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You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/25/2017 7:44 PM

[While I used the E is for Everything tag, just to cover bases, this is mostly language with mentions, not full depictions, of violence and gore in the form of murder and cannibalism, given that my character is undead and survives on flesh. Never mind that this is a weird romance. Lol.]


The day after the incident and chance meeting in an elevator, Rayzer couldn't forget about the woman he'd met there. It was only a few minutes that they'd spent exchanging casual conversation, in close proximity in an unusual situation, when it came to the grand scheme of things. But he found that he fancied her. Initially, the idea to snatch her and eat her up did cross his mind, but after giving it some thought, he realized his desire wasn't to consume her in the very literal sense.

Not wanting to give up on her, to leave their story at a single, chance meeting, Rayzer returned to the scene of the crime the next day. Well, he didn't enter the office of the boss that he'd just slaughtered and eaten, but he donned the common outfit of a delivery person, dyed and styled his hair again, and returned to the company building in the name of delivering packages. He went in and out, unsuspected, even as the murder investigation was under way. It was no difficult task for him to find the woman's desk and leave her a single red rose on that day.

Thereafter, for the next two weeks, Rayzer personally delivered different gifts to her desk.  Bouquets, flower baskets, boxes of fine chocolates, edible chocolate dipped fruit arrangements, and gourmet food baskets. Today, he was topping that off with a special gift basket, titled "Wonders of Lavender," which included all the bath essentials, salts, soaps, lotions, and mists, candles, as well as tea, imported lavender candies, and chocolate truffles. Although, it wasn't necessarily those contents that made it special. Buried amongst all the gifts and goodies, lay his visitor's pass from that day.

Whether she had come to suspect him or not, now, she would know for certain.

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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby Mojave » 06/25/2017 11:36 PM


Since that day, Gertrude's life had become vastly more interesting; she just wasn't sure it was a good thing. For starters, people recognized her now. People acknowledged her. It had been interesting at best for the first twenty four hours, but only because she wouldn't be mistaken for an elderly employee anymore. But then the gifts had started; all without cards, or any indication who they were from. At first, she was content with the anonymity because it meant she didn't have to face anyone directly to thank them. But they hadn't stopped coming and plenty of time had passed that she shouldn't have been getting any more sympathy gifts. On top of that, the gifts were growing more extravagant by the day!

At first, she hadn't considered that it could be someone in the office, but eventually she did come to this assumption and asked around. Nobody knew of any secret admirers so if there was one, they were keeping their fascination quiet from everyone else. Her next thought was maybe some idiot down at the police station had taken a fancy to the 'swooning damsel'. She was on the phone with the local PD when the luxury basket was brought in. By now, she recognized the deliveryman from repeated exposure, and she was certain that the uneasiness she felt when she saw him stemmed from the fact she had been forced to become familiar with a person she otherwise would have ignored completely.  

"No, thank you, Sherrif. I'll figure it out on my own. You too, bye." She hung with a sigh. No luck with that idea either! A prickle along the back of her neck made her feel like she was being watched and she shivered slightly. Of course she was being watched, the deliveryman was standing in her door with another
package. "Hi, sorry about that. Just put it on the desk please." She directed as she signed for the basket.
She smiled sheepishly as she handed her signature over, "Well, thank you again. Though I'm sure you're probably tired of seeing my face after all these deliveries!" It was an attempt to joke, and she realized as soon as she said it that it wasn't as funny as it seemed in her head. Blushing, she looked away with pursed lips, sure he would make some awkward attempt at reassurance before slipping away.
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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/22/2017 5:52 PM

Turning up every day under the guise of a deliveryman enabled Rayzer to see Gertrude every single day, a way for him to attempt to discern. He'd learned, with his first visit, what her name was, not just the nickname that she had given during their introduction. He somehow found it very amusing, a woman of her age having such an old fashioned name must have came with its own set of annoyances. Whatever his name was in the past, he didn't know and he didn't care. Whomever he was, that guy was gone.

He'd been casually leaning in the doorway when she finally noticed him standing there, but he straightened up, nodded, and did as directed with the package, neatly setting it atop the desk. He'd handed over the clipboard for her to sign and took it back when she held it back out to him; it was just a prop, but it had allowed him to get her name that first day without any fuss.

Thus far, he had made a point of not speaking too much to her, outside of casual greetings for delivering the packages. Although he'd intentionally used a voice other than what he had most naturally, he figured she'd find his voice familiar, if he said too much or if she really paid it any mind.

With her attempt at a joke, though, he couldn't pass it up. The corners of his mouth turned up in a bit of a grin, and couldn't help but to chuckle, which remained undisguised. "I'd never get tired of seeing your face. Don't worry." It was probably not the response she was expecting, but Rayzer decided to speak the truth.

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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby Mojave » 07/23/2017 1:01 AM

Gertrude swiveled to face him, her face bright red at his reassurance. "Uh... um...?" She stuttered, not really sure what to say to something so random.

She wasn't sure if he was just trying to be nice or actually hitting on her. On one hand, they honestly didn't see each other for long enough periods of time for him to get tired of her face in the literal sense. Nor was she rude to him (as far as she intended anyway) so it wasn't like bringing packages to her was a hassle either. On the other, it wasn't said in a nonchalant way, so it was possible he was hitting on her. And if he was, why? Wouldn't most people in his position assume she had a doting boyfriend?

Her frantic thoughts were cast awry as her phone rang. Although she nearly jumped out of her skin, she quickly composed herself and stepped back to her desk. "Thank you for calling, this is Trudy." She paused as the other party introduced themselves. "Oh, hello Captain. No, it's really nothing probably just me being paranoid."
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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/06/2017 1:46 AM

Her reaction amused Rayzer, but not in a malicious way. Her awkward, fumbling self, knowing that he had made her that way, was somehow especially attractive.

He stood there momentarily, overhearing her half of the conversation over the phone, and an obvious smirked tugged at the corners of his mouth. Oh, how wrong she was. So very wrong. The killer was standing right in front of her, after all, she just hadn't pieced it together yet.

Clearing his throat suddenly, in order to call her attention back to him in spite of being on the phone, he smiled and waved at her once when she did look over. "I should get going." And, with that, he made a half turn, before thinking of something else and turning back to her. "Oh, ah, there is something extra special in there this time." He indicated the gift basket neatly sitting on her desk. "So I've heard. Anyway, take care!"

He made his exit before she could ask anything, giving her another smile and wave, before strolling right out of the scene of the crime.

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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby Mojave » 10/06/2017 3:15 AM

She looked up when he cleared his throat and waved goodbye to him when he made his exit. Both the police captain still talking in her ear and his sudden departure prevented her from asking what he meant, but she wasn't too worried about it. She'd go through the contents when she went home that night.

She screamed when she saw the name badge, dropping it on the floor as she backed hurriedly away. Suddenly, she understood why the deliveryman always unnerved her when she saw him. He was the man from the elevator. The man who'd killed her boss. And suddenly it clicked. She knew who her secret admirer was and she suddenly sobbed, sliding down the wall to rock on her heels as she tried to wrap her mind around the idea of a killer being interested in her.

Some time later, despite the late hour, Gertrude still hadn't calmed down and decided to go for a walk to cool her head. She grabbed her mace and tazer, neither of which she was comfortable using since she'd never had occasion to do so. But with a killer's attention on her, she didn't feel comfortable leaving without them. Her mind too focused on her situation, she wasn't paying too close attention to her surroundings.
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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/06/2017 4:07 AM

Rayzer may have departed the office building once he'd dropped off the day's extra special delivery, but he never strayed all that far away from Gertrude for long; not since he'd taken an interest in her. In a very real sense, she was his prey, it was just that he didn't have any intention of eating her, like all the others. Because of that, she was special.

From the moment she left the office building, unbeknownst to her, he stalked after her. He was too good. She hadn't noticed him following after her prior, and not now, either. Outside of her home, Rayzer had heard her scream, and he smirked, pleased with himself.

Even when she left the house, some time later, to wander the late night street, Rayzer was there. Every single step of the way.

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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby Mojave » 10/10/2017 1:49 AM

There were moments that night when she thought she could feel someone watching her. A prickling along her spine that made the fine hairs on the back of her neck and arms stand on end causing her to spin around, mace raised. Each time it happened (later she would only remember three instances), nothing was there and she quickly pocketed her mace and hurried along.

In her panicked state, she ended up downtown in a questionable neighborhood without realizing it. A burning sensation in her leg muscles woke her up to her surroundings and she realized she'd come out farther than she'd intended. Now nervous because of the reputation of the area, Gertrude was on high alert as she retraced her steps to head back home. She was almost out of the slums when she heard something rattling next to her. Shivering, she slowly turned to face the sound, expecting to see the killer coming toward her. At first, she didn't see anything, and lowered her mace. But then a loud bang echoed from the alley she was standing in front of, followed by the sound of running feet. She screamed, falling over backwards as a shadow leaped toward her.

She was instantly embarrassed as a medium sized dog yelped before tucking tail and running away down the street. Gertrude sat on the sidewalk, heart almost thumping out of her throat, her brain slowly processing that it had only been a dog. She wasn't going to die tonight after all. A dog! Suddenly, she burst out laughing, letting her body relax for the first time all evening. How stupid of her, to come out as if to bait the killer to come after her and then wind up here only be scared half to death by a harmless dog. She got up, dusted herself off, and headed home, decidedly more calm now though she was relieved to make it home without further incident.

For a few nights, Gertrude continued her late night walks. At first, it was in defiance to the killer- he wasn't going to scare her into staying at home cowering like a little girl. But by the third night, it was just because she found it helped her unwind. But familiarity breeds contempt, as they say, and on the fifth night she was out late because she'd gotten stuck at work after hours. While it wasn't her usual route for a late night stroll, she'd made the trek twice a day every weekday for years now and nothing had ever happened. She was letting her mind wander, not paying attention, when three shadows circled her.

Gertrude froze, her body stiffening as her mind instantly jumped to the conclusion the killer was here to take her out after all, bringing some friends to make her death more brutal than it would have been if he were alone. But as she glanced at the faces of the three young men who were drawing closer, she didn't recognize any of them. Muggers. She thought grimly, sliding her hand into her purse to grip the bottle of mace. "Excuse me." She said, politely, trying to side step the man directly in front of her. She realized when he grabbed her that they had been jeering at her between themselves.

"Hey now wait, Missy. We're not done with you. You haven't even said hello back to us. You don't want to be rude, do you?" "I said excuse me. Now move out of my way." She insisted, jerking her arm out of his grip. The mood changed instantly. As the two men behind her reached for her, Gertrude pulled the mace out of her bag, aiming it for the first man's face. He ducked, she was grabbed and forced to drop the can, and suddenly the leader of the group had the bottle of mace and was leaning down to gloat in her face. "Aw, lookit this boys. She thought she was gonna mace us, isn't that cute? Tell me something miss, have you ever been maced? It's not a nice thing to do to someone at all. Here, let me show you." As he spoke, her face went white and she tried to close her eyes and look away as the bottle was aimed at her own face. She screamed in protest as the other two holding her forced her face back toward their leader and like an idiot, she would later think, she opened her eyes to see if there was anyone around. Just as her eyes opened, her assailant sprayed the chemical mixture into her face and she was suddenly screaming in pain, struggling to free herself from the firm grips of the other two. "Stop! Just stop it, please! Someone help me! PLEASE!" She screeched, twisting away from the stream that was still being sprayed into her face, some of it entering her mouth and throat as she cried out.
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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/13/2017 12:54 AM

In the following days, Rayzer didn't show up in front of Gertrude, nor did he have any more gifts sent to her place of work, but he never strayed too far away for long. Each and every night, he followed along after her, stalking unseen and unheard, contemplating his next move. If he desired to kill her or abduct her, either would have been an easy feat, but that would not have been fun.

On the night she had stayed at work, Rayzer had been summoned and sent out to work. It was nothing terribly note worthy or interesting. In fact, he found running basic errands to be a great annoyance, especially when he had other things to do, but he couldn't very well say no to his boss and benefactor. Not if he wanted to keep his life. Already running late, he first stopped at her home, under the assumption that she would have already been there. But, when he realized she wasn't there, and even checked by ringing the door bell and dodging out of sight to see if she answered, he began to make his way to where she worked.

It started as a casual stroll for Rayzer, keeping his eye out for for his prey as he stalked along the usual path and, when he hadn't yet found her, he first thought that she might have gone out. She didn't usually deviate much from her usual routine, from what he had witnessed thus far, but it was always a possibility. Humans tended to do some unpredictable or out of the ordinary things, at times, so it was not out of the question.

But these thoughts were all violently ripped away when he heard the scream. Her scream. Her voice was unmistakable. Rayzer saw red and, before Gertrude's assailants even knew what was happening, he was upon them.


From behind, he grabbed the first of them on either side of his head, effectively boxing his ears, before immediately contorting it in a way it it was never meant to go, breaking his neck. It was accompanied by a disgusting snap as his spinal column was broken. And the corpse was left to fall to the ground in a heap.


The second man that had been holding onto her reacted to the attack, the sound of his partner's neck snapping, by releasing his hold on her and trying to turn to see what had happened, but it was too late. Rayzer shoved his hand into the man's face with such force that he was thrown against the wall, his head crushed between the two.


Even the third man, the leader of the trio and most guilty, still could not really register that they were being attacked when the undead killer moved around behind him, grabbing him with hands on each of his shoulders. Whispering into his ear, "You shouldn't take someone else's prey," Razyer's voice was smooth and haunting, one which was only drawn out in these moments of taking a kill. It would haunt and terrify the man in the few remaining moments of his life, but it didn't last long. Releasing his hold, Rayzer clamped down on the man's shoulder, closer to his neck, shredding through his skin and biting a chunk of exposed flesh clean off, chewing it up and swallowing it down. The man screamed, but it was cut short when Rayzer shoved his fist entirely through the man's back, through the flesh, bone and muscle, to wrench out his still beating heart. Before he could scream again, blood sputtered up and out of his mouth. And, like the others before him, he was left to slump to the ground.

In the aftermath of the swift, calculated carnage, Rayzer shoved the freshly harvested organ into his long coat pocket, saving it for a later snack. And wiped his bloodied hand off on said coat, before moving to tend to Gertrude, whom had crumpled to the ground once she had been released from the men that assaulted her.

"You're safe now." His voice, very intentionally, came out differently than other voices she'd heard him use before, and conveyed warmth and reassurance. "Can you stand?" He thought to reach out, grab her and help her up, but it occurred to him that such contact would likely frighten her all the more in these circumstances, so he only held out his left hand, the one not covered in blood, for her to take, should she need it.

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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby Mojave » 10/13/2017 2:16 AM

Gertrude couldn't see and couldn't hear much over her own agonized screams. At first, when she heard the loud snap of bone, she thought they had broken her arms because her right arm was suddenly hanging limply by her side. Through the haze of pain and fear, she realized that her right arm was no longer restrained. It took another moment for her brain to process that the limb didn't hurt, the bone must not be broken. Why... why had he released her then?

By the time her sluggish brain reached this thought, her other arm was released as well. She collapsed to her knees immediately, toppling to her side to curl into a ball and hide her face from any further hurt. As she lay there, she tried to process what was happening. There was another crunching sound, though she couldn't tell what had happened. It could just as easily have been one of them stepping on gravel as far as she could tell. She'd never heard a skull being crushed before.

If she heard Rayzer's whisper, she gave no sign since she was on the brink of fainting. It was starting to dawn on her that someone else was there. That they were making her attackers stop. She sobbed in a mix of agony and relief just as the leader screamed. Despite his cry being cut off, Trudy was just glad that she was being saved, not caring who it was or what they had done to stop the attack.

The voice she heard was different than the voice she'd heard the man from the elevator use, and she reached for him desperately as if to reassure herself that she was safe. As she groped for his hand, she lifted her face, her eyes red and swollen shut, the surrounding skin and her lips blistered. She tried to cry out, but choked instead, tears leaking out of her eyes as she turned her head trying to hear some sound that would tell her where he was.
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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/13/2017 3:30 AM

Rayzer hadn't known what exactly, they had done to Gertrude, only that anything was enough to warrant his fury and a death sentence. But, when he saw her blistered, tear stained face, he was even more furious than before. Although, that anger had almost nowhere to go, since he'd already killed all the assailants; all there was left to do now was consider making a meal out of them.

While breathing was no longer a necessity for him, but something of a habit, he exhaled loudly, calming himself. His anger wasn't aimed at Gertrude, of course, so he needed to keep himself together. She groped around for him, and Rayzer reached out to take her outstretched hand with his own, gingerly, at first. "I'm here," he reassured her again. "I've got you."

Once he securely held onto her hand, he came closer, kneeling, placing his other hand on her back before letting her hand go. He gathered up her purse, which had been fallen to the ground, and then moved to haul her up into his arms. Rayzer lifted her up as if she weighed almost nothing at all, not having to strain in order to do so, and began to make his way from the scene of the crime. "You'll be all right now."

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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby Mojave » 10/13/2017 11:18 PM

His grounding sigh alerted her to his position and she reached out again just as he took her outstretched hand. While his touch was hesitant, careful, she gripped his hands too firmly in her tiny-in-comparison ones. "Th-thank you." She took a shaky but deep breath at his reassurance, and exhaled slowly. He's real- THIS is real. I'm safe. There's nothing to be afraid of, you are in control now.

As he moved to assist her, she went through this mental litany and calmed herself with each moment she controlled her breathing. Her breathing hitched before accelerating again. I'm blind! She raised a hand tentatively to her face, though it hurt enough already so refrained from actually touching the wounds.

With her return to reality, she realized several things at once. First, she was being carried. The man holding her was warm, strong, and had a coppery scent to himself or his clothes, she wasn't sure. Lastly, that adrenaline was a hell of a pain blocker. At some point, her brain must have employed some sort of defense mechanism because she was now realizing just how much she hurt.

She seriously hoped he was right, because her vision was going black and she was slipping away in a faint brought on by extreme duress and execrutiating pain. Her last thought, 'I guess it won't matter if I'm not all right now, I can't-' cut off and she was limp in his arms.
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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/14/2017 12:30 AM

Although she went entirely limp in his arms, the dead weight didn't change how easy it was for Rayzer to carry Gertrude away. Looks could be deceiving, given that no one would expect someone that looked so sickly pale and with sunken eyes to be able to lift several times their own body weight or shove his own fist straight through the body of another man like it was nothing at all. Being undead had some positives, he supposed, but it wasn't as if he knew any other life.

Her losing consciousness had it's benefits, though, so Rayzer was actually pleased when she passed out in his arms. First, while faint, she wouldn't feel the pain she was going through, so that worked in her favor. Second, it would be that much easier to him to do what he wanted.

After carrying her back to his car, he rushed Gertrude back to his place, a modern luxury home in a rich neighborhood in the city; it hadn't been his in the beginning, nor was it his name on the deed, but he'd taken that man's place. She was still out cold, at that point, but still breathing, and Rayzer carried her up the stairs and inside. He didn't even need keys to open his front door, just the security code.

In that moment, when he crossed the threshold, he thought about the best place to lay out a body. A table could have worked, but she wasn't dead, so he thought better of it; it wouldn't be comfortable to wake up on. Instead, he gave up his bed, carrying her to his room. He was ever careful with the woman as he laid her out, making sure her head was rested on the plush pillows there.

Rayzer already knew the effects that pepper spray caused on those that were alive, like she was, but he had to pull out his phone, only after thoroughly cleaning his hands, and look up exactly how to treat someone that had been sprayed. Up to now, it had never been a concern of his.

'Fuck.' After reviewing treatments, he realized he'd have to run out to the corner store.

Not wanting to leave her alone without doing anything for her, as she might have woken up while he was out, Rayzer filled a brand new syringe with pain medication which he might have usually used on a victim he intended to hack up alive, so they could sit and watch. For Gertrude, though, he lowered it only to a proper dose, one that would only ease her pain, without any dizzying or impairing side effects. Hopefully. Treating a person he wanted to help was far different than medicating someone he was going to kill.

It only took another ten or fifteen minutes for him to run out, pick up what he needed from the store, and come back. Milk. Of all things, it suggested to treat a person's flesh with milk, first to ease the burn , and then use liquid dish soap to remove the spray from the skin entirely.

Since Gertrude was still passed out when he got back, he couldn't yet help her rinse out her eyes, so he started with treating her skin first. Milk was poured out into a large bowl, and a small rag was saturated in it. Sitting beside her on the bed, he began to dab her face.

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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby Mojave » 10/14/2017 1:59 AM

Between fainting on her own and being kept asleep with the pain medication, Trudy was completely unaware of the lengths Rayzer went through to provide assistance. The feeling of the cold liquid on her face woke her up, though the smell quickly identified what was being dabbed on her irritated skin so gently. She twitched as more cold drops landed on her lips, rolling back into her mouth.

"Nnnngh." She groaned as she tried to open her eyes and was rewarded with discomfort, the true pain held at bay by the medicine. "Where am I?" she asked hoarsely, laying still beneath his gentle ministrations.
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Re: You Could Be the Corpse [E] [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/07/2017 2:38 AM

"I didn't know what else to do, so I brought you to my home to treat you," Rayzer answered gently, using the same tone of voice that he had when he went to save her, so she would recognize him as her rescuer. And, hopefully then, not freak out about being at some stranger's home. "Luckily, I got there before it became any more serious."

He obviously was aware of the pepper spray, as he was treating that, but he had to ask, "Are you hurt anywhere else?" From what he could tell, she wasn't, but he hadn't examined her entirely, and it wasn't as if he would notice any injuries that were not external and obvious. "I'm treating you for the pepper spray as instructed. Do I need to take you to a doctor instead?" Although, for him, it was most ideal to have Gertrude close to him like this, if it came to her safety, then of course he would give up this opportunity.

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