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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Kitsumi » 10/06/2017 12:01 PM

Quest: Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.
Reward: 25 KS


1. What forms do they take in roleplay?
He only uses a human form

2. What are their sleep habits?
Typically he doesn't sleep until he's practically passing out from exhaustion, so he tends to sleep wherever he can (usually a couch, or a bed if it's available). He usually likes to sprawl out over the bed, with an arm and/or leg slung over the side, and once he's asleep he does not move. Like, at all. He always wakes up in the exact position that he fell asleep in.

3. How do they prefer their eggs?
He likes his eggs over easy, preferably with toast to sop up the yoke.

4. What do they fear?
At this point (beginning) of his plot, he's scared of living out on the streets because it's a very real possibility, and losing his mother to her illness. Later on, his biggest fear is losing his boyfriend Ryder. He also has a few smaller fears, like the ocean and heights.

5. What do they or would they collect?
Wristbands. He has at least a few dozen.

6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder?
If it was just a tap, he'd just look at them to see what they want. If it was like a hand resting on his shoulder, he'd probably give them a disgusted look and move away.

7. What sort of places are they often found?
Right now, he kinda hops from place to place. Later in his plot, he can always be found by Ryder's side. Typically he's in Ryder's apartment since he prefers staying in than going out.

8. What is their idea of a nice evening?
Actually eating a full meal and having a set place to sleep for the late is really all he wants. He actually has a secret "classy" side though - he wants to be wined and dined. He'd love going to a place far away from all the city lights for a picnic dinner at sunset, and then watching the stars come out with a bottle of wine and a cozy blanket.

9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw?
He's incredibly insecure and anxious.

10.  Give us two random facts about your character:
One: He loves cats. Two: He hates most cooked vegetables, and prefers them raw.

Quest: Purchase two Palette Potions Order(s) must be made in this month. Link the post(s) in which the purchase is made. MUST be purchased in Mage's Brewery.
Reward: One Palette Potion


Quest: Start a roleplay in Wilt'no Desert and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters visiting and staying the night in a cemetery (graveyard). Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby zapdragon555 » 10/07/2017 6:42 PM

Quest: Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.
Reward: 25 KS

Cyril Pearcival

1. What forms do they take in roleplay? Human form, very rarely pet form (noncanon)
2. What are their sleep habits? He's rather high-stress, so dreaming is rare--he's a very early riser normally, and typically sleeps in boxers and nothing else. He's a very light sleeper, as well.
3. How do they prefer their eggs? Poached! Or scrambled, but he himself can't cook very well so honestly he just appreciates food in general.
4. What do they fear? Loss of control, namely of himself. He always has to feel as though he is in full control of every emotion (or lackthereof) and bodily function, or he goes through extreme anxiety that he solves via action--often violent
5. What do they or would they collect? Human bones uhh honestly, probably books or old records.
6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder? A calm, polite step backwards--if from behind, he'd be a little more on-edge. He doesn't love being touched in general, but he can handle it well enough.
7. What sort of places are they often found? Depends on the time period of his life--as a child he was glued to his father's side, as a young adult he was running wild in bars and seedy nightclubs, as an adult depending on the AU he's either skulking around alleyways and hideouts with murderous intent, or likely with his childhood friend/now lover, Ava Liske.
8. What is their idea of a nice evening? At his worst, pulling off a successful kill that he's planned and plotted for weeks. At his best, a nice dinner out and quiet evening at home with Ava or by himself.
9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw? Cyril's need for control, and the mental / emotional unsteadiness that arises as a result of it being taken away in any form or fashion
10.  Give us two random facts about your character:
- Cyril has two younger brothers and a younger sister, but one of his brothers is a half-brother.
- Cyril was originally a throwaway villain in Erastus' main plot (Cyril's youngest brother) but he grew to be one of my most beloved characters.

Quest: Suggest five or more potential themes for seasonal pets. (Examples from past holidays: hot and cold, art, mythological creatures, ocean/beach.)
Reward: 25 KS

- Greek mythology / gods
- Extinct animals
- Eras / time travel (20's, 70's, 90's, future)
- Glitch / robotic
- Poisonous flowers / plants

Quest: Trick-or-treat at the Seasonal Specialties shop. Link the post.
Reward: 15 KS

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters visiting and staying the night in a cemetery (graveyard). Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Indigo » 10/07/2017 7:42 PM

Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.
Reward: 25 KS

Silas Arcturus
1. What forms do they take in roleplay? Pet form only
2. What are their sleep habits? He doesn't really...sleep. But at night he tends to settle in one spot and stare out the window until someone else in the house wakes up which is...like sleep?
3. How do they prefer their eggs? He doesn't eat either.
4. What do they fear? That he might not be able to die.
5. What do they or would they collect? Newspaper articles about supernatural occurrences. It's a practical hobby now, but before he reconnected with the Byrons it was a way of keeping in touch without keeping in touch, a reminder of what he'd lost.
6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder? Turn slowly and deliberately toward them and wait for an explanation. For as long as necessary. He doesn't exactly embrace his unsettling appearance, but he's not above making use of it.
7. What sort of places are they often found? Usually at home, or running errands. He also attends a biweekly book club which is usually hosted at an allegedly haunted location of some sort (abandoned locations excluded unless they're in very good condition).
8. What is their idea of a nice evening? Ideally he would like to get both of the Byron siblings home for dinner at the same time, but will settle for rapid succession; and after dinner to read something for his book club while they argue about something in the background. Fairly mundane, it's happened more than a few times, but mostly what he wants is to live like a real person.
9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw? A tendency to micromanage and assert that he knows what's best even in the face of glaring evidence to the contrary.
10.  Give us two random facts about your character:
- He is a construct made out of dead birds. Mostly birds, anyway.
- He can talk to dead people but tries not to because he doesn't like how morbid they usually are.

Trick-or-treat at the Seasonal Specialties shop. Link the post.
Reward: 15 KS


Start a roleplay in Wilt'no Desert and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters visiting and staying the night in a cemetery (graveyard). Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


What are you looking at?

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby RiDragon » 10/10/2017 12:14 AM

Quest: Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.
Reward: 25 KS

Professor Xavier J. Winter

1. What forms do they take in roleplay? (Example, human form, pet form, etc)
Winter is capable of taking on any form that he deems most appropriate to the situation he finds himself in.  He actually has little control over this, having some sort of automatic instinct that shifts his form depending on what universe he is in and what the inhabitants are like.

2. What are their sleep habits?
Winter is either awake for weeks at a time or sleeping so soundly that an explosion couldn't wake him for days straight.  There is no in between.

3. How do they prefer their eggs?
Winter likes them either scrambled with extra cheese or sunny side up, extra runny, with burnt buttered toast.  Also drowned in maple syrup.

4. What do they fear?
Ruining a universe with his presence, becoming too connected with any mortal individual.

5. What do they or would they collect?
He enjoys collecting pets from different universes.  His favorites are reptilians.

6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder?
"Oh, do you need something good chum?"

7. What sort of places are they often found?
Somewhere that is mostly wilderness, away from large society.  He tends to be in the middle of no where with seemingly no survival gear.

8. What is their idea of a nice evening?
Studying a new place.

9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw?
He knows he shouldn't make connections with mortals, as he's immortal and it'll eventually cause him pain.  But he does it anyway.  He's very bad at emotionally distancing himself, though he tries to.

10.  Give us two random facts about your character
Winter has a bit of trouble remembering which universe is is original.  He also was a mortal at one point.

Quest: Suggest five or more potential themes for seasonal pets. (Examples from past holidays: hot and cold, art, mythological creatures, ocean/beach.)
Reward: 25 KS

1) I know we have astrology pets for the birthday shop, but a few more astrology themed pets would be pretty cool!

2) C-Could we have a dragon theme.  Just.  Everything dragons.  I love dragons.  ehehehe.

3) Perhaps fish/mermaid theme.  Mersharks, merclownfish, merseahorses.  Yaknow?  

4) Neon color theme!  RAVE PARTY.  (I love bright markings on black creatures.  Like a black creature with glowing green stripes/eyes.  yas.)

5) "Hacking" theme?  Like, a pet that's all 0s and 1s, and all green.  yknow what I mean?  And some glitched out pets too.  That'd be p cool.

Quest: Trick-or-treat at the Seasonal Specialties shop. Link the post.
Reward: 15 KS


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warming, selfless
I will give... I will take

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby FieldsofIris » 10/11/2017 9:33 PM

Quest: Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.
Reward: 25 KS


1. What forms do they take in roleplay?
Mya often takes a human form, though she (and most of my characters) have the ability to switch back and forth to their pet/creature form when the situation calls for it, albeit at a great cost of energy.
2. What are their sleep habits?
For years after being trapped in the arena, Mya would only sleep fully clothed, with a rolled up blanket as a pillow and a knife in hand. She still does so, by only when she is in the middle of hunting wanted criminals. When she is home, however, she prefers to sleep totally nude, but with the air conditioning turned all the way up. Because of this habit, she also sleeps with as many blankets as she can find. (Sounds costly, but she is a bounty hunter - $$$!)
3. How do they prefer their eggs?
Though she doesn't seem like the type, Mya is some sort of god-tier health guru, exercising and doing yoga regularly. She also maintains an abnormally structured diet. On the days she doesn't have scrambled egg whites and spinach, she takes her eggs in a green, gloppy protein shake. She says that it's better than the food she was given in the arena.
4. What do they fear?
At night, she wakes up in a cold sweat from nightmares about the arena. She dreams about the terrible things she did to survive, and the friends she lost there. If pressed, Mya would most admit that she is afraid of the monsters inside people, the ones that come out in places like the arena.
5. What do they or would they collect?
After turning in criminals for her bounty, Mya always does three things. First, she buys herself one of those really nice smoothies from in town as an extra reward. Second, she gives almost all of the rest of it to Iris to maintain the Garden back home. And finally, she hangs the newest "Wanted" poster up next to all of the others on a wall in her home. She likes to look on them as all of the good she has done in the world, and hopes that it will one day outweigh the bad.
6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder?
Though she'd never admit it, Mya would jump, twist around, and fling out an arm, maybe even shrieking a bit if she really wasn't expecting it. You know how people in cartoons do the thing? Yeah, Mya totally does the thing. Then she'd totally try and brush it off, acting really embarrassed. It's quite endearing, actually.
7. What sort of places are they often found?
If she isn't out hunting down criminals, then Mya is usually hanging around the Garden, often doing some form of exercise. Whether it's helping others do heavy lifting or going for a run, she doesn't like sitting idle very often. (She's got quite the soft spot for helping others, but don't let her hear you say that.)
8. What is their idea of a nice evening?
With a night off, Mya often does "What any sensible person would do, of course": she goes to bed early!
9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw?
Mya's paranoia tends to get the best of her. When she gets too caught up in her past, she begins to obsess over her self-image, caught between maintaining a tough facade and escaping her demons.
10. Give us two random facts about your character:
For one, Mya doesn't have a last name. She doesn't remember any of her family since she was in the arena for so long, and therefore, doesn't recall her last name. She didn't even have a first name again until she escaped! And second, Mya celebrates her birthday on the day she met Iris and began to live in the Garden. Again, she can't remember anything from before the arena, so she celebrates her life on the day she feels it truly began.
Quest: Suggest five or more potential themes for seasonal pets. (Examples from past holidays: hot and cold, art, mythological creatures, ocean/beach.)
Reward: 25 KS

1. Flower themed pets would be cool! I know we have the Leawolf and Leplora species, but other types of flowers could be really pretty! (I'm a sucker for forget-me-nots. c:)
2. Woodland creatures? Like blue jays and cardinals, or rabbits and chipmunks! I know we have some pets based off of animals already, but I really like the natural patterns in their feathers and pelts.
3. General natural phenomena is a broad category, but hear me out, hear me out! Thunder storms, the northern lights, volcanic eruptions, meteor showers, and others all have different color schemes and patterns that would be so awesome to see on pets! c:
4. I know we already have Clockwork pets... but I totally missed the boat on those cool kids. Maybe revive the idea in a sort of steampunk or android/robotic wave of designs? Or even something Leonardo da Vinci-esque?
5. It was kind of hard coming up with a fifth one that was kind of unique, so sorry if it sucks, but... different types of light? Sunlight (bright and cheery), candlelight (soft and dim), campfire light (warm and comforting), moonlight (cold yet beautiful), fluorescent light (which could be kinda creepy and washed out), etc.
Quest: Trick or treat at the Seasonal Specialties shop. Link the post.
Reward: 15 KS

Here ya go! c:

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Silver » 10/13/2017 8:03 AM

Quest: Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.
Reward: 25 KS

1. What forms do they take in roleplay?
- A human who can transform into a rejection lakundra (his soon to be pet-form).
2. What are their sleep habits?
- Sleeps like a rock, only during the day. Don't disturb him. Just don't.
3. How do they prefer their eggs?
- Probably doesn't care? Whatever's around is fine.
4. What do they fear?
- Not much. Probably his friends being hurt, though he'd never tell them that.
5. What do they or would they collect?
- If he had to collect something, sports memorabilia.
6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder?
- Depends on the situation. In a dark secluded place? Punch to the face. In a busy public place? Be friendly and helpful until he gets annoyed.
7. What sort of places are they often found?
- At home sleeping or out to eat somewhere.
8. What is their idea of a nice evening?
- Good food and a good game.
9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw?
- Anger issues and general laziness.
10.  Give us two random facts about your character:
- Human and Lakundra forms have a bald patch under chin. (No beard for this guy.)
- Loves to take long, hot baths, but probably wouldn't tell anyone as much.

Quest: Suggest five or more potential themes for seasonal pets. (Examples from past holidays: hot and cold, art, mythological creatures, ocean/beach.)
Reward: 25 KS

- Fruits (and vegetables?): I think there's a lot of variety in color and pattern here. Plus I love watermelon and strawberry inspired things. :D
- Music: A bit difficult to think of ideas for compared to others, but plenty of potential. Lots of things artists could work with, like written music, and various instruments.
- The Elements: You know, water, earth, fire, air? Or wood, metal, water, fire if you prefer. Quite an open theme.
- Rainforest: Based on the colorful animals and plants native to rainforests. Very easy to think of ideas for, I figure.
- Sky: A personal favorite of mine. Blue, clouds, sun, stars, celestial bodies. Pretty. *-*
(I also love the idea of flowers but it looks like some other posters beat me to that one!)

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters visiting and staying the night in a cemetery (graveyard). Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Things that Explode in the Night

I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 10/15/2017 5:11 AM

Quest: Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.
Reward: 25 KS

My little doll character, Hadya!


1. What forms do they take in roleplay? She normally appears as a doll that's about a foot tall.
2. What are their sleep habits? Hadya doesn't really sleep, but she likes to pretend to sometimes. She normally curls up into a little ball with her hands tucked next to her head.
3. How do they prefer their eggs? She doesn't eat eggs.
4. What do they fear? Disappointing her master/father-figure, Jarrahash. Also losing him. Getting smashed, that would be bad.
5. What do they or would they collect? She likes small gemstones and beads that she can carry. Anything she can put in her hair.
6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder? Turn her head to them and stare.
7. What sort of places are they often found? When she's at home, she can usually be found in the shadow room with the other dolls, where they live and play. Right now, she's keeping an eye on Tarana Tanaka, a client of her master.
8. What is their idea of a nice evening? Playing with her doll friends, getting her hair brushed, and finding shinies. Exploring isn't too bad either.
9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw? She's got a crack in her face. And she probably trusts too easily, she's essentially a child.
10.  Give us two random facts about your character: 1. She has no facial features except for the large eye that takes the entire thing up. 2. She can record any visual information she observes and relay it back to Jarrahash. She can also act as a sort of conduit so that her master can observe what she sees live if he so chooses.

Quest: Suggest five or more potential themes for seasonal pets. (Examples from past holidays: hot and cold, art, mythological creatures, ocean/beach.)
Reward: 25 KS

For spring, plant based pets, maybe thunderstorms, or fairies?
For summer, sunlight, desert pets, deep-sea pets.
For autumn, eldritch pets, witchcraft, nighttime or nightmares. Or something that captures all the colours of autumn. I'd like anything that's associated with autumn to be honest.
For winter pets, ice and snow themed. Maybe something based off of moonlight?

That's more than five, oops.

Quest: Start a roleplay in Wilt'no Desert and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters visiting and staying the night in a cemetery (graveyard). Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Sad dead man chats with grave, more at 6.

There's a reckoning a-coming
It burns beyond the grave
There's lead inside my belly
Cause my soul has lost its way

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby FrostWynd » 10/18/2017 6:01 AM

Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.
Reward: 25 KS

    1. What forms do they take in roleplay?
    Dragon form! More specifically, a Tundra from FR. But she is able to change into a humanoid form to accommodate non-dragon folks as well.

    2. What are their sleep habits?
    She often curls up into a big fluffy ball when she sleeps, but really enjoys cuddling whenever it's an option. Provided that the recipient of said cuddling is okay with the possibility of getting smothered in thick fur. Normally she's good about getting the proper amount of sleep necessary, though sometimes if things start to get really busy with work that it starts to interfere, then she may opt for napping during the day to keep up.

    3. How do they prefer their eggs?
    Her kind don't normally eat eggs, and she is no exception.

    4. What do they fear?
    She's a bit of a worrywart whenever it comes to her family and friends, and cares a lot about their well-being. So the thought of something bad happening to any of them is pretty scary for her.

    5. What do they or would they collect?
    Seashells. Lots and lots of seashells. Living close to the beach makes it pretty easy to find new ones all the time, and she especially loves the shiny ones. Don't ask how many she already has.

    6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder?
    If the contact is brief like a small tap, then she would be a little confused but likely wouldn't think too much about it. Especially if it's just to get her attention. It would be a different matter if the stranger was being creepy about it.

    7. What sort of places are they often found?
    She's always somewhere on the island, and doesn't travel very far from it, so it usually isn't that hard to find her. Some of her favorite places are the beach, the concert hall, and her home when she isn't busy working.

    8. What is their idea of a nice evening?
    Spending time with her family is all she needs to have a pleasant evening. But if something were to ever get in the way of family night, she can make do with the peace and quiet to just relax and spend that time with her mate.

    9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw?
    Her naivety with some of her beliefs. They make her a little too trusting.

    10. Give us two random facts about your character
    She loves playing in the sand. Whether its squishing sand between her toes, building sandcastles, or just burying herself in it, she can't resist behaving a bit like a hatchling about it. The only downside for everyone else is when they find random grains left behind wherever she goes afterwards...
    She's never had her winter fur coat before. The weather on the island and the climate of the places she's been to has been too warm for it to ever come in, so nobody - herself included - knows what sort of fluff potential she truly has.

Suggest five or more potential themes for seasonal pets. (Examples from past holidays: hot and cold, art, mythological creatures, ocean/beach.)
Reward: 25 KS
    - Tribal
    - Deep Sea
    - Dreams & Nightmares
    - Fairies
    - Pirates
    - Prehistoric
    - Glow in the Dark
Trick-or-treat at the Seasonal Specialties shop. Link the post.
Reward: 15 KS

Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters visiting and staying the night in a cemetery (graveyard). Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Mojave » 10/31/2017 12:32 AM

Quest: Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.
Reward: 25 KS

Diego Image
1. What forms do they take in roleplay? (Example, human form, pet form, etc) human or werecat (rarely)
2. What are their sleep habits? (Example: Usually only sleeps eight hours, in their underwear, curled up into a ball under the covers.) naps between jobs, when he does get home, he usually just collapses on the bed in boxers
3. How do they prefer their eggs? (Example: Scrambled, hard boiled, only in ramen, etc) sunny side up, over easy, fried, in ramen
4. What do they fear? If you ask him, he'll say nothing. But deep down he's afraid of rejection so doesn't bother making deep connections outside his small circle
5. What do they or would they collect? guitars if he had the money, rn he collects guitar picks, signed albums/posters/etc
6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder? If it's a guy, "Uh can I help you? O.o" if it's a girl, flirt shamelessly
7. What sort of places are they often found? (Example: Library, dance club, etc) When he's not at work (dancer at burlesque bar), he's usually at one bar for open mic nights
8. What is their idea of a nice evening? get off work, shower, work on his own music for a few hours before crashing for the night
9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw? PRIDE, my gods he is so arrogant and full of himself lol plus too proud to ask for help
10.  Give us two random facts about your character:
1 Any jokes that stereotype him will likely get you punched.
2 He took ballroom dancing from 1st grade until he graduated from hs but still ballroom dances at a studio that competes with other studios

Quest: Trick-or-treat at the Seasonal Specialties shop. Link the post.
Reward: 15 KS


Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters visiting and staying the night in a cemetery (graveyard). Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Adelie » 10/31/2017 2:00 PM

oh boy i'm actually so excited for this wrote:
Quest: Let's work on character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.

i never write about aster i always feel bad. ;w;

1. What forms do they take in roleplay? Human form, primarily. Not that he can't take on other forms - he's just too lazy to do so, and opposable thumbs are really quite convenient.
2. What are their sleep habits? Not much, if at all - he doesn't need it to function but does get tired after long periods without sleep. Can't fall asleep alone, but there's very few people - mostly his sister - who he trusts enough to fall asleep around. Much to his chagrin, she often likes to remind him of how cuddly and affectionate he gets while asleep.
3. How do they prefer their eggs? The official answer is 'however my sister makes them.' True to her name, Blaze is incapable of not setting the kitchen on fire when she cooks.
4. What do they fear? He'll never admit it, but he worries a lot about what other people think of him. There's a lot of crazy in his childhood he still feels incredibly guilty over, and he's very afraid of people making the connection back to him since he believes a lot of what happened - even if it wasn't something he could really be held responsible for - was unforgivable. Also, his dad.
5. What do they or would they collect? Magic, mostly.
6. How would they act if a stranger suddenly touched their shoulder? Flinch and shake them off. He's mellowed out - used to react more violently - but unannounced physical contact is really not a thing he enjoys. Really, physical contact as a whole - but he'll tolerate it awkwardly.
7. What sort of places are they often found? Rarely stays in the same place for long now - but he favors tea shops and universities while traveling.
8. What is their idea of a nice evening? Curled up on the sofa with his sister watching movies. If it's sappy, she usually makes snarky comments and he just falls asleep; if it's action, she usually gets really into it and he's the one marking snarky comments. They're not great movie-watchers.
9. What would you consider to be their greatest flaw? Rarely honest with himself.
10. Give us two random facts about your character.
- He's not blood-related to his sister; he has a half-brother and he's not sure who the relatives are on his mother's side.
- Aster isn't his real name, and he likes to use other names while traveling - he's given out his real name a few times, but people just think it's another pseudonym.

Quest: Start a roleplay in Wilt'no Desert and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.

where am i what am i doing with my life

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters visiting and staying the night in a cemetery (graveyard). Must be started in this month. Link it.

...er, I didn't actually get to the part about staying the night. I hope that's okay.

Quest: Suggest five or more potential themes for seasonal pets. (Examples from past holidays: hot and cold, art, mythological creatures, ocean/beach.)

1. Are penguins a theme? Because I will always support more penguin-themed things.
2. Okay, we already have candy, but what about just ... food? You could even do an entire theme just off pizza toppings. God, I think I'm too hungry to be writing this right now - but there's probably a lot of things you could do with themes like junk food, fruits, caffeinated drinks, different ways of cooking eggs...
3. Papercrafts. Or just crafts in general, I guess? I was thinking about patterned origami paper, but there's a lot to explore with crafts.
4. Meta. Look, we could have meme pets. This doesn't sound like an awful idea at all. But I'm just sitting here devoid of ideas and thought it would be funny to suggest things based on forum-specific things (e.g. the leaf emojis, keystones).
5. I think this already exists with the kuhnas, but more endangered species colorations would be really cool.
6. Also, just fish and aquatic things in general - there's a lot of gorgeously colored fish out there, and while there's definitely a lot of that with mandarinkuhnas and so on, I always want more fish representation.
and if you ask how i regret that parting:
it is like the flowers falling at spring's end
confused, whirled in a tangle.

what is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
there is no end of things in the heart.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/02/2017 2:22 PM

KS prizes have been sent out for October!

We had several entries, so all three of the raffle prizes were given out for the month, and the winners are as follows:

The First Prize: Choice of any one Halloween Seasonal Pet has gone to Saahs!

The Second Prize: 100 KS has gone to Night!

The Third Prize: Choice of any one Halloween Riddle/Puzzle Pet has gone to Sarah!

Saahs, Sarah, please PM me with your choice of pet!

Congratulations everyone, and thank you for your participation!

Quests for November are now live!

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Saahs » 11/02/2017 2:38 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS

My good boy Milo!

1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days? Hot tea, with some honey in it.
2. What is something they do or would often carry with them? A prayer book, and a small holy sigil on a neck chord.
3. What is their morning routine? Wake up stupid early in the morning, have some tea or milk, make toast, clean up and get ready for the day, then head out to run through whatever errands he needs to.
4. What do they judge others for most often? Their intentions and how they go through with those intentions. Someone may mean well, but once they act poorly on that, he begins to Judge. And heavens forbid someone have bad intentions.
5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves? At home, with his beloved.
6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? The fact that he's a corrupt immortal being.
7. How do they react to someone flirting with them? Depends on who it is, but he's always at least a little bashful.
8. What do they find most attractive in others? Their mannerisms, and appearance-wise, their eyes and hair. If someone is suave, he'll swoon. If they have red hair, he'll swoon. Both? MAMA.
9. What song seems to relate to them in some way? This one, immensely so. He's often questioning himself, his faith, and his very existence. Why is he still here? Why must he still suffer? These are answers he can only pray to know, and those answers are ones he can only pray to understand.
10. What do they want? To be all the best that he can be, to do the best that he can, and to help others and the world be the best they and it can be.

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Start a roleplay in Nssylai and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Ta-da! Warning for an almost suicide attempt.

Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS

when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
trails of insecurities.

i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

in darkness i trust.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Sarah » 11/02/2017 3:14 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS

Same Emo Zli
1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days? Hot chocolate
2. What is something they do or would often carry with them? He constantly has nothing on him, no identification, no money, no morals, much to the annoyance of everyone around him.
3. What is their morning routine? Shower first, clothes+makeup, decide who he is going to annoy, start phase one of annoying that person.
4. What do they judge others for most often? Prudishness.
5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves? When they are around Sevastion.
6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Make their nose a bit smaller, or make their skin softer - depends on the day
7. How do they react to someone flirting with them? Flirt even harder? Flirting is the one true way to his heart.
8. What do they find most attractive in others? iftheyarebreathing - Definitely confidence.
9. What song seems to relate to them in some way? Jigolo Har Megiddo - Ghost
10. What do they want? Love and acceptance

Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS

Quest: Start a roleplay in Nssylai and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters hosting or attending a dinner party. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Jaden Wolf » 11/02/2017 3:19 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS

Malekeith (Jimmy) Prior

1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?

A nice mocha latte is great too.

2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?

Though I have this cute little hamster charm my little sister gave me, isn't it cute?

3. What is their morning routine? (Example: wake up to a phone alarm, hit snooze at least once, then shower, brush their teeth and hair, get dressed, skip breakfast, go to work.)

It's the theme of my alarm clock.
The toothpaste really tastes like blood, kinda gross. I should change brands.
Or, you know, bacon and eggs.
My sister has a dance recital today, I think. She's so cute.

4. What do they judge others for most often?

It's also so super annoying when people just won't stop talking. Especially in line at the coffee house, like, really buddy?

5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?

I love games night when my little sister's there. My friends kind of look at me weird but they still let me come back, so...

6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?

My hair just...refuses to change colour. I've tried everything. I mean, it's green. GREEN.

7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?

Are they hot though?

8. What do they find most attractive in others?

But...actually, I really do love tough, strong guys. My sister once called me a masochist, but that can't be right.

9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?

10. What do they want? (Yes, this is intentionally vague, so be creative and have fun~)

I don't know, though, man. I'm like, super happy as is? My sister's not allowed to grow up, so like, that's an ix-nay on the "future".

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Start a roleplay in Nssylai and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/02/2017 4:05 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS


1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?
Coffee and, occasionally, hot cocoa. He and his roommate share both a generic coffee marker and a cappuccino and espresso maker that he uses almost daily.

2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?
His work mobile phone is something he absolutely never leaves without, and doesn't even usually keep in the room over at home, as it keeps him connected to the creations his company made, the Artificial Personal Lovers, should they ever need him.

3. What is their morning routine? Wake up early, sometimes even before his alarm goes off, brush his teeth, shower if he didn't the night before, get dressed, wake up Zev up if he didn't want up, put a pot of coffee on, wake Zev up a second time, make breakfast, shove food and drink at Zev in bed if he didn't get up the previous times, eat, and leave for work ten minutes early or right on time, depending on how long it took to shower and/or nag Zev.

4. What do they judge others for most often?
Rudeness, how people treat others, especially how a number of men treat women or others. He hates people treating others like objects.

5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?
Within the Love Me Corporation, the company he co-founded, main office, working with the Artificial Personal Lovers. Or giving relationship advice.

6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Probably to be just a little more confident in himself. Admittedly, since he always had bad experiences when it came to love, either with girls he liked not liking him at all or liking his friend, instead, he's not entirely confident in his self when it comes to a love life. That, or, rather, he'd change himself being insecure over the matter, since none of those things were actually his fault.

7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?
Presumably, that means they're interested in him, so it he felt similarly, he'd definitely flirt back and be excited about it. Although, if it was someone he had no interest in, he'd try to let them down as gently as possible, or redirect them to someone else that might actually be a good match for them. He's always happy to make new friends.

8. What do they find most attractive in others?
For him, a kind personality is probably the most attractive thing in another person, even more-so than an aesthetically pleasing body.

9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?
Love Who Loves You Back by Tokio Hotel.

10. What do they want? To fall in love with someone that loves him, too, and for all of the APLs to find love with their partners, as well. Oh, and for Zev to get out of the house more, and be more gentle when rejecting someone's advances.

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS

Quest: Purchase any ONE potion. Order(s) must be made in this month. Link the post(s) in which the purchase is made. MUST be purchased in Mage's Brewery.
Reward: Elixir of Choice (Not of your choice, but the actual potion by that name.)


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