The waters of the Rewhister Ocean have tempted many a traveler, as from the shore they seem docile and inviting. Upon reaching around 100 km from shore though, the sea floor drops greatly and waters are often violent. Sailors fear the horrors that may lurk below. (+2 stat of choice)

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Filling in the Map

Postby amapup » 09/08/2017 9:57 PM

"Ready to set sail, ma'am."

She nodded, not glancing over as the sailor retired. Pale hands gripped the wooden rails a little tighter. An endless expanse spread out before her. Finally, it was time.

She reached into her coat and pulled out a sheaf of papers. They were yellowed and dog-eared, warped from age and exposure. In some spots the ink had been blurred by water damage, and one section had been completely torn off. Littered between the islands and boundaries were scribbled notes by several different hands. These were the maps that would guide her across the waters. Passed down for generations, from captains to correspondants, and then through their families. Two had mutinies, one was cannabalized by his own crew. Another disappeared among the waves. The last owner was driven mad and flung himself to the drownies. All in an effort to map these cruel waters.

And now here stood she, the seventh owner, determined to succeed where her predecessors had failed.

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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Re: Filling in the Map

Postby amapup » 09/08/2017 10:04 PM

Captain's Log #1

The city lights fade behind us. Soon we will be at the ocean's mercy, with only tools and instinct to guide us.
Already the salty air grows thick around us. My excitement is barely contained.

Many a night did I lain awake as a child, the soft waters calling out from the docks. I eagerly listened to their tales of strange, faw-away lands and eldricth creatures that dwelled within the deep. Now I too will get to experience these fantastic sites. A great explorer of the unknown. And now I know for certain that out here is where that scoundrel is hiding. I've worked too hard for this. I will not let his death go unavenged.

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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Re: Filling in the Map

Postby amapup » 09/08/2017 10:14 PM

Captain's Log #2

Dinner with the ship's surgeon. He's a rather unassuming sort, not prone to much chatter. We talk a bit about home and family, though there isn't much to say. It'll be a long while before he can see his daughter again. He mentions a desire to visit Gaider's Morn, a trading outpost I was myself curious about. After our meal I went to check its location on my maps. Despite the rumors that it lies near to the city, I could find no trace of it.

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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