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The Breeder Lineage Project

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/24/2017 2:25 AM

(If someone tells me a better place to put this, it'd be appreciated.)

The Breeder Lineage Project


The small Myu Reaper was almost impossible to find, tucked into the back corner of a vast library in the Basantha Shrine. There were plenty of stories about her, saying she was some kind of oracle who could tell you whatever you wanted to know. Some said she wasn't even an actual Myu Reaper - she just looked like one. Whatever she was, she'd made herself a nest of books that stood at least 4 feet high, which had open books and papers scattered over the top.

Nestled in the middle of the mess, Delphi peers through her little spectacles at you. "Greetings," she said, "you're here about this project of mine, are you not?" Her voice was unsettlingly loud and deep for a small cat - it was the voice of a grown woman. Not to mention, you never said what you were there for. "Well, the project is not quite finished, and I will always be updating it, but you are welcome to peruse it," she said. She gestured with her head to a stack of journals nearby and went back to doing...whatever it was she was doing.

The top book bore a neatly handwritten title - Lucain Lineages - though it was unclear how a cat even managed to write at all. You're not quite sure what to make of the books until you spot a piece of paper tacked to the shelf behind them.

In a writing that was clearly different from the cat's, the note read:

Welcome to the Breeder Lineage, guys!
I was bored and decided to have Delphi* organize the lineage of all the Lucain, Soveris, Paragon, and Custom Kuhnas. The project is partway complete, but the Lucain have hardly been done at all! (Sorry.) On the bright side, all Soveris and Kuhna documents are 100% complete! There's several formats for breeding information. I'm offering the direct lineage (names of a litter's ancestors), descent (children of children per breeding), and a complete descendant list (all children and subsequent generations from each custom). Each link will clarify what you're looking at and the best way to use it. Also, the documents are Word files uploaded to Dropbox, if anyone needs to know.

P.S. If anyone catches any mistakes in my document, please check the associated listing - the mistake may be there. Either way, please let me know so I can fix it too!

* Delphi is a fictional character. I did all the work.
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Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/24/2017 2:25 AM

Lucain Lines

Direct Lineage by Litter (Names)     [Last Update: Oct 28 2022]
Lineage of each litter. Basic format is "Parent [Grandparent (Great-Grandparent x Great-Grandparent) x Grandparent] x Parent". Also colour co-ordinated to make it easier to read. Just follow the colour if you're confused about the pairing.

Descendants by Litter     [Last Update: Oct 29 2022] [Completed: 96/761]
Information from each litter containing: the number of other children by each parent and the number of children per pup.

Descendant List     [Last Update: Oct 29 2022] [Incomplete]
List of children, grandchildren, and so on for each custom as they first appear in the breeding record. Can be searched by the unique section of their code, or by name only if they have bred by that name. The template to read it is located at the top of the document.
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Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/24/2017 2:26 AM

Paragon Lines

Direct Lineage by Litter (Names)     [Last Update: Oct 28 2022]
Lineage of each litter. Basic format is "Parent [Grandparent (Great-Grandparent x Great-Grandparent) x Grandparent] x Parent". Also colour co-ordinated to make it easier to read. Just follow the colour if you're confused about the pairing.

Descendants by Litter     [Last Update: Oct 28 2022] [Completed: 96/365]
Information from each litter containing: the number of other children by each parent and the number of children per hatchling.

Descendant List     [Last Update: Oct 28 2022] [Incomplete]
List of children, grandchildren, and so on for each custom as they first appear in the breeding record. Can be searched by the unique section of their code (including /custom or /bred), or by name only if they have bred by that name. The template to read it is located at the top of the document.
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Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/24/2017 2:26 AM

Soveris Lines
[Last Update: Oct 28 2022]

Direct Lineage by Litter (Names)
Lineage of each litter. Basic format is "Parent [Grandparent (Great-Grandparent x Great-Grandparent) x Grandparent] x Parent". Also colour co-ordinated to make it easier to read. Just follow the colour if you're confused about the pairing.
    *Notes: -There are 3 Maddox x Iris breedings all with completely different Soveris.

Descendants by Litter
Information from each litter containing: the number of other children by each parent and the number of children per chick.

Descendant List
List of children, grandchildren, and so on for each custom as they first appear in the breeding record. Can be searched by the unique end of their code (including custom/ or bred/), or by name only if they have bred by that name. The template to read it is located at the top of the document.
    *Notes: -Inbred descendants are listed by closest relation to the respective custom. Greyed out blocks are the same kids in whatever other category they fit in.
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Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/24/2017 2:26 AM

Custom Kuhna Lines
[Last Update: Oct 28 2022]

Direct Lineage by Litter (Names)
Lineage of each litter. Basic format is "Parent [Grandparent (Great-Grandparent x Great-Grandparent) x Grandparent] x Parent". Third parent applies where applicable. Also colour co-ordinated to make it easier to read. Just follow the colour if you're confused about the pairing.

Descendants by Litter
Information from each litter containing: the number of other children by each parent and the number of children per kit.
    *Notes: -Unaltered regular Kuhna/Kundra are treated like one pet.

Descendant List
List of children, grandchildren, and so on for each custom in the breeding record, listed in alphabetical order. Can be searched by the unique section of their code (including custom/ or bred/), or by name only if they have bred by that name. The template to read it is located at the top of the document.
    *Notes: -Unaltered regular Kuhna/Kundra are treated like one pet. This may skew family lists.
                -Please make sure you are looking at the code to specify Kuhna or Kundra
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Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/24/2017 2:27 AM


Service 1: Coded lineage for given pet for your own documents
    * Will be sized and coloured similar to the available document - specific colour set can be requested
Service 2: List of descendants for given pet
    * Will be provided in coding format for your own documents
    * Only available for Soveris and Kuhnas
Service 3: List of family members for given pet
    * Organized by generation, labelled by relation: aunt/uncle, cousin, 2nd cousin, etc.
    * Useful for removing the duplicate clutter among multiple descent lines
    * Only available for Soveris and Kuhnas
    * Order Form (please put 'X' in the chosen [], you can select however many you wish):
Code: Select all
[b]Service 3[/b]
[list][] None
[] Direct Ancestors
[] Aunts/Uncles[/list]
[list][] None
[] Full Siblings (Both parents)
[] Half-Siblings[/list]
[list][] None
[] Children
[] All[/list]
[u]Extended Family[/u]
[list][] None
[] 1st Cousins
[] All Cousins
[] Nieces/Nephews
[] All Nieces/Nephews[/list]

Service 4: Update Previous Service

Custom services may be discussed, including other mediums (Word doc, etc.)

(You can also PM or DM me)
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Re: The Breeder Lineage Project

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/01/2017 5:46 PM

Feel free to make comments/suggestions from here on!
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: The Breeder Lineage Project

Postby Freezair » 12/01/2017 5:48 PM

This... is amazing.

That's about all I have to say. The amount of work put into this is INCREDIBLE and I'm a little bit in awe of it.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: The Breeder Lineage Project

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/01/2017 5:59 PM

Aw, thanks! I think I'll start on the next set (going downwards by how many breedings, maybe how many kids, each baby in a litter did) after christmas, maybe in the new year. :3
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: The Breeder Lineage Project

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/23/2020 9:01 PM

[Updated Jan 17 2020]

Woot woot. I buckled down and finished the ancestor lineages for all species docs. (Unless there were any in the last two days. I haven't checked the nursery.)

I also updated the lucain docs to the current format as well as to the current codes. (No more clunky photobucket urls! Yay!)

I probably will get going on the paragon first, just because the sheer size of the lucain scares me.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: The Breeder Lineage Project

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/12/2022 11:23 PM

[Updated Jul 4 2021]

Oh wow, hey. I uh...kinda left this in the dust. *blows it off* It's fine.

I updated the Custom Kuhna and Soveris docs, still have to do the Paragon and Sov. I will, uh...get on that.

Last bumped by Jaden Wolf on 08/12/2022 11:23 PM.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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