A mysterious area, explorers tend to go missing and never return. A low fog constantly blankets the forest floor and strange sounds have been reported being heard during the day. Not much else is known about the forest. (+3 Speed, +2 Endurance)

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Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Flame » 12/04/2016 1:32 AM


The Heart of Maguuma.

The depths of the jungle held boundless treasures in both beauty and mystery, and many a traveler had oft dreamed of being the first to lay eyes upon and discover its secrets. However, the idyllic beauty and tranquility was a deceptive one, and not all of the secrets which the jungle held were ones which anyone would want or ever wish to discover. There was a reason why up until this day, no one had forayed into the hidden depths of the forest – at least, no one that had ever come back to tell of it.

The quiet buzz of insects and occasional warble of an unseen, unfamiliar bird permeated the humid air, just loud enough to mask the soft sound of quickened breathing. A faint rustle gave away the presence of a creature not native to these lands, leaves quivering and small twigs snapping to mark its passage. The creature in question was a Sylvari, her movements quick and nervous as she made her way through the undergrowth, and it was evidently clear that she was not normally accustomed to traversing this type of terrain. Golden eyes flickered back and forth anxiously, as if trying to take in all of her surroundings at once, but it was futile effort.

Her clothes and body were covered in scrapes, bruises, and what looked like char marks, and smatters of a dark, dried liquid colored her once-pristine clothing. She was armed only with what appeared to be a wooden staff, but based on the state it was in, it had never seen violence in its lifetime. At least, it didn’t appear as if it had ever been used to try and hit anything. If its wielder’s state was anything to judge by though, the past day or two had been rough ones, even though it seemed as if she were searching for would-be attackers that didn’t exist.

Rhianwyn had been part of the Pact fleet which had flown in to the Maguuma Jungle to fight the newly awakened jungle dragon, Mordremoth, but when they had arrived over the unfamiliar territory, they had been met with unexpected resistance. Not only had they faced a barrage from below, their own ranks had inexplicably turned upon them as well (although it only seemed to have afflicted a certain number of Sylvari within the fleet), and while they were relatively few in number, the unprovoked attacks combined with the ground force had downed most, if not all of the fleet’s ships. Rhianwyn had been on one of the ships which had been shot down, and most of the crew of her vessel had perished in the crash. She, along with the handful of survivors who’d made it through the disastrous landing in the treetops, had done their best to tend to their wounded and try to make their way towards where the rest of the fleet was headed.

They managed alright for a while…but that was before night fell. That was when the jungle had come to hunt its new quarry in earnest. Beneath the cover of darkness, many more of her comrades were cut down by unseen enemies, and those who hadn’t been killed were separated in the chaos, leaving Rhia completely and utterly alone in the heart of this strange and bloodthirsty jungle. To think that just days ago, she had been pouring through the Priory’s archives, reading all of the written records pertaining to the Maguuma jungle and imagining what wonders she would discover there. Despite the fact that the circumstances which were to bring them here were less than fortunate ones, she was a scholar at heart, and her calling since her awakening had always been the pursuit of knowledge.

Now, however, the only goal which she seemed able to hold in her reach was to survive. Unlike many other members of her crew, she wasn’t trained in combat or wilderness survival – her purpose here was both to provide and collect knowledge on the jungle and the elder dragon, as well as offer her skills as a healer. For an elementalist, she only really ever garnered a prowess for the water attunement, but she was as skilled a healer as the Priory had seen in hundreds of years, and that alone had been reason enough to call upon her.

That too was far from her mind in her current situation – she was currently being hunted by unseen creatures, predators, and as far as quarry went, she was about as easy prey as they came. To make matters worse, she had begun to hear what she could only describe as a deep, sinister voice in her head that whispered unintelligible words. She assumed that it was likely due to being exposed to the elements and water deprivation, possibly coupled with the mild panic which now constantly plagued her footsteps. The only hope she had now was to find and regroup with what remained of her crew, or perhaps any other Pact crews which had been stranded in the same way during the initial attack. With only a bearing in which the fleet had been headed to follow, she pressed onwards through the unsympathetic jungle, hoping against hope that she might survive to see the next day.
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Nyxia » 12/05/2016 3:27 PM

Tokaji - Rieko

Within the Maguuma an unlikely group of explorers were making their own way through the deep jungle growth, this group however wasn't with the Pact. They were a rag-tag looking group, though at the moment only two of them were passing through the jungle overgrowth, staying off the main trails that cut through the jungle floor. With the encounter of two days prior still fresh in all their minds, it was the wisest course to take. "Do you think anyone else would really be out here?" The perky little blond glanced about nervously, as though she was terrified of being heard. "I mean besides the Mordrem?" Her hand rested on the hilt of her sword, the other on the pistol she carried.

Beside her Tokaji snorted quietly at her fear, the Mordrem and the dragon they served were not in the least a concern to him. "Unlikely, Rieko." While he carried a great sword strapped to his back, Tokaji rarely used it unless he traveled with someone. Rieko, Dimitrij, Murena, and Rennir all knew his secret, which meant he was free to use his power instead of pretending to be normal. "We aren't here for some scholarly expedition, remember that." He glanced sideways to the short blond beside him, shaking his head. Those of this world were still rather perplexing to him, despite his having been in this world for ten of their years now. "We are here to kill a dragon." Beside him she shivered a little at his icy tone, but said nothing. Since learning of the rise of the jungle dragon, Tokaji had been on a mission to destroy it. If what he knew from other worlds held true here, he would learn its secrets and possibly gain some more control of his own true power by doing so.

As Rieko opened her mouth once more to say something, the brush to their right shifted slightly. Her pistol came up fast, as did Tokaji's hands spell ready to blast. Instead a small snout poked through the leaves and vines, familiar to the pair as each other was. Rieko lowered her weapon with a sigh of relief, while Tokaji simply relaxed his shoulders.

Dimitrij - Elliot - Eleri

First came the larger than normal Drakehound, Elliot seemed to sense the tension between the pair before him. A few breaths later came another familiar pair of faces out of the same growth and vines, Eleri looking worn from the energy of the jungle. "Those ships were downed." The man standing in front of them looked caught between worry and outrage. Tokaji simply sighed at the statement, unsure of what to make of the news. Clearly the Pact had not been prepared for the power of this dragon, riding high from the victory over another mighty force in Zhaitan. "I've found some survivors, but their in rough shape." Dimitrij shifted uncomfortably, his eyes staying on Tokaji the entire time. "I left Murena with them." He waited with a held breath, unsure how Tokaji would react to that news.

Just as he was about to say they should check in on them, Elliot turned and flattened his ears against his head. Tokaji turned in the same direction, fully expecting an enemy to appear. Instead a figure appeared down on the game trail which ran below the slope they stood on. Nodding to Dimitrij and Rieko, Tokaji hung back as the pair slowly made their way to the edge of the slope. The figure was Sylvari, which meant they couldn't be sure they could true the frail looking woman. With one of their own having turned on them already, Tokaji wasn't taking any chances in being seen. If she wasn't taken over, then his imposing size might frighten her also.

As Rieko began to step out of the thick growth, a patrolling group of Mordrem appeared from the other side of the dirt trail. Eleri, Dimitrij's Fern Hound, was the first to react. She bounded down the slope and charged dead at them, a deep growl issuing from her throat. Rieko wasn't far behind her, opening up fire with her pistol as Dimitrij fired several arrows in rapid succession into them. Elliot charged in after his companion, teeth clamping down on the leg of one of the corrupted Sylvari. Tokaji couldn't hide any longer, but instead of blasting them with his dragon power, he draw his great sword and launched himself down the slope at the enemy.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Flame » 12/05/2016 6:10 PM

In spite of the humid warmth of the jungle day, Rhianwyn shivered in spite of herself. She’d never been so alone before for as long as she could remember. Even her earliest of recollections were filled with the Dream, the Pale Tree, and all of the Sylvari whom she shared that common bond with. Ever since her awakening, she’d been surrounded by others like herself, Sylvari and other races alike, all with the common pursuit of knowledge. The Priory had become her family, the vast archives and libraries hidden in Lornar’s Pass beneath the cold and forbidding Shiverpeak Mountains her home away from the Grove. In fact, she really hadn’t travelled Tyria at all before she had been called away from her beloved books by the Pact, and all of her vast knowledge stemmed from those pages alone. Most, if not all of the research she’d done had come to her via various channels – after all, the Priory was well-networked across the continent – and all that she had studied had been in the relative comfort of the Priory headquarters.

Now, however, she found herself thrust unceremoniously into the world which she’d only read about in her texts, and she’d come to find that reality was proving to be much harsher than even the worst that the journals depicted. Rhia winced momentarily as the branches of a plant bearing wicked, fang-like thorns raked along her skin, just hard enough to break the surface of her plant-like flesh. A dark, crystalline amber fluid oozed from the small wounds, the sap which made up the lifeblood of all Sylvari. Absentmindedly she wiped at the cuts with her free hand, but pain was currently secondary to avoiding more mortal threats which undoubtedly haunted the forest surrounding her. She stumbled along, completely unaware of the fact that she was following what was likely a game trail – after all, she was merely looking for the path of least resistance headed in the direction in which she thought she was supposed to go. Little did she know that she had already been spotted by others more accustomed to traversing this hostile territory, and that she was walking directly into the jaws of danger.

The first indication which Rhia got which told her that she wasn’t alone was the sudden, low sound of what could only best be described as a growl. Her head whipped around, grip tightening on the smooth wood of her staff as she sought out the source of the noise. She’d barely just begun to glance in the correct direction when a green blur came bursting out of the undergrowth, separating itself from the rest of the shrubbery of the jungle floor as it rocketed towards her on four legs. Rhia hardly had a moment to gasp in surprise, her staff half-raised in a futile attempt to block the creature from hitting her full in the chest before it flew right by her, headed down the path in the direction in which she’d come. As it passed her, she just managed to make out the form of a fern hound – a fact which puzzled her greatly, seeing as they were creatures native to the Brisban Wildlands and surrounding forests. They were, to some degree, akin to Sylvari, and seeing one out here in the perilous jungle brought her momentary pause.

That pause only lasted a fraction of a second before everything around her exploded into action, the jungle around her suddenly turning into a frenzy of noise and movement. A volley of arrows whizzed by her head as another, larger creature burst from the undergrowth where the fern hound had come from, bypassing her as well without so much as a cursory glance. Figures seemed to erupt out of nowhere on both sides of the jungle around her, locked in furious combat with her caught solidly in the middle of all of the action. It was all Rhia could do not to be torn apart by either party as she scrambled away from the worst of the fray, her heart pounding like a jackhammer in her ears as the sounds of clashing metal, wood, teeth, and claws clamoured around her.

Instinctively, a bubble of water appeared to form around her body, entirely encompassing her and providing a small amount of protection from the havoc that surrounded her. Only when she took a moment to catch her breath and look back did she get a better idea of what was going on; it appeared that Mordrem guards – ones who had likely been following her trail – had finally caught up to her, but instead of killing her, they were now embroiled in mortal combat with what appeared to be a small party, consisting of a thief as well as a ranger and his companions. At the moment, Rhia was more confused than relieved at the assistance, seeing as she hadn’t so much as glimpsed another soul in these forests since she had been separated from her crew. On top of that, these weren’t people whom she recognized, so unless another Pact ship had been downed close to hers, they had nothing to do with the Pact at all.

Just as she was beginning to gather her wits again, another figure, this one the largest of them all, came barrelling into the fray as well wielding a massive greatsword. The sudden appearance was startling, to say the least, but quickly turned to some modicum of relief when the man appeared to be on the side of the thief and ranger. Even with the new addition though, the rescue party was still heavily outnumbered at least two-to-one, and even despite her lack of battle prowess, Rhia could see that they were at a distinct disadvantage against the corrupted dragon minions. Gathering what small courage she could muster (which was a feat, considering this was the first time she’d seen real combat), she gripped her staff in her left hand, focusing her mind as she called upon the element of water to do her bidding.

Following instinct more than anything else, she swept her right hand in a broad motion, and as she did so, the air itself around the Mordrem seemed to chill, the very humidity crystallizing into frost as it froze the corrupted creatures, slowing their very movements. Partly out of consciousness (and likely partly due to luck), she managed to localize the frost to just the dragon minions, leaving the rescue group free to move as normal. As she watched the Mordrem slow to a crawl, Rhia seemed stunned herself, as if surprised to see what she herself had wrought. Never before had she used her abilities for anything other than healing and other small, unimportant tasks. She couldn’t so much as even light a candle, for all of her mastery over fire, and for her, her skills as an elementalist always came second to her prowess as a scholar.

As such, the Sylvari seemed to withdraw back into herself, watching with wide eyes as the party battled it out with the Mordrem, both concerned that she could not help them, but also fearing that if she tried, she might somehow accidentally get them killed instead. She had already seen too many friends and allies die in the past two days, and she wasn’t about to be the cause of more unnecessary deaths now.
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Nyxia » 12/18/2016 10:38 PM

They were heavily outnumbered, despite how skilled each of them were with their weapons. The Mordrem however were working on instinct, with none of their former memories to help them in battle. That was the advantage this particular party had always had in this place, but one had to wonder how long that would hold. While Rieko hung back on the outer ring of the battle, continuing to fire off shots from her pistol, Dimitrij pushed in with his own greatsword. The pair keeping the enemies occupied with their furious attack patterns, while they waited for Tokaji to do his thing.

Tokaji barely glanced at the Sylvari as he blew passed her, his sword becoming a channel for his draconic power. His sword was like nothing ever seen in this world before, something so strange it usually got a second glance from those seeing it for the first time. A blade of nearly black grey metal which was honed only on one side, and almost a foot longer than most greatswords. His mind focused solely on the power he needed to channel into the blade, as well as around himself to ward off any spells or attacks that might come as a shield. His legs began to propel him forward faster, making his movements look blurry as he made his first attack against one of the larger Mordrem.

The creature turned towards him, but it was too late as Tokaji brought his blade down into the Mordrem's arm. His blow powerful enough to carve leafy flesh away along with the weapon it held. Downed, the enemy yelled and several of its fellows in arms (he was bad with telling Mordrem gender) abandoned his comrades and started to close on him. At least they had before being frozen, which missed Tokaji and the others completely. While he didn't give it a thought, couldn't really, and simply began his next attack with an arcing swing of his arm. Rieko and Dimitrij both glanced only for a second back at the woman, before they too dove back into the battle. While the enemy had slowed, they were far from stopped. A fact Dimitrij misread as he dropped his blade down on one of the Mordrem, a second managed to strike his left arm with a shorter sword, causing him to nearly miss his target.

His pair of canine creatures however brought down the second attack, while Rieko blasted the Mordrem staggering it back. In the mean time the majority of the enemies were content to make their now feeble attempts at Tokaji. The massive man fought like he was possessed as he cut himself a path towards his allies, his sword swinging in a blur of motion. He armor was covered with the gore and blood of the Mordrem he cut down, as he simply snatched one of the more Sylvari sized Mordrem and tossed it like a rag doll off into the undergrowth. He was making no attempt to hide his nature and ability right then, as he swung around quickly to Dimitrij side. However he found himself without an opponent to face, those Mordrem who had no been cut down or injured were fleeing further down the path.

With a snort Tokaji watched them flee, while Rieko couched down beside Dimitrij. "I think he's really hurt..." Her eyes shot up to the massive man, and focused on his right side where an arrow stuck out between the plates of armor. "Tokaji! Your side...oh this just went so well." Her voice was not low, in fact she was almost shouting at him by then. She shook her head, sitting back on her heels as she watched Elliot and Eleri pushed their way to Dimitrij and whine at him.

Tokaji looked down at himself, and simply shrugged. He'd let his shield drop down in order to gain the speed he needed to get to them, this was a small price to pay. However Dimitrij was the one who spoke, "Not that I'm not grateful for your help, old friend." He grimaced as he tried to replace his own sword behind his back. "I'm just curious as to why you chose that means? Why not do it the normal way?" They'd actually all forgotten the Sylvari woman that had been the reason they had jumped into battle for.

However Tokaji had not, and he simply shrugged his shoulders again. After a moment he thought better of his silence, though first he reached down and snapped the arrow in half. "We have eyes on us." He kept his voice low though he did turn back to look at the woman, only to offer a nod. "We don't bite." He grumbled seeing how far back she was from them, it honestly annoyed him some. What was it with people in this world and staying as far from him as possible, like he had fangs. His face remained neutral though as he watched her, offering no insight into his mind and thoughts.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Flame » 12/19/2016 1:59 AM

In the heat of battle, things seemed to happen at a deceptively slow pace, every second drawn out into what felt like an adrenaline-filled hour. But as quickly as the fighting had begun, all of the action seemed to die down once again, leaving what seemed like an unnerving quiet in the air. If there had been ambient noise before the chaos broke out, it was utterly silent now, the whole forest seeming to hold its breath in fear and anticipation, unsure whether the lull was just a temporary one. However, when the calm still held after a minute or two, the unseen residents of the jungle seemed to come back to life once more, and the air once again hummed with insects and the distant sounds of birdsong.

Rhia, on the other hand, was not quite as certain as the forest’s inhabitants about the relative illusion of calm which had fallen once again. She remained well-removed from the scene of the battle, afraid that if she were to venture out, she might be attacked once again. After all, she swore those creatures could smell fear and pick out the weakest link in a group as easily as spotting a Norn in Rata Sum. The images of violence still played vividly in her mind’s eye, and she had no desire whatsoever to be caught up in the midst of another skirmish like that. If anything, this one had shown her just how much of a liability she was when it came to any combat situation – of all the people on her crew, she should have been the first to be picked off, a thought which brought a twinge of guilt to her mind as the still-fresh memories bubbled to the surface once more.

It was ironic, really, the fact that the one person on that ship most knowledgeable about Mordremoth and the elder dragons was the one who was also the least useful against them. A bitter thought that rankled in her mind as she questioned once more why she had even been brought on this campaign. Well, there were still plenty of things in this forsaken jungle that could eat her – or worse – so there was no cause for her to be overly optimistic about the fact that she might escape the fate which so many of her comrades had befallen.

It wasn’t until she heard a voice directed at her that Rhia finally realized that things had seemed to settle down for good, and at the same time, that the danger might not yet be over. Her gaze refocused on the carnage which lay before her, and as it flicked from individual to individual, fresh concern washed over her face once again. She quickly took account of the injuries which the small party had sustained, two out of the three of the members now nursing new wounds. She also simultaneously realized that the latest arrival of the group had addressed her, the massive man who comported himself as if he were the leader of this party. “I…I'm sorry,” she stammered, struggling to organize her thoughts once again and actually string together a coherent sentence.

“Everything just happened so fast…and I’m not exactly…handy with weapons of any sort.” Her expression turned somewhat abashed, sure that she was about to be judged heavily by each and every member of this party. Clearly, they knew what they were doing and how to handle themselves while she – well, she was just a liability. However, sheepishness would get her nowhere right now, especially when the trio had already risked so much for her sake (although for what reason, she would never fathom). Getting up from where she was, she somewhat gingerly made her way over to the group, unsure of exactly how they would react to her. They seemed like decent enough people, if their actions were anything to judge by, but one could never be too careful. Nevertheless, she was one of the heads of the Durmand Priory, and as such, diplomacy was something which had been drilled into her since her sapling days.

“Thank you for saving me,” she said graciously as she reached them, doing her best to hold tight to her composure. “It would have been much simpler to leave me to my own devices, and I wouldn’t have blamed you if you’d done so either.” Rhia’s gaze dropped first to the ranger’s injury, which seemed more pressing of the two at this immediate moment. “I hope that perhaps I can at least show you my gratitude, in some small way? I’m a healer by training, and I think that I can patch you up. It would be the least I could do to repay you for your help.” A flicker of her gaze indicated both of the men’s injuries as she held her staff close, the only thing that was still familiar to her in this entire forest. “May I?” She gestured lightly with her hand towards the ranger’s injury, not wanting to overstep any personal boundaries in her haste to treat him. There was a lot for her to take in in general with this whole situation she’d gotten herself into, but doing something familiar and that she was comfortable with would be a good start, especially if it helped someone else in the process.
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Nyxia » 04/23/2017 12:39 PM

Rieko watched Tokaji twitch his lips in what looked like a grimace, before he shrugged her off. Then she looked over to the Sylvari woman standing behind them all. Unlike Tokaji who had growled and grumbled a little more at the woman's words, Rieko offered her a kind warm smile. "Oh it's okay." She didn't stand, but instead beckoned the woman towards herself and Dimitrij, while the massive dragon man when to stand a little ways from them. He was clearly still on guard watching and listening to everything in the distance, trusting nothing of the forest they stood in. She chose to ignore him, and instead focused on the woman. "It normally happens fast when he gets into a fight." She motioned towards Tokaji, who sighed heavily in return.

"It's the least you could do." He was deadpan, his voice cold as steel when he spoke to her. He didn't look at the small woman, as he spent his energy keeping watch in case more came back. "This isn't the place for a stroll." He saw no movement in the jungle beyond them, however those things were part of the forest. Even here he could faintly feel the dragon's power, so far from its lair. They weren't safe, and couldn't stay put for long. "We need to move soon." He felt unease standing so open, as though there were eyes upon them. "They will return, with reinforcements." He began to gather his power to him once more, a silent sign to the other dragon that he was there in its territory.

Dimitrij patted the pair of canines which had come to him, a means of reassuring them that he was indeed fine as he sank down to his knees. However he too offered the Sylvari a kind, if not pained, smile. "Now how could we do that?" He was partly joking, the idea was appalling to him. "You needed help, and we were right here." He nodded towards the other two. "It would be nice if you would be willing, otherwise I would be rather useless to the other two. They might leave me behind then." He doubted they would, knowing the pair with him well enough to know better. However he wanted to woman to feel as though she were not useless to any of them. Beside him, Eleri wagged her leafy tail at the Sylvari. Going as far as to come closer to the woman with her tongue lolling from her mouth. She sensed no type of threat right around them, and as any canine, didn't remain fully on guard. "I'm Dimitrij. These two are Eleri and Elliot." He indicated his two canine companions.

In the mean time, Tokaji simply shook his head at her. He would heal alright on his own, and his injury didn't slow him down simply because he wouldn't allow it to. He intended to allow her time to heal Dimitrij, and then they would have to get out of here. "Once he's in fighting shape, we need to head out." He's voice rumbled despite his not meaning to, a sign that his unusual power was peaking. "I want to make it to the Pact camp before nightfall." His eyes turned towards his companions, and their extra. "Which way Rieko?" He addressed the petite woman who stayed couched beside the ranger. "And we should have Elliot scout ahead this time." He saw Dimitrij nod his head, however the other man was a bit hesitate at the idea all the same. "Heal him quickly and lets move." The dragon ordered with a cold tone, not even bothering to act like it wasn't an order. With that Tokaji turned his back to them, watching the forest on three sides of them with his dragon sense, as much as his eyes.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Flame » 07/10/2017 4:10 PM

At the other woman’s considerably warmer tone, Rhia couldn’t help but flash her a small, grateful smile in return. Hearing a friendly voice offered considerable reassurance under these otherwise harrowing circumstances, even if she knew that it was mostly for her own comfort. In reality, this whole situation really was her own fault, and there would have been no reason for these folk to have gotten injured – or even involved in the first place – if it hadn’t have been for her uselessness. A thoroughly disheartening thought, but what was done was done, and there was no sense in crying over spilt milk now, especially when there was so much to be done and countless Mordrem potentially still hiding in the shadows.

Still though, the tone of the hulking man’s voice caused a shiver to run down the Sylvari elementalist’s leafy spine as he addressed her. Rhia gulped subconsciously as she nodded in reply – she deserved that cold tone, after all. She had just gotten him and his companion somewhat seriously injured simply due to the fact that she couldn’t fend for herself. She winced again at the reminder that it was also the reason why she had been alone in the jungle in the first place – all of the remainder of her Pact crew had perished at the hands of the Mordrem, not all explicitly in defense of her life, but that still didn’t change the fact that she was the only one who still remained.

Luckily for Rhia, it seemed the ranger was in the same boat as his thief companion in taking pity on the elementalist’s discomfiture, even in spite of his injury. She could tell that he was going out of his way to accommodate her, even though he was bleeding profusely out of his fresh wound, and as such, hurried to his side to tend to the injury now that she was certain that no one in the party would turn on her. “Just hold still as much as possible, please.” Rhia’s voice had taken on the soothing quality it instinctively had when tending to a patient, running her gaze quickly over the injured arm to determine the extent of the damage. “May I?” The question was more of a formality as she gestured towards the wound, waiting on his approval before touching the unbroken skin around it.

“It’s nice to meet you, Dimitrij, although I wish it were under better circumstances.” That was the doctor in her kicking in as she kept up a light stream of casual chatter to distract her patient from what was going on with his injury. “My name is Rhianwyn, although most people just call me Rhia. I’m a Pact scholar…or, at least I was before I was stranded here.” She worked deftly as she spoke; having assessed the gravity of Dimitrij’s wound, she began to weave a small stream of water – what she could pull from the moisture in the air around them – which she used to first cleanse the deep cut. Satisfied that any debris had been cleared out of the cut, she discarded the used water to start anew, the staff grasped tightly in her left hand glowing with a blue light as she began to actually heal the wound. Within moments, the broken skin of the ranger’s arm had stitched itself back together once again, and Rhia sat back on her haunches with a soft sigh. Healing was always draining, as it drew the strength necessary from the healer themselves instead of the injured, and the wound wasn’t a small one.

“There, as good as new,” she said with a small, rather weary smile. Compounded on top of the past few days of traipsing alone through the jungle, even that amount of healing drained much of what little strength remained in her battered frame. “It might be a little tender for a few days, but you should be no worse for the wear in no time. Are you sure you won’t let me see to your wound? It’ll get infected if it goes untreated, especially with that arrow imbedded in your flesh.” The second half of Rhia’s statement was directed towards the massive man, who, in all honesty, frightened her to some degree. It was only now that she was beginning to realize just how efficiently he’d dispatched the better part of a small squadron of Mordrem, and almost single-handedly. Even amongst the revenants and warriors that she knew, she’d never seen one move quite the way this man had.

“Also…did I hear you mention a Pact encampment nearby?” Genuine surprise was written across the Sylvari’s face as she asked. “I…didn’t know that there were any other survivors of…” Her voice trailed off momentarily as she struggled for words to describe the disaster which had befallen the Pact fleet. “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble to ask another favor – if you could take me there, I promise I’ll be out of your hair for good. Hopefully I can find some way to repay your kindness there as well; I hold some status within the Pact, after all, so if you need supplies, shelter, or other goods, just name it and it's yours.”
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Nyxia » 07/16/2017 2:27 PM

Dimitrij nodded to her, happy for the help as they'd left their elementalist and guardian both back at their main staging area in Dry Top. This whole thing had been just a recon mission to see how strong the dragon really was. While all in their little group were very aware of what Tokaji was, it wasn't something to be spread around considering the fear of dragons. Instead he smiled at her when his arm was cleaned up, and moved it slowly in test. "Well I thank you Miss Rhia. Doesn't hurt a bit." Picking up his sword, and strapping it back in place, Dimitrij patted his side to call Elliot and Eleri to him. Through hand signals he sent Elliot ahead of them, the dog's head down sniffing at the ground as he followed a slightly familiar path.

For what it was worth, Tokaji didn't enjoy frightening the woman, he just wasn't in the mood to make nice. Somewhere deep inside his skull, he felt a faint ripple of power from the other dragon. It wasn't just angry, the thing was enraged that he was so bold. "]Yeah, you're gonna get yours buddy." He muttered quietly out to the forest. It was a dilemma only he faced; by calling his power he alerted the other dragon, however by not calling it he risked not be able to defend the others as swiftly. Instead he grumbled again, only looking down at himself once more, and this time pull the arrow out without so much as a grunt. "I'm fine." His eyes found nothing, and his dragon sense came up empty as well.

"I'm Rieko, thank you for healing him." She stood up from Dimitrij's side, and dusted off her pants, rattling her daggers in the process. "Yeah there's a small Pact camp with some survivors from one of the other ships. A few Priory, but most Vigil members there." She was about to say more when Tokaji held up a hand, still staring out into the forest.

"]She'll find out whats there as soon as we get there." He growled at the human thief, who crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. She really wanted to smack him, but instead kept her mouth shut. "]Somethings coming up from east." He pulled his sword once more, intent on bringing up the rear with force. "]Stick to the path as much as possible, but if there are other we'll take the long way." He was still growling at them, though the steel in his voice seemed to have softened some.

Rieko sighed at him, unable to understand why the man seemed to be unusually difficult. "Just ignore Tokaji, he's not normally such a grump about things." She wanted to directly ask him what the problem was, but right now by the look on his face she knew it wasn't the time. Instead she just shook her head, "Dragons and men, there both full of themselves and difficult to deal with." She motioned for Rhia to walk with her, since it was the safest option. "I swear he's normally a fairly friendly sort, at least not so rude about things." She hoped the poor woman wouldn't want to simply run from them as soon as they reached the camp.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Flame » 09/07/2017 4:01 PM

Rhia was glad for the support of the ranger and the thief – considering what they’d just been through, the two of them were both going out of their way to ensure that she felt comfortable in their presence. She had the feeling that they were accustomed to the gruff, and altogether rather intimidating aura which the greatsword-wielding man exuded, and quite aware of just how daunting his presence could be to a stranger. She appreciated their efforts, but still, it didn’t fully assuage the feeling that Tokaji would have preferred a scenario where she hadn’t shown up.

“It’s nice to meet you, Rieko, and I’m happy to offer any assistance that I can. Just…perhaps not by means of combat. They never really put a great focus on that at the Priory, I’m afraid.” Rhia’s voice was apologetic as she gathered herself to following in the footsteps of her new companions. They certainly seemed like they knew their way around the jungle, and she wasn’t about to lose sight of the first humanity she’d seen since her crew had met their untimely demise.

“That’s music to my ears, if I ever heard any.” There was palpable relief in her tone at the mention of the Pact survivors – she’d always known in the back of her mind that she couldn’t be the only one who’d made it in one piece, but hearing it from someone else brought a wave of relief. “If you could help me rendezvous with them, I would be eternally grateful.”

The Sylvari fell into step beside the human thief as they made their way through the now slightly less ominous jungle. Whatever threat still hid within that undergrowth seemed quelled for the moment by the presence of the small party – word must have traveled that these travelers were not to be trifled with lightly. “It’s quite alright,” she reassured Rieko at her apology for her companion. “His mood isn’t entirely unjustified – after all, I am the reason why he and Dimitrij are injured right now.” It was a cold, hard fact, and since her arrival here in the Maguuma Jungle, she was beginning to realize how harsh the world outside of her books really was.

Still though, that didn’t mean that they needed to walk in awkward discomfort either, and as such, Rhia made an attempt to turn the conversation in a lighter direction. “So, what brings you to this part of Tyria? Based on what I’ve seen so far, I can’t imagine you’re here for pleasure. Are there others here aside from the Pact?” She was fairly confident that they weren’t affiliated with the Pact, otherwise she would have expected a different reaction from them upon mention of her allegiance to them.
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Nyxia » 09/09/2017 7:47 PM

The dark haired woman smiled at Rhia and nodded, "That's alright, we're more than capable in that area." She wanted to make Rhia feel less upset about everything. "However, our usual healer didn't feel up to an adventure in the jungle. So it's a big help to have someone who can!" Rieko dressed in her bright colors didn't exactly blend in the way the other two did, matching her personality. She didn't miss a beat as they walked, "No, the only ones I know who do are the Vigil, and honestly, who'd want to live so rigidly?" She made a face at that, scrunching up her petite nose.

Ahead of the two women, Dimitrij and Tokaji moved almost soundlessly through the thick undergrowth. Neither spoke for a long time as they followed Dimitrij's pair of canine companions, who kept their noses to the ground as they moved. The silence between them was comfortable, in the way it can be between friends. Despite this, Dimitrij felt sorry for the poor sylvari woman. He wanted to ask Tokaji what his outburst had been about, even what it was about the woman that had angered him. Instead he kept his tongue as they continued down the dirt track between massive trees. At least until Tokaji held up a hand, stilling his friend. Unlike the canines, the dragon man's senses went beyond what was right around them.

Before he could ask the question forming on his lips however, Dimitrij signaled Rieko behind them. He motioned to Tokaji with one hand while making a few other gestures with his other. It seemed the woman understood and pulled Rhia up short. "Well we're happy to help, especially in a case like this." She smiled keeping Dimitrij in the corner of her eye for a moment, until he signaled her to keep moving. "We will help you, Rhia. Hopefully you can get back to Fort Trinity or one of the larger camps from there." She really didn't like the idea of someone lost out here, despite what many might think of the sylvari at the current moment. "Oh I wouldn't worry about that, he and Dimitrij get themselves hurt without anyone's help." She offered a reassuring smile. "Tokaji happens to be a trouble magnet, no matter where he goes." She shrugged at that, like she couldn't imagine how it was. "We avoid taking him to Divinity's Reach since his last fight in the tavern."

Rieko seemed to welcome the change of subject, but then the cheerful woman seem unbothered by the previous one as well. "Oh, we're here to kill Mordremoth." She beamed like it wasn't something unreasonable to say. "Tokaji started our guild for the purpose of killing the dragons in Tyria after he saw the Pact kill Zhaitan." She watched the two men ahead of them, not sure how much she should say. "He found Dimitrij in Fort Salma." She hoped maybe the Rhia wouldn't look at her like she was nuts. "Rennir and Lihau both where in the Maguuma Wastes, studying Scarlet. Me, well...he found me in Lion's Arch getting a few extra coins." She didn't really shy away from what she did for a living before this, but it was better not to be so bold about it.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Children of the Dragon [P]

Postby Flame » 09/10/2017 4:43 PM

Rhia chuckled lightly at Rieko's comment about the Vigil. Anyone who knew anything about the three Orders was well-familiarized with the Vigil's reputation for being potentially the most structured and also most military-focused of the factions. Of course, as the thief alluded, it also had a tendency to make them sticks in the mud in comparison to the secretive Whispers and the scholarly Priory. "That's true. I have a few good friends who are in the Vigil, and while I would trust them with my life in a fight, I couldn't imagine living their lives." She shook her head emphatically, her leaf-like hair waving lightly at the motion. "I'm much more comfortable with my books and healing myself."

As they came to a brief pause, Rhia glanced around, trying to figure out what it was that had pulled their little train up short. However, whatever it had been was invisible to her senses, and soon they were back on the move once again. "I will certainly be glad to see other Pact members that have survived the journey. We all lost track of each other after...well, whatever that disaster that brought the ships down struck." The Sylvari's face was troubled as she thought back to the events of the past few days. "I have no doubt that they'll be searching for survivors, but the Maguuma Jungle is a huge place. I'm sure they'll want to at least account for all of the members who were sent on this expedition." She didn't want to think about it, but Rhia knew that she would have to bear the solemn news of the loss of her fellow crewmates to the Pact once she finally reached them once again. There were so many families that still hadn't learned that they would never be whole again.

"Oh!" There was no masking the surprise in Rhia's voice at the mention of the small party's purpose here in the jungle. Rieko spoke of it as if they were simply discussing the weather, not talking about killing one of the five remaining Elder Dragons. "That's a lofty goal, if I've ever heard one. I might have tried to warn you against it, but then again, I heard about how the Pact took down Zhaitan, so it's certainly possible. I would be cautious though - there's still so much we don't know about Mordy, especially considering I've heard mention of him absorbing Zhaitan's power." The last sentence seemed more like the internal musings of a scholar than an actual conversation piece. "But that's why I came out here in the first place - to study Mordremoth's influence and figure out exactly what we need to do to keep him from overrunning us all." Little did she know that by being out here, she was already putting herself at more risk than she could have imagined, considering the extent of the Elder Dragon's yet-unstudied influence over the Sylvari people.

"But speaking of your guild, is it just the five of you then? Where are you currently camped at? I'm sure that once we get to the Pact camp, I could arrange for some more secure quarters for you while you're here in Maguuma. After all, things might be rough at the moment, but the Pact has a fair amount of resources and supplies, and it would be the least they could do to accommodate you after you so kindly rescued me." Rhia's flashed another grateful smile at her companion - no doubt she would feel indebted to them for a long time yet for their kindness. "Plus, your goals may not be so different from those of the Pact either. Perhaps you could find further support and intel for your mission amongst them."
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