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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Skylark » 09/02/2017 1:53 AM


Leaves crunched under careful paws as they delicately picked their way down the semblance of a path, chasing a rumor. The kuhna had venture far, father than they could have anticipated, only to end up here. The beginning of their quest had started off with so much hope, so much potential... But time had worn on and, with it, hope had become smoke, hard to see and nearly impossible to grasp anymore.

They were running out of options.

The well loomed in front of them, only a short distance away now. And yet, here was where the kuhna hesitated. So long, they had been chasing after and idea, a hope, a slim chance and too long had it been unfulfilled. It seemed improbable, heck, it seemed impossible that simply wishing for it could make it happen when they'd already put so much effort into nothing. But that was why they were here, wasn't it? They were out of options, out of time, and quickly watching their hope fade away like smoke in a breeze.

The kuhna sighed and picked up a coin.

"Hey." They said, then stopped. The kuhna frowned down at the coin in its paw, sudden anger sparking through their veins and setting their tail's fire up even higher than usual. "This is probably pointless." It was spoken bitterly and mostly to themselves, but once the words were out there they couldn't help but flinch at the implications. Way to go, destroying their chances before they even spoke their wish!

"Sorry." The kuhna tried to amend, its anger fading just as suddenly as it had come. They sighed and placed their free paw on the well, looking down into the bottomless darkness. "I've been looking for someone. It's been a long time, too, and I still haven't found them. I think they might not exist, but... I had to keep trying, you know? I don't know if this will work, but at this point... I need to take any chance I can find because each one seems like the last one."

"I'm looking, wishing, for a certain Wynd Lakundra." With the words spoken, they cast the coin into the well, watching silently as it disappeared. They didn't hear it hit the bottom. Before turning away, they whispered, "I hope this works..."

(Wishing for a Wynd Lakundra)
Because when I arrive
I, I'll bring the fire
Make you come alive
I can take you higher
What this is, forgot?
I must now remind you
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby crow » 10/16/2017 4:17 AM


"A wishing well, hmm?"

Vervain pondered the thing in front of them, tapping their chin with a finger as they inclined their head. It was a relatively nondescript thing, for a wishing well. They'd only really found it through rumors. That was interesting; they'd seen other wells claiming to hold some sort of magical power over the course of their travels, and if they had not begun as such, many had now become gilded beyond belief. To find one so simple and unadorned was something of a novelty.

Of course, that didn't mean it was any more likely to be real. Vervain wasn't given to superstition--- not the kind that brought about windfalls, at any rate. Bad luck they had seen aplenty. The plainness may well have been some sort of marketing scheme, a sort of reverse psychology, as it were.

Still, they were here. They had coins. Why not?

But they wouldn't wish for anything they really wanted, of course. That would have been foolish. Nor were they going to wish for something terrible to befall their pursuers, since that felt like inviting malice in return. Something harmless, trivial, just like the coin they were sparing now.

They had seen a child in the town, dressed in rags and crying. That would do, they supposed.

"If this will do them any good, then do it," they said, pressing their lips to the coin and tossing it in. They stayed a moment, to see if they could hear it land, but there was no sound. Arching their brows, they smiled a little, before turning and walking away.

(Wishing for a Swift Fenling for Silver)
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Night » 10/16/2017 3:41 PM


The well was more of a last resort than it was an honest hope. Jay leaned his elbows on the rough-hewn stone of the edge, peering down into the depths and trying to get a glimpse of the water far below. His glasses slipped down his nose and he pushed them back up in a rush, pulling away from the well in case they did decide to fall off.

This was stupid, honestly. There was no way a hole in the ground was going to be able to bring his brother back from... wherever he'd gone. Why did he want to bring him back anyway? He actually had a chance to be something for himself apart from Oliver for the first time in his life. He didn't have to live in his shadow anymore. The thought of being an autonomous being with his own careers and passions was a tempting fruit that had always been ever so slightly out of reach, and without Oliver there to drag him around chasing stupid miracles he may actually be able to get his leg up.

He turned away from the well and took a few steps back towards the parking lot. The others would be waiting for him, expecting him to have dropped their coin and made the wish. He could just pocket it - use it later to buy coffee or something. No one would have to know.

Memories slipped unbidden against his temple - Oliver teaching him to ride a bike. Oliver's stupid smile when Jay figured out the pattern in a difficult case, or asked to read one of his comics. The fight they'd had the day before Oli had left to go to the seminary, how upset Jay had been that Oliver was going somewhere that he couldn't follow. That Oliver had a calling that didn't involve him when he'd always thought they were going to be at each other's side. He really did miss him, and now he was... crying? He'd been so busy wishing he could be something for himself that he'd been blind to their combined purpose.

Jay whirled around and chunked the coin down into the abyss of the well, angry. "Here's your stupid coin. I doubt some hole in the ground can do jack-all about it, but if you could bring my idiot brother back that'd be great." He was yelling at a circle of rocks in the middle of the park. It was an all time low. When the well didn't immediately produce a soaking Oliver from somewhere within its depths, he turned and stalked back to the van. "Yeah, I didn't figure."

(Wishing for a custom kuhna token)
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Night » 11/03/2017 1:21 AM

They had come across an astounding amount of treasures on their voyages, but this was truly something special. The others had made fun of him for believing in children tales of course, but Cain could recognize the coin for what it truly was. It had been nothing to take it as his share of their plundered pile and be done with it. Who could turn down a free wish?

It had been months since they'd last docked. The wait had been nearly excruciating to sit through, worrying at the little metal disk as though some of that luck may wear off and stick to him. When they'd finally seen port, he'd nearly jumped ship to swim to shore.

"You off to chase down a genie, Kid?" The captain yelled down to him from the mast, making his cheeks color. What did it matter if he were? He shrugged it off and headed into town. He wasn't sure precisely how the story had went. Was it just any well he could toss it in? A fountain? Asking around earned him a number of odd looks, until finally he happened across a group of school children that had been more than happy to indulge him in his fairy tale.

The well was crumbled and mossy, barely holding together. It certainly looked magical he thought, squinting down into the bottomless depths. Here goes nothing. He closed his eyes, held his breath and thought of what he wanted. Then he dropped it in and waited.

Wishing For: A Mysterious Egg
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby FieldsofIris » 11/27/2017 5:04 PM


After her endeavor at the Clinic, Mya found herself slipping back into the dark and bloody memories of the arena. She had fled that are of town as quick as she could and was now wandering alone. Well... not entirely alone. The creature in her backpack thrummed soothingly, as if trying to draw Mya back out of the dark.

Looking around quickly, Mya paused and set her pack gently onto a dry spot along the path. Carefully, she unzipped the pouch and withdrew her companion. Making sure her syringes were still in there, she zipped the bag back up and resettled it onto her shoulders. With a grunt, she lifted the Mysterious Egg into her arms, holding it close, and continued along the dirt path.

"Y'know..." Mya spoke up, looking down into the Egg's glowing eye. "I really do want ya t' grow, but I'm just not sure of the risk." She frowned slightly, but huffed a laugh as the Egg seemed to wiggle in her grasp. "That doctor-man said your DNA ain't complete when you get tha treatments - 'nless we use that other syringe." The woman began to zone out, seeming to just think out loud.

"We've already spent so much this weekend, too..." Mya's brow furrowed in frustration. Just as she was working herself up into a tizzy, the Egg in her arms seemed to jerk, pulling them in a different direction. "Whoa!" She quickly regained her footing, but felt herself being drawn down another, smaller path.

With her mental conflict on the back burner, Mya focused on gripping the Egg and keeping her balance. After a short while, the two came upon a small clearing, with what appeared to be a well in the middle. Mya approached it warily, noting the old, worn sign with "Wishing Well" painted faintly across it. Peering over the ledge, the woman failed to see an end to the seemingly bottomless hole.

"Ya want me to... wish, for it?" Mya looked down at the Egg, who stared unblinking back at her. "I mean... I guess it couldn't hurt, right?" Carefully, Mya shifted the Egg into one arm, facing it out so it could see, then dug around for a spare coin with her free hand.

"'Kay... uh..." Mya shifted nervously. Sighing heavily, she clutched the coin tightly, and focused on her wish. "Please," she began quietly. "Please grant us a Fortuna Strain." Her eyes closed, and, feeling like she put all of her heart and soul into the coin, released it into the well.

Wishing For: a Fortuna Strain

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Sarah » 11/30/2017 3:45 PM

The Mer, although one wouldn’t be able to tell, approached the well with dark determination. Her red eyes unnatural and strained against the lush greens of the forest around the well. She looked human enough, but if she stepped into the places where the sun dappled the ground in a grand mosaic her skin would reflect the light away in sparkles and lines of blue scales would bee seen around her eyes and on her hands. Her hair too had a strange quality in its texture, but this was subtle enough that no human could notice.

“I hear you grant wishes,” the woman said, sitting near enough to the well that she could peer into its depths. How much was this well worth now? Did anyone even know it existed? She pondered its value, perhaps it would be advantageous to just climb down and nick enough currency to buy her wants. No, this was not something she could just buy.

“Something very special to me was taken. The Gods I would normally ask for help are the ones who took her away,” the Mer growled. Her stomach tied in knots and her blood alit with a raging fire. They had stolen from her, and they expected her to be complacent about it. She was Lesser, and therefore less, but she had created an entire species. Through her intelligent life now flourished beneath the waters.

They would learn she was a force to be reckoned with. Already her people were on high alert. Every Mer from the Freighlei Ocean to the Yuunu Sea and beyond were taking up sword and staff to serve their Goddess. No creature native to the land would be safe from the waters. Not until her beloved was returned. Never again if these Gods through they could control her.

“I hear you grant wishes,” she said again, “let’s hope you don’t disappoint.” A ruby as big as a man’s fist was dropped into the well. Settling at the bottom of the well without a sound.

(Wishing for a Rinkuhna)

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/05/2017 10:22 PM

So, there hadn't been any actual proof on his part that the well worked, but he had heard of others who had their wishes come true. So, here he was yet again, preparing to make a wish. This wish was supposed to be on the down-low, he didn't want to give away who he was searching on the behalf of. The only thing he knew about the actual use of the item was that it would be given as a gift to the queen of some hidden kingdom. Why she would have a use for such a thing, he had no idea, but it wasn't his place to judge.

He walked up to the well and peered down it for a moment. A second later, he tossed in a coin and closed his eyes before softly saying, "I'd like to wish for a key. A soveris room key, to be specific." Silently, he stood for a moment and examined the well. Why did he feel like he was going to be spending far more time here?

(Wishing for a Soveris Room Key)

[Wish Granted]
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Sarah » 03/15/2018 12:33 PM

(Wishing for Soveris Key)

      Annabelle had been wholly selfish throughout the entirety of her long life. For as least as long as she had been a Demon she only thought of herself and her own prosperity. She had wanted to be queen, and so she was made queen. She wanted children and so she had children. She wanted to continue the line of royalty, and the gods had saw her plea and given her what she wanted. If the gods themselves would bow to her will, then there was nothing she could not do.

      The Wishing Well was not a foreign place to the queen of Demons. Once before she had come pleading, and her wish had been heard and granted. Now she returned. Her motivations no less selfish then before.

      "I have some dear friends," Annabelle began, hoping the well would hear her story and grant her wish. "They live, misplaced in reality and outcast from society. All they wish is to continue their species line, and I would act in extension of this wish, Well, or gods. I implore upon you, grant these humble and peaceful creatures with their desire," she said. Annabelle didn't beg, but those who did not know her might say she was begging now.

[Wish Granted]

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Moofius » 03/19/2018 8:21 PM

Nathan "Babyface" Cooper

The coin spun through the air, end over end in the hot air of the jungle. It fell back towards the ground only to have a hand snatch it out of the air, move from palm to fingers and up between each one before resting against the side of a pointer finger. With a flick of the thumb the coin was back in the air and the actions repeated with a mindless certainty. Babyface was due for a vacation, though the heat of the jungle against his once-perfect suit was not exactly what he had been hoping for.

A job was a job though. He still had the job in the trunk of his car, likely passed out from the heat. His guys,  tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum had brought him out here to do the job. It took less than a minute for Babyface to confirm their proximity to a freaking tourist trap. Babyface paused in front of said trap and tucked the coin in his pocket as he considered the dark, cool space. Silence echoed from it, heavy and calm.

While the two boobs figured out a good spot to dump a body, Babyface had decided to take the opportunity to investigate the well.
"I could see why people think it's something special," he said to himself before bridging the few feet between himself and the cool interior. Middle of the week, middle of the day, wasn't exactly high traffic hours. He had the dark hut to himself. The cool air make him shiver which made his usual smile widen. He approached the edge of the well and took out the coin.

"I'm not deserving of a wish being granted," he started, "but I'd love another shot at Doctor. Last time he got me with some freaky bad science needle, and I'd like to return the favour."

He wasn't sure of the name. Something like a BB gun or a ... Breeder Boost V2? That couldn't be right, or maybe it could. What did a 'breeder' boost, do? Man... Maybe he should get a sperm count done or something. The coin was flicked into the well, Babyface waiting to hear it kit walk or water. He waited a long time, eyes closed and smile loose, before he gave up and went back to the car.

[Wish Granted]
Image :.: The Sun Will Always Shine For The Imperials :.: Image
:.: Let Us Free You From The Darkness Of Ignorance And Weakness :.:

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby zapdragon555 » 03/27/2018 2:36 PM


"I think I remember this place," Tim was the first to speak up from the time they left the car, a bit of a rare occasion. Jay was normally the talkative one, whether it be friendliness or nervousness, but the man's silence had worried a few words out of Tim's mouth. "Like... used to come here when I was younger. Rode my bike out here and smoked."

Jay made a small hum of acknowledgement, then an afterthought of, "How much younger?" Tim blinked, realizing Jay's confusion, then chuckled slightly. Right... the asylum.

"College. After I got out of that place. Brian and I, we'd..." Tim trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck as he nudged a tangled mess of underbrush away from an old tree stump, something fond growing in his eyes. "We'd come out here."

Jay had to smile slightly at that. Imagining Tim and Brian on their bikes (one bike?) with fairly carefree smiles was a warm thought. "Didja make wishes, too? Or just smoke?" Tim laughed at that, and didn't answer. Jay felt his heart lift just a little bit from its tense, nervous low.

At length they found and uncovered the well, rusted and faded and worn by time. Jay eyed it suspiciously, not quite liking the feel of it, and glanced around. The place was deserted. "So," Tim murmured, walking up behind him. He paused when Jay spooked, then placed a hand on the other man's shoulder to calm him. "Does this look like the place in the video?"

Jay was quiet for a moment, staring at trees and rocks, trying to mentally match them to what he'd seen on that tape. "Yeah," he murmured, finally, nodding. "I think so. I'm pretty sure it is, at least."

Tim grunted as he sat down on a rock, throwing his head back to look up at the patch of sky behind the surrounding trees. "Clear as day. Won't need that umbrella after all, probably."

"Hopefully. I brought blankets in the pack just in case it gets cold tonight." Jay crouched down beside him and stared at the path they'd come, a nervous edge to his shoulders. Tim replaced his hand there, a soft pat to the man's back, before he held it there in a more comforting, intimate gesture. Jay's eyes fluttered in surprise at the touch, and after a few seconds of tense silence, he relaxed, leaning into it.

As night fell, Jay got the blankets out. Tim offered to keep watch first, knowing Jay wasn't quite asleep, despite his curled position on the blanket-covered, leaf littered ground. He leaned back on his hands and fished into his pocket for a coin, glancing over at the well with a kind of soft smile. They didn't come easy, these days. He flicked it in before he could think of a wish. When it hit the water, he started thinking.

Maybe he'd wish that he never got lung cancer. Or maybe he'd wish that they wouldn't get killed by whoever it was that was going to meet them at midnight (they brought weapons--they'd be fine, he told himself). Or maybe...

Tim's eyes lidded, quietly reaching into his other pocket for his cigarettes and lighter. He pictured Alex's face in his mind, an arm around Seth's shoulders as they both laughed. Pictured Brian's warm smiles and kind words. Sarah's quips and sassy remarks. Jay's nervous smile, behind the camera. Tim had never felt quite so at home in his life, even among mostly strangers.

He wished everything would go back to normal. Wished Seth were alive. Wish he knew where Brian was. Watching smoke curl from the end of his cigarette, he wished it more than anything right about then.

[Wishing for a Tristiwockee]

[Wish Granted]

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Adelie » 03/27/2018 6:50 PM

Spring found the Wilson on the outskirts of town, attempting to kick up - quite literally - a breeze in this unseasonally warm and stagnant haze. In the distance, a low rumble emanated from the heart of the jungle, flushing out a flock of exotic birds; their silhouettes passed over the sun like an eclipse.

He couldn't stay long, of course. Duty called.

Even if he were already here for work - there was always more work to be done. A feedback loop, really; you did more work, you got more work because customers would return, often with referrals. And when company policy prided itself on never rejecting a request, no matter how difficult delivery might be - well, this was what business analysts would call a scalability challenge.

There were two approaches to the problem. The first, they had tried before; simply extract more work per employee. Unfortunately, they had discovered unfortunate physical limitations to the problem - a bird could only fly so fast, and optimizing the shortest path between multiple destinations had proved to take more time than making plans on the fly.

The other was to hire more employees. Of course, this had its own complications - benefits, compensation, on-the-job training to bring the employee up to speed with the others, not to mention the complete dearth of qualified candidates. After months without an applicant, he had decided to take matters into his own hands.

'Look,' he said, tipping a small coin into the well. 'I imagine this is probably frowned upon by labor laws, but we're looking to hire a Carol Wilson.'

[Wish Granted]
and if you ask how i regret that parting:
it is like the flowers falling at spring's end
confused, whirled in a tangle.

what is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
there is no end of things in the heart.

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby crow » 06/23/2018 8:32 AM


"... So you see, the legend goes, if you throw something into the well and make a wish, it might come true!" Joli was in the process of explaining an urban legend to Nico as they made their way across town. Nico frowned slightly, scratching at his chin beneath the skull he wore.

"If Jirachi can grant wishes, why doesn't he just come out from the well?" Nico asked.

"Oh, um..." Joli had to think about it for a moment, but the Audino perked up as if suddenly remembering something. "He fell asleep! That's right, I forgot that part of the story. Apparently it's nice and quiet down there."

"So we're... tossing coins to see if they'll hit him and wake him up?"

"... No, not exactly..."

Nico decided it was probably better to stop asking. Not everything made sense in these parts, and he'd learned that it was maybe best not to think too hard about the logic behind even the things he could see and experience for himself. And this was, after all, just an urban legend. There wasn't really a Jirachi stuck in a well.

... He hoped not, anyway. Then again, maybe it wasn't a peaceful sleeping chamber at the bottom of the well, but a massive dungeon.

"Here we are!" Joli motioned to the well with a little flourish. "It looks plain, but see how the grass is worn down? Lots of Pokemon come visit. What do you say? Want to try your luck?"

"Why not?" said Nico, smiling. Taking out a coin, he tossed it in. "JIrachi, if you're listening... There's a dungeon we'd really like to find, so we can help one of our friends. If you wouldn't mind giving us a hand..."

[wishing for a Kuhna Key]

[Wish Granted]
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/02/2018 2:36 PM


It was entirely out of the ordinary that Mixie, the house demon, left the house of her own volition. As exposure to the sun weakened and could even harm her, most tasks that needed doing outside of the house were carried out by her at night, but this was... different. No one asked her to, no one even knew she was here, outside of the house.

Clutching tightly onto the handle of her lace and ribbon adorned parasol, the horrifying Socross approached the well. Although she may have remained inside much of the time, that did not mean that she was left unaware of the things outside. She'd heard the stories and even heard from Toxic that the magic of the well worked. Though, she reasoned, it was not so much the well, as it was other beings that simply listened to those that came to it.

"Excuse me?" The way she addressed whomever might be listening, as she placed one clawed hand against the side of the well, was polite and respectful. "I came here with a request... For yet another of my kind, or at least similar to me, to come into this world. Though, I have not much to offer..."

[Wishing for a Mysterious Egg]

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Kylo » 09/08/2018 8:52 PM


Thaxson had needs for a...specimen from a competing scientist, but purchasing one was out of the question. That would raise too much suspicious from the demonic scientist. The last thing he needed was an irate demon on his tale. It's bad enough that he had to deal with Xaviar on his ass constantly monitoring his actions. While this method may not be fool proof it at least had a history of a high success rate. Thus the scientist had made his way to the old well with a pocket full of keystones. He tossed a handful down the well and spoke. "I wish for a Jaager kuhna. I require one for my studies. Thank you for your time." That should suffice.
[Wishing for one Jaager Kuhna]

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Kyariel » 10/13/2018 11:25 PM


"Sister is this really necessary?" the female hybrid chuckled "its just an excursion for -fun- dear brother, loosen up a little would you Ryu?". The Kuchi-nagi chuckled back "fine Kyuuna, but why tonight?". The half-breed shrugged, brushing her hair behind her horns "felt right to come here tonight is all". In her arms she carried a folder of sketches and photographs she'd compiled of a dragonlike beast "if this sort of thing doesn't succeed I'll find some other way to catch the attention of one of the mighty beasts I've seen at a distance".

The male reptilian biped snorted "still think you are a bit insane for getting close enough for that face picture you took, the beast looks as startled as you were". As they approached the building housing the wishing well Kyuuna winced "I was moving silently; how was I supposed to know they'd wake up right as I used the camera?". Ryu chuckled "you were just lucky I'd followed you that night, as well as lucky that you even found a young beast instead of a far more violent larger specimen".

Instead of answering her half brother Kyuuna stepped closer to the wishing well thinking 'I hope this wish works. I just want to befriend a mighty companion so my brother doesn't worry about me'. Then tossed her accumulated sketches and photo's as an offering to the well "there, now we wait to see what happens over time". As she turned away from the well she murmured "thank you spirit of the well; for your time to listen to a hybrid's wish".

[Wishing for a Paragon]


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