Fredrick - Mary - Shelly
This was definitely not an intended use of camp property.
Camp Wanaflowti was already a camp for psychics, which in and of itself lent to it having some pretty unusual camp gear. More than just the usual recurve bows with suction-cup arrows, well-patched canoes, and hot glue guns for crafting projects, there were helmets and armbands designed to stop students from using their powers, machines made to channel psychic energy, and mats to catch falling levitators, among others. But in the dead of the night, three young Kuhnas had scampered from their beds in Oak Cabin and, ah, "comandeered" several pieces of equipment the campers were probably not supposed to have their hands on. Floating in the wake of the Nightwalker Kuhna, they had assembled themselves into a towering machine of confounding proportions, a caddy-wompus tower of wires, lights, and contraptions that to an outsider seemed as if it had no unified purpose. But Mary, the Nightwalker, talked and cooed to it as if it were a small child, and somehow all its whirring aligned and its lights blinked in sync.
"Yes... yesss!" the Candycorn Kuhna hissed. "Once the device is assembled, I will be ready to begin my transformation!"
"Geez," the Haunted Kuhna next to him said. "Are you having way too much fun with this, or what?"
"...Aww, be quiet, Shelly," he pouted.