The Fe'gan Mountains are the highest, coldest mountains Lambastia has to offer, with the highest peak recorded at 8589 m (28,179 ft). Only the toughest creatures survive here, and the trek to get to the Basantha Shrine lays through these harsh conditions. (+3 Endurance)

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Re: Here We Go Again [Caving] [L] [H by Z]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/14/2017 7:07 PM

Chevalier used his own body as a shield to protect the others from the cave in. Emilia was still clutched close, dwarfed in the clawed hand of the Battleheart, while he stood above the other two, covering them with his body, even his wings out stretched out.

It all happened so fast, Adair and Blayze had little time to react at all. Blayze only clutched onto Adair even tighter in anticipation of being crushed by the rocks, tightly closing his eyes.

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Re: Here We Go Again [Caving] [L] [H by Z]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/14/2017 7:08 PM

But they never came crashing down. Not on them, anyway.

There was more rumbling, when the Battleheart's heavy body connected again with the ground after he lunged to protect them, and both Blayze and Adair knew they were safe. Rocks crashed down onto Chevalier's transformed body, pounding into his back, but his head was kept low, and he never faltered or even exclaimed in pain. He could take this much, no problem, to protect the others.

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Re: Here We Go Again [Caving] [L] [H by Z]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/14/2017 11:49 PM

As quickly as it happened, it was all over.

Chevalier's body was so massive that, by shielding the others and blocking the falling rocks, that their path was not entirely cut off from the cave in. There hadn't been enough to bury him, and they all fell off of his body and around them.

"Chevalier, are you all right?" It was Emilia that first called out when the rocks stopped falling.

Her companion responded with a quiet rumbling sound from deep within, similar to a growl, to answer her.

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Re: Here We Go Again [Caving] [L] [H by Z]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/14/2017 11:54 PM

With his response, he also lowered his hand so that is was close to the ground rather than close to his body, opening it up so as to let Emilia go free.The girl was sitting in the palm of it, and slid out with more grace than one would have expected from the movement. Her landing was flawless as her feet touched the ground and she flicked the long curls out from her face.

"What about you two?"

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Re: Here We Go Again [Caving] [L] [H by Z]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/14/2017 11:57 PM

It had dawned on Blayze that, if there was any way to go, going with Adair, well, that would be best for him. Although it was a shame that Adair would no longer exist in the world, if such a thing happened.

He was still clinging tightly onto the other man's arm when Emilia was lowered, the two men shuffling, to make sure they were out of the way.

"Yes, we're fine." It was Adair that answered Emilia.

"Thank you very much for the save Chev!" Blayze shouted out, once he recovered, forgetting that he could have just whispered and Chevalier would have heard him.

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