakana and her children's home, their financial stability, and her image as an artist all rested upon her shoulders.

Sakana went over to her bathroom sink. She had cried far too long. The scales around her eyes had swollen to nearly thrice their usual size. She grabbed a cloth that hung lazily off the side of the sink, wetted it, and began wiping the dried tears from her face.

Yourself first, a voice in her head reassured her, although it was not her own. Perhaps it was Azraille, watching over her. Perhaps it was Yepha, god of wisdom urging her on.

Sakana chuckled to herself. These kids in her belly were half Azraille. Surely the gods would look after them for her sake. Azraille was the most dedicated believer. It was a painful sort of happy to be able to joke about her children's other mother. Surely Azraille wouldn't mind, but to think of her at all was still painful. It was like pulling a scab of a wound that hadn't healed yet.
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Re: Sakana's Booth - Self [M:L!]

Postby amanda784 » 08/15/2017 1:59 PM

12. That was it. 12 days until the gallery.

Although Sakana couldn't push her worry from her mind, she could take the steps to get back on track to being a successful artist.

For example, today she had promised herself she would get out of the house. After her morning cup of tea she was still not up to seeing people. That's why she had decided on a walk by the pond in the park.

It was a little park with no playground equipment. In fact, it only held one small pond and a bench for sitting. It was always an unpopular place to be, but it was increasingly dwindling visitors as it grew colder.

It was fall and the leaves had begun to change into beautiful colors.

Sakana sat upon the bench watching the occasional leaf fall onto pond. She said a silent prayer to the god of wisdom.

Just then she felt a kick. She let out a surprise gasp. It was a little late in her pregnancy to just now be feeling a kick, but it couldn't have come at a better time.

Sakana had more to live for then just a love lost. She had children to look after. Her life wasn't as gloom and doom as she had been acting. She wasn't alone.

She took a sketch book out of her bag and began drawing. When she go home, she would paint.
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