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Re: I Need Romance [P] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/08/2017 6:09 AM

There was no reason for Iota to decline the invitation, so he nodded his head in agreement. "Okay. I'll tag along with you, then." Besides, the APL was interested in Ji-tae, and that meant he was curious about his work, too. Surprisingly, that information wasn't something acquired before hand. The APL wanted to ask for more details, but set that aside, for the time being, in favor of considering the questions that were asked of him.

"It serves no purpose for me to eat, so I haven't tried eating anything yet." Thus, he was unable to have a favorite food. As with all freshly activated APLs, Iota almost entirely lacked personal experiences. "In order to test my sense of taste, I've chewed  gum, though. I prefer cinnamon. Hobbies... I guess... cooking? I'm probably good at things like video games, but I've never tried them, so I don't have an opinion. As for animals... I'd probably get along best with a cat." The demeanor of a cat suited him more than that of a dog, at least. Although, he'd probably like reptiles, too. "But I guess I like animals, well enough." He wouldn't object to having a pet.

Once he'd given his answers, which he'd put some thought into, although he answered them easily, the APL finally returned to the question he had in mind. "What do you do for work? Just deliveries, or...?"

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Re: I Need Romance [P] [M]

Postby crow » 06/09/2017 4:07 AM

Ji-tae laughed again, embarrassed at having forgotten. "Right, sorry. I, um, didn't think about that." It said a lot about how human Iota looked and seemed, that he had come out of a box just a few moments ago--- which was still there, right in the middle of their living room--- and Ji-tae had still managed to forget that he was an android.

He couldn't help but get excited when Iota mentioned cooking. "You can cook?" he said, brightening immediately. "Can you--- Oh, wait, I guess I shouldn't ask you on your first day here." Right on cue, his stomach growled, and he sighed. There were leftovers in the fridge, so he moved into the kitchen, and tossed cold takeout onto a plate to put into the microwave.

As he waited for it to heat up, he considered how to explain his job. "Hmm... I guess I'm kind of like... an errand boy for hire?" That sounded really lame, but he didn't know how else to put it. "People hire me for stuff, and I do it. Sometimes it's delivering stuff. Sometimes it's passing messages along, or house-sitting, or walking the dog. Sometimes it's... um."

He stopped short, suddenly wondering whether he should include that last one. But Iota wanted to hear it from him, didn't he? And he didn't want to lie, even by omission; it just didn't feel right. "Sometimes I get hired as a fake... date. Usually when someone wants a break-up with their boyfriend. You get free drinks, which is great, until someone throws it in your face." Despite his words, he was smiling. He really didn't mind it. It was pretty funny, actually, and he'd learned not to wear the shirts he really liked when he went out to that sort of job.

The microwave went off, and he retrieved his plate of reheated pizza, wincing at the heat of it on his fingers before setting it aside. He blew on them to cool them, then leaned back against the counter. "It's a bit hectic sometimes, but it pays, and there's never a dull moment."
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Re: I Need Romance [P] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/13/2017 12:18 AM

Iota shook his head. "No, it's fine. I can eat, and I have a sense of taste, as well, I am just unable to process food." He didn't outright say that he had to later throw up any food that was consumed so it didn't end up rotting inside of him, but, with as unpleasant as it was, he intentionally left that part out.

The APL thought to reject Ji-tae's politeness, after all, he was here, among other things, to be useful, but he was already moving into the kitchen and throwing leftovers onto a plate before Iota could really say anything about it. Besides, not wasting food was a good thing. If he looked at it that way, then he supposed he didn't mind it.

He'd followed after him, of course, and listened to the explanation of his job. That latter part, Iota wasn't sure how he felt about it. Logically, it was perfectly fine. It was his work, after all, and it wasn't really his place to say anything about it. But, somehow, hearing about it made him... uncomfortable. Was that... dread? What did he have to be afraid of? In the end, his response wasn't that significant, "It sounds like... a hassle." Which was true, but not what he was actually thinking about. At the very least, he was glad that his User seemed to be honest about his job. "But if you're fine with it, that's all that matters."

Watching as Ji-tae pulled out the reheated pizza and fumble with it, he frowned. "It would be fine if you asked me to cook for you. It's something I'm good at, so I'd be glad if you asked me." He liked home cooked food, didn't he?

"Ah, while I'm thinking of it, other important information... I am able to sleep, but I do not require it. I've been told I'm capable of dreaming, but I suppose I haven't experienced enough for it to happen yet." Otherwise, night time was a good time to process data. "I am capable of driving, I have the necessary licences and identification to... blend in, since it was sent along with me. Although, that's about all I posses." As with all APLs, he didn't have much to his name.

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Re: I Need Romance [P] [M]

Postby crow » 06/20/2017 5:33 AM

Ji-tae laughed. "Yeah, I guess it can be sometimes, but I honestly don't mind." He was glad that Iota was taking it well. It would have been awkward if he'd been more upset. Ji-tae supposed he could stop taking those types of jobs, and now that Iota was here, he did intend to eventually, but he'd have to sort it out with his employers and it wouldn't happen overnight. "Plus it's fun to bike around the city, as long as it's not raining. Oh, come to think of it, that might make things kind of hard for us tomorrow," he realized with a start. "My bike isn't the type that has a second seat..." His expression faltered, then fell into one of consideration, one hand coming up to touch his mouth while the other propped it up by the elbow. It did have a flat area over the back wheel, though mostly that was where he tied cargo, if he had any. It was hardly any place for a person. "There... might be a seat cover for the back of it somewhere," he said, but he didn't sound too sure.

At the topic of food, he perked up, though he still looked a little guilty. "Well, since you offered... I'll take you up on that, whenever you're willing, I guess." He was already grinning at the prospect, in that guileless way of his; his face generally wasn't great at hiding his feelings, though he'd picked up some acting skills on the job, after a while. "... I don't think we have a lot of ingredients in the fridge though, so we'll probably have to go shopping. Neither of us cook, my sister and me." He smiled apologetically.

For now, he contented himself with the pizza. The slice he'd heated was cool enough now that he could pick it up and bite off the end. Somehow, microwaved food always cooled quickly. It was pretty good, though maybe that was because his standards weren't that high. He listened to Iota talk about himself with interest, though a lot of what he heard surprised him a little. He hadn't quite thought through the implications of being a human-like android, and he didn't usually hear people's... specifications laid out quite like that, when he first met them.

"Do you like sleeping?" he asked, after it seemed like Iota was finished. "We have a spare futon. There's room in my room," he said, mostly because it wouldn't make sense for Iota to stay with Ji-eun, not that his sister would have accepted it regardless. And it seemed kind of sad to ask him to sleep anywhere else.
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Re: I Need Romance [P] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/06/2017 4:41 AM

Yeah. Since Ji-tae was fine with his job, than Iota had no reason not to be. That was the logical answer, so it was the one the APL decided on. Although he was somewhat worried, he had no reason to be, and he reassured himself of that fact. A job was a job.

"Oh, well, it's not... that big of a deal if it doesn't happen." While he would have liked to tag along, since he'd been invited, it wasn't an issue if it couldn't happen, after all. "But I'm also an APL, so even if something might be uncomfortable for humans, it may not be that big of an inconvenience for me, either." While they could still feel pain, although not at the same level as humans, discomfort wasn't really a thing. They didn't have muscles, tendons, joints, or anything that could wear out and tire, like humans. They wouldn't get sore from sitting awkwardly or having to stand, unmoving, for long periods of time, or anything like that.

Somehow, seeing his User grin, it made Iota smile a bit, as well, making him all the more willing to cook for him, if it made him that happy just thinking about it. "I'll cook any time you want. Whatever you want. Just let me know." If he had confidence in anything, it was definitely his cooking. "We can go shopping together, when you have time?"

It seemed that Ji-tae was taking things well, though. As far as things went, with his being an APL. Which was a huge relief. There wasn't much data on record yet about the experiences of the other APLs, but Iota was all too aware that most had not been welcomed that easily.

"I guess... I probably like sleeping as much as the next person?" He couldn't really say if he enjoyed the act of sleeping, because, for him, thus far, it just meant lying there and not doing anything at all. He hadn't ever had a dream yet, nor did sleeping have any other purpose for him yet. It seemed almost like wasted time, really, but maybe he would come to appreciate a time of just rest. "So that works."

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Re: I Need Romance [P] [M]

Postby crow » 02/22/2018 8:46 AM

"No, I'm sure we have one," said Ji-tae, taking another bite of pizza, pushing off from the counter he'd been leaning against. "Actually, let me see if I can find it... Ah, no, wait, it's probably better to get your futon laid out first, isn't it..." He hadn't even finished eating, but he was already making a beeline for another part of the house, only to stop and start again as something else occurred to him. Well, they probably had the seat cover. "Sis, where do we keep the spare bed stuff?"

For a moment there was no answer. Ji-tae was about to open his mouth to ask again when the door to Ji-eun's room opened and a heap of bedding came flying out. The door slammed shut again immediately after. Ji-tae blinked, then picked it up with a shrug. "Here, I'll show you to my room," he said, smiling at Iota.

Ji-tae's room was just a little further down the hall than Ji-eun's, facing the bathroom on the opposite side. The interior was small, though not as cramped as it could be, simply by virtue of there being not very much in it. A small, low table held a desk lamp, a can full of pens, and a beat-up laptop. Sticky notes occupied one wall, full of phone numbers and small inane reminders with dates written at the top. A bed was tucked along the far wall, next to the window. It was very clearly too small to be occupied by more than one person. It barely looked as though it would fit Ji-tae by himself.

"Here we are," said Ji-tae, kicking a discarded hoodie under the bed and setting down the futon. At least there wasn't anything else in here that could embarrass him, besides the size--- though how much there was left to be embarrassed about when Iota apparently knew so much already was hard to say. "Sorry. I know it's kind of small... Did you want the bed, actually? I don't mind sleeping on the futon."
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Re: I Need Romance [P] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/03/2019 1:30 AM

Since his User seemed to insist that they had a spare seat, Iota didn't bother making any more comments about it. He still held the same opinion; if it happened, it happened, if not, that was too bad, but he wasn't going to be hung up on it. Though, as Ji-tae pushed off the counter, the APL's eyes followed after him, before realizing he was moving across the house, and trailing after him, a few paces behind.

His response to the bedding flying out and landing in a heap on the floor was similar to his User, as he just blinked, and looked between it and the door. It was then that he became concerned about his User's sister. That is, what she was really thinking about all this. Since he would have to live with her, too, Iota would have preferred to get along well with her. He thought to ask, when he had the opportunity. Though, it seemed as though that Ji-tae was entirely unperturbed by Ji-eun's actions, so it was possible that this was pretty typical of her.

Without any remarks, the APL followed his User down the hall and into his bedroom. His eyes shifted about the small, fairly unoccupied interior, his curiosity mostly peaked by the array of sticky notes on the one wall, before his eyes landed back on Ji-tae. He smiled, and shrugged. "No need to be concerned on my behalf. I just spent awhile in a crate, and that much space is perfectly fine by me." This room was larger than that, at least, and being in a smaller room meant that, when they were both in it, he'd be that much closer to Ji-tae. Being near his User was a good thing, wasn't it? Although...

But he shook his head. "No, I couldn't possibly take your bed from you," the APL declined the offer. He appreciated the thought, and that he was invited so easily into his User's room. "The futon would be more than enough for me. I can sleep standing in a corner perfectly well, if necessary."

After a moment, he glanced back in the direction of Ji-eun before looking back to his User. "Do you two get along well?"

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Re: I Need Romance [P] [M]

Postby crow » 03/03/2019 12:23 AM

Iota smiled away Ji-tae's concern, but Ji-tae only shook his head. "You just got out of the box, right? Wouldn't you want---" He seemed to pause, thinking better of his words, and with a slightly helpless smile, he began again. "I'd like you to be comfortable. It'd make me, um, more comfortable?" It sounded a bit selfish if he laid it out like that, but judging from their conversation so far, it didn't seem like Iota had much of an opinion on his own well-being. That thought nagged at him, and made Ji-tae want to try all the harder, though he didn't know how exactly he ought to be directing his efforts.

It was actually not unlike entertaining a guest who insisted they didn't want to impose, but... Human guests didn't often cite their lack of actual needs.

Thankfully, his attention was diverted from the topic by Iota's question. Ji-tae laughed, brightening immediately. "Oh, were you worried because she didn't come out of her room? Don't worry, it's not like that. We get along great. She does lecture me sometimes, but I think it's just because our folks weren't really around. I don't mind." He tapped his cheek with a finger as he thought. "She helped me fill out the questionnaire, actually."

It was only after the words left his mouth that Ji-tae realized that maybe he shouldn't have said that. He had forgotten how embarrassing some of the answers had been til just now. His neck flushed slightly, and he laughed again, more awkwardly this time. "A-Anyway. She's probably just... surprised. And, um... Well, if we... I-I don't mean--- Not that... Not that we'd actually do anything, since we just met, but, uh, I think--- my sister, I mean, she might think that we... uh."

Ji-tae's stumbling explanation finally came to a halt, and the flush crept a little further up his face.
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