Home to a variety of cultural backgrounds, Lamenolai is a citadel city with stone walls that encompass the whole city and stone 'guardians.' It is also home to the Headquarters of the Purines, an opposing organization to the Imperialists of Lambastia. (+2 Defense, +2 Fame)

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Postby SirMax » 03/27/2008 11:34 PM

Yukita's face flushed again, something that she was doing more in the few minutes since she'd met with Diego than she had in weeks before she'd met him for the first time. Well, she supposed that she had opened herself to that question. Still, it didn't mean she really wanted to share it. But she had to keep her word.

"It's just... well... I don't really run into many people who are interested in me. But I'm not interested in many people either, so it evens out. But... you know... since none one really comments, I sort of thought maybe... I wasn't that attractive." she looked down in embarrassment. "So, um... who do you live with? Who do you talk to and such back at your pen?"

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Postby Mojave » 03/27/2008 11:59 PM

He nodded at her answer, understanding now why she acted the way she had. It was similar to his life, only instead of silence, he got open unapproval. So he understood that she wouldn't want to discuss it further.

At her question, he chuckled nervously. "Well... my master is Zein Duat. She's a weird... creature." He stumbled over how to descirbe his master. "She's half coyote, half jackal and she's a warrior servant of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, so she's gifted with half of that body. It's really quite funny to see her get around in that shape as she has no back legs and has to half slither half walk." He laughed openly about this, remembering watching Zein get through the house whenever she changed. "As for everyone else, they're too numerable to name at once."

He thought for a few moments about his next question, in the meantime a server came by with Yukita's coffee and inquired if they would like anything to eat.

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Postby SirMax » 03/28/2008 6:09 PM

Yukita raised an eyebrow. "My, that does sound odd. Then again, my master is AWOL 90% of the time, and he only ever seems to show up when there's someone for him to bother. I wonder where he is the rest of the time..." she trailed off, before returning her attention to Diego. She smiled at him warmly, waiting for him to ask a question. This was fun. It was nice to learn things about Diego, and she was glad he wanted to learn about her.

Taking the coffee the waiter brought, Yukita took a sip and flicked through the menu, seeing if there was anything she much liked available. "Ah, I think I'd like a raspberry muffin." she said cheerfully, looking over at Diego. "Do you want anything, de-" she stopped and blinked, turning slightly pink. Had she nearly called Diego "dear"?

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Postby Mojave » 03/29/2008 12:14 AM

He nodded slowly at her description of her own master and couldn't help but think if there was some kind of disease spreading through all the humans in Evelon. A disease of the mind, to clarify.

He looked through his own menu, and at her question looked up. "Um.. I guess some 7 grain pancakes with butter pecan syrup." He then turned back to her, "Where you going to ask me something?" He didn't realize that she had almost called him dear, instead thinking she was going to say his name. Without thinking, he asked a second question, "Why are you blushing?"

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Postby SirMax » 03/29/2008 8:04 PM

Yukita turned a deeper shade of crimson. She waited for the waiter to leave before sheepishly answering the question. This was certainly a mortifying situation already. She didn't need another person watching it. "W-well, you see, when I was asking about what you wanted, I... I nearly called you dear."

Freudian slip, maybe? She did like Diego. He was attractive, but more than that, he was nice- and he respected her, almost completely without thinking about it. Just naturally.

Sensing the onset of an awkward silence, she quickly asked her question to fill the silence. "Um, so tell me, Diego, what sort of thing do you do for fun?" she asked, taking a sip of coffee to hide her face.

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Postby Mojave » 03/31/2008 12:56 PM

Diego had sat in silence after her admission, unsure of how to respond. Dear? Well that was certainly a new experience, being given an endearing name. He blinked several times, trying to find a way to respond to this news, but he just couldn't. He wished he hadn't asked cuz now he'd created this awkward silence. The more the thought about it, the faster he lost control of the 'cool and calm' Diego that was trying to hold on to her affections.

"Well... let's not change the subject, please? We can put this game on hold, right? I m-me-an this is ME that you're calling 'dear' like I'm deserving of it. I'm... it's just... Why?"

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Postby SirMax » 03/31/2008 4:58 PM

Yukita winced slightly. Why did had she answered that? Stupid, stupid, stupid. It was one thing being honest, but another thing bringing up awkward truths that might cause problems early on. "I-I don't know, I just like you, and I felt so natural with you... you know, rather than it being so awkward... so it sort of felt... intimate, being on a date without it being awkward..." she looked down. The date had been awkward at moments, but only by the particular topics. The overall feeling was very comfortable.

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Postby Mojave » 04/01/2008 10:55 PM

Diego was lost for words- Yukita was the first person to take any kind interest in him. Usually he was teased, pushed around, used, abused... only the negative kind of interest was ever shown to him. This was such a relief to the everyday, it was absolutely welcomed.

He had to look away then, because he wanted to cry. It was like a blessing, but he was also afraid... afraid of exactly what he couldn't say. That she was teasing him? That she sounded like someone he could be around for all his life? That she could in fact be the woman he'd sought- the companion for life- but they'd always remain friends? That she'd grow tired of him?

These and other thoughts swirled in his mind, and he could no longer tell if he was happy, scared, sad, or just plain scared, but he knew he couldn't cry- it wasn't the "manly" thing to do. And whatever hopes he had, he wouldn't make her turn away in disgust because he was weak.

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Postby SirMax » 04/06/2008 5:14 PM

Yukita looked at him in confusion. Had she offended him somehow with that...? No, it couldn't be that. She hadn't said anything wrong, she was confident about that, at least. So if she hadn't said anything stupid, what was wrong? Was he just surprised, or was he lost for words and trying to take a moment to compose himself, or was he arranging his words for a response...?

"Diego?" she asked, in a slightly concerned voice. "Are you alright?" it seemed a bit of a silly question to ask, but maybe there was something wrong she didn't know about...

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Postby Mojave » 04/09/2008 1:52 PM

"Yeah.." he sighed, and turned back to her. His eyes glittered, but he kept the tears in check. "It's just... I'm not used to having someone like me." He chuckled sadly. "It's just a first, a very welcomed first." He stood up and began to dig in his pockets. "Now which pocket did I put my wallet in?"

He pulled out a bag of keystones. "Here we are." He placed about 20 on the table and then looked at Yukita. "Um... I don't suppose you'd like to go for a walk? I'm tired of sitting."

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Postby SirMax » 04/10/2008 5:14 PM

Yukita was startled by the glistening in his eyes. Where had that come from? She wondered curiously, but decided against asking. There had to be some reason for it, but she guessed he wouldn't want to explicitly explain. Well, fair enough.

She was again startled when he proposed they leave the cafe. She hadn't even gotten her muffin yet. Well, he must have some kind of reason, after all. She'd gone with that idea before. In for a penny, in for a pound. "Alright." she said, smiling and standing up.

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Postby Mojave » 04/23/2008 4:04 PM

He grinned and moved to clear the chairs out of her way- when a beeper went off in his pocket. His hand fell to his side and his head hung and he sighed. "Hold on just a sec?" He took out a small device and gazed at it. His face fell and he growled.

"Great.. I'm being summoned back home." He put the device in his pocket and turned to look at Yukita, an apology on his lips and helplessness in his eyes. "I can't ignore it, she'll just send someone to come looking for me. Um... maybe I can send word? And we can meet again another day?" He had already taken a few steps away, but he wanted to know if she'd tolerate meeting him again before he answered his master's call.
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Postby SirMax » 05/10/2008 8:53 AM

Yukita looked up at Diego with a bit of distress on her face. "Oh... alright." she said mournfully. "I hope we meet again." she added, smiling at Diego again and standing up for a moment. He was leaving, for now. But she wasn't going to just let Diego run out like that. Stepping towards him, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him, pressing herself against him. Blushing deeply, she pulled away again, leaving a small piece of paper slipped into his pocket. He probably hadn't noticed, but he'd find it eventually. It had contact details for her on it. Watching him leave, she let a smile play on her face. Hopefully, this wouldn't be the last she saw of him.

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