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A Constant Work in Progress

Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2018 7:16 PM

Setting up a new pen, starting with just pet images + names to help organize myself first. Intro to go here at later date. For now, have some badges. Note to self, old pen is here for when you want to gather info


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Kyrit's Pyrits

Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2018 7:19 PM

Kyrit - Self character

Estebanito - Character based on my fiance

Seras - Based on my (living) dog

Eevee - Based on my (living) cat (And it's also just an Eevee)

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Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2018 7:23 PM

Faye - Self character, based on a younger, more innocent me

The Seraphim had decided that in their war against the Chaos, they needed to use as many resources and schemes as they possibly could. One particular idea involved the use of an "angel on earth" of sorts. A ground unit for them, whose parents would agree upon it after receiving a visitation from one of Zu'hai's angels. All her troubles would start from this one single event, as the human girl was chosen by the heavens, the angel cradling the infant in his arms, telling her parents of the great things that would come from her. Many years passed and the girl lived peacefully with her family, perfectly normal in every way. Every few years the angel would visit her family, waiting for the day that they could begin training her. Her family even kept her out of the loop, for her safety of course.

Before her training could start, at the age of fourteen, her family and friends were all attacked. A few Chaos had discovered the their plan and learned that she was one of the seraphim-chosen. They wanted to kill her before she could become a hindrance to them. So why is it then that she is still alive now? The very Seraph who had chosen her, though he was unable to save her family, risked his own life to make sure she would live. Unable to take care of her himself due to injuries from the fight, she was taken to Khimera Industries. Though they did not particularly care to help, they were interested in seeing if they could keep her alive.

Shattered bones were replaced with metal and synthetic bones, while her blood was chemically altered to hinder her bleeding so they could perform the surgeries she needed despite the incredible amount of blood she had already lost. She spent much time within the lab to recover, having to learn to do many things all over again before being released in to the world again with the memories of all her family, friends, the accident, and her time in the lab completely erased. If they had left anything of the like, it was too likely that she could find the labs again.

Lacking important memories, Faye has no idea where she once lived or why she can't remember her family. She can remember loving them, she can remember they had been there for most of her life, but it's all hazy and shattered. What little bit she had managed to learn over the years about her mission from visits? Completely gone. The Seraphim had lost everything they had been working toward with her, though they aren't completely done with her. From the shadows she is still watched over in the hopes that she may still be of use and to protect her if she were to come under attack again, though the group of Chaos was left to believe she died.

Despite her lack of memories, Faye lives life happily. She moves from one place to the next thinking that some day she might figure out everything that she has forgotten. She does not press for the return of these memories though. If they are to come back, they will. Until then she's quite content with her life and seems to put herself in danger at every turn due to her lack of common sense.

Kid - Based on my (deceased) dog
At a very young age, Faye and her sibling here taken to a pound one day to choose a canine companion to take home with them. Upon seeing the white and tan Sahound, the child ran up to the cage, not thinking of the possibility that he might snap at her when she threw her hand through the gate to pet him. Her family yelled at her for it, but soon realized that there was no way he would attack her. He was a scared little thing, confused about what he was doing in the pound. His attitude flipped when the hand reached out to him, bounding over to lick at it with his tail flopping around behind him excitedly. Without as much as a single thought about any of the other pets in the pound, the family settled on taking this Sahound with them, naming him Kid.

For her entire life, Kid was always there by her side. He was her pillow at night, her playmate during the day, and always her loving little brother, as she would call him despite him being far from human. If danger approached, he was always there to either alert the family or take care of it on his own. During the attack on her family, this would be the Sahound's very undoing. He had been unusually restless the entire day and when night fell he was unable to sleep, laying at the foot of her bed with his eyes locked on the doorway. When the attack started, he threw himself in to the one-sided battle against the Chaos, ultimately ending in his lifeless body being thrown at the girl's feet.

For his valiant efforts to protect their charge, Kid was given the chance to continue on in the world of Evelon as an angel himself - one that would continue to be able to watch over the girl without hinting to their enemies that they were still working on the project. Til this day, though he is unable to spend the amount of time that he did with her as a child, Kid continues to watch over Faye despite knowing that there is little he can do other than watch.

Alucard - Based on my (deceased) cat
Faye had always been terrible about taking in stray pets, and her family always seemed to cave in and let her keep them. Alucard's mother had been one such case. She was nothing more than a stray cat, one which Faye started feeding every time it came by their house. Over time, she became more along the lines of a family pet - simply one that lived outside and was free to come and go as she pleased. Eventually, she had a litter of kittens; one such little one being Alucard. All of his siblings were given away to friends, while he was named and kept close to his mother. Despite eventually having another litter, Alucard stayed very attached to his mother, even suckling on her while his much younger siblings were.

One fateful day, Alucard's mother was torn from him. She was found too late after having been poisoned, not enough time to even get her to the nearest vet. Though Alucard was skittish and fearful of other humans, Faye still worried that if he were kept outside all the time he would eventually suffer the same fate as his mother. Because of her fear, her grandparents, who also owned Kid, agreed to take the feline in. He became a beloved part of the family, even playing with the Sahound quite often.

He was a gentle cat, almost like a ragdoll to Faye. She could sling him about in her arms, run in to a room and scream his name, and he would simply accept it. Not that he didn't have his quirks though. He opened up to her grandparents since he saw them daily, but Alucard always feared strangers and would hide if anyone came to visit the family. He would not fight another cat if attacked, yet if he saw Kid get in to a fight with another dog, he would gladly jump in on the Sahound's behalf. He also always had a regal air about him, as if he should be treated like he was some god by anyone other than Faye.

Alas, his life was all too short. Merely a few years after being born, Alucard's life was taken on the same night that most of Faye's family was. Upon hearing Kid's assault, the Slynx rushed in to the room to aide him. Naturally, he met more or less the same fate as the Sahound. Nowdays he can be found trailing along with the Sahound, watching over the human girl that they failed to protect.

Miyuki - Based on my (deceased) ferret
Much like any other animal that caught Faye's eyes, she fell in love with the Ferrikoon species the moment she laid eyes on them. Throughout her childhood her family owned many Ferrikoons, almost every one having a different fur pattern. Miyuki was the second one, of an eventual total of ten, to be brought in to her life, as well as the first female of the bunch. She was also the smallest, even after they were all grown. Despite being so petite, Miyuki was always considered quite the little trouble maker, always getting in to things she shouldn't have or eating things that probably weren't good for her to be eating - such as a pen cap on one occasion.

One day she seemed to pass out, refusing to wake for anything. This had never happened before with her, though at times she had been found to be lethargic. After quite the scare, the family found that her blood sugar had been too low. Any time she seemed to be under the weather she was given a very small bit of a sugary treat and the albino Ferrikoon was back on her feet terrorizing the household. Sadly, no amount of sugar would be able to save her on the day that she passed away. Unable to do anything without a vet nearby with the ability to care for such an exotic pet paired with not having any clue what was causing her sickness, Miyuki slowly slipped away from the world while resting in a towel in Faye's arms.

Though the woman is unable to remember her just as she is unable to remember any of her family, Miyuki has joined the forces watching over her from the shadows. Sometimes she'll try to cause a bit of ruckus for Faye, hoping that the chaos might bring back the memories of the times they had together.

Smokey - Based on my (deceased) cat
Coming home from school one afternoon Faye found a small Kitrell kit on her front steps. It lacked wings and instead had a fully developed pair of front limbs. The mother Kitrell was nowhere to be found, and Faye quickly asked her mother if she would be allowed to care for the tiny little kit. It was smaller than most kittens and very weak. Along with the fact it had all four legs fully developed led the family figured that it was the runt of the litter and had been abandoned by the mother. As she grew up the feline never seemed like a normal Kitrell, lacking balance, grace, and often times very spiteful. One moment she could be the sweetest Kitrell one could imagine while the next she could be attacking a person for no good reason. Still, she was exceptionally loyal to Faye and suffered much the same fate as Kid did.

Knowing that Faye does not remember any of them, Smokey travels at her side once again after having faked an injury on the side of a road the woman was passing down. She often gets angry with Faye's other guardians, particularly Miyuki as she does not want the girl to regain such painful memories. Sometimes she will worry the girl by going missing, during which she is usually chasing off the Ferrikoon in rage.

Tink - A tribute to my late grandmother
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Naturalists; Evelon Zoo Curators

Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2018 7:27 PM

Tayal - Self character, based on a me that actually used her degree - Mammalogist
As a child, it was close to impossible to keep Tayal indoors. Inside she was always fidgety and looking for some excuse to bolt out the door the moment she had a chance. If that wasn't bad enough, she didn't mind running through the rain, mud, or whatever was around in order to chase down what she was after. Usually if she were allowed to spend at least half an hour outside she'd somehow manage to come home with at least a small creature in her pocket, such as a Ttee or Hypofly. Give her longer though and sure enough she'd come home with larger creatures. Once, to her mother's dismay, she even came home with a fairly young Paragon, though how no one knows.

Growing up though, Tayal had never been one to make many friends, and even the few she did were little boys that would pull an Anura out of their pants expecting some little girl to scream. Because of her lack of friends, even a she moved on to high school and even college, she ended up lacking in good social skills. She can communicate with others, but usually she get easily flustered if the other person isn't on her track of mind.

Regardless, Tayal was a bright child and carried on through all of her schooling with great grades and an incredible interest in learning. Once in college she learned about many different fields she could specialize in, all of which allowed her to delve back to her childhood roots of catching other creatures. After many years of college and training, she became a widely known expert on the biology of many pets around Evelon, though she specialized in mammals particularly.

Tayal now works for the Evelon Zoo as the curator of their mammal collection, which allows her to fund her research. The Zoo often sends her out on expeditions across the globe to collect specimens and other such data that may be important to them.

Florix - Ichthyologist

Bastein - Herpetologist

Camesia - Ornithologist

Corvin - Entomologist + Arachnologist

Eluvie - Botanist

Vicie - Paleontologist

Mitath - Geologist
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Evelon Campaign; Golden Thread

Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2018 7:33 PM

Faen - Human/base form

Faen - First Seraph attempt

Faen - Chaos form

Faen - Dweller form

Dwellers, Chaos, Seraphim, humans... When one grew up in Essolei, it was no surprise that they were exposed to all sorts of different races. Faen’s parents were already living in Essolei before she was born, bringing her in to a world where all supposedly could live in peace according to what she was told growing up. It made sense, seeing as how somehow all four races, and even some hybrids by some chance, that it was possible that this place was meant for such. Growing up, she was still far more often surrounded by her own kind in school and other such daily life.

Over time though, Faen’s fascination with the other races began to grow. Where did they come from? What were they made of? Did they have the same requirements for sustaining life as humans did? As she got older she did her best to make friends with some of the more peculiar kids around school; those known to be chaos, dwellers, seraphs, or some mixture of the like with humans or each other. Through these friends she learned at least some of the culture and workings of the other races, but this was not enough for her.

Making her way all the way through college, Faen began to do odd jobs for the Biology department on campus, becoming more and more familiar with the world of genetics and pursuing a degree in it eventually. It took her what felt like a lifetime to make it off on her own, slowly setting up her own laboratory as she earned the money to. Now days, Faen lives, sleeps, and breaths genetics so to say. The lab is home, and home is the lab.

Much of her research is possible thanks to the acquaintances she has made over the years, who often times donate their time or... bodies to her work. She never tests on living beings if she can help it, so much of her research is done using her own body, which needless to say has had a few drawbacks over the years - including the discoloration of her naturally brown hair to a solid white. She also still claims that her research is to better understand the differences and similarities of the four races on all levels, but some wonder just what she means when they see her turning herself in to a monster as they would say.

Though not very social, Faen is highly inquisitive and is constantly trying to figure out how things work, even if it means on a molecular level. She tries her best to overcome her social awkwardness if it means that she might find something new and interesting or she’s able to gain further proof of something known. Going against her usual terms of not experimenting on living creatures, Faen did once toy with the genetics of a chaos egg that was given to her, which was probably stolen from someone’s clutch. This resulted in her only constant (despite its terrible state of health) companion, Ailou. She finds that talking to Ailou as she does her work helps to keep from getting stressed, even if the creature can’t talk back.

Ailou - Chaos/Dweller hybrid

Rahktiel - "Racket"

As with many of Xai're's seraphim, the easiest way to describe Racket is broken. While reclaiming her belongings during a journey, Faen walked past a cell where the seraph was being contained and felt something, most likely the string inside of her, calling out to her and telling her to not only free him but to take him with her and keep him safe. With the help of Safi, one of her companions the two freed him and Safi told him he was free to return to the Vaults and carry on his mission. Faen didn't like the thought of this since she felt the need to keep him safe, but surprisingly enough she didn't have to worry about that. Racket was apparently scared of returning to the Vaults, having the feeling that he'd been gone for a very long time and might have even done something wrong.

The scientists at the facility they were trying to escape from had apparently been experimenting on him, and there was no telling what all they had done. Just the mention of a scientist would cause him to mentally, and more or less physically, shut down, much to Faen's dismay. He ended up tagging along with their group, and over time Faen grew more and more fond of his company. He was silly and very much an airhead, but this kept a bit of life in their group. At times though, the group began to become worried of some of the signs he started to show, such as a red glow being produced from his mechanical eye during one of his crashes.

Once everything was over with, Racket turned out to be a key figure in Dr. Habersham's plans that the group thwarted. Despite the group winning, Racket was never the same and began to quickly grow distant from Faen. The two lived together for a very short period of time, moving from hotel to hotel since her newly disfigured appearance put people off, before one day Racket completely disappeared. Faen does not know what happened to him and still gets rather emotional when the goofy little seraph is brought up. Thanks to some visitors she and Safi got though, Faen knows that he might have ended up in Medicai City as a hobo surprisingly.

Nerastiel - Original thread

Many years ago, quite some time after the Tear of the Goddess fell to the mortal realm, the Gods of Evelon were saddened by the discord spread across the lands. Yepha gave one particular seraph a job to sort out this discord by taking a spool of thread made from the night and connecting the humans with it. As she connected more people with the thread, humans began to understand one another, able to hear one another's thoughts and understand feelings. As she began to grow weary and exhausted, she began to wonder if perhaps the job was too much for one singular seraph to take care of. During this time a man presented himself to her with brilliant golden eyes.

He introduced himself as Gendraggutte, a Chaos with scales made of gold, which he proceeded to show her by transforming. The two continued to talk and he explained to her that he was envious, as she was able to stop all the fighting and create harmony. Meanwhile, he could only create discord. Gendraggutte explained to Nerastiel that he wanted to help with her mission, and after some thought she agreed to allow him to help.

After about a year of the two working together they had managed to connect most of the humans via the string, but it was having an effect on her. She began to understand love, starting to fall for the chaos she had been traveling with. Their time together drew much attention from other chaos, which Gendraggutte began to worry about and told her if was too dangerous for them to continue to travel together. She ignored this and the two continued to work together.

Eventually, the last of the spool unraveled only to find the thread was now attached to her sleeve. She bought a new blouse made of golden threads to celebrate her love for her companion, only to find that the thread always ended up attached to her clothing once she thought she reached the end. Soon, the thread became linked to her finger instead. This leads to an argument between the two, as Nerastiel says she must continue the task given to her by Yepha while Gendraggutte tells her she'll only end up destroying herself. One day he awoke to find her nowhere nearby, having left him to continue her job.
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Evelon Campaign; Ghamnidran Ghosts

Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2018 7:37 PM

Tamoriel - Fallen Seraph, Chaos Bonded

Tamoriel used to be a seraphim working under the goddess Yepha. He roamed the chaos plane, disguised as a chaos, in order to gather information on the foreign beings for his goddess. He had gotten fairly close to one particular group of chaos and was able to learn a good bit about them before suspicions began to arise, as he never showed them his chaos form. Eventually, after some debate, the group turned on him and on the verge of losing the fight against him he could hear one of them telepathically call out to him. She told him that if the two of them worked together she could turn the battle around for him. It was by all means not something he wanted to do, but the seraph had no choice if he was going to keep on living. He agreed and forged a bond with the female Chaos, winning the battle with her aid.

Having bonded to a chaos though, he knew he no longer had a place within the Vaults. He still has a strong desire to aid Yepha and would love to continue to feed her information about the chaos. Knowing that he would be killed upon return for sinking so low as to bond to one of them, he cut all ties with the Vaults and roams the chaos plane, continuing to pretend that he is a chaos. As another side effect of his bond with Ansina, Tamoriel is very hemophobic. Thankfully, the sight of his own blood does not bother him oddly enough. If it did, he'd be more or less unable to fight as his weapon is a scythe he is able to summon out of his own blood. Unlike most seraphim, he also writes his sigils for spells in his own blood rather than chalk.

Over the course of time, as his bond with Ansina becomes stronger, Tamoriel's seraph features have begun to grotesquely morph. His hair has begun to turn black, while his sclera have long since turned completely black. Wings that could once carry him through the skies have lost most of their feathers, replaced  by blood that seems to hang from bone as if it should drip down, only to hang there and move back and forth. The long blood droplets essentially have a feather shape, but they have no where near the intricate build of a feather and thus not the surface area needed for flight. Often times using the powers that she is able to share with him also takes a great toll on his body, causing a trail of blood tears to streak his face. Tamoriel is able to disguise his grotesque seraphim form with a more human one, though he still has to use his own blood to fight.

Ansinutte  (Ansina)- Chaos bonded to Tamoriel

Ardis - Seraph, now with time powers

Tamoriel x Ardis children
(Need to decide which ones will be canon, some details here)

Fish Chaos - Adopted by first child of Tamoriel/Ardis
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Marketplace Management

Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2018 7:42 PM

Zae - Runs Evo-Lux Emporium

Having made it through many rigorous years of school out in Medicai, Zae has finally made a name and place for herself in the bustling city of Aldrect. Because of her choice of location though, Zae often has to endure to ocassional overly religious person coming in and telling the scraggly woman that she shouldn't be doing the things she does as all pets should be left the way that Zu'hai created them. A bit on the eccentric side herself though, none of these people bother Zae for very long.

On of the reasons that the harassment doesn't bother Zae is that, even as a child, she was often thought of as a male despite her voice leaning to at least slightly feminine. She'd be called harsh names that one would usually call a homosexual of either gender, depending on which one someone realized she happened to be. Her body, with a lack of a womanly chest, is streamline enough to easily be confused for a male with a thin form, as if a track runner or something of the like. Accusations were only furthered by her particularly tomboyish clothing choices and dislike of make-up and making her hair all fancy. Even at a young age the words didn't bother her though, as she'd just laugh them off and enjoy her way of life.

Despite going to Medicai for college, Zae isn't exactly a 'doctor' in the way that most people think of them. Hers is in the term of going to school long enough to obtain a PHD in the field of genetics, the likes of which she's spent almost her entire like trying to understand. She now makes a living off the establishment she named Evo-Lux Emproium, allowing people and other animals to come in and genetically modify them in some way to better suit what they wanted to look like. A single tweak in the genes of one area of the body could lead to substantial change within days, such as the changing of the eye color of some creature. Rumors float around Aldrect that the woman is insane and is enjoying "playing god," but it's quite possible that she really just wants to help people.

Dr. Naren Aethart - Khimera Industries employee

Briht - Runs Birthday Boutique

Elie - Runs Seasonal Specialties

For many years Elie was merely a Lucain, roaming the lands without an owner. Like many, she was but a canine, no human form that she could switch in to at will. Ever since she was a pup her greatest wish was to become human, if only so she could spread the joy of the holiday seasons throughout Evelon easier. She loves the holidays with a burning passion, centering her whole life around making sure that not a single one of them was forgotten. Sadly, she couldn't even talk the human tongue as some other pets could, and without opposable thumbs there was so much that she could do.

Praying to the Evelonian deities, Elie begged for their help to make her dream come true. While to this day she still can't figure out if she had only seen Selkat'aris in a dream or if the heavenly demi-goddess serving under the god of creation had appeared to her in person, Elie is certain that it was her who gave her the ability to take one another form. Sadly though, as Selkat'aris is only a demi-goddess, her powers are not as vast as those of Zu'hai's. Because of this, Elie is not able to always keep this form. The longer she spends as a human, the longer it takes before she can take on that form as well. Visitors to her shop, Seasonal Specialties, will see her start to grow tired around the end of a holiday season, considering she doesn't sleep so she can take care of customers and she spends such vast amounts of times as a human. Needless to say, during the periods that the shop is closed, the young woman sleeps for a good twelve to thirteen hours per day.

Canvas - Runs Toys and Trinkets

One of the marketplace workers, Canvas takes pride in his job. While his true calling is art, mainly painting, he enjoys making toys and selling them. It brings a smile to his face when he sees someone else smile thanks to one of the toys within his shop. All profits from his shop either go to donations to organizations that help take care of the poor, or support his family. Even though most of his children seem very distant from him, as if they dislike him, Canvas loves them all dearly and wishes for nothing more than to be loved by them. Odd things seem to occur around him as well. A few days after painting a small creature, he ran in to one that now lives with him. He believes he must've seen this creature before and just didn't remember it until he painted it. That still doesn't explain how his lover didn't remain dead after being killed by Idzuna during the war.

Salvis - Runs Salvis's Salvage Saloon

Aluin - Runs Adornments, Alterations, and Amendment

Leif - Runs Huntsman's Hall
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Marketplace Relations

Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2018 7:50 PM

Myuu - Easter Rabbot

The Easter Rabbot? We advise you don't call him that to his face. Myuu always seems displeased at how jolly every holiday is. While he'd never try to keep others from being happy, he doesn't see what all the fuss is about. They are days of the years much like every other. None the less, he is forced to pass out the eggs during Easter, proclaiming that he's the Easter Rabbot. He tries to distance himself from Errian, but it doesn't seem to work.

Leie - Essentially Elie's Dweller

For everything good in the world there seems to be something bad to balance it out. Of course, no one can truly say what is good or bad since that is an opinion of each person.  Leie originally formed as a mere thought, or rather.. thoughts. Even with the happiness that surrounds holidays, there are always those that disapprove of them and try to make them miserable for everyone else. Their thoughts pooled together somewhere in the darkness. Eventually these thoughts began to form feelings of their own, and even thoughts of their own. Within time the thoughts even gained their own consciousness, a form to move about in. Leie has no memory of how she came to be. Only the knowledge that the Holidays and the woman that made it a point to bring holiday cheer to others were the bane of her existence. During every holiday she can be found trying to tamper with the merchandise from the Seasonal Specialties shop. She often even says that the owner of the shop is just in it for the money and doesn't actually care about if the customers have a good holiday.

Niq - Canvas's Son (Zaak x Canvas)
Restrictions; May breed only with a lifemate; same for children

Atros - (Strages x Aaron) - Zaak's family (thus also Canvas's)
Restrictions; May breed only with a lifemate; same for children

Drask - (Aaron x Strages) - Zaak's family (thus also Canvas's)
Restrictions; May breed only with a lifemate; same for children

Adrasteia - (Strages x Nitidus) - Zaak's family (thus also Canvas's)
Restrictions; May breed only with a lifemate; same for children

Aeron - (Strages x Nitidus) - Zaak's family (thus also Canvas's)
Restrictions; May breed only with a lifemate; same for children
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War for the Tear

Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2018 7:53 PM

Dalekke - Imperial Commander

Taima - Imperial second in command

Iandr - Taima's Paragon mount

Kleri - Imperial wave pet caretaker

Kelti - Purine wave pet caretaker

Fenviel - Zu'ahi Seraph
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Bonds of Sin

Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2018 1:29 PM



"The younger of the two brothers, this creature is hard to be around for the fact that his very fur is toxic to the touch. Though it can't kill an animal or person alone, it can cause a lot of discomfort and side effects. He loves being alone and wandering away from sites of dense population. Whatever you do though, never let him lick you. While his fur may not be the best to touch, his saliva has the potency of cobra poison... Surprisingly, he can breed..."
(Alonia info)



Haelas (Hale)

Mailia (Maya)

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Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 11:38 AM


Absell had always been faithful to Zu'hai. So faithful that nothing would wave his faith when it came to killing the Chaos scum trying to force a life in the human plane. He'd come across many a scene where some Chaos seemed to have supposedly fallen in love for a human or had taken in a human to care for them as well as even stories of Chaos and Seraphim getting along somewhere in the world. Even if the Chaos and humans could live in peace, he was determined to exterminate any he could come across for his God. Absell was so zealous about the cause that he'd do whatever it took to kill the Chaos - even if it meant putting the life of another seraphim, or worse a human, in danger. He could care less about if he put a blade through a human on the path to a Chaos. Ultimately, this would be what caused him to become a Fallen, kicked out for his lack of concern for human preservation while working. It wasn't that he wanted to kill humans though. Honestly, he's just of the opinion that if killing a few humans is what it takes to rid the world of Chaos it was a sacrifice well made.

Absell wasn't bad at his job in Zu'hai's army. After training for so long and fighting in the war for ages he had developed his own way of taking care of Chaos that had proven to be exceptionally effective. The Chaos, even if they claimed to try to live peacefully, needed to devour Dwellers in order to survive. He developed techniques of disguising himself as a Dweller traveling across Evelon. The looks, scent, weapons, attitude - everything. By masking himself as a Dweller he could draw the Chaos to him rather than hunt them down.

Eventually though, Zu'hai couldn't stand by and allow humans to continue to be injured or killed for the sake of Absell's work. He was forced out of the Vaults, though not without fighting to stay. He couldn't understand why just a few human lives were worth being kicked out of the heavens. As he struggled against many other Seraphim his wings were slowly torn apart, leaving him now with bare remnants of wings. A few protruding bones and a feather or two here and there are all left of the sign he could once fly. He was also left with other physical scars, though the worst for him was the loss of his flight.

After being forced out of the Vaults, Absell doesn't hate the gods, even if he does hold a minor grudge for being forced out for what he feels is a stupid reason. He vowed to continue to kill Chaos and try to destroy the Chaos plane some day, which would show Zu'hai that one just had to get their hands dirty to end it all. Some time after his fall he was taken in by the Rebellion, which he agreed to only for the fact they had a mutual goal - even if there were Chaos among them. He could join them for the time being and in the end ensure that they were all gone as well.

Over his time banished to the human realm Absell has grown fond of many things not found or against the teachings up in the Vaults. While he wouldn't consider himself to have fallen in love, the Fallen Seraph has learned of the pleasure of company of the opposite sex. He also won't say no to a drink if offered typically.


Notes for self: yepha seraph - 'angel with a shotgun' - Became a fallen (or will) in order to protect a chaos. Roams around the chaos plane with him, disguised as a chaos.


The Seraph without a heart. Heart was taken out by a Dweller that uses her as a bodyguard to fight any Chaos that comes after him/her. Basically a soulless puppet.


Seio was created by a god, but by a Juridian god instead of an Evelonian one. The shinzo boy looks up to Eriot, his creator, as a bit of a father figure. Anything Eriot says goes! He doesn't know his full purpose being on Evelon instead of Juridia, but he has found that it is rather nice around here, and he will just continue to do as told. For the time being he has been assigned to watch over Benji, the host of Benvolio's soul on this world.
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Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 11:40 AM






Dweller controlling Serriel
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Blood Type is Important

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 11:45 AM

Keret Eissoket

Blood type B-, started the family of allergy based vampires. Puts off his allergies as only drinking the finest of blood. He claims he will only drink O- (though he can actually drink B- as well).

Aelath Eissoket

Blood type O-. Learned of her allergies the hard way when she had a severe allergic reaction to drinking another blood type. Since she can only drink O- blood she often times ends up drinking the wrong blood type on accident, especially blood type O+. Keret brought her in to the family.

"Valentine" Ricia Eissoket

Blood type AB+, able to drink any blood type. As the one able to drink any type of blood, she is typically the one that brings in new members to the family. She was brought in to the family by Aelath's first accident. Keret doesn't particularly care for her, as she sees her as a 'whore' for being able to drink any type of blood.

-Pet form needs to be decided-
Scian Eissoket

Blood type O+, another accident on Aelath's part. She mistook the blood type O+ for O-. He feels bad for almost killing her from the allergic reaction she proceeded to go through. The two are now close friends
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Vampire Clinic

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 11:45 AM

-gotta find the various pets to put in here-
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Experimenting with Flora and Fauna

Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2018 11:54 AM


Trusting Teivynne could likely be the biggest mistake of your life. Well... it could be the end of your life as well if you're not careful. Her appearances and personality she lets the public see tend to give the belief that she a harmless, innocent young lady, but in truth she's just another wacko scientist. Her job at the lab she works for is to genetically alter plants and bugs. Think she's giving you that flower as a token of friendship? Think again. It's only a matter of time before it starts to feed on your life, turns in to some kind of vicious monster that will try to kill you, or the gods only know what else. More or less just.... don't fall for her tricks. You're probably just an experiment in her eyes to see how her little creations are doing.


Quite possibly the first mammal, and maybe the last, Teivynne ever experimented on, it's a bit hard to call her that anymore. Laihali is never seen eating because she has no need for doing such now. If she loses a limb, it'll grow back in time. Quite simply... Lai seems to be more plant than mammal now days. Some say the rumor is that it all started as a virus that Teivynne created to kill using plant cells and that something went wrong so that instead of killing her, the cells began to take over her own. Sure, she still has some animal cells left, but even her blood has changed colors now. It's more sap like than red blood and has a green tint to it. Most days she is now content with laying where the suns rays can soak in to her fur. Day by day her backsplash marking seems to become more like moss to the touch, as if continuing to slip from her roots per say.


Only slightly shorter than the average human at a height of 4', Tabreth is Teivynne's personal guard. Due to his abnormal size, he was outcast by his own kind. Teivynne wandered upon him battered and beaten. With her affinity toward insects, she took him in and cared for him until he was better. Now he stays at her side like an overprotective guardian. He has vowed that if anyone is to take his life, it will be while he is protecting her.


Once a mere sapling tree sitting in the corner of Teivynne's office, 96 was one of her early experiments. She wanted someone that would help her around the lab without ever fussing, and thus she brought to life this bothersome little guy. While he does anything that she tells him to do, he tends not to listen to others. Sometimes he also takes what she tells him to do a bit... too far. When told to water the plants, he can often be found even chasing Laihali around with a watering hose. No matter how many times she tells him not to she can't get it through his mind that she's not a plant. While he doesn't much care about the holidays, 96 does care much about his work.


Out of fear that 96 might one day find himself in harm's way as a messenger, Teivynne created Kazic so that she would have someone small yet strong to protect him. Often times when she isn't around though, Kazic tends to threaten the Evergreen's life instead of try to protect him. He sees the other guy as too happy and cheerful and doesn't want him to be around him. Still, he bites his tongue and does his job so as not to displease his creator. He's happiest when she gives him a mission that doesn't involve escorting 96.

Often times simply called 'the eyes' by the others in the lab, Teivynne is usually the only one to call her by her actual name of Aidai. She isn't a spy per say, but rumor has it that anything she can see, Teivynne can see as well - hence the name from those in the lab. It is the only way they can think to explain how Teivynne gets the information that she somehow manages to come upon.


A fellow scientist working at Ithere's old lab, Daeta wishes for nothing more than the chance to work alongside Teivynne. Because of his field of choice though, it is almost quite impossible for the two of them to work together and not end in her hating his guts. She has witnessed him simply touch a plant and watch it wither and die. Day after day he works away in his lab, perfecting different pesticides and herbicides. He loves watching the magrubs squirm as life flees from them or the petals fall from a rose one by one. It's the perfect job for him, but it keeps him from getting close to the only person he feels comfortable around. Needless to say, he tends to keep himself locked up in the lab where others can't bother him.


One day while testing a pesticide, there was one pumkit in particular that didn't die. Even after Daeta raised the dosage it simply struggled for a few minutes before suddenly seeming to be perfectly fine. Ever since then, he has been stuck with it so to say. He's even made it a goal that some day he will manage to kill it. Pesticide after pesticide it has fought for its life though, many times barely pulling through. No one is sure if he's actually serious about killing her any more, but he is still seen giving her new 'treats' quite frequently. Sometimes he does seem to enjoy the little bug's companionship though, even if he might throw a journal, mug, or who knows what else at her every time she pulls through his next experiment.


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