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No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Flame » 05/29/2013 1:09 AM


Today was just another standard day at the hospital – it was actually rather quiet because it was mid-day, and fortunately, there had seemed to be a rather low influx of patients today. That was a blessing to be glad for because it meant that Selene was free to take her time to check up on patients, both long- and short-term, who she’d come to know during their tenure at the hospital. The past few weeks had been particularly busy, so she hadn’t had the opportunity to look in on and chat with the patients – something which had always been a habit of hers ever since she started working in the business of medicine. As far as she was concerned, it was all about the people, and considering they were already in the hospital to begin with, she figured the least she could do was make sure that they were comfortable and make their stay just a little more enjoyable.

She’d already treated all the patients to whom she was assigned today, among which included giving a few children their booster shots (which involved a few tears which she quickly banished), administering prescriptions to the patients who needed them, and persuading a man that the boil on his neck wasn’t really his twin brother’s head growing in, and that he honestly really ought to get it removed. That was life at the hospital; just when you thought you’d seen it all, someone would always come along and prove just how wrong you could possibly be. However, now that she was done with her assigned rounds, she was free to roam the halls and socialize with her patients and coworkers.

Selene was currently sitting at the bedside of a young girl around the age of 10 who had been spending the past two months in this ward, fighting for her life against leukemia. However, under the close eye and diligent care of the nurses and Selene, she was doing well, and the doctor had come in today to deliver the news that the new treatment they’d started was turning up promising results. The radiant, beaming smile that she’d received from her young patient was more than enough reward for the days and weeks spent laboring over finding a possible solution for her ailment, and she would have done it all again without hesitation in a heartbeat.

The girl’s parents had bought Selene a bouquet of flowers to express their gratitude, but she’d placed them in a vase on the girl’s bedside table instead, arguing that the celebration should be for their daughter, and that she was merely doing her job. However, the girl had plucked a small, deep pink lily from the bouquet and handed it to her, indicating that she should tuck it behind one ear. With a smile, Selene had obligated, and for the rest of the day, she decided to wander the halls with the blossom tucked in her dark hair. Leaving the happy family to have some time alone with their daughter, she’d taken her leave, resolving to walk around the entire hospital and make sure that there wasn’t anyone she was missing. After all, today was too beautiful day for anyone to be forgotten.
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Re: No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Jessari » 06/01/2013 11:11 PM


"I'm going to kill you."

The words came from Abram's mouth, swollen lips fumbling over the syllables. Asher watched, face impassive as dark globs of blood dripped from his eldest brother's chin to soak into the carpet between their feet. There was an answering wetness upon his own knuckles, and both fists throbbed from the beating he'd just dealt out. It was only pain. It was only blood. It didn't matter, as long as-

From a distance, his father gave a command, and compulsion flooded Asher's mind. With fluid grace and speed, he closed the space between himself and his brother, forearm lodging against Abram's throat and slamming the larger man against the wall with enough brute force to crack the plaster. Abram coughed, grimaced as he struggled to dislodge Asher's arm, but although he was superior in technical skill, he was no match for the half-demon's strength. Asher's own breath froze in his chest as he watched his brother's skin grow pale, his pupils dilate. Kolya hadn't directly given him a kill order, but if he continued along this line, well.

Abram's body had begun to grow limp before Asher found himself able to move his arm. Abram sank to the floor, sucking in oxygen in great, choking breaths. Asher knelt before him, waited with an unnatural stillness for his brother's breathing to take on a more normal rhythm. "Promise me," he said, when Abram's silver eyes found his yellow ones.

"I will kill you," Abram rasped, pausing to cough sharply. Flecks of blood spattered the floor, and Asher wondered how deep his brother's injuries ran. "I will find a way, Ash, I promise."

Asher nodded. "Thank you."

* * * * *

Another day, another order.

Asher flickered into existence in the middle of an empty hospital hallway. Sunlight saturated the air, brushing his skin with a warmth so pleasant it gave him pause. Pleasant was a rare occurrence for him, and orders or no, he closed his eyes and took a deep, slow breath.

The brief moment of near-happiness didn't last long. Asher felt the pressing darkness of Kolya's awareness settle upon him. The resulting chill chased the last breath of warmth from his skin. Dawdling, Asher? Really, I expected more from you. The beginnings of a pain sparked in the center of his gut, flared sharply. Asher grunted, clutching his stomach and doubling over. It could get worse, he knew, so much worse. But Kolya seemed to be more intent on the mission at hand than teaching his favorite toy a lesson. He's in the Cancer Ward, and remember: I want him to die bloody.

Kolya's presence dissipated, as did the pain. Asher straightened. There was only the slightest tremor in the fingers that smoothed down his shirt. Beautiful weather forgotten, he continued down the hallway with a purposeful stride.

That purposeful stride carried him around the corner, where he collided with someone coming the opposite direction. He stopped short, arms instinctively going out to steady the person he'd nearly run over. "Excuse me," he said, pulling back and forming his lips into an embarrassed smile that only went skin-deep. "I'm sorry. I guess neither of us were watching where we were going." He took in her uniform, then raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you could help me. I'm looking for the Cancer Ward?"

Nothing in his appearance would alert her to his demonic heritage or his ill intent - nothing except perhaps his eyes. Although they were hazel rather than the 'full-moon yellow' that emerged along with his demonic aspect, they nevertheless looked out of place with his features, an old man's eyes set in a youthful face.
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Re: No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Flame » 06/04/2013 11:33 PM

Selene strolled down the halls at a leisurely pace, making sure that she took the time to personally greet each familiar face she passed by as she went. Her philosophy was that you never knew which time would be the last time you ever saw a person, so she took it to heart that every friendly greeting could possibly be the last. After all, she’d said her fair share of goodbyes in her life, and she hated the idea of last memories filled with regrets. Each and every life was precious; as a doctor, she knew that, and helping others was a code which she lived and breathed by. Being who she was, she would gladly put herself in the line of danger if it meant even the possibility of saving the lives of any of these people here, even if the things they had done in their lives was questionable. Everyone deserved a second chance, and everyone deserved to be happy. It was as simple as that.

Of course, she too had her more personal reasons for living by the beliefs that she did. It was a deep, dark secret which she’d kept from the world and even her family (or what remained of it at least) if only for their own peace of mind. However, it was through this clandestine lifestyle that her true colors showed, and the proof of her gentle and selfless heart was made evident. After all, she’d paid the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of her brother’s life, but it didn’t stop there. Soldiers, saints, civilians, criminals, young, old…it mattered not. She’d saved them all, even if the price it cost her was greater than any other person would have been willing to pay, especially for a stranger. It mattered not that she would never be rewarded, or even thanked for the things she did, but knowing that she had saved a life was enough for her. Perhaps Loki had seen something in her when she’d pleaded to him for her brother’s life…a gift in the form of a person which only came about once every few lifetimes. And so, he’d given her the power to carry out the kindness in her heart, both in the form of a blessing and a curse.

As much of a dark shadow as it may have cast on her life (although she chose not to look at it that way), she didn’t trouble others with her burdens. It was her job to make these people happy and healthy, after all, and pouring unnecessary secrets upon them would help no one, especially when no one could begin to believe – let alone understand – what it was that she went through. She must have been caught up in her own thoughts, because when she rounded the corner, she found her forward momentum abruptly halted by a very decidedly solid obstruction. Skittering a step back in surprise, the lily in her hair found the opportunity to make a leap for freedom, fluttering down softly to the floor. Looking up, her sea green eyes fell upon the face of the unfamiliar face (a rare occurrence in these parts) of a young man, and judging by the determination in his stride, he’d clearly had a destination in mind. A small, gentle smile of apology for the blunder touched her lips.

“I’m so sorry, sir,” she said, her voice characteristically soft and musical, yet there was a hint of bubbliness in its undercurrents. “I should have paid more mind to where I was going.” Her friendly smile widened slightly at his mention of needing her assistance. She was always glad to help a person in need. “Why certainly. Follow me, and I’ll take you right there.” Gesturing back the way the man had come, she slowly began to make her way down the familiar halls to the cancer ward. As she walked, she glanced over the stranger, mildly curious about him. What surprised her was that he didn’t have a visitor’s tag on him; perhaps he knew someone here who’d let him in…but why wouldn’t they have escorted him there? “So, you’re here to visit someone, I take it. Mind if I ask who?”
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Re: No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Jessari » 07/01/2013 8:29 PM

Asher's eyes tracked the lily as it fell before meeting her gaze once more. "No harm done," he assured her, smiling. "I'm the youngest of four boys. I've taken harder hits before. As long as you're not hurt?" She seemed alright, other than the fallen flower. He followed after her as she headed down the hall, the smile fading as soon as she looked away from him.

Dealing with regular people was simultaneously the best and the worst part of his job. A part of him enjoyed the seeming normality of it all, entire conversational topics available which had nothing to do with death or demons or power to be grasped. He could let himself believe, just for a moment, that he was one of them, with nothing more to worry about than hitting rush hour traffic on the way to work. That game never lasted long - even while he spoke with them, the normal people, Asher knew it was all just a facade. Every expression that crossed his face, every endearing chuckle and kind word, all of it was carefully calculated to help him obtain his goals.

Selene, for that was the name on her name tag, asked a question, and the smile made a reappearance. Had he ever been this innocent, this unaware of the darkness that hid around every corner? Not since before he turned ten, when his powers had begun to surface. His childhood and innocence had ended there.

"I'm visiting a friend of my father's, Jimmy Creek. Old guy, a little rough around the edges? They used to hunt together back in the day, before Jimmy got cancer. My dad asked me to stop by and drop something off for him, something to remind him of the old days. You know him?" A good cover story always blended fact with fiction, and Asher's tongue delivered this one smoothly. With any luck, Nurse Selene could give him the room number and save him a little time.

Asher kept his eyes alert for signs indicating they were getting close to the Cancer Ward. He planned to find some way to lose the helpful nurse before they reached it; although he was unable to deviate from the plan Kolya had laid out for him, he wouldn't pull an innocent bystander into this mess. His conscience weighed upon him heavily enough as it was.
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Re: No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Flame » 07/30/2013 12:54 PM

“Oh, I’m perfectly alright,” she chimed in response to the stranger’s questioning. “I may not look like much, but I’m sturdier than most people are inclined to give me credit for. You know, women and being ‘delicate flowers’ and the whatnot.” She chuckled lightly. What she said was true – she was indeed much tougher than she appeared on the outside. Perhaps if people knew the secrets which she kept, the things she was forced to go through and yet still chose to bear alone, perhaps then they would begin to believe her. But regardless, that was beside the point at the moment. “At least if someone were to have gotten hurt, I suppose this would be the best place to do it,” she said, gesturing to the hospital walls around them.

The halls were surprisingly scarce at the moment; just earlier, they had been bustling with patients and staff alike, but it seemed as if a momentary lull had fallen over the building. Occasionally, a surgeon or nurse would pass by them headed in the opposite direction, and each time, they would greet Selene with a friendly smile and a brief salutation. After all, she had a visitor with her, so it wasn’t the time to idle and chat. Selene had found her companion clear across the building from the cancer ward, so there was some time for talk as they made their way through the maze-like halls of the hospital. As the man explained the conditions of his visit here, she simply nodded quietly in response, finding no reason to suspect that he was doing anything other than what his story suggested. “I see,” she finally responded as his explanation drew to a close. “That’s very kind of you. Mr. Creek isn’t one of my patients, but I have checked up on him once or twice. A rather quiet man, but he does seem somewhat lonely. I don’t think he’s had a visitor since he’s arrived here, so hopefully it’ll do him some good and cheer him up.” After all, it was amazing, just what seeing a friendly, familiar face in a time of need could do for a person. She’d seen it happen on countless occasions, and more often than once, accelerated healing and a more cheerful demeanor seemed to be a common side-effect as well.

“Oh, by the way, my name is Selene,” she suddenly chirped, realizing that in the time she’d been humoring this stranger, she’d forgotten to introduce herself. “Pardon me for forgetting my manners. I’m one of the doctors here, but I’m sure you could have deduced all that by now from my badge.” She chuckled lightly, straightening the aforementioned name tag partially out of self-conscience. “I don’t believe I got a chance to catch your name either, mister…” Her voice dwindled off, jade green eyes glancing up at him expectantly as she waited for him to complete her sentence for her.
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Re: No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Jessari » 02/18/2014 12:50 PM

Asher echoed her chuckle, but his lips tightened almost imperceptibly. If only she knew... She was a sweet woman - he'd known her for only a short time, but warmth radiated from her every pore. It wasn't just an act put on for a visitor. He could tell that from the smiles and greetings she received from passing coworkers. An image of the fallen flower formed in his mind. It would take but a careless step for it to be crushed, ruined. Likewise, if Kolya so ordered, it would only take a slight effort for Asher to destroy her. Easy as breathing.

A shadow fell across Asher's features as his thoughts turned toward another flower he had crushed upon his father's command. Annie. She had also been beautiful, and since she'd accomplished the impossible task of capturing Abram's heart, she must have been a uniquely amazing woman. None of that had mattered. Asher had left her tied to her bed, blood soaking into her sheets from a dozen well-placed incisions. He'd been there in the shadows when Abram had found her, too late to save her. It had been the first time since they'd been little that he'd seen any other emotion besides anger upon his eldest brother's stern features. That image would forever haunt him. Annie's murder had shaken Abram to his core, and Asher would never forget that he had been the tool Kolya had used to bring about that brokenness.

Shaking the memory, Asher tried to smile despite the pit in his stomach. The lady doctor had continued talking as he'd been lost in thought - hopefully he hadn't missed anything important. "Asher," he said, his response to her question perhaps a bit delayed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Selene." It was hard not to like her, but in a life like his, what was the use? He could form no attachments without catastrophic consequences.

"Have you worked here long?" His hand slipped into his pocket as they walked, fingers absently curling about the knife that would soon be put to use. His heartbeat increased slightly. In his mind, he had already begun laying out a plan of what he would do to poor Jimmy Creek. He had no personal grudge against the man, but if Kolya wanted a messy death, that was what Asher would deliver. Asher always delivered.
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Re: No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Flame » 02/18/2014 5:03 PM

It seemed that the gentleman was more a listener than a talker, but that was alright by Selene. She’d garnered a fair amount of experience with holding one-sided conversations in her time at the hospital, and she was content to continue doing all the talking to help ease the atmosphere for the visitor. As long as she wasn’t bothering him, she didn’t mind. After all, there were a surprising number of patients who were fairly sullen, especially when first being admitted into the hospital – after all, not many people met the sudden realization that they would be spending days to weeks (and longer in some cases) in this sterile environment with great joy. She found that with enough coaxing though, most of them eventually opened up like a flower in bloom; all but the most taciturn of them.

Asher. Well, that was certainly a good start. At least she had a name to work with now – after all, it would have been awkward to keep calling him ‘sir’ or ‘lost stranger’. “Only all of my career,” she responded to his following question with a small chuckle. Sure, she was only in her mid-twenties, but she’d excelled in med school, and had already had quite a fruitful career. “Five years next week,” she added, sounding somewhat thoughtful, as if she hadn’t realized that fact herself until now. “In case you were curious or something.”

Suddenly, a faint feeling of dread seemed to creep unbidden into her blood, and she had to suppress a small shiver at the sensation. She didn’t have to think hard on it to know what it meant – it had been a while since the last, but there was no mistaking the nausea which heralded the beginning of one of her…’episodes’. Something was going to happen soon, and it was going to happen somewhere nearby, but aside from that, she could sense nothing else about the situation just yet. Any other person might have stopped dead in their tracks with that knowledge, but Selene had had plenty of practice by this point to pass off her inner turmoil to the unknowing onlooker. After all, one didn’t keep secrets by acting out at seemingly random times in public. The only perceptible change in her demeanor was the faintest sobering of her bright green eyes, the tiniest hint of darkening in their depths.

“How about you? What line of work are you in, if you don’t mind my asking?” Her voice still remained singularly cheerful as she addressed her companion, having not missed a single step. She knew she would have to take off soon if she was to fulfill her ‘duties’ (and not the hospital kind), but her senses told her that the few minutes that it would take to walk the man to where he was headed would still leave her with enough time to handle business. “Sorry, but if you’ll excuse me for just a moment…” she reached into a pocket of her doctor’s coat, fishing out a small pager. Tapping away at it for a moment or two, she finally slipped it away again, having accomplished in notifying the hospital that starting now, she would be taking the next week or so off. It was sudden, but they had grown used to it, and didn’t question her. “Sorry about that,” she said, returning her attention and a smile to Asher. “Business, you know?”
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Re: No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Jessari » 09/06/2017 10:19 PM

Image  In another area of the hospital, Jimmy Creek (called 'Ole Jim' by those who knew him) was fighting a losing battle. Not one for doctors and medicine and the like, by the time his fellow hunters convinced him to go get checked out, cancer had set up shop in both of his lungs. Although the doctors had been diplomatic with their phrasing, Jim knew they were know just playing a waiting game - waiting for him to die.

But Jimmy Creek didn't particularly care, not at this moment. He was a hunter, and if he was going to die, he was damn well going to die a hunter's death. For his final hunt, he would play both bait and hunter. Shuffling around his hospital room, muttering curses every time he had to move the mobile IV stand he was tethered to, Jim made the final preparations for his 'visitor'. He'd turned down the main lights and hung his sheets and blanket across the window, leaving the hospital room lit only by the dim wall light near the doorway and the soft glow of the monitors by his bed. The rolling tray stand near the bed was filled with curious objects, a couple of small leather drawstring bags, a pile of grey powder, a few small bones tied together with a leather strap. Harder to discern in the darkness of the room were the symbols and designs that flowed along the floor from the inner edge of the door, past the tiny bathroom, and into the center of his room.

Jim grunted as he climbed to his feet, aided by his grip on the IV stand. His heart pounded, his lungs ached, and simply standing made his vision blur. He was glad he'd detached the heart monitor, using a trick he'd picked up from an old friend to keep the alarm from alerting the nurses. The last thing he needed was for innocents to get caught up in his net, innocents that would ask questions. He pulled open one of the leather bags, shaking a small orb into the palm of his hand. It pulsed with an inner light, a soft red that was slowly deepening in hue. The demon was approaching. Jimmy Creek drew a knife from beneath his mattress and smiled.

* * * * *

They were getting closer. Asher could feel it, his pulse rising a bit as they neared his target. He shot a glance at Selene, wondering if he should lose her now or once they reached the room. She seemed friendly enough that she might wish to walk him all the way in, and he did not want her there when the hunter realized who, exactly, had come to visit him.

"I work for a private investigations company," he responded, again mixing his fiction with just enough truth to disguise it. "You know, tracking down people who have debts they need to pay, and so on. It's a family business." Yeah, and it turns out that working for your father sucked.

He watched as she pulled out her pager, noting the small, almost insignificant changes in her stance, her expression as she explained herself. Curiosity sparked within him. She was hiding something, he realized. It was something he doubted anyone else would have noticed. But Asher himself was a master at hiding things, and he recognized the small 'tells' that alerted him that her sweet, cheery smile was a cover.

Asher almost asked if she was alright, but although he had enjoyed walking with Selene, he had to remain focused. This could be his opportunity. "If you have somewhere else you need to be," he said, "I think we're close enough that I could find my way from here." He lifted a hand to gesture at the sign on the wall reading, "Cancer Ward".
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Re: No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Flame » 09/07/2017 12:10 AM

As they drew closer to the Cancer Ward, Selene couldn't help but notice a certain anticipation in her companion's demeanor. She chalked it up to what she assumed had to be a desire to see an old acquaintance - after all, it took a certain courage to visit someone whom you knew was fighting a losing battle against cancer, but now that Asher had worked up the nerve, it was understandable that he would be somewhat anxious about it. Still though, she couldn't quite shake the feeling that there was more to this stranger than met the eye, although there were no grounds upon which those feelings could stand.

She nodded somewhat absentmindedly in response to the man's reply. As they drew ever closer to the inevitable moment she was waiting for, she found it harder and harder to focus on the situation at hand. Her mind was now blanketed in what felt like a haze that shrouded both her thoughts and her senses, clamoring for her attention until it was difficult to even remember where it was that she was headed.

'If you have somewhere else you need to be, I think we're close enough that I could find my way from here.'

The voice snapped her briefly out of her fog as she glanced up at the man whom she'd been escorting, almost as if surprised to find him there. "Oh, well, only if you're certain." Her expression had turned immediately apologetic when she realized that he was still relying upon her direction to get where he was going. "I'm so sorry to leave you in such a hurry. I'm...needed elsewhere, it would seem." As flimsy of an excuse as her words might have been, they rang of truth nonetheless. Despite her current preoccupation, she made a genuine effort to shake the haziness which pervaded her thoughts as she made to take her leave.

"I'm glad to have had the opportunity to meet you, Asher." The gentle voice was accompanied by a warm smile for her companion, sea green eyes holding his for a brief moment. "I hope that your visit goes well, and that you get everything that you wanted to out of it." She turned to make her way down a perpendicular hallway away from the cancer ward. "And please, send my warmest regards to Mr. Creek as well. I wish him a speedy and painless recovery. If there's anything at all that I can do to help, all you have to do is ask."

With that said, Selene turned to walk away from her new acquaintance, hoping against hope that his day would end better than she knew hers would. She made her way around a corner and into a secluded part of the hospital before stopping to lean against the cold, white-washed wall, drawing in a sharp breath as she steadied herself. The unseen aura which now felt as if it were swallowing her seemed to resonate across all of her senses, and she knew that the time drew near. Still though, at this very moment, she had no idea where or how she would be called upon to serve her dreadful purpose - only that she was close, and that to be there in the right place at the right moment was the only option which she could bear to live with.
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Re: No One Wants To Live Forever [Jessari and I]

Postby Jessari » 01/02/2018 9:03 AM

Something inside Asher relaxed as Selene said her goodbyes. Although he couldn't disobey his father's orders, he minimized the collateral damage as much as he could. This young woman needn't be there to witness the monster he was about to become, needn't be injured by trying to stop him from killing the hunter. Which she would. Delicate flower indeed, but one he instinctively knew would do whatever it took to keep her patients safe. And if she became a casualty because of it, she would be yet another ghost that would follow him forever.

"It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Selene." That he neglected to say 'I hope we meet again' was not by oversight, but by intent. For her sake he wished they never would. "Thank you so much for your help."

Alone again, Asher followed the hallway signs and door numbers, each turn bringing him closer to his victim. At last, he stood before the door. His demonic aspect was already slipping through, his eyes taking on a cold, yellow glow and the subtle curves of hard muscle beginning to show beneath the fabric of his long-sleeved shirt. He watched the door curiously, as hands that grew larger and more muscular by the minute clenched and unclenched. It was a slight risk, changing even this much in the open hallway, but the only hospital workers he had seen were a few turns away at the nurses' station.

Something wasn't right.

He couldn't pin it down any better than that, just an uneasy feeling of something being, well, off. Asher lifted his nose, gave a sniff that revealed nothing beyond the normal hospital smells. The only sounds belonged to the soft beeping of monitors and a neighbor's tv quietly sharing the news behind a closed door.

Well, there was nothing for it but to keep his guard up. It wasn't like backing out now was an option. Asher clicked the door open and finished his transformation as he stepped into the darkness beyond.

* * * * *

Jimmy Creek was ready. It wasn't just the blasted SOB that had just walked in that he was ready to beat, it was the danged cancer that had him wheezing as though he'd just run up fifteen flights of steps with a full pack on his back. Pain threaded through his body, tracing up and down the highways of his nervous system. A smile that was more a grimace distorted his lips. The cancer wouldn't kill him any more than the demon spawn would. Old Jimmy Creek would leave outta here on his own terms.

A light flared in the darkness, a ball of flame in the midst of the shadows collecting before the closed door. The angry glow threw fickle light upon the wielder as well as the room, and Jimmy Creek's watery eyes discerned a hulking, inhuman figure behind it, holding it aloft. The figure spoke as it moved closer, words nearly lisping as the speaker's tongue navigated between protruding fangs. "Jimmy Creek, my father has sent me to collect a debt."

Jimmy Creek began to laugh, a dry, throaty cackle, as he stood and held his dagger aloft in a reverse grip, blade aligning with his forearm.

"You will need much more than a blade to defeat me.The figure took another step forward. There was no amusement or pride in the speaker's tone, just something Old Jimmy would have sworn was weariness. He didn't think on that for too long, however. He could make out more detail as the figure advanced; rust-brown, scaly skin, bulky shoulders that each sported a curved horn tipping toward the sky. The thick arms ended in wide, webbed hands tipped with talons. And the face- The face was of nightmares. There was nothing near human in it besides the shape of the eyes, which glistened a full-moon yellow.

"I will not be the one to defeat you, spawn of the devil," Old Jimmy said as Kolya's son stepped into the outer bounds of his artwork. "But the one I summon...he may be."

Grasping the hilt of the blade before him in both hands, Jimmy drew it in and up, plunging it between his ribs and into his heart. The demon spawn's eyes fell to the floor an instant before he did, taking in for the first time the complex, mandala-like design. And Old Jimmy Creek smiled as everything faded, and he heard the rough voice say, "Holy sh-"
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Keystones: 673
Joined: 01/10/2009 3:11 AM
Location: BRB. Off learning to be a ninja. >:3

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