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Double Blind {Crow & I; L}

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 07/07/2018 2:26 PM

((Please move to Jawan, The Sea City.))

Felix wasn't particularly in the habit of going on blind dates, but hey, new things, new people to meet, and all that jazz, right? They were willing to try everything at least once. They had been bored and feeling sociable, so they had checked out this blind dating site: mostly like other dating sites, you made your little profile with your name and who you're interested in or whatever and then matched your up randomly from there. Well, "randomly". There was a question of if algorithms are truly random.

They'd chatted with their date long enough to set up a meeting place, and here they were. It was a nice bar and grill, though thankfully not of the sports bar variety. They hated those. Felix was all for loud noises but that wasn't the kind they were interested in. Just a nice place with booze and good food where you could chat with strangers and enjoy people. Felix was glad they'd settled on the place because they'd had a hankering for a good burger for like a week now. So much so, they'd already ordered a absolutely fantastic bacon & bleu cheese burger while they waited for their date.

There's a reckoning a-coming
It burns beyond the grave
There's lead inside my belly
Cause my soul has lost its way

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Re: Double Blind {Crow & I; L}

Postby crow » 07/09/2018 1:27 AM


Truth be told, Maria didn't know how she felt about this whole blind date business. It wasn't that she had a lot of reservations about the person she was going to meet... They'd seemed nice enough over the app's messaging system, so she wasn't worried about it being some skeevy creeper--- at least, not more than usual, anyway. You never know. It was more just the idea of jumping right back into things after a break-up.

Still, she'd promised. And if nothing else, it was an excuse to treat herself to a nice meal. She entered the establishment after she arrived, then stood in the waiting area and tapped out a message.

Hey! I just got here. Are you already seated somewhere?
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Re: Double Blind {Crow & I; L}

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 07/15/2018 2:16 AM

Felix leaned forward a bit as their text notification went off, taking a sip out of their soda as they slipped their phone out of the pocket of their big white hoodie. It didn't take long for them to put in their swipe code and their fingers began to fly across the virtual keyboard.

hey! yeah, got here a bit early whoops. ;P
got a booth by a window, look for the big white & blue headphones

They locked their phone back up afterwards and slipped their phone back in their pocket and took another sip of their drink.

There's a reckoning a-coming
It burns beyond the grave
There's lead inside my belly
Cause my soul has lost its way

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Re: Double Blind {Crow & I; L}

Postby crow » 07/15/2018 4:56 AM

Maria had been half hoping her date wouldn't respond. It was a stupid thing to hope for, since she'd already agreed. Seeing the notification on her phone, she sighed a little. Yeah... It was definitely too late to back out now.

... No, this wasn't the right mentality to be bringing into this. She was here to have fun! At least it had to be better than moping around at home alone, right?

The waitress at the door was giving her some looks, so she hastily stepped into the place proper. Seeing a line of booths by the window, she scanned them for the headphones in question. Spotting them after a moment, she beelined over.
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Re: Double Blind {Crow & I; L}

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 07/24/2018 5:47 AM

Felix glanced over towards the entrance, wondering who their date might be. It wasn't long before a woman started beelining towards them. They flashed her a big, welcoming grin in response, raising a hand to wave.

Felix was a rather androgynous individual, their black hair shaved along the sides and back in an undercut, with the remaining hair cut short and swept over to one side. A single indigo spiral gauge decorated their right ear lobe, while small silver loops adorned their left. They wore a white hoodie and a pair of large white headphones rested on their neck, emitting a cyan glow.

"Hey!" they greeted once the woman had reached the table. "Sorry for already ordering, I was starving. I'm Felix."

[Their hair looks kind like this.]

There's a reckoning a-coming
It burns beyond the grave
There's lead inside my belly
Cause my soul has lost its way

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Re: Double Blind {Crow & I; L}

Postby crow » 07/28/2018 6:32 AM

The person wearing the headphones smiled at her, and Maria found herself smiling back on reflex, but she could also feel the lines of her face settling into her normal networking smile. It felt fake. She wondered if they were disappointed--- or whether they were going to be, whenever they found out the real reason she was here.

That was getting ahead of herself a little bit though. She pushed back her nerves--- or what she hoped was nerves, and not a premonitory dread. "Hi, I'm Maria. Oh, no, that's fine... Sorry for the wait." She scooted into the booth and picked up the menu, browsing it distractedly. "So, um... Do you come here often?"
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Re: Double Blind {Crow & I; L}

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 08/19/2018 4:36 AM

Felix's wide grin dropped to a more comfortable soft smile as Maria sat down and introduced herself. They took another bite of their burger as they observed her, taking mental notes. Her smile seemed...forced, like the kind a cashier puts on to greet customers for the fiftieth time. They wondered if she was disappointed. Or perhaps it was something else entirely.

Who knew?

Felix languidly waved a hand as she apologized for being late. "It's nothin', really. 'S no worry. I probably got here a little early anyway." They set down their burger and sucked the salt from their fingers for a moment before continuing. "Flirtin' with me already, huh?" they teased, chuckling. "Nah, I'm kiddin'. Uhhh...Not a whole lot but they've got good food and a decent atmosphere, so 's nice."

Felix glanced around out of habit, liking to keep an eye on their surroundings, eyes flicking to the window next to them before returning to Maria.

There's a reckoning a-coming
It burns beyond the grave
There's lead inside my belly
Cause my soul has lost its way

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Re: Double Blind {Crow & I; L}

Postby crow » 08/20/2018 11:51 PM

Maria listened to his words, but only in a distracted sort of way... Which she knew was being incredibly rude of her, considering they had just met, and that she did agree to come here of her own accord. But maybe she hadn't managed to get over things as much as she would have liked. Maybe she wasn't ready.

But in a moment she had plenty of other reasons to be distracted. "Oh gods," she said. She'd followed their glance to the window, but what she saw there made her pause. What... What was all that dark stuff outside?

[Event posts end here]
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