Variety seems to be the style of the western region of Desuna. Much of the south is exceptionally flat and has aptly been named the Vast Plains, as the land seems to roll out endlessly. If you reach the northern ends of the plains though, trees begin to appear, growing larger and thicker until you're surrounded by the Roraldi forest. Trees get more sparse toward the north, unable to grow in the surrounding permafrost.

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Love the Way You Lie [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/10/2017 5:01 AM


What a perfect day for a delivery! Of course, according to Avario, any day was a good day for a delivery, when it meant that one of his precious APLs was being sent off to their new home, to start their lives. Such a day was always an exciting one, no matter the weather outside. Delivering to an office was certainly the first, but it was better than trying to haul a wooden crate taller than the average human up to the door to the loft above said office, where the new User actually lived. Seeing as he rented out the office, as well, according to their data, it didn't make much difference, though.

Bright and early, the delivery man approached, first checking to see if the office was already open and unlocked. When he discovered that it was, he called out to the two other men that was following behind him with a huge wooded crate hauled on a furniture dolly. "It's open!" he declared, before making his way inside and holding the door for the others to bring the crate inside right after him.

Once they were all safely inside the lobby, and the others began to unload the crate with the words, "Love Me Corporation" painted onto the side in bright pink, he cleared his throat once and then called out. "Excuse me? Good morning! You have a delivery!" The deliveryman was holding onto a clipboard, with a slip that needed to be signed.

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Re: Love the Way You Lie [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 12/31/2017 12:17 PM


The memory of how he had stumbled upon it was hazy, but Kemnebi did remember the questionnaire. Some of the questions had been both highly personal and odd while others were to guage his moral fiber. So of course he'd lied on a great many of them, because honesty for him was a double edged sword.

Name three to five words that you think best describe you.
Compassionate, honest, devoted
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Reading, dancing, travelling
Do you have a favorite color?
What is your favorite season?
Name five of your favorite foods.
Meat, fruit, dairy, bread, candy
Do you prefer to stay in or go out to eat?
Go out
What is your favorite animal?
Raptors (eagles, hawks, etc)
What is your favorite holiday?
What do you do for a living?
Do you find shorter or longer hair attractive?
Depends on various factors
Do you tend to hog the covers in bed?
I sleep alone, so maybe?
What is your favorite, non-gender defining, physical feature on a person?
Shapely figure
What do you look for in a potential partner?
In a relationship, are you more interested in sex or romance? Or both?
Do you enjoy foreplay?
Yes, but not always required
How many intimate/romantic/sexual relationships have you been in?
Do you enjoy cuddling?
Do you have any dealbreakers in a relationship?
Do you prefer the lights on or off during sex?
Describe your sense of humor.
Are you a giver or taker in bed?
Do you have any vices?

So he'd sent it off without any further thought, not expecting to actually win and not even sure what the prize was. He hoped something valuable he could sell.

The previous night had seen him at several unsavory places and he'd come home in a daze to collapse on his couch upstairs.
He leapt off the couch with a very inhuman hiss when he heard someone yelling from his office. Great, he'd forgotten to lock the door behind him. Rubbing at his eyes, he called down, "Just a moment!" Grabbing a robe, he slid his arms into the sleeves even as he descended the stairs to hide the worst of his disheveled appearance. "Yes, hello." He gave a tired smile hoping it would cause the delivery guy to get straight to the point.
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Re: Love the Way You Lie [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/27/2018 3:26 AM

Kemnebi's tired smile was met with a seemingly genuine smile, as opposed to a typical customer service smile one might have expected from the deliveryman that appeared to be in charge. It seemed like he was quite possibly a morning person. "Good morning. We have a delivery for a... Kemnebi. Hopefully I'm saying that correctly." The man gestured to the unloaded crate which was easily tall enough to house the average human, before holding out the clipboard, with a pen attached, for the other man to take. "We just need a signature here, and then we'll be on our way."

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Re: Love the Way You Lie [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 01/27/2019 10:14 PM

"Delivery?" He said uncertainly, idly scratching at his rumpled hair. He was waking up enough to feel the need of a hot shower and coffee. "You've got the right guy," He said hesitantly- how many other people would have a name like his, afterall, "But I didn't order anything." He was suddenly worried this was some under the table delivery he should have been expecting and had forgotten. It had happened before. "Mind reminding me what it is?" Course, there was a possibility this was a third party delivery so he asked a different question before the man could even respond, "Where, or even who, it even came from?"
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Re: Love the Way You Lie [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/27/2019 10:31 PM

The question that Kemnebi initially asked was not one that Avario would answer; he'd simply keep up his act of just a deliveryman. But the second question, that was much easier, and safer, to answer. He glanced over to the wooden crate which was easily his own height that was sitting just a pace behind and to the side of him, and then turned to knock the back of his hand against it once. Right where the words, Love Me Corporation were painted in bright pink.

"Like it says, 'Love Me Corporation,' whatever that is." If he'd just been a normal person taking a guess, he'd probably think this guy had bought a whole crate full of sex toys, which may or may not have been off base. "We don't ask too many questions, we just deliver."

At that point, he stepped forward again, holding out the clipboard and pen once more. "Your signature, please." It was pretty evident that he was suggesting that they had other deliveries to make and preferred not to be held up too long.

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