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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Silver » 01/25/2018 7:41 AM


"Now you stay here, Cardi," Ari said, smoothing down the fur on her Sygriff's chest. "I don't want them to take you, too. Not for all the coin in the empire." Then she turned to her friend and her tone became much harsher than the one she used to soothe the beast. "Os, you got 'em?"

"Yea, yea," Oswald said with a nod. He had three ropes in his hand, all wrapped around various creatures. The way they were tied up looked crude and hasty, but the knot work was actually very good. They weren't going anywhere, even if they wanted to. The only one that seemed to take issue with this was the bird. Stupid birds. Oswald liked animals, but man he hated birds some times.

"Good, now drag 'em inside, we got some bargaining to do. Well, I have some bargaining to do." Ari smirked an all too familiar smirk. She was going to take this guy for all he had, at least, that was the plan anyway.


Mondrakel - Fowl Skyllard - Albino Reindoe

[Mondrakel = 60 KS - 5 = 55 KS
Fowl Skyllard = 50 KS - 5 = 45 KS
Albino Reindoe = 40 KS - 5 = 35 KS
Total; 135 KS]

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Mojave » 01/26/2018 3:59 AM


While Evelon certainly had quite the interesting population, the man.. creature.. Diosol that entered Salvis's Salon was certainly strange. Not only was it unusual to see a bipedal rabbit, but he was seven feet tall not counting his ears which stood perfectly erect. "Assalaam Alykum, friend. I hear you're the man to see if we'd like to recoup some expenses? I've got a few creatures taking up space." He pulled out a short list of creatures, "I've got a Blaze Banatoyle, Buzzing Sparquill, and a Orange Puffy Piyo. Would you be interested?"

[Blaze Banatoyle = 40 KS - 5 = 35 KS
Buzzing Sparquill = 35 KS - 5 = 30 KS
Puffy Piyo = 50 KS - 5 = 45 KS
Total; 110 KS]

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby crow » 02/02/2018 10:21 PM


Another day, another job... though Ji-tae had to admit that he was glad he was just doing the paperwork drop-off for this, rather than the actual delivery. He'd wrangled animals before, but it wasn't exactly his favorite thing to do, so it was nice when he could avoid it.

"Hey! I'm here on behalf of a..." He squinted at the name, but it was too smudged to read. "Well, someone wanted me to drop this off, anyway."

Trading in:
Aicheeka x1

[Special Event Pet = 100 KS
Total; 100 KS]

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2018 3:43 PM

The Salvage Saloon proved to be continually useful. When the manor was beginning to get overcrowded it was nice to know there was a place to bring the overflow. It was becoming more and more clear that the manor's contacts were getting in the way of the civilians populating Evelon. In the long run it would be beneficial for some of the... less skilled contacts to find work elsewhere.

Dropping Off wrote:Taffy Teigu 1
Rabbot MG1 1
Myung Dae/Alder

[Taffy Teigu = 250 KS - 5 = 245 KS
Rabbot MG1 = 250 KS - 5 + 245 KS
Paragon = 100 KS
Total; 590 KS]

{Pets accepted}

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Silver » 02/16/2018 6:05 AM

Lepus rubbed the back of his head nervously as he approached the strange Saloon. Something about this mission felt off. The atmosphere within the Saloon certainly didn't help that feeling once he got inside. What were they going to do with those poor creatures, anyway? He would never question the word of his master, though, so he found Salvis and explained the situation. He bowed deeply as a greeting and removed a scroll from within his elaborately decorated robes. "Hello, I am here to drop off some creatures on behalf of Lady Pyxis. They are sedated outside." He passed the neatly sealed scroll over. "I'm sure you will find that everything is in order."

Bludgeon Baskerville | Macciato Shartile | Naughty Reindoe

[War Pet = 100 KS
Special Event Pet = 100 KS
Free Pet = 25 KS
Total; 225 KS]

{Pets accepted}

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Redd » 03/18/2018 3:03 AM

The job was done, now it was just down to dealing with the... loose ends. The things she'd had picked up along the way that possibly could be liabilities, had they been allowed to continue living. This all really was routine and part of the job and, she couldn't let such things be, no matter how innocent or harmless they appeared from the outside. She was the Old Guard, the thing that protected the unknowing from the darkness. She knew her duty.

"We found this... thing, sir. It's a risk and it needs to be discarded." her voice was as sharp as her pressed black, red and white uniform. Her eyes narrowed dangerously, almost challenging the man to argue with her. "I'll leave this with you. I don't want the details, I just want it disposed of."

Custom Lucain

[Lucain = 100 KS
Total; 100 KS]

{Pets accepted}

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Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/04/2018 12:49 AM


Even though it had been some months, once more, since the last time the likely familiar Gallizar had stepped into the Saloon, Jakerz never hesitated. No, rather, he grinned, upon stepping inside. "Care for a snack? I do have some more things to hand over to you; they're just outside."

He'd have to remember to keep coming back, but, sometimes, he'd gotten distracted by other things.

Trading In:
Treasure Likuta
Bleached Hydrolisk


[Free x2 = 50 KS
Paragon = 100 KS
Total; 150 KS]

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Indigo » 04/25/2018 12:31 AM

It was time for yet another long-overdue errand. Nissa had hoped not to have to make so many of these trips any more, but while reorganizing the shelves and updating the website she'd found a few odd things in the rafters, and Vincent had claimed they wouldn't fit in his van. It hadn't seemed worth arguing about; he'd been awfully agreeable lately and she didn't want to ruin it. So instead she'd hauled these creatures here herself. It had actually been surprisingly simple. She might even pick up lunch for them both on the way back, she had so much leftover time.

Yasaka x Robina
Astronomer Malphas - Spring Snowball

[Paragon = 100 KS
Astronomer Malphas = 4 GT * 20  =  80 KS
Spring Snowball = 30 KS - 5 = 25 KS
Total; 205 KS]

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Shaetani » 05/09/2018 2:46 PM

Retired/Other originally free pets; 25 KS
Damascas the Hollow Icthysaur sighed as he made his way towards and old wrecked train that he'd heard tales of. He hadn't wanted to do this but the farm was undergoing drought conditions and the magic of his brown haze was uniquely suited to the task. On his back was a lumpy sack and as he stepped inside behind the slender man named Salvis he very carefully set the sack down and opened it. Inside were one Dreamsnare Battleheart, Dreamsnare Gorgeel and Dreamsnare Hollowheart asleep and miniaturized. "Once my magic wears off they will grow back to normal size and then wake... Unfortunately due to circumstances at home we can no longer provide them with the dreams they need to thrive. Can you take them?" He did not know what the male would do with the pets and simply couldn't bring himself to ask. What he did know was that this would ease some of the strain his mistress was under. Lately she'd been exhausted with bags under her eyes. He'd watched; and knew it was from too many of her dreams being consumed. If he had not done this now; Shaetani would have continued to grow weaker after each night until she'd withered away. Yet she was too kind to condone these actions... that had been her cousin Taridan. He'd come back to the farm after being away and had seen. He had known. It had been Taridan who had suggested the actions needed to Damascas and after careful consideration he had agreed.

(do I need to post updates for the records or do you take care of that?) After this I should have 2 each of the pets listed instead of 3 ^_^ )

[Free x 3
Total; 75 KS]

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Indigo » 05/10/2018 8:17 PM

Once again the creatures had just been left outside the door, no note this time even; someone had apparently been in quite a hurry to complete this task. One might almost be disappointed in the slapdash manner in which the deliveries were carried out, especially since there had been so few of them lately, but it was hard to find fault with the goods themselves. This time at least the person responsible had the decency to knock on the door of the train car and alert Salvis that something had been left for him; last time the animals hadn't been doing so well by the time he got to them.
[Senkar x Solaris]
Poinsettia Leawolf - Dawn Carpetfang

[Lucain = 100 KS
Special Event Pet = 100 KS
Free Pet = 25 KS
Total; 225 KS]

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Remedy » 05/31/2018 3:26 PM


There was no denying that her studio had fallen on hard times, so it was only natural to subsidize the business in alternative way. Even so, Acacia felt slightly ashamed of the backup plan she recently decided to enact. She was even further disconcerted by the shadiness of the train she now found herself in, but resolved to overcome her pride for the sake of accomplishing the task at hand. "Yes, hello," she began, "I have some trade-ins for you... three Marbled Terratops, to be exact."

She had of course left the poor creatures outside for the duration of the transaction, but assured Salvis that they were all to be accounted for and in proper condition. "Are we done here?" She questioned, hoping to end the exchange as quickly as possible.

[Trading in 3 Marbled Terratops]

[Free x 3
Total; 75 KS]

{Pets accepted}

{Reclassified Retroactive Payout Sent}

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Redd » 05/31/2018 11:37 PM


Another day, another dollar. At least, that's how the saying went right? Keith sighed, letting a small smile play across his features, happy that he'd at least be able to afford to eat tonight. The hunt was done, and it had been a really tough one this time.

"H-hey, I'm here to drop off a bounty." He timidly called out, before placing a hand squarely on the back of the woman next to him and pushing her forward. The woman, handcuffed and gagged, made an irate noise deep her throat and resisted, but only enough to show her displeasure. Well it could hardly be his fault that she was a criminal and then fled instead of turning herself in. This is just how it worked.

He had to make a living somehow, right? Even if he didn't quite fit the brief of a bounty hunter, with his small stature and mop of untidy white hair.


[Lucain = 100 KS
Total; 100 KS]

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All the stories
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Throw another of your right hooks
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Now you're hungry for the control
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Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby Thunder » 06/01/2018 11:51 AM

Another month, another haul. Carcinax lugged the cart with the drugged and bound creatures to the abandoned train and stopped in front of its door. Ever since he discovered the pay rates of this place, he had become a regular visitor. Money was just as big of a motivator for him as fame was.

He knocked on the door and called out. "Salvis. Delivery."

Lucain (Raz x Claire)
Bleached Chimerantula
Bleached Draculi

[Lucain = 100 KS
Free Pet x 2 = 50 KS
Total; 150 KS]

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby RiDragon » 06/09/2018 10:39 PM

"Hey there snake dude!  I got some dudes I need to turn in.  Nothing too fancy, but I need the extra cha-ching, if you get what I mean."  The cliche' surfer dude looking guy in a Hawaiian shirt held up some cages and crates.  "Take good care of em.  These are some chill dudes."  He set down the pile of stuff and waited for the sweet, sweet money.

Turning in:  One (1) Candy Cane Snowball
One (1) Black Silky Piyo
One (1) Sulk Kuhna
[Lineage: Heartless/Doodle]

[Error. Heartless/Doodle Sulkuhna had been previously salvaged and is no longer owned by the user.]

[Candycane Snowball = 60 KS - 5 = 55 KS
Black Silkie Piyo = 120 KS - 5 = 115 KS
Total; 170 KS]

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Re: .:Salvis's Salvage Saloon:.

Postby crow » 06/27/2018 1:05 AM


Lupin strutted up to the shop with his chest fluffed out and his tail waving jauntily in the air. He was on a mission! He was here to collect some cash! This was... a hold-up!

... Wait, that's not right, he didn't do that anymore. Phooey.

"Hey hey!" he said, yelling to get the shopkeeper's attention. He couldn't help that. Most people didn't think to look down, so the short folk in the world had to just be a little louder! "I'm here to turn someone in. Give me the money, pops!

Turning in:
1 Sled Shielupe

[Sled Shielupe = 200 KS - 5 = 195 KS
Total; 195 KS]

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