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:.:Special Event Pets:.:

Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:06 PM

During the holidays certain pets may only be found by either participating in a special event or completing a certain task. Their descriptions were never kept on the freewebs site, so this list has been created to provide this information as well as how they could be obtained.

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Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:07 PM

:.:Staff Birthday Event Pets:.:

Code: Select all

Cake Kuhna (2007)
Still available

Image --> Image -> Image
Candle Shii/Lubshi/Shinzo (2007)

Velix (2009)
A species uniquely first discovered in Baal's closet, the Velix is a mischievous little robotic dinosaur that will only obey if it feels it has a connection with it's owner. They are around the size of a small cat and love to tag along during long trips, of which they are quite handy since they come complete with screwdriver, lighters, flashlight (you name it!) built into them; like a utility knife!

Viral Velix (2010)
(Baal's Super Awesome Day)

Leplora (2011)

Memory Corbine and Thought Corbine (2012)

Tilik Icthysaur (2013)

Desolation Icthysaur (2014)

Plague Malphas (2015)

Creo Beetanke (2016)

Phage Hydrolisk (2017)

Totem Garudor (2018)


Dove Lubshi (2016)

The Dove Lubshi is a shy breed with a mild temperament. At one time they were widespread, living in large colonies that migrated frequently. Their numbers declined sharply once they were popularized as a delicacy, and overhunting has since rendered them exceedingly rare. Conservation efforts are in place to promote the gradual reintroduction of Dove Lubshis back into the wild, though many Dove Lubshis in captivity today are also owned by hobbyists who value them for their beautiful singing and mild temperament.

Melowockee (2017)

Melowockees have a broad range of musical tastes, from slow ballads to heavy metal. However, once they find their sound of choice, they devote themselves to it single-mindedly, sometimes for life. Known to follow the objects of their obsession over remarkable distances, many will amass hoards of objects relating to their musician of choice. These Wockees use their glowing tails to attract attention and show support. On occasion, they will congregate in the hundreds and thousands to celebrate a beloved artist, creating a spectacular sea of blue with their tails.

Papillon Fenling (2018)

Papillon Fenlings are small creatures with big personalities. While most are kept as companion animals, they are highly intelligent and can be trained to perform a wide variety of tricks. Their long, plumed coats are surprisingly easy to maintain as they lack a thicker undercoat. Due to this, however, care should be taken to keep them warm in colder climates.

Annotated Barghest (2019)

Annotated Barghests love nothing more than to plague those burdened with deadlines. They are most frequently sighted at educational institutions, although offices also frequently report infestations. Some particularly masochistic individuals specifically foster a relationship with Annotated Barghests, claiming that the creature’s presence helps them focus and do better work. However, it should be noted that these individuals tend to have shorter lifespans, and this method of drawing inspiration is not recommended by experts.

Elysian Leawolf (2020)

Tinker Rattegan (2021)


Serene Bleeder (2011)

Balance Nonaga (2012)

Observe Sabbit (2014)

Floppy Draculi (2015)

Redd (Kreepy/Krypto)

Illumiwyrm -> Illumidrak (2013)

Furred Shii -> Joey Lubshi -> Hopping Shinzo (2014)

Macchiato Shartile (2015)

Renegade Battleheart (2016)

Primed Velix (2017)

The Primed Velix is not a unique species, rather it exists as an empty frame for preexisting Velix or other  artificial intelligence, such as Maus or Scorpinch to be uploaded into. This interesting piece of technology is theorized to be centuries old and designed by an unknown, ancient civilization. This model lacks a major optics system and instead relies on many small optic receivers to help the operator navigate it's environment. In addition to this, the Primed Velix model is slightly more resilient than the standard and has stealth cloaking abilities.

Valkyrie Yonyuu (2018)

Russet Batti (2019)

Eldertree Evergreen (2020)

Empyrean Wockee (2021)

The Empyrean Wockee is an early adopter of next-gen technology. The panel in their mask is able to interface with neural implants to alter how they see the world, providing new virtual experiences or relive old memories. Many Empyrean Wockees refuse to turn the machine off, becoming disillusioned with the real world and preferring to live in their personalized utopian worlds.

Kyrit (Draiz)

Verdure Yonyuu (2010)

Perevi Drakel (2011)

Great Sea Bork (2012)

Ailur Ursice (2014)

Creamsicle Nonaga (2015)

DoKupe Snowball (2016)

Tanuki Tali (2017)

Koolah Honeydew (2018)

Ornate Leawolf (2019)

Gentle Sahound (2020)

Amalgamate Yonyuu (2021)

Jaykobell (Shrewdberry/Omnisearch)

Evren Discovery (2010)

The Evren Discovery are among the wisest of the Evren known to Evelon. They form groups who aim to teach others everything they know, whether it be basic knowledge such as the name of a plant, or more philosophical topics like the meaning of life. They taking teaching seriously and cannot tolerate those who do not pursue higher knowledge.

Memento Hunter (2011)

The Memento Hunters are creatures stuck in the past. Many roam the graveyards of Evelon, walking among the spirits of the deceased. Said to be void of their own soul, they become vessels for those who have passed on and who are left tormented by unfinished business. While mostly a fairy tale, many displaying their own personality, many take to their age-old duty.

Memorinessi (2014)

"The memory of a goldfish" is a popular statement that is sure to ruffle the scales of the Memorinessi. The species possesses an incredible memory that rivals that of the Gyrophant, being capable of remembering faces after one meeting, and remembering events with eerie detail. Some circles consider them to be precious creatures, and many efforts are carried out to educate people on how to care for these underrated creatures.

Iridescent Kuhna (2015)

This Kuhna's fur shines with all the colors of the rainbow, including a few others. They are extremely popular in the showing field, where many breeders compare the radiance of their specimen. However, the double-edged sword of this is the high amount of backyard breeding this species goes through, done in the hopes of landing a quick buck from winning a competition or two.

Lucha Mocha Picchu (2018)

These hyperactive, coffee-addicted night owls live for wrestling: all sorts of wrestling. Whether it be humans or other pets, they love to consume all media involving wrestling. Many follow the sport as an official career, but few reach fame. Those who find no luck in the ring find ways to help in the field by being a coach or an announcer.

Spirited Evergreen (2019)

Ringing Reindoe (2020)

Warrior Myu Reaper (2021)

A species of Myu Reaper that found little comfort in the life of a pet and who learned to embrace nature. Groups of these Myu Reapers commonly live in forests, but can sometimes be found in another regions. They have become wary of humans and have developed their own hierarchal structure within their groups. Those who have studied them have found out that their intelligence can rival that of a human's. They are fiercely loyal to one another, but separate groups have been found to become territorial and aggressive towards each other.


Dino Fenref (2012)
"These massive prehistoric canines called Dino Fenref, grew as big as some of the largest Bruma and roamed the lands during the last ice age. Unlike some of their modern relatives, these beasts were primarily solitary, only grouping together to form a temporary pack when hunting for large prey animals. Even then, the packs mostly consisted of related individuals. When they found their prey, they would use their large claws and plenty of stamina to take down it down. For the killing blow they would use their enlarged canine teeth to sever spines, pierce jugulars and puncture wind pipes. They went extinct at the end of the ice age; for what reason, no one really knows why. Their collars and bracelets are both made of different kinds of stone and other materials they could find, rather than the modern Fenrefs' leather and metal. They take pride in them and don't like having them taken off."

Ceras Kalamarei (2013)
"The shells and bones of these aquatic critters are a common fossil to find around laying in sedimentary formations around Evelon and come in all different shapes and sizes. This particular form was found high in the Fe’gan Mountains and is about three feet tall at the shoulders. However Females are considerably larger than males of the species. The Ceras Kalamarei thrived on a diet consisting of a variety of fish and shell fish. To help them break the shells of more difficult prey they had a bone crushing bite. The shells they have protect them from most predators and is very hard to crack however it makes them slower moving than their shell-less cousins."

Dilophoserraptor (2014)

Prehistoric Insonia (2015)

Arche Malphas (2016)

Tbones (2017)

Ichthy Bandol (2018)

Stinging Bubble Spirit (2019)

Dark Crystal Garagnir (2020)

Ginko Evergreen (2021)


Capillus Matches (2016)

Beastbones (2017)

The Beastbones is a particularly vicious and strong breed of Chombones. Preferring to keep their own territory instead of hunting in packs like their brethren, they fiercely defend their turf from anyone and anything, using their fearsome jaws and claws. Beastbones are also quite happy to pick fights with others; it is said that they are capable of sensing how strong an opponent is, and if they stumble upon a worthy foe, they may immediately attack and keep up the aggression until the other party defeats them.

Herald Chimerantula (2018)

Digital Frightmare (2019)

Kingdom Grondalith (2020)


Skellie Morloth (2016)

Industrial Draculi (2017)

Timeless Nyghtmare (2018)

Historical records seem to indicate that the Timeless Nyghtmare has existed since ancient times. There are many myths and legends surrounding them, the most prominent being that they are capable of not only stopping and bending time, but traveling through it, protecting the world all throughout the past and present. Whether this is true or not, it is still considered to be good fortune to see a Timeless Nyghtmare, although it is unfortunate, should you offend one.

Stranger Leplora (2019)

Champion Battleheart (2020)

Dear Baby Doom Kitty (2021)


Chow Sleepyheart (2018)

Guardian Hollowheart (2019)

Seegerwockee (2020)

Pukaha Wilson

A flightless breed of Mr. Wilson with a taste for insects rather than seeds, the Pukaha Wilson is a very rare and elusive creature thought to be blessed by an ancient god of nature. They are rumored to live long lives and are rarely seen by the human eye, instead preferring to stay in the safety of their forest home. It's said that seeing one for even just a moment can fill the onlooker with a deep sense of peace and harmony.
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Elie's Trashcan
Elie's Trashcan
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Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:08 PM

:.:Halloween Riddle/Puzzle Pets:.:

:.:Riddle Kuhnas of 2008:.:
* These Kuhnas could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2008. Users had to collect two pieces of a riddle, combine them, and then complete the riddle to receive the Kuhna.

Candycorn Kuhna
Artist: Kyrit
"Just as their species indicate, the Candycorn Kuhnas simply adore candies and sugary treats, especially candy corns, and that's why they tend to be a little more hyper active than their other cousins. Many owners have reported that they shout and run a lot, which makes them ineligible candidates for those owners who prefer silence over noise. These Kuhnas also tend to collect things. Be it candies or junk, they'll often scout the area for whatever it is that they love collecting. Some of them even knock on people's doors, asking, 'Junk or Treats!' to the residents. They tend to forget Halloween happens only once a year. From the studies that were conducted on them, we've reached the conclusion that these Kuhnas can breed, and that their children will have the same genes as the Preluhna family."

Haunted Kuhna
Artist: Kodai
"The Haunted Kuhnas love doing but a single thing: haunting. But as some of them haunt people, some of these Kuhnas are also haunted. Be it a curse or a simple coincidence, the fact remains that these particular Kuhnas have a special bond with the world of the spirits, but be careful. No matter how harmless these Kuhnas look like, they can be downright mean. They've often been sighted talking to themselves, plotting against those who had brought trouble to them. They seem to have a certain affinity with spiders, and they particularly love hunting through old houses to find cobwebs. Crafty, strategic, and daring, these Kuhnas seek nothing by mischief. Just like the Candycorn Kuhnas, they can breed, and their children inherit the genes of Trikuhnas."

Nightwalker Kuhna
Artist: Shrewdberry
"These Kuhnas won't hide anything. They come from a long line of vampiric Kuhnas, and they're not afraid to admit it. Proud and independent, Nightwalker Kuhnas never work in groups, be it with others of their kind or normal Kuhnas. True to their ancestors, Nightwalker Kuhnas roam the pitch-black streets in search of blood. They rarely come out of their home in daylight, and normal food will only make them sick. Nightwalker Kuhnas also have an inborn talent. Probably due to their vampiric instincts, a Nightwalker Kuhna always knows where to bite, be it for a good midnight drink or for a deadly attack to an enemy. Nightwalker Kuhnas always have this strange floating smoke around them, although no one has really determined where it came from, what it can do, and why it clings to these Kuhnas the way it does. Like the Candycorn Kuhnas and Haunted Kuhnas, the Nightwalker Kuhnas can breed and pass on the genetics of a Sulkuhna."

:.:Riddle Kuhnas of 2009:.:
* These Kuhnas could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2009. Users had to collect two pieces of a riddle, combine them, and then complete the riddle to receive the Kuhna.

Artist: Kyrit
"The Lykuhnas are unfortunate Kuhnas who were turned into werewolves. Most of those Kuhnas see nothing but battle, bloodshed, and death. Most are too violent for young owners, and they are usually reserved for professional breeders who know how to manage their aggressive temperaments. Some Lykuhnas move ahead and accept their curse, which makes them easier to domesticate. They seem to be a good choice for the Evelonian military, since most breeders can't manage Lykuhnas properly, leaving Lykuhnas in adoption shelters or in the wild. They have the genetics of a Kamo Kuhna."

Candy Apple Kuhna
Artist: Kyrit
"These Kuhnas, properly named Candy Apple Kuhnas, absolutely love anything sweet and sugary, especially if it's sticky. They accompany little kids on Halloween to get specific treats, like caramels or chewing gums. They tend to get stuck against many surfaces due to their glue-like pelt, so owners who live in a small building are advised to keep an eye on their Candy Apple Kuhna so it doesn't get stuck against your fridge or your food closet. Candy Apple Kuhnas tend to be spoiled, and act a lot like little kids. Surprisingly, the only thing they adore besides candies are apples. They have the genetics of a Kanua."

Headless Kuhna
Artist: Kyrit
"Okay, so the Headless Kuhnas aren't really headless, they've just had a bad turn of luck in that their heads are stuck inside a pumpkin they've tripped in. While they look frightful and moan from being stuck for so long, they're actually pretty afraid of others things around them. Maybe even more than those who get a fright when they come across these Kuhnas. They have the genetics of a Trikuhna."

:.:Riddle Teigus of 2010:.:
* These Teigus could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2010. Users had to collect two pieces of a riddle, combine them, and then complete the riddle to receive the Teigu.

Chocomallow Teigu
Artist: Shrewdberry
"The Chocomallow Teigus have a very strange hobby of... rolling in liquid substances. This includes mud, chocolate, water, slime... If they see a puddle of anything liquid, they will immediately quit what they were doing to roll in it. They are players, and they very often do not like work or serious tasks; they are very much like children, and they need to be under someone's watchful eye at all times. They make for wonderful playmates for children, and they are gentle pets for toddlers. They tend to make a mess to get dirty, though, so it is recommended to keep liquids away from Chocomallow Teigus."

Cider Teigu
Artist: Kyrit
"The Cider Teigus hate work, and they can come up with intricate lies — and even complicated stories! — to get out of a work shift. They are open-minded, carefree pets who adore parties and festivities. Many Cider Teigus organize parties at their house, and many of them work in society to organize small fairs and outdoor parties for the community. They love every holiday, and they try to organize as many parties as they can — even for the unknown, strange holidays most people don't even know about! They are festive pets whom have a good heart, but their lack of realism often puts a lot of them in trouble."

Pumpkin Teigu
Artist: Kyrit
"The Pumpkin Teigus are excellent cooks who are a bit too obsessive. While their talent is legendary, they are so obsessive over the grams and the teaspoons of every recipe that they either never finish, or they consider the final products to be "unworthy." They tend to set the bar too high, and this makes it difficult for them to reach their full potential. They are excellent crafters and gardeners as well. They especially love crafting pumpkins, and while they always consider their pumpkins to be "average," they often win contests from their intricate, unique designs. They are perfectionists with a legendary amount of talent, but both traits cancel each other out."

:.:Riddle Batties of 2011:.:
* These Batties could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2011. Users had to collect three pieces of a riddle, combine them, and then complete the riddle to receive the Batti.

Golden Fox Batti
Artist: Shrewdberry
"This Batti is a loner, and despite its name, has nothing to do with the fox. Like the fox, however, this Batti preys on live animals instead of just fruits and little insects. They very rarely come in contact with humans, and they tend to avoid them at all costs. This breed of Batti was feared for a very long time because of its unbelievable size; they are, by far, the largest Battis in Evelon. Because of this, humans were afraid this breed would be a major threat and went on a Batti Witch Hunt for years. When the species went into hiding and the humans thought they were extinct, the Battis sworn they would never make the same mistake again. They are extremely sensitive to prejudice and will literally attack anyone who pushes their buttons. Those who do discover this "extinct" species of Batti might just find a wonderful creature who was wrongly judged and suffered because of people jumping to conclusions."

Pipistrelle Batti
Artist: Kodai
"If your child ever watched The Wild Lands channel and pestered you to have a pet bat, you are in luck. The Pipistrelle Batti is the friendliest Batti there is, and they are extremely social and gentle, making for perfect pets for both adults and children. They eat mostly fruits and insects, and unlike most bats, are more active during the day than during the night. They are a social breed of Batti that simply cannot stand being left alone, some of them even becoming depressed if they cannot interact with someone for a long period of time. They are harmless in theory, but a Pipistrelle Batti can certainly defend itself and those it holds dear relatively well, despite their small size. They are a great pet to take trick or treating, as they enjoy it just as much as any child. Many of these Battis gather during Halloween in the hope of finding friends and owners alike."

Tent Batti
Artist: Kyrit
"The smallest species - the largest not even 5 cm - of Batti currently known, the Tent Batti is known for doing exactly as its name suggests. These small little creatures gather together in leaf made tents in groups of typically about six, though sometimes they're seen in much larger numbers. Usually they do not make good pets because they are so shy, but a Tent Batti would be easy to feed since they only eat fruit. We suggest that anyone getting a Tent Batti get more than one so they can have a companion. Also, don't expect to see your Batti come out and greet you often unless it's feeding time. They'd much rather stay huddled together in their tent, where they feel safe."

:.:Riddle 'Wockees of 2012:.:
* These 'Wockees could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2011. Users had to collect three pieces of a riddle, combine them, and then complete the riddle to receive the Wockee.
* All three riddles were brought to you by NPR (National Public Radio)

Artist: Silverin
"The Amowockees live for love, and they will spread it as much as possible. Literally walking cupids, these Wockees find love to be the greatest thing to ever grace living creatures, and they will go out of their way to have lonely or skeptical people find their one true love. Because of their task, very few Amowockees seek love for themselves. Instead, they bathe in the warm feelings and happiness of those who are already together and who are experiencing love in its purest form. The darker reason is that, according to some Amowockees, those who fall in love sometimes turn into their darker, more negative counterparts further to seeing the more heartbreaking side of love. In order to keep the peace, Amowockees avoid going after love, and instead settle for spreading it as much as possible."

Artist: Silverin
"Invidiwockees had their hearts broken and trampled by their love. Their personality ranges from mild jealousy issues to having full-fledged grudges grow, to the point where some Invidiwockees commit the ultimate crime against their loved ones. They are known for being troublemakers and for trying to mess up relationships, jealous of those who can experience love and happiness while they are stuck suffering alone. While some Invidiwockees have managed to move on with their lives, some haunt their former lovers and do their best to make their life horrible as revenge. They are often very bitter pets, and only the most patient and loving of owners should try to handle the Invidiwockee."

Artist: Silverin
"Tristiwockees were heartbroken to the point of agony, and it's almost like these Wockees live to have their hearts broken. Tristiwockees can go many ways, where some will forever cry their failed relationships, while others will continue to try, despite the broken hearts. Some Tristiwockees manage to live a happy life, but they absolutely refuse to try their paws at love again, due to their bad experiences. They often relate to people who just freshly broke up with their lovers, sometimes managing to even give advice to move on. Tristiwockees are said to be the most level-headed Wockee breed between the love Wockees, since they are capable of understanding love in a rational way."

:.:Puzzle Pets of 2013:.:
* These pets could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2013. Users had to collect three pieces of a puzzle, and combine them to receive the corresponding pet.

Bionik Quiksylph
Artist: Kyrit
A wicked creature, the Bionik Quiksylph has the peculiar power of being able to take over and animate any machines it comes upon. It commands these machines to wreak havoc wherever it goes, making this species a real threat to society. It seems to be particularly obsessed with emeralds, and some who study this Quiksylph believe that ingesting emeralds might be what gives it its magic powers. On the other hand, it has an extreme disdain for Speed Sparquills and Swift Fenlings and will immediately leave an area if it sees either animal. As a result, those who operate machinery are often advised to keep Speed Sparquills and Swift Fenlings around as a safety precaution.

Swift Fenling
Artist: Kyrit
The Swift Fenling is famous for two things: its spinning twin tails that allow it to fly, and its extremely high intelligence that allows it to construct tools from all kinds of materials, including manmade ones. It has a particular affinity for mechanics, and within industrial settings it is even trusted with operating machines. When it comes to domestication, however, the Swift Fenling is a naturally timid creature. It requires lots of love, encouragement, and time spent together to break one out of its shell, but those who manage to do so are awarded with an incredibly loyal and friendly companion.

Speed Sparquill
Artist: Kyrit
Researchers gotta go fast if they want to capture this critter for their studies. Despite its small size, the Speed Sparquill is one of the swiftest creatures in Evelon, known for running up to 60 miles per hour and appearing as little more than a blue blur when traversing its Tengel Rainforest home. Its high speed enables it to run on water and vertical surfaces, and it can leap very long distances with a good running start. Quite courageous, the Speed Sparquill will also actively fend off predators before attempting to flee. It does so by curling up into a ball and launching itself at enemies, leaving its sharp needles behind as a memento. Oddly enough, this Sparquill is fond of gold rings and will hoard them at every opportunity. Why it demonstrates this behavior, no one really knows.

:.:Puzzle Pets of 2014:.:
* These pets could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2014. Users had to collect three pieces of a puzzle, and combine them to receive the corresponding pet.

Mummy Kuhna
Artist: Silverin
"Small groups of Mummy Kuhna were found recently by explorers in the Wilt'no Desert, living among the ruins of an ancient civilization. They were first thought to be the preserved remains of deceased Kuhnas, but closer inspection reveals them to be very much alive. They are fond of secrecy, and are constantly seeking suitable cloth to add to their bandages. This particular habit makes it hard for researchers to make out the markings on their pelt, but they are believed to be a distant cousin to the Ancient Kuhnas. They share their genetics with Ryoklein Kuhnas."

Patched Kuhna
Artist: Silverin
"They may not look it, but the Patched Kuhna is a favorite among tailors and fashion designers. These industrious little Kuhnas love nothing better than to create and fix anything made out of cloth! In fact, they love it so much, they seem to have sewn a few patches right onto themselves. Don't worry though; it doesn't do them any harm. Patched Kuhnas always carry a needle with them wherever they go, and some individuals will amass impressive hoards of different colored thread and other materials in their homes. Most people don't believe they're really plushies, but no one knows for sure one way or the other. Their genetics are the same as Scare Kuhnas."

Sanguine Kuhna
Artist: Silverin
"These strange kuhna are said to be born from the life fluids of other creatures, often just before the death of their creator. They then carry out the wishes of the creature who brought life to them, unaware that they are doing so and going by their gut feeling that whatever it is should be done. Sanguine Kuhna are also rumored to be favored companions of vampires There is no way to tell for sure if the tales are a myth or not. Either way Sanguine Kuhna are one of the preferred breeds for questionable rituals and practices. On Halloween nights Hydrokuhnas like to pour fake blood into their water to appear like these Kuhnas so that they can give their friends a fright. They have the genetics of Murky Kuhnas."

:.:Puzzle Pets of 2015:.:
* These pets could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2015. Users had to collect pieces of a puzzle, and combine them to receive the corresponding pet.

Banded Morloth
Artist: Silverin
"Easily identified by their more colorful coats and banded tails, as well as its diminutive size, the Banded Morloth feeds primarily on nectar from flowers. They live in small burrows dug out from soil or soft stone, where females keep their single offspring. Despite being solitary creatures, Banded Morloths will often dig burrows in close proximity to one another, often along the banks of rivers. Sightings of the Banded Morloth can often cause a great deal of alarm due to their reputation for having a painful sting, though in reality Banded Morloths are relatively non-aggressive and won't attack unless threatened. "

Cecropia Mocha Picchu
Artist: Silverin
"Wild Cecropia Mocha Pichus inhabit temperate deciduous forests and are primarily nocturnal. They live and feed primarily in maple trees, which lends their fur a sweet maple-syrup scent. With its bright patterns and silky coat, the Cecropia Mocha Pichu is a popular choice among owners of small rodents, with a few devoted breeders dedicated to producing prize-winning individuals. While they can subsist on a diet of other fruits and grains, this causes them to stop producing their distinctive scent, so most owners opt for commercially-produced feeds which include maple extracts."

Scutellerid Torken
Artist: Silverin
"The Scutellerid Torken is the smallest known breed of Torken, and has a relatively calm temperament, but it will fight fiercely with any rivals it encounters. These matches, where the Scutellerid Torken will try to pin their opponent, can sometimes go on for days, with neither individual stopping to eat or sleep. Their bright coloration makes them a favorite of poachers; while hunting of Scutellerid Torkens are strictly illegal due to their low numbers, the high prices fetched by their hides and horns on the black market are enough to entice less scrupulous individuals."

:.:Puzzle Pets of 2016:.:
* These pets could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2016. Users had to collect pieces of a puzzle, and combine them to receive the corresponding pet.

Leviathan Xing Yun
Artist: Silverin
"Living deep in the waters of the Nodia Sea, the Leviathan Xing Yun can reach massive lengths. They lack the more arcane abilities of other Xing Yun breeds, trading these for brute strength, which they use  to constrict and subdue their prey. Their long whiskers help them navigate at depths where little light penetrates, while their orbs provide an additional source of oxygen that allow them to stay submerged for days without surfacing for air."

Oni Insonia
Artist: Silverin
"While most Insonia establish head dominance early in life, the heads of Oni Insonia are known to challenge and re-challenge for dominance throughout their lifetime. They are proud fighters who will seek out strong opponents to challenge to duels or contests of strength. They are relentless when provoked or insulted, but can otherwise be bribed with gifts of alcohol."

Qilin Frightmare
Artist: Redd
"Previously thought to be a chimera, extensive anatomical studies have revealed the Qilin Frightmare to be a distant cousin of the other Frightmare breeds. Their whiskers are exceptionally sensitive, able to detect slight shifts in air currents to predict oncoming storms. While most have scales in vibrant jewel tones, on occasion a Qilin Frightmare can be born with dull colors. Such individuals are shunned by the rest of the herd, and those who survive wander as exiles, unable to hold their own territory."

:.:Puzzle Pet of 2017:.:
* This pet could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2017. Users had to collect several pieces of a puzzle, and combine them to receive the corresponding pet.

Artist: Silverin
"Tricksters by nature, the Everhaunts are most active during Hallow's Eve for an exciting and thrilling night of fun, treats and tricks. They are elegant in their pranks, however: a certain level of care and effort goes into their tricks, and they avoid targeting those who do not enjoy the holiday. Some see it as the spirits being respectful, but they simply judge that those individuals cannot appreciate their art, the truth painting them more snobbish than gentlemanly."

:.:Puzzle Pet of 2018:.:
* This pet could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2018. Users had to collect several pieces of a puzzle, and combine them to receive the corresponding pet.

Wraith Tatterdem
Artist: Redd
"Vengeful spirits who many confuse with the more common Bleeders. Wraith Tatterdems are created from the tormented souls of the dead who, in addition to having unfinished business, have evil and malicious intentions. Their desire for revenge and anger alone allow them to rise from their tombs. Forgiveness is near impossible with these creatures: few have managed to heal their damaged hearts."

:.:Puzzle Pets of 2019:.:
* These pets could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2019. Users had to collect pieces of a puzzle, and combine them to receive the corresponding pet.

Drowned Evergreen
Artist: Redd

Corrupted Kirund
Artist: Redd

:.:Puzzle Pets of 2020:.:
* These pets could be obtained by playing the Trick or Treat game in the Marketplace during the Halloween events of 2020. Users had to collect pieces of a puzzle, and combine them to receive the corresponding pet.

Artist: Silverin

Artist: Redd

Artist: Redd
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Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:09 PM

:.:Livestream Event Pets:.:

Red Deep Sea Likuta
Likuta Livestream - 2012

The opposite of the Blue Deep Sea Likuta, this deep-sea hunter prefers the warm waters of the southern areas of Evelon. The warm temperatures keep them alert and active, sporting lean bodies that travel very quickly through the waters. They are skilled hunters and dislike human contact, preferring their wild independence. Those who accept help from humans are generally disowned by their brethren.

Blue Deep Sea Likuta
Likuta Livestream - 2012

The opposite of the Red Deep Sea Likuta, this species makes its home within the harsh cold waters of the northern areas of Evelon. They are lethargic creatures by nature due to the cold temperatures of their environment. They are slow and plump, their hunting techniques involving stealth and calculated strikes, unlike their southern cousins. They welcome human companionship more readily, enjoying the free food they receive from humans.

Lunar Matches
Matches Revamp Livestream - 2012

A species of Matches that is worshipped by the tribes living in the Tuun Mountains. Although they are the other half of the Solar Matches, the people refuse to acknowledge the other bird. Unlike its counterpart, the Lunar Matches are said to be a bit more elusive, and more prone to aggressive behaviors. They are posh creatures who expect the best, and only the best. They are, arguably, more feared than they are worshipped.

Solar Matches
Matches Revamp Livestream - 2012

This species of Matches is revered by the tribes living within the vast sands of the Wilt'no Desert. They are seen as good omens by the people, and those Matches that decide to live among the people are spoiled beyond one's wildest dreams. Rumors passed down from generations say that being in the good graces of these birds will bring great happiness and fortune. Despite being the other half to the Lunar Matches, the people refuse to acknowledge the other bird.

Snowlight Matches
Baal Livestream - 2012

The Snowlight Matches are heavily adapted to life in their frigid homes. With short beaks, feathered legs, and an extra layer of warm down feathers, they can survive even the most freezing temperatures. Light blue flames and intricate markings make them hard to spot from the ground against the clear blue sky.

Regal Draculi
Draculi Revamp Livestream - 2012

A Regal Draculi’s beautiful coat is the result of many years of selective breeding. They are highly praised on the show circuit for their unique coats and thick, luxurious  fur. It takes many hours of grooming each day to keep them looking their best. Only the most dedicated owners raise and show them.

Nightblood Draculi
Draculi Revamp Livestream - 2012

Nightblood Draculi are closely related to the Regal breed, but they are banned from shows because their coloration is considered a genetic flaw. Nonetheless, many breeders market and sell them as high priced pets. They are every bit as high maintenance as Regals, which can be tough for the unprepared owners to keep up with.
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Postby Kyrit » 11/09/2010 7:09 PM

:.:Winter Event Pets:.:

Baal's Christmas Gift - 2010

Naughty Reindoe
Baal's Christmas Gift - 2015

Cocoa Draculi
Millie's Christmas Event - 2013
"This little critter is great for keeping warm on cold evenings. They've got a big heart to match all that big fur, and they will insist that you stay a while and try their delicious hot chocolate, which they always have on hand for travelers of all kinds. They have the uncanny ability to see the good in all people, and can tell if someone is naughty or nice just by looking at them. Their sweet tempered nature and eagerness to celebrate the holidays has made them a popular pet to have in your home around this time of year. The fact that they smell like hot chocolate and fresh baked cookies, and they make a mean cup of hot cocoa certainly helps too!"

Image --> Image
Cocoa Bruma
Christmas Freebie - 2013
Free Prize
"Cocoa Bruma are often employed in the mountain outposts of the Fe'gan Mountains and carry great flasks of hot chocolate around their necks to anyone who was lost in the snow. Their big, warm bodies serve as soft, insulated blankets for those who might otherwise feel a bit of frost nipping at their bones. The light atop their head is a handy tool in the cold, dark blizzards, often lighting the way for weary or lost travelers. Their warm, sweet smelling fur and usually gentle disposition has made them a favorite among the cold mountain hikers and explorers. They are sure-footed climbers, easily able to traverse even the steepest mountains and through the deepest snows."

Snow Slynx
Millie's Christmas Event - 2014

Branta Tali
Millie's Christmas Event - 2015
The Branta Tali is notorious for its poor temper. Migratory creatures who favor waterside habitats, these Tali are quick to anger, and will fearlessly charge at anything they perceive to be a threat to themselves or their young. Those who frequent urban areas have learned a nasty trick of charging people to steal food. It is advised to give them a wide berth if possible; if threats don’t work, they are perfectly willing to wallop their victims with their powerful wings.

Poinsettia Leawolf
Millie's Christmas Event - 2016

Berry Mocha Picchu
Christmas Quest Event - 2016

Secret Santa Event - 2011

Giving Kuhna
Secret Santa Event - 2016

Image --> Image
Polar Fenling
Advent Calendar - 2017
The thick, silky fur of the Polar Fenling is sought after both for its beauty and its insulating properties. Their gems store cold energy, which they use to keep cool during the warmer summer months, as well as to stun prey. Underneath their fur, the Polar Fenling’s skin is a solid black.

Mango Mahool
Advent Calendar - 2018
The vibrant colors of the Mango Mahool make it a popular pet. Pairs mate for life and are highly affectionate with one another, singing to their partners and grooming them to strengthen their bond. Those raised in captivity with no other Mahools generally attach to their handlers instead, and can become territorial over them, so it is advised to keep them in pairs.
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Postby Kyrit » 12/08/2011 12:34 PM

:.:Valentine's Event Pets:.:

:.:Pets of 2017:.:

Passion Honeydew
Artist: Kyrit
Participation Prize
The Passion Honeydew's coat and coloration was genetically engineered, with its appearance specifically created to mimic the popular toy, the Lovestruck Honeydew Plush. It has especially soft fur and a very sweet demeanor. They are popular pets for young women and children.

Artist: Silverin

:.:Pets of 2018:.:

Sweetheart Sleepyheart
Artist: Thunder
Participation Prize

Broken Sleepyheart
Artist: Redd
Participation Prize

Royal Draculi
Artist: BaalsBaby/Kyrit
Weighing up to 18 lbs (8.1 kgs), the Royal Draculi are among the largest of their kind, matched only by the Industrial Draculi, which they appear to be closely related to. These Draculi have an especially loud, shrill cry that is said to temporarily daze their prey before they attack. They have a strong preference for Cuniflares and Rattegans, which they can only hunt due to their body and fur's resistance to their heat and flames.

:.:Pets of 2019:.:

Sweetheart Mahool
Artist: Redd

Rejected Mahool
Artist: Redd

:.:Pets of 2020:.:

Sweetheart Baby Doom Kitty
Artist: Redd

Rejected Baby Doom Kitty
Artist: Redd
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Re: :.:Special Event Pets:.:

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/15/2018 7:56 PM

:.:Easter Event Pets:.:

Image --> Image
Easter 2008
Free Prize
Related to the Neowockees, the Palowockees are a peaceful species (normally) and love to endulge upon classic and slower music. They also enjoy erratic or unpredictable sound, unlike the Neowockees who enjoy a rhythmic, steady beat. They are inquisitive and watch the world in detail and precision, enjoying the sidelines more than anything. They are also still quite sociable and will not hesitate to show off if they need to.

Nitro Fellox
Easter Egg Hunt 2011
Participation Prize

Easter Egg Hunt 2011
Participation Prize
Fowlbines have the dubious reputation for being the least intelligent Corbine breed. It is unclear whether their behavioral… quirks are a result of faulty wiring, poor programming, or a genetic issue arising from their organic parts, but they can often be observed running into walls or screaming for no apparent reason. Still, some enjoy observing their strange antics, and there are several popular online feeds dedicated to humorous compilations of Fowlbines in action.

Sear Cuniflare
Easter Egg Hunt 2011
Participation Prize

Jade Beetanke
Easter Egg Hunt 2011
Participation Prize

Terra Hydrolisk
Easter Egg Hunt 2011
Participation Prize

Marbled Terratops
Easter Egg Hunt 2011
Participation Prize

Lime Magistrey
Easter Egg Hunt 2011
Participation Prize

Cabrales Leumoo
Overtime Gift Easter Event 2013
"These leumoo are nocturnal, preferring to ambush their prey in the dark over the more direct approach the typical leumoo takes. In the Sekudui Farmlands they have gained a particularly nasty reputation among the dairy farmers for their taste for dairy tuskow. While some farmers hate them, others actually like them and farm them. The cabrales leumoo produces a milk that is considered a delicacy and small amounts are used as a complimentary flavor in various dishes, however it is an acquired taste. Born white, these leumoo gradually gain their stripes as a mold that grows in their fur spreads. The older the leumoo the more stripes they have. The oldest of this species sometimes turn entirely blue however this is quite rare. Due to the mold, they carry a rather pungent smell that is hard on the nose. The older leumoo the worse they smell. Most owners will wash them. However it is recommended that owners don't use any products that could kill the mold in their fur."

Dawn Carpetfang
Easter 2016
Free Prize

Fairy Piyo
Easter 2016
Free Prize
Fairy Piyos are possessed of incredible magical power, but also very little intelligence. As such, they prefer to form symbiotic pacts with smarter species, imbuing their partners with magic in exchange for practical care. Many historical figures, revered and reviled alike, have had Fairy Piyo companions. Fortunately for the fabric of society, they are a relatively rare breed, and reproduce incredibly slowly, at least in part due to the fact that few individuals have even managed to figure out how.

Nohu Likuta
Easter Egg Hunt 2018

Cheeping Baby Doom Kitty
Easter Hunt 2019
A particularly lonely breed of Baby Doom Kitty, these balls of fluff tend to hang around barns and farmhouses, seeking to be adopted by an unobservant Roosken. They can live on seeds like baby Roosken do, but they much prefer the delectable taste of fresh meat. However, it seems they refuse to eat poultry, or any sort of bird-based meat, especially that of their own adopted family. In fact, they will often protect their adopted avian family at the cost of their life.
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Re: :.:Special Event Pets:.:

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/15/2018 7:57 PM

:.:Caving Event Pets:.:

Mossy Snowball
Participation Prize
Mossy Snowballs are the easiest to care for of all Snowball breeds. They are content so long as they have clean water to soak in and sufficient sunlight. Though they aren’t very active, their low maintenance and easygoing nature make them popular pets for busy people as well as offices and business establishments looking to incorporate some life into their environment.

Amber Stargoyle
Amber Stargoyles are known for their high energy levels. When they become sufficiently restless, some may even give off light static shocks. They have a particular appetite for insects of all types, and sometimes traces of their food can be seen through their transparent bodies. Sometimes, these insects end up becoming petrified and some individuals have been noted to contain insects dating back to the start of their lives.

Black Opal Stargoyle
Black Opal Stargoyles are fiercely protective of their family groups. They bond easily with members of other species, making them popular choices for guarding properties and watching over children. Exceptionally calm even in the face of danger, they complement more nervous personalities, and in recent times, have seen use as therapy animals.

Jade Stargoyle
Jade Stargoyles have been highly valued since ancient times. Graded by clarity, Jade Stargoyles of the highest quality have been recorded as part of the dowries of noblewomen in historical documents, and some families still invest their wealth by purchasing these Stargoyles today. The practice was so prevalent that the idiom of  having ‘sold one’s jade’ existed to describe someone who had fallen on hard times, whereupon someone who owned a Jade Stargoyle would then pawn them off as a last resort.

Moonstone Grondalith
Only active at night, the Moonstone Grondalith is widely believed to attract good fortune to households where one resides. Along with practical protection, Moonstone Grondaliths will also guard against supernatural threats, and are especially adept among Grondalith breeds at sensing ghosts. Perhaps for this reason, they have a peculiar dislike for cameras, and will refuse to work if they are being filmed.

Sunstone Grondalith
Active only during the day, the Sunstone Grondalith is a vigilant guardian with a high drive to work. They are independent creatures who prefer to work alone, and are most commonly used to patrol large parks and other such properties where they have sufficient room to roam. If given too little freedom, Sunstone Grondaliths are prone to escaping and trying their luck elsewhere.
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Re: :.:Special Event Pets:.:

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/15/2018 7:57 PM

:.:Golden Thread Festival Event Pets:.:

Weaver Nonaga
Festival of the Golden Thread Event - 2017

Weaver Hydrolisk
Festival of the Golden Thread Event - 2018

Weaver Akail
Festival of the Golden Thread Event - 2019

Weaver Hollowheart
Festival of the Golden Thread Event - 2019

Weaver Choopa
Festival of the Golden Thread Event - 2019

Weaver Gallizar
Festival of the Golden Thread Event - 2020

Weaver Baal Dragony
Festival of the Golden Thread Event - 2020

Weaver Tundragoon
Festival of the Golden Thread Event - 2020
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Re: :.:Special Event Pets:.:

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/04/2019 3:33 PM

:.: Miscellaneous Special Pets:.:

St. Patrick's Day 2010

Free Prize
Neuleefs are chipper little sprites that appear in the trees every spring. Listen closely and you might just hear them humming as they dance in the new air. At the tops of trees, they often gather to collect the rich sunlight as they wiggle their leafy bodies. Upon looking at these creatures, people are often inspired to get outside and have fun as well.

Shamrock Ferrikoon
St. Patrick's Day 2012
It is said that anyone who catches one of these elusive Ferrikoon will be granted all the treasures they have stolen. However, in order to gain this chance, you must also allow them to snatch something from you. In truth, this entire rumor was started by the Ferrikoon themselves, as a way of getting suckers to leave their precious items exposed. In fact, there are several Ferrikoon subspecies that have started dressing up as Shamrock Ferrikoon to take advantage of this rumor.

Cupid Tricky
Post-Baal's Retirement - 2010

Muerto Batti
Thanks For Life Day 2010

Muerto Choopa
Thanks For Life Day 2010

"The Ilos are a strange species, at first thought to be myth, as there are mentions and drawings of these creatures in ancient architecture found around Evelon through archaeological findings. These creatures are believed to catch and swallow dreams and wishes, and when it suits them, they are rumored to grant a few. Invisible to all but a few, the Ilos remains as such except for those it would consider innocent or trustworthy. Many children often refer to these creatures as 'imaginary friends'."
Puppy Donation Drive - 2012
Customs only - retired

Sean's Fundraiser 2012

Turquoise Grondalith
Sean's Fundraiser 2012

Malware Mekkayena
Downtime Gift - 2013
Malware Mekkayena have an extremely erratic nature, and can often be seen walking in strange patterns or making odd sounds that only have meaning to them. They seem, strangely enough, to prey on other Mekkayena most often. Mekkayena bitten by them often start imitating the behavior of the Malware Mekkayena that bit them, and if left untreated long enough will start slowly changing into another Malware Mekkayena. It is unknown what would happen if a Malware Mekkayena attacked another mechanical or cyborg pet.

Galaxy Snowball
Evelon's 10th Anniversary

Autumnfall Kasuga
Halloween Event 2020
Legend tells of a tale of two brothers who came across this fae creature and immediately noticed how it embodied the very essence of Autumn. They bickered on what to call it, for one wanted to call it Autumn and the other wanted to call it Fall, and thus they landed on the completely redundant name 'Autumnfall'.
The Autumnfall Kasuga is almost genetically identical to the Blooming Kasuga, and many scientists theorise that they may be the same species, and the seasons they're born in dictate what color their pelt becomes when they mature.
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