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Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/28/2016 6:23 PM

[Blayze] [Adair]

It had been quite some time since either man had stepped foot onto the grounds of their old home. When running the farm was no longer all that profitable, Emilia had closed up the place and moved on. They never  expected that they would have to return to check up on things, let alone clean things up.

Yet, when they woke up this morning, Blayze serving their mistress her breakfast, that was what she declared was on the schedule today. The two humanoid Roosken were to go on ahead, while she and Chevalier would come by after tending to some other errands. They needed to make some headway before then.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/28/2016 6:32 PM

The two men that approached the farmhouse looked nothing alike.

One man, Adair, had blond hair, wore glasses, and was wearing white from top to bottom. His expression seemed permanently twisted in disgust, agitated not only at the dust blowing all around them, but at his companion, as well.

The other man, Blayze, had long, fiery colored hair that was tied back in a lose ponytail. He wore a short yukata, something you'd more likely see on a woman, geta sandals, as well as ornate earrings and a beaded necklace to accent the rest of his outfit. Unlike his companion, his expression seemed ever cheerful.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/28/2016 6:38 PM

As they headed for the house, Blayze suddenly closed the space of several feet that Adair had put between the two of them. The more feminine man abruptly grabbed onto his companion's arm, causing him to stop with a jolt. A shiver ran down Adair's spine with just a touch from Blayze.

Stopped in his tracks, Adair turned his head to glare at Blayze. "What the hell? Let go." He forced his arm free from Blayze's grasp.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/28/2016 6:41 PM

The Blaze Roosken man only pouted for but a moment after his companion yanked his arm away before recovering. He grinned widely at Adair, in spite of being glared at. "Don't you remember?" he asked.

"Remember what?" The blond haired man answered the question with a question. Just what was Blayze playing at? They didn't have time to be messing around, and the last thing he wanted to do was spend more time outside in this dust bowl.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/28/2016 6:43 PM

The red haired man dramatically gestured toward the farm house in one big sweeping motion with his arm. "That!" he said. "Don't you see it?"

Adair's gaze shifted away from Blayze and toward the house that his companion gestured at. There was nothing there to see but the house, even after taking another moment to glance around and take it all in. "Yeah, the house," he replied. "I see it, so let's get inside already." Standing around really was a waste of time.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/28/2016 6:48 PM

"No, no, no!" Blayze shook his head in response to Adair. He was actually surprised that the other man had seemed to have forgotten. "Not the house, the barrier! Don't you remember the barrier?"

"The barrier?" Adair repeated, it sounding a bit like a question.

He looked over at his companion briefly, then back at the house. Squinting at it, he noticed the dust carried on the wind not all that far away from where they stood wasn't flowing the same as the dust all around them.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/29/2016 12:07 PM

Looking at the larger picture, and not just directly at the house, Adair could just barely notice the sphere shape that was made from the dust hitting and awkwardly flowing around the barrier. Were it not for the dust, he wouldn't have noticed it at all. Her barrier was invisible to the naked eye or, rather, anyone that could not detect such things.

"The barrier isn't supposed to let anyone through it," Blayze went on to say. "Emilia set it up to protect the house from intruders."

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/29/2016 6:30 PM

As he listened to Blayze, Adair adjusted his glasses. "I'm sure Emilia accounted for us coming here today," he began. "She has the ability to decide who can and cannot enter through a barrier, even if she is not in the immediate area of it. Did you forget?" Although, it was true that she hadn't brought anything about it up that morning.

Blayze shook his head. "I just thought I would remind you before risking the chance of walking right into it and smacking your handsome face."

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/29/2016 6:54 PM

Having grown so used to it, Adair didn't even react to Blayze's subtle flirting. It still put him on edge, from time to time, but he was beginning to learn to at least appreciate the compliments. "I doubt it will pose in issue. If you're that worried, though, you can always try to pass through the barrier before me?" As in, 'if you don't want me to hit my handsome face, go risk your own face.'

"Fine," Blayze replied. "I'll do just that then!"

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/29/2016 6:57 PM

The red haired man reached back over, taking Adair's hand in his own, and giving it a squeeze. Before the other man could protest, though, he'd already let it go and skipped off toward the barrier. He stopped just short of it, first reaching out with his hand. He was met with no resistance, it was the same as passing through the very air that was all around them. It was as though the barrier did not exist, even though it did.

"What did I tell you?" Adair spoke up, as he walked on to join his companion.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/27/2018 3:26 PM

Adair had been right; which was hardly a surprise to either party. However, Blayze still insisted that being cautious had been the best idea. "It was still better to check. What if you'd gotten hurt by walking right into it, if she just so happened to forget to allow us through, hm? What a terrible thought!"

"Terrible, is right," the blond replied. "It was terrible for you to even think for a moment that she would forget something important."

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/06/2018 2:11 PM

The red head sighed softly. Obviously, he was not implying that Emilia would forget, or was even the type to potentially forget, but even she, as everyone else, was capable of making mistakes. Which, in the end, after the thought went through his head, he voiced, "Even she is capable of making mistakes. She is the one that reminds us of such."

Emilia never wanted her own friends to put her on a pedestal, even if they worked for and served her.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/06/2018 2:33 PM

It was then Adair's turn to sigh, although he only did so internally, before nodding his head. "You're right." They both had faith in Emilia to do what needed to be done, but Blayze was correct in reminding him that even Emilia had insisted not to blindly follow her, and not expect actual perfection out of her. Even though she'd try to live up to their expectations where she could, since they all cared about one another.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/06/2018 2:45 PM

"Your handsome face is safe; that's what's important," Blayze switched gears back to that, as a way to end the more complicated discussion and exchange. Now was hardly the time to be jumping into the depths of that, and questioning how much faith they should have in the mistress.

Adair didn't even offer a response to Blayze's comment; he only looked at the other man and adjusted his glasses. The fact was, he was already aware that it was the man's move to switch gears and, thus, took it for that. No need to fuss about it.

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Re: Cleaning the Old House [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/27/2018 10:24 PM

Since it was settled, the pair of Rooskens proceeded toward the farmhouse. Although the unseen barrier around the house even prevented too much dust from getting through, the porch was still covered in a layer of dust and dirt, having been left unswept for so long. The barrier that Emilia had established to protect their previous residence didn't stop natural forces, just moving, living beings, be it animated, artificial, or otherwise. Bodies were not even required. Even entities without physical forms could not pass through.

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