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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Night » 12/19/2017 6:11 AM


Ryland had come across a number of anomalies during his time running the antiques shop, but nothing quite like this. He inspected the strange looking egg - strangely warm and oddly textured, he may have mistaken it for a carved bit of red stone if it hadn't blinked open an eye and nearly caused him to drop it. Certainly nothing that he had any knowledge of. It had taken a fair bit of research to figure out precisely what to do with it, and he'd almost been disappointed to find it wasn't anything he could sell in his shop. Still, there was some appeal to it.

It had been easier than anticipated to track down the shop, and when he wandered through the door he couldn't help but stifle a shiver. He'd heard a few rumors about the place, but he hadn't been so willing to believe the gossip until he'd stepped inside... Regardless, he'd already made the trip here, and he had little else to do today. He unwrapped the egg from the towel he'd shrouded it in and balanced it carefully on the counter, it's one demonic eye facing the shopkeeper.

"I'm not completely sure what it is you do with this but... I'd like to find out." He said it with a significant amount more confidence than he felt. This place gave him the creeps.

Total - 350KS
Applying immediately

[Paid; 350 KS]
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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/28/2018 9:59 PM

Experiment Applicant: zapdragon555
Subject Submission Request: Fulfilled
Subject(s) Status: null
Additional Notes: null


Experiment Applicant: FieldsofIris
Subject Submission Request: Fulfilled
Subject(s) Status: Highly Volatile
Additional Notes: Test subject 'LUSK-2415577522 has displayed evolutionary potential; once introduced into a new environment, subject's body begins to undergo rapid change that spans over the course of 1-3 weeks. Subject is currently developing a calcified beak-form and early stage feathers.'


Experiment Applicant: Kyrit
Subject Submission Request: Fulfilled
Subject(s) Status: Highly Volatile
Additional Notes: 'Subject 'SOC-11002928 was introduced with genetics from pre-existing Chaos captive. Subject appears to possess similar inclinations of suggestion that influences said Chaos as well. Cloned subjects will provide more data.'


Experiment Applicant: ToxicShadow
Subject Submission Request: Fulfilled
Subject(s) Status: Unconfirmed
Additional Notes: 'Subject LUSK- 22991840 has displayed ability to produce pheromones that can sway the actions of other Sickle subjects of opposite sex. 10 of 13 supervised introductions have resulted in violence. Must consider more study.'


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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 02/01/2018 10:11 PM


New Stock Update

Breeder Boost: 7

Breeder Boost V2: 6

y̘͍̮̯̣̯̙̲͎o̜̣͇͉U̲̜̮̬͉͙̕'͓͔̲̥̲͔̗͚r͜͏̮̱ę̘͔͚͎ ͏̛̙̫̯͕̲̙͈̜w̴̲̗̗̯̩̺͟͜3̨̱͇̻ļ҉̩͇͈̙̱̥̝̜̟c҉͖̯̭̞̩̤͕͙o̻͇̹̜m̹͖̬̗̤̕͞ͅe̼̮̲̗


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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Flame » 02/01/2018 10:18 PM


Atlas pounded into the store, tongue lolling madly and slobber flying every which way as he did everything within his power not to knock down every shelf in the building while still getting there in as timely a manner as possible. There was a note inside his mouth (not that one would have seen it at all before he heaved it up onto the counter - by that point, it must have been heavier in weight by slobber than of paper) that read as follows.

I'd like to purchase One BBv1 and One BBv2, please and thank you! The correct payment should be enclosed.

[Paid; 15 GT]
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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby crow » 02/01/2018 10:21 PM


Rabbit was not used to being out. This may, in fact, have been the android's first foray outside the grounds of the property since it had been delivered several months ago. Nevertheless, that was no reason to perform its given task less than perfectly. It had the requisite programming, and the task itself was a simple one: the purchase of two specific items, to be delivered to its owner's address.

"Hello. I am here to acquire one BBv1 and one BBv2. The payment will be through Paypal."

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Isalynne » 02/01/2018 10:40 PM


There she was again. The excitable Fenling looked overjoyed to be out and about doing her job, and this time was not in the company of her Kuhna friend and was considerably more awake. Her fluffy tails bounced behind her as she trotted in and made her way straight up to the counter - there was a note tucked into her collar, and she lifted her head and yipped to make a point to the shopkeeper to take it from her.

Hello! I am here for one BBv2, please and thank you. I will be paying through Paypal!

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Middy » 02/01/2018 10:42 PM


She was still new to the area, if not a bit intimidated. She only knew that she was there for one reason, and thankfully only that! The facility gave her the chills, clutching the goddess tears tightly to her chest.E-excuse me... I'm here for a Breeder Boost," she swallowed hard, her paws still trembling for the sole reason of being in a medical facility. She hated such places! Too sterile and artificial, and... creepy.

[Paid; 5 GT]
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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/02/2018 12:14 AM


"Honey, I need you to go pick up one of those... Breeder Boosts. Version two." Rosco had told her when she first arrived at the office. "Oh, and could you pick me up a coffee, too, while you're out?"

So, Honey, as that was her name not some term of endearment, went to go tend to such matters. Rosco wasn't really in a position to leave the office, in case anyone came in that needed their assistance. But, as the one that played the role of secretary, accountant, and assistant, Honey was able to more freely leave the office when nothing else was going on.

"Hey, I need to pick up a Breeder Boost V2," she declared, when it was her turn.

[Paid; 10 GT]

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby RiDragon » 02/02/2018 12:29 AM


A girl popped in the clinic from the...  Ceiling.  Somehow.  She smiled innocently, despite the fact that her physical body was phasing through the roof of the clinic, causing quite the stir among other patrons.  "Hey there..  It's just me again down here...  Or uh..  Up here."  She giggled to herself.  "I'd like to make some purchases."
One BBv1
One BBv2
Total; 15 GT

[Paid; 15 GT]

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/02/2018 2:50 AM


She had not only brought back the Breeder Boost that he requested, but Rosco's coffee, and one for herself, as well. Plus muffins. Because who could turn down freshly baked chocolate chip muffins? Maybe someone that hated chocolate, perhaps, but that wasn't her.

"Were there any of the others in stock still?" he asked, when she set the coffee and muffin down on his desk.

"You'd like me to get one of those, too, wouldn't you?"

The man nodded, and she sighed.

"Sorry. I didn't think there would be a use for one but-"

"You realized otherwise. It's all right. I'm on the clock anyway, so I'll go."

And, thus, Honey returned once more.

"Hello again. Sorry to be coming back so soon, but I need to pick up a Breeder Boost now. Just the regular one."

[Paid; 5 GT]

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Skylark » 02/02/2018 7:34 AM


"Hello." Her smile stretched further than it really... should. But as long as you didn't look too closely, it was probably fine. In fact, in a place like this, she nearly looked like she belonged. Not that she was here for the 'tests', or anything of the sort. No, she moved directly towards the needles... syringes. Perusing the isles until it seemed as if she'd found what she was looking for.

Red claws delicately picked up two of the 'boosts', her body and, therefore, smile suddenly turning back towards wherever the person who was supposed to be helping her wandered off to, "Yes. These will do nicely."

[One Breeder Boost, one Breeder Boost v2, paying with GT]

[Paid; 15 GT]
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I, I'll bring the fire
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I can take you higher
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I must now remind you
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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Kylo » 03/02/2018 4:44 PM


Nails clicked softly against the tile as a rather large diosol approached the counter. Its fur seemed to matted with some dark rusty substance and it smelled of copper. Wait...was that blood?! Knowing the diosol in question it was the most likely answer. It shuffled up to the counter and fly up to reach the top, dumping 350 keystones on it in small bloody sack. It glared up at the man running the establishment and pointed towards the Breeder's Boost V1 with a grunt. It didn't seem to be likely to elaborate further or to make any real attempt at speech, rely on body language to get the point across.

[Paid; 350 KS]

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby Night » 04/09/2018 4:35 AM

Aesoth had grown rather weary of being used for an errand boy; he had better things to do with his time than to frequent the mortal realms, and this realm in particular had always been particularly irksome. If he absolutely had no choice in the matter, however, visiting the Metamorphose Medical Clinic was probably the least annoying of his options; he could, after all, get behind a few of their less than cruelty free experiments. A shadow coalesced outside of the building, forming into a tall and rather grouchy looking individual with a bag slung over his shoulder.

He approached the counter with a scowl firmly in place, tossing the wriggling package onto the surface with little fanfare. "I'll be back for this whenever it's ready." Evidently, the demon wasn't in the mood to hold a conversation with the help.

Submitted for Testing:
1 Fortuna Strain
10 GT
(Using Immediately)

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby crow » 04/10/2018 6:54 AM


Ronan usually didn't like to be away from his projects, but sometimes a break could do him good. Not that his fellows would have called this much of a break--- partaking in a more personal project was still, in their minds, some form of work. Of course, they didn't appreciate the finer things in life the way he did.

The clinic was dark, but it was clean. The smell of bleach told Ronan that much as he walked in. He inspected his surroundings with a shrewd eye, before walking up to the counter.

"I've come across some interesting specimens," he said. "I was told you could do something with them here. If you wouldn't mind...?"


Solar-X + A-Strain
Fortuna Strain x2
Total: 450 KS + 20 GT
(using immediately)

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Re: .:The Metamorphose Medical Clinic:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 04/18/2018 6:32 AM

Experiment Applicant: Night
Subject Submission Request: Fulfilled
Subject(s) Status: Highly Volatile
Additional Notes: 'Subject LUC-006557131 appears to be capable of interspatial travel yet returns to captivity of its own volition; subject disappears coincidentally during events of great celestial activity. Inner core temperature is a consistent -455° Fahrenheit (-271 °C), exercise caution for all surgical operations.’


[font=Lucida Console]Experiment Applicant: crow
Subject Submission Request: Fulfilled
Subject(s) Status: Mildly Volatile/Highly Volatile
Additional Notes: 'Subject LUC-006557131 displays intermittent glitching, as seen in previous subjects. Still no true origin of malfunction. Subject SRX-0012399 vocalizes various high-pitched communicative sounds that are not commonly heard amongst this genetic strain.

This is a note from Dr. Crites. Don’t forget to check Incubators #43 and #287. Also there’s a tuna sandwich for you in the minifridge! <3’

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