The Fe'gan Mountains are the highest, coldest mountains Lambastia has to offer, with the highest peak recorded at 8589 m (28,179 ft). Only the toughest creatures survive here, and the trek to get to the Basantha Shrine lays through these harsh conditions. (+3 Endurance)

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Of Fire, Wind and Ice (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/15/2017 1:06 PM


Asharae had a feeling that she was going to die in these mountains.

At first, she had wondered why the woman outfitting her for this journey had insisted she dress in so many stifling layers of fur. Now she wished that the furs were warmer, or that she had been able to wear more layers of them. The shivering had started several minutes ago, and now her entire face felt as if it were burning, although she knew that the sensation was caused by cold, not by heat.

She never should have come to the mountains. Her entire life had been spent on a tropical island; she hadn't even known what snow or ice or even cold was, until she began travelling through the mountains. Her body was not accustomed to dealing with such low temperatures, and she could feel it beginning to shut down.

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Re: Of Fire, Wind and Ice (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/15/2017 1:18 PM

Despite the thick gloves and fur-lined boots that had been provided for her, Asharae could already feel her extremities going numb. Although she couldn't see it, her fingers and toes had become pale as they grew dangerously close to being frostbitten. She knew that if she stayed out here much longer, she would die.

The problem was, all the layers of fur made it difficult enough to move without even adding in the effects of her shivering and stiff limbs. She was used to loose clothing that allowed her to easily move. These clothes, while keeping her at least warm enough to survive for as long as she had, slowed her movements and made her clumsy. And with the snow swirling around in the wind obscuring her vision, she was practically wandering around blindly at this point.

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Re: Of Fire, Wind and Ice (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 08/16/2017 1:36 PM

It wasn't long before Asharae's legs collapsed beneath her. Letting out a shrill scream, she put her hands out in front of her to take most of the impact. Despite her best efforts, the snow was too deep, and she ended up lying face down in it, struggling just to be able to roll over.

Brushing the snow from her face as best she could would her numb hands, the woman began to cry. The tears burned her frozen face, and she actually found herself grateful for the tiny amount of warmth they provided. Still, there was no time to be relieved. Her death was approaching rapidly, and she knew that her only hope of survival was to get the attention of someone else in the mountains...that is, if there even was anyone else in the frozen terrain.

"Help!" she screamed. The wind ripped the word from her lips, howling louder than her voice. "Someone, please help me!"

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Re: Of Fire, Wind and Ice (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 10/01/2017 11:18 PM

The wetness on her face, which had originally brought at least a small amount of warmth, soon left her face feeling even colder than before as the wind froze the tears to her cheeks. Her body was shaking uncontrollably now, and she couldn't even move enough to cover her face in an attempt to warm it slightly.

Even breathing hurt, now. Filling her lungs with the freezing air only succeeding in freezing her from the inside out. It felt as if the very blood in her veins had turned to ice. For all she knew, it had. That would explain why it hurt so badly. She had felt cold before, but this was an entirely new experience.

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Re: Of Fire, Wind and Ice (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 10/01/2017 11:22 PM

She couldn't hold on much longer. The world around her was fading into shadows, dark shapeless blurs. It wasn't as if there was anything to see, anyways. No one but her had been foolish enough to climb these mountains. At least, that was what she thought until she saw the large, blurry shadow coming towards her.

Lips trembling so badly that she could barely speak, she managed only to get out a single word: "Help." Whether or not the figure even understood, she had no clue. But it knelt in front of her, and was the last thing she saw before completely giving in to the darkness.

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Re: Of Fire, Wind and Ice (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 10/03/2017 9:57 PM


Humans on the mountain were a rarity, so when Aquilo began to hear a voice in the distance, he thought that it was simply the howling of the wind playing tricks on him at first. But when the words became more clear - a distinct cry for help - he realized the reality and severity of the situation.

Sprinting as quickly as he could through the snow - which wasn't really much of a sprint, considering how deep the snow was and how many layers he wore to protect himself from the cold - the man headed towards the voice, hoping he wouldn't be too late to save whatever poor soul had thought it wise to journey through the Fe'gan Mountains.

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Re: Of Fire, Wind and Ice (P)

Postby Kitsumi » 10/03/2017 10:05 PM

Soon, the voice ceased to call out. Worried that he was too late, Aquilo found a new burst of energy and plodded forward. He nearly missed the human form lying prone in the snow, but the person stirred as he drew close. A voice, clearly feminine, called out for help once more before the woman seemed to lose consciousness.

Kneeling in front of her, the man quickly removed his fur mantle and wrapped it over the now limp figure before lifting her effortlessly into his arms. Had she been conscious and not so close to death, he would have been more considerate. But time was likely running out for the woman, so he slung her over his shoulder, allowing himself to move more quickly back towards the cave he called home.

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