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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Middy » 11/02/2017 4:35 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS


1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days? Souls Um... probably a fine coffee or tea with cream and sugar. If not that, then spiced apple cider with caramel and whipped cream.

2. What is something they do or would often carry with them? She carries her Death Scythe with her most of the time, due to acting as a reaper of souls (as in, taking them for herself) Otherwise she makes a lot of trouble on various worlds/dimensions, etc. Very mischievous sort. Very rarely is she helping others, and if she is, then it's more than likely self serving.

3. What is their morning routine? Depends. She is a very nomadic sort, so it really varies. More often than naught she wakes up and eats whatever she can find, usually any souls she has collected. Otherwise, some junk food and a drink of water. Then it's back to making trouble or doing odd jobs.

4. What do they judge others for most often? First, their soul, second, their intelligence. Haze is able to see what someone's soul says about that person, sometimes seeing their past deeds or basic personality. This is always the first thing she judges in someone, as it gives her a feel on what sort of individual they are. Second is their intelligence, since she is quite smart she hates wasting her time on those that can't hold an intelligent conversation.

5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves? The cosmos, she is a creature of darkness and void. Otherwise, she feels like herself when she is wandering around crypts, graveyards, or other places that are heavy with death. On odd occasions, she likes the cities, as she can be close to ravens and crows that way. Other places include mountains, and forests.

6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? She can already change most of herself from the neck down. So... something she can't change? Hard to say, maybe having a better control over her anxiety.

7. How do they react to someone flirting with them? Probably give them an odd look, wondering why they are flirting with something that clearly lacks a a sex. Then caw at them and laugh.

8. What do they find most attractive in others? Their soul, nothing more important than that, but otherwise she like those that are well maintained (hygiene, posture) etc. It's not something she really focuses on to begin with.

9. What song seems to relate to them in some way? The Birthday Massacre -- Games

10. What do they want? (Yes, this is intentionally vague, so be creative and have fun~) I suppose she would want more freedom to go wherever she wants. Even a creature of unknown origin needs some extra perks to do whatever they want. More power and control over certain elements would be a plus too.

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

Cyber Turkzilla

Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS


Quest: Start a roleplay in Nssylai and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Kylo » 11/02/2017 6:56 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS
Ceres Sten

1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days? Caff (AKA Coffee strong enough to give most people heart palpitations)
2. What is something they do or would often carry with them? A datapad and stylis
3. What is their morning routine? Attempt to not throw the alarm clock, throw the alarm clock, sleep another fifteen minutes, get out of bed, make caff (coffee), drink a whole pot of caff, shower, eat a nutrigrain bar, brush teeth, dress, and leave for work.
4. What do they judge others for most often? Willful ignorance and stupidity.
5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves? A library after closing hours.
6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? He'd get rid of his depression.
7. How do they react to someone flirting with them? Either flirt back or tell them to get effed depending on who it is.
8. What do they find most attractive in others? Their body.
9. What song seems to relate to them in some way? Mindless Self Indulgence "Shut Me Up" (warning for foul language)
10. What do they want? Peace and quiet, and Phobos to chill out and just crawl into bed with him.

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS

Quest: Start a roleplay in Nssylai and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters hosting or attending a dinner party. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby RiDragon » 11/03/2017 5:31 PM

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

unce unce unce unce

I see the stars,

Drifting aimless
I feel their heat
warming, selfless
I will give... I will take

I will feel the stars crash, crash down
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby FieldsofIris » 11/08/2017 11:40 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS


1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?

Since she tends to be conscientious of her health and diet, Mya tends to avoid the sugary, fat-filled coffees that she sees people drinking these days. Instead, she goes for a soothing green tea with honey on the days she does yoga. ...Actually, Mya totally hordes about 50 different kinds of tea in a drawer in her room.

2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?

A nasty habit Mya tends to have is to exercise when she's stressed. Yeah, it's not the worst thing she could do in response to stress, but it's not that good, either. Especially when she goes on a run at 2 in the morning when her heart rate is already through the roof from her nightmares. And running at night in general is terrible for anyone's health.

3. What is their morning routine? (Example: wake up to a phone alarm, hit snooze at least once, then shower, brush their teeth and hair, get dressed, skip breakfast, go to work.)

Every single morning, without fail, Mya wakes up sprawled across the bed with half of her blankets on the floor, 10 minutes before her alarm clock is set to go off. She hides under the blankets until the alarm finally rings, then wraps herself in three blankets to turn off said alarm (and lower the AC so she doesn't freeze when she drops the blankets). She then chugs the full glass of water on her night stand (hydration is key first thing in the morning!). Because she sleeps naked, she can just throw on some old exercise clothes and do whatever workout she has planned for herself that morning. She also doesn't worry much about her short-cropped, undercut hairstyle, so she throws on some deoderant and drops the glass off in the kitchen on her way out. Afterwards, she comes back home and whips up a healthy breakfast - and drinks another 2 full glasses of water. She totally has to pee, then, and brushes her teeth while in the bathroom. Before hopping in the shower, she quickly does her breakfast dishes and readies everything she needs for the day. Feeling awake and refreshed, Mya grabs her things and heads out for the day, either looking for a new job, or running errands on a day off. (Of course, this routine flies out the window on jobs where she's way from home for a few days.)

4. What do they judge others for most often?

Like many people, Mya doesn't ever really admit to judging people. And most of the time, she's right about that, because she knows that of all people, she has little room to talk about doing awful things. But, the one thing she catches herself judging others about is their morality. Funny, she knows, especially with the things she's done in the arena. But she's turned over a new leaf, and is trying to make right. As soon as she notices feelings of disgust and contempt, Mya immediately shuts them down and instead focuses on her underlying feelings of sadness. She wants to help people become better and find redemption for their crimes, too.

5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?

On the paths in the Garden. Mya feels centered and calm, enjoying the solitude, but knowing the people she loves are nearby.

6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?

The nightmares would be an obvious answer, and that's probably what many people would think to choose in Mya's case. But... Mya would rather exchange her guilt for something better, something more positive to drive her actions. Slowly, she feels herself making that change, but she wishes it could be done faster.

7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?

Oh, boy. Mya is dense... Like, wouldn't know someone was interested in her unless they literally TOLD HER TO HER FACE. And good golly, does she get awkward quickly. Especially with men, cause sorry, bro, she's not interested. On the other hand, a woman with kind eyes and a wicked sense of humor? Mya's a blushing mess in seconds, with stuttering, sweating, the whole nine yards.

8. What do they find most attractive in others?

Romantically, Mya's always been attracted to kindness, but playfulness - someone who was genuine, but wholehearted in everything they do. With friends and family, though, loyalty and acceptance are the two biggest attractants for her. Can she trust you to be on her side without question if a situation goes south? Are you aiming to stick around for the long haul, even after seeing the worst sides of her? Well, brace yourself, cause she's gonna get attached fast.

9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?

Without any fragment of a doubt, "Know Who You Are" from the Moana soundtrack. The arena had turned her into something she was never meant to be, and she needed help finding herself once again. Iris, Mya, and a bunch of other residents from the Garden had a movie night one evening, and ended up watching Moana. Mya had to sit in the back with Iris so nobody would see her cry multiple times throughout the movie.

10. What do they want? (Yes, this is intentionally vague, so be creative and have fun~)

"Okay, okay, so I never really got t' have a childhood, right?" Mya is practically bouncing in her seat,
and Iris levels a calm but amused gaze at her, nodding at her to continue. "Well, I know I'm well over that age bracket, but I feel like there were some important things I never really got ta experience, y'know?" Mya turns to ruffle some papers she tossed onto Iris' table when she first arrived earlier that morning.

"Aha!" She slams down a specific piece of paper in front of the other woman with a triumphant, child-like grin. Iris gently removed the paper from under Mya's hand to peer closer at it. On it was a printed out advertisement from some website, showcasing a large image of a purple box in the middle. Iris' eyes widened in surprise and she looked back up at her companion, who looked decidedly more nervous than earlier.

"Well, uh, I was with Margaret, y'know, the baker, and she started talking 'bout how she used to have one of these when she was just a kid..." Mya rubbed the back of her neck and blinked twice, staring hard at the table instead of Iris. "She said she could've taught me how ta make some healthy mini quiches with it, or even sugar-free cookies so I wouldn't feel so bad about eatin' sweets." Iris smiled sadly, but continued to listen silently.

"And, y'know, I never really had friends either, so I really wanted to uh... bond with her over this kind of stuff. So," she glanced up shyly, meeting Iris' eyes. "I found someone selling one online, but since I give all 'a the bounty money ta you, I wanted to talk t'you about it fir-" Before she could quite finish her sentence,
Iris was up around the table and hugging Mya tightly.

"I'm so happy that you want to do more things for yourself," she said warmly. She quickly pulled back from the hug and yanked Mya into the next room, walking quickly towards the computer in the corner. "Don't be ashamed or nervous about that at all. Of course I can order you an Easy Bake Oven!"

Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS

Here we are!

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Silver » 11/09/2017 1:33 AM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)


1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?
Hot cocoa!
2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?
Bucket! By which I mean his Tri-slosher.
3. What is their morning routine?
Wait patiently for his older brother to finish in the bathroom so he can go pee and clean up for the day. Eats the same thing for breakfast every day, and freaks out if someone else (ahem, big brother) took the last of it.
4. What do they judge others for most often?
Being reckless or too impulsive.
5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?
Hat shopping! Why? Who knows, he just likes it.
6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
He wants to be confident enough to say he wouldn't change anything, so probably his confidence level.
7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?
Blush furiously and hope it's not a prank to embarrass him.
8. What do they find most attractive in others?
Kindness. He would want to date someone kind, and gentle. Though he also finds himself quite fond of anyone with good slosher skills.
9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?
"Nowhere Man - The Beatles" - Tangerine would see himself as the Nowhere Man, I think. He often feels isolated and alone, even if he's not, and the lonely, quirky nature of the song might appeal to him.
10. What do they want? (Yes, this is intentionally vague, so be creative and have fun~)
Tangerine wants to be as strong as his brother, but not a jerk. He wants to be confident and funny. He wants to be the best Tri-slosher in Inkopolis. Mostly, he just wants to be accepted, or perhaps he just wants to feel accepted. It's not as though people hate him, after all. Though he doesn't always realize that.

I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Freezair » 11/09/2017 4:23 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS

1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?
2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?
3. What is their morning routine? (Example: wake up to a phone alarm, hit snooze at least once, then shower, brush their teeth and hair, get dressed, skip breakfast, go to work.)
4. What do they judge others for most often?
5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?
6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?
8. What do they find most attractive in others?
9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?
10. What do they want? (Yes, this is intentionally vague, so be creative and have fun~)

Jade Fury!

1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?
Her boss, Kane Peppermint, makes wonderful hot cocoa blends. Almond flavor, salted caramel, raspberry... and peppermint, of course!

2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?
Not a "what," but a "who!" Whenever she goes out, her bodyguard Halvard usually follows her. It annoys her a little, but she's too shy to say anything about it.

3. What is their morning routine? (Example: wake up to a phone alarm, hit snooze at least once, then shower, brush their teeth and hair, get dressed, skip breakfast, go to work.)
She's a quick riser, and the first thing she does when she wakes up is goes to check that all of Kane's candymaking equipment is working well. If and only if everything is in order, she'll go take a shower. If not, she has to fix it because Kane needs it!

4. What do they judge others for most often?
She hates it when people talk loudly and considers it a sign of poor socialization. She also hates it when people act like those who are well-off have no right to complain about her lives. She's very secretive, but she clearly came from wealth and power (why else would she have a bodyguard?), and she's also clearly been through some traumatic stuff.

5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?
She feels the most like herself when she's reading quietly or making metal sculptures--either alone or sitting in companionable silence with her girlfriend Aisling.

6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Whatever traumatic thing happened to her in the past, she deeply wishes she could forget it. She's sure she'd be much better off without it. In fact, she wouldn't mind forgetting her entire past, and having nothing but her memories of Kane's candy shop.

7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?
"...I have a girlfriend."

8. What do they find most attractive in others?
She respects those who can enjoy the company of others just by sitting quietly without them. She knows true friendship doesn't require constant conversation or interaction--sometimes just sitting side-by-side, reading, is enough.

9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?
"Good Monsters" by Jars of Clay--a song about how good people become monsters when they see bad things happen and say nothing. It relates pretty strongly to that traumatic past she's very secrative about.

10. What do they want? (Yes, this is intentionally vague, so be creative and have fun~)
She wants to completely distance herself from her past. She believes she should be allowed to be the person she's made herself, not the person she was born as.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby FrostWynd » 11/09/2017 11:55 PM

Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS


    1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?
    The fairly regular cold temperatures of his home doesn't bother him all that much, so it wouldn't ever influence his choice of drink. He does drink a lot of tea though.
    2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?
    Does another dragon count? They're not someone he takes along with him willingly, so much as the individual is required to follow him, because that's part of their job as his royal bodyguard.
    3. What is their morning routine?
    He's an early riser who will wake right around the crack of dawn, but doesn't do much besides do whatever he feels like doing to relax for the first hour, simply to enjoy the small bit of quiet time before another day of royal duties officially begins. After that he'll get washed up, properly dressed, and have some breakfast if he's feeling up for it, then get on with sorting out the important things that need to be looked into for the day.
    4. What do they judge others for most often?
    The way they present themselves while having an audience with him. As a king he only has so much time on his claws, and doesn't appreciate having it go to waste for any reason. Plus with the way he was raised, he will take particular notice to any improper behavior and the appearance of the individual in question.
    5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?
    Anywhere that he's able to be left alone for a while, which is hard to achieve when you're a king that's constantly being hassled by everyone that needs you for important business of some sort...
    6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
    He doesn't believe anything about him really needs changing. He is who he is, that can't be helped or changed, and he would just think it a waste of time to go wishing for nonsense like that.
    7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?
    Well, it would be flattering, to say the least. If he's feeling especially bored, he might play along for a bit, but wouldn't pursue any further than that.
    8. What do they find most attractive in others?
    Someone that intrigues him, with either something about them being very mysterious that he wants to learn more about them, or that they're very passionate about something enough that they can be a little feisty over it.
    9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?
    I... sincerely have no real way to answer this question at the moment. 'xD I've pretty much never attached songs to characters before, so I don't have any particular song that I associate with him right now.
    10. What do they want?
    He could really go for some more tea right about now... And for his bodyguard to leave him alone already... And for everyone else to go away for the rest of the day so he can enjoy having the whole castle to himself.
Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Indigo » 11/10/2017 10:49 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS

1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?
2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?
3. What is their morning routine?
4. What do they judge others for most often?
5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?
6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?
8. What do they find most attractive in others?
9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?
10. What do they want?

Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS


Quest: Purchase any ONE potion. Order(s) must be made in this month. Link the post(s) in which the purchase is made. MUST be purchased in Mage's Brewery.
Reward: Elixir of Choice

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Night » 11/13/2017 4:44 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS


1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days? Hot chocolate with lots of melty marshmallows
2. What is something they do or would often carry with them? Ryland nearly always has his favorite watch on him - which, consequently, means that he almost always has his best friend/companion lurking around as well, since Theo is a spirit bound to the watch.
3. What is their morning routine? Wake up late, spend ten or fifteen minutes sitting in bed on his phone and procrastinating regardless before getting up to throw on whatever clothes are nearby. Stop for coffee on his way to the shop because he's late already, and it's not like there's going to be people waiting up at 8AM to buy antiques anyway.
4. What do they judge others for most often? A lot of the time it's for the shallow reasons people come into his shop, like wanting fame and wealth. He's a big believer that those sorts of things don't make you happy, so it bums him out when people keep coming in asking for something that can make them famous.
5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves? In his "magical" antiques shop.
6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? He would probably change the fact that he can see spirits honestly. It's a blessing and a curse - it helps him in his ultimate goal, but he can't help but feel as though he may have moved on with his life and gotten over losing this loved one if he didn't have this ability to find them in the afterlife, you know? Also, Theo is super annoying and it'd be great if he didn't have to know he existed every time he wants to wear a watch.
7. How do they react to someone flirting with them? He would probably not understand that that's what's happening. He doesn't pick up on social cues well. If he did pick it up, he'd probably get really awkward and then try to leave.
8. What do they find most attractive in others? Ryland doesn't experience any sort of attraction until he's known someone for a (rather long) time, so I suppose that it'd be entirely on personality.
9. What song seems to relate to them in some way? -pending?-
10. What do they want? Ryland wants to find the item that his lost lover is bound to in the afterlife so that they can be together again. Fortunately, he can see and sense spirits, so theoretically this would be easy for him. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any clue what the dude may be bound to since he was overseas when it happened and most of his personal belongings didn't get shipped home. He finds a lot of other haunted items on his searches, which he then sells in his shop to hapless passerby that think they're "Magic" - as the spirits haunting them tend to lend their personal traits to those that own the items. (A good athlete may lend the new owner of his favorite shoes the ability to run really fast, say) While this keeps his doors open and food on the table, what he really wants is to be able to find his lost love and stop going on these ventures at all.

Quest: Create or update you wishlist!
Reward: 15KS

Quest: Purchase any ONE potion. Order(s) must be made in this month. Link the post(s) in which the purchase is made. MUST be purchased in Mage's Brewery.
Reward: Elixir of Choice

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby zapdragon555 » 11/18/2017 1:25 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS

Maria Espinoza

1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?
Maria is probably a coffee person, and probably drank it since a fairly young age. He sort of raised himself, so he'd probably scrounge up enough change to get some coffee at a diner in the mornings. He can survive without it, but he's even spacier than normal without it.

2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?
He keeps a weird amount of animal teeth with him that he collects from roadkill. That's, uh. Normal. Sometimes human teeth, too. He won't tell where he got those, and they don't seem to be his own.

3. What is their morning routine?
Maria likes to wake up ungodly early, and makes a habit of watching the sun rise. He seems sullen on cloudy days, and often sleeps in. He claims the rain makes his joints and bones hurt, so rainy days sometimes keep him in bed for awhile. Breakfast is rare, but he'll take it when he can. He has limited pairs of clothing, so he usually sleeps and wakes in what he wears every day--a loose white T shirt and baggy pants.

4. What do they judge others for most often?
Maria is oddly nonjudgemental, to a point where it seems impossible to faze him. If he had to choose something, it would be that he judges people for putting up a front or mask to seem like they have full control over what happens in life. In a way, though, he's quite the hypocrite.

5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?
Traveling, on the road. Maria doesn't like to stay in one place for long. He does best one-on-one, and doesn't fare too well in intense crowds.

6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
He's made peace with it, but he doesn't love the scar on his face. It cuts deep into his lips on one side, and admittedly aches sometimes, makes it hard to smile (which he often does). It also tends to make people shy away from him, which can be good in some cases, and bad in others. He likes looking people in the eye--and most of the time, people don't reciprocate. He thinks it's primarily the scar's fault.

7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?
Mostly amusement. Maria isn't much for random hookups, though his lackadaisical demeanor would suggest otherwise. He prefers to be the one to flirt, not be flirted with.

8. What do they find most attractive in others?
Honesty. Really, he likes a person who is true to themselves, and their background, and their nature, and doesn't try to hide any of it. He also is rather attracted to intensity, emotional or otherwise.

9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?
The Scarecrows are Marching - Radical Face
My wisdom teeth still stab my cheek
And I'm always sucking aspirin
The life I stole is full of holes
And my pants don't fit me right
My dreams are old and faded and
My head feels thick and useless
We're on the road to nowhere
But we won't arrive tonight so let's go home

The axes have fallen
My strings have been cut
My puppeteer's lonely
But he's plum out of luck

10. What do they want?
To be free, without ties or debts to anything. To keep outrunning death, but take risks as much as possible. And maybe to have a warm place to sleep, too, and all that that entails.

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters hosting or attending a dinner party. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Thunder » 11/18/2017 10:26 PM

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS

Ghost turkey~

Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
Reward: 15 KS


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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby jobiehanna » 11/20/2017 11:35 PM

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS


Based on a basic grey cockatiel. <3 Also... birb logic.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby crow » 11/21/2017 3:25 AM

Quest 1: Start a roleplay in Nssylai and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Quest 2: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters hosting or attending a dinner party. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS and entry into the Quest Master's Raffle.


Quest 3: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)
Reward: 25 KS

Leo Shen

1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?
Tea. In particular, he prefers strong red (black) tea.

2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?
Business cards. Never know when the opportunity will come up to network.

3. What is their morning routine? (Example: wake up to a phone alarm, hit snooze at least once, then shower, brush their teeth and hair, get dressed, skip breakfast, go to work.)
Wake up. Drink a glass of water. Go to the bathroom. Shower, wash face, brush teeth, shave. Moisturize. Make breakfast, eat breakfast. Put on the clothes he'd set out for himself last night. Check that he has everything he needs. Grab the keys, put on shoes, head out.

4. What do they judge others for most often?
Poor life choices, or a lack of common sense. Not that it's any of his business, of course--- unless it is, in which case he'll probably judge them that much harder if they're causing him an inconvenience.

5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?
Probably at home. He's not socially anxious or a super introvert or anything, but he does have to put on a front to a certain extent when he's with other people. At home he can be as uninterested in other people as he wants to be.

6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Not having the whole 'half demon' thing going on would be nice. It's not a pressing issue, but it would make some things a lot less complicated.

7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?
Externally polite (if he needs something from them, or needs to maintain goodwill) or dismissively uninterested. Internally, resigned. It's been happening almost all his life, and he is so, so tired of it.

8. What do they find most attractive in others?
Leo... probably hasn't actually liked anyone in his entire life, so it's hard to say. He kind of doesn't pay much attention? But he appreciates when people are genuine in their interactions with him, and honestly aren't trying to get something from him.

9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?
... I really tried here, and I, uh, can't come up with anything @_@ The most I can think of is serious-sounding classical pieces, which he probably listens to while he works or studies, because it improves memory or something like that.

10. What do they want? (Yes, this is intentionally vague, so be creative and have fun~)
What he really really wants? (sorry, I had to) Uhhh probably for his family to be happy and healthy. That's such a bland, old-person answer, but it's true. He's worried about his mother overworking herself, and his sister... getting into all kinds of inadvisable nonsense.

Quest: Color a Turkzilla, using three colors or more! Post the image here. (May use the flat PSD or draw your own!)
Reward: 25 KS


Funny story... I was actually going to color a Big Bird Turkezilla but PS crashed, so I guess that got vetoed by the powers that be. So have this :U
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Adelie » 11/27/2017 11:34 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them.

biiiiiiiiiirb. okay, i can't just call someone birb. this is wolf.
who'll probably get another name change eventually to make it feel less like i'm writing rpf, lol.

1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days? Hot water with a little salt - sometimes with other additions, like honey or lemon or tea leaves, but the salt is a constant. Family tradition, supposedly; her grandmother always swore it was the secret to her longevity.
2. What is something they do or would often carry with them? Rocks - she collects sea glass and smooth pebbles, and likes to rub or hold them when she's stressed about something, especially before important games. There's usually a lot of stuff in her bag, though, and she's usually not found without snacks, hand-warmers, and a sharpie, just in case some fan wants her to sign their notecard, or their face, or any other parts of their bodies.
3. What is their morning routine? Wake up late (but usually before the rest of her team), take a shower and deal with personal hygiene, then assemble something for brunch before starting practice. She's not much of a cook, but she can in fact go to the kitchen and make a sandwich - just not for you.
4. What do they judge others for most often? Mistakes. As a professional support player in a highly competitive esport, she's in a position to be very aware of mistakes - both her teammates' and her own - since she's the one responsible for mitigating them.
Of course that doesn't mean all her judgement is serious. A lot of her team comm's during games are playful banter - she often takes on a joking role of being the exasperated team 'mom' who has to look after her braindead teammates.
5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves? By the ocean. She grew up there and it'll always hold a special place in her heart.
6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Honestly, maybe her choice of career - even after years and multiple championships, she's not sure if she really fits into the community or her role. Constant criticism is draining, video games are much less fun after they've become a job, and being a minor celebrity of sorts makes her feel like she has to put on a front instead of being herself. But hey, it brings in plenty of money and it's not like she'd enjoy doing something else more.
7. How do they react to someone flirting with them? Flirt back. Hell yeah.
More seriously, though, she gets a lot of attention - welcome or unwelcome - and has usually resigned herself to dealing with it by taking things as a joke.
8. What do they find most attractive in others? A good personality and curves in the right places. ;)
9. What song seems to relate to them in some way? Of course I've got to pick a song specifically written for LCK, the Korean competitive League of Legends scene, since this character is loosely based off SKT Wolf. :')

10. What do they want? Right now? Probably some sushi.

Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!

and if you ask how i regret that parting:
it is like the flowers falling at spring's end
confused, whirled in a tangle.

what is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
there is no end of things in the heart.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Skylark » 11/29/2017 9:28 PM

Quest: Let's work on some more character development! Choose one character, show the pet's regular image, tell us their name, and answer the following questions in regards to them. (May use character from last time or a new one.)


1. What do they prefer to drink on cold days?
Hot sweet tea or hot chocolate. Anything sweet, really.

2. What is something they do or would often carry with them?
She likes wandering off into the wilderness and getting lost. Not really sure why, just something she does.

3. What is their morning routine?
Wake up, roll over, go back to sleep, wake up again, drag herself throughout her day. It varies after that. Sometimes breakfast, sometimes none.

4. What do they judge others for most often?
Stressing out for no reason

5. Where is one place they feel most like themselves?
Under a clear night sky

6. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Be stronger

7. How do they react to someone flirting with them?
Flirting? What flirting? OH. Wait. Huh? Really?

8. What do they find most attractive in others?
Eyes, probably. A good personality doesn't hurt either.

9. What song seems to relate to them in some way?
idk man, probably something old and classic and wistful. I'm a assign-characters-songs person. xD

10. What do they want?
World peace and tasty eats.

Quest: Create or update your wishlist. Link it!
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I, I'll bring the fire
Make you come alive
I can take you higher
What this is, forgot?
I must now remind you
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