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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2017 4:13 PM

Cassus looked over at her sleeping form with the pups snuggled up to her, and smiled; he would have to go to the market the next day, at least to find out where they needed to go to register, but for the time being he was happy and content being in the house with his little family.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2017 4:16 PM

He sighed, and one of the girl pups whimpered. It warmed his heart when Borealis snaked an arm around the pup to draw her closer, without waking up at all, as if it were purely instinctual. He was worried about the future, of course, and he hadn't forgotten their panic that morning when they thought it was Kale at the door,  but he allowed himself this moment to relax and enjoy his new family.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/30/2017 12:39 PM

The next morning was a hard one; Cassus didn't want to leave, and Borealis was still feeling vulnerable, but the journey had depleted their stores and they needed to register the pups (and themselves) as soon as possible.

With a heavy heart, Cassus dragged himself out of the door, pausing to look back at them as he closed it behind him.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/30/2017 12:41 PM

"Wait!" Borealis called, a thought crossing her mind as the door closed. She had a moment of selfishness, but pushed it aside, knowing he could use the reassurance more.

"Take Ebele with you; at the very least, get her a collar? She'll be able to watch your back, in case anything happens" she said with a small smile.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/30/2017 12:43 PM

Cassus smiled back at her, and beckoned Ebele to follow him through the open door.

Ebele flicked her tongue out and glanced at Borealis and the pups, before shuffling to the door and nuzzling Cassus as she passed.

Cassus closed the door and locked it behind them; he felt more comfortable now that he wasn't alone out in the big city.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/30/2017 12:46 PM

Cassus joined the hustle and bustle of the city, darting through the crowd whenever there was a space. He kept one paw on Ebele's neck at all times, afraid to lose her in the crowd, and he made sure to take note of which streets he passed so as not to lose himself.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/30/2017 1:03 PM

Eventually, Cassus found himself in the Market square, which seemed to be packed with more people and carts than it could fit. Everywhere he looked, he saw carts overflowing with goods, and money changed hands faster than he could follow. He swallowed, nervous now, as he realised he would have to compete with all of this in order to make a living.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/30/2017 1:05 PM

Ebele nuzzled against his hand, and he sighed and rubbed her head. He knew he would have to face the Market when the time came, but he had always been alone and being in such a crowd made him feel weak and anxious. He strode around the edges, taking stock of what was going on, before he spotted a signpost.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/30/2017 1:07 PM

Cassus stared at the sign in relief; it read 'Births, Deaths, Marriages & Registrations' and seemed to be pointing down a neatly kept sidestreet. He had been worried about asking for directions, but now he hurried forward, keen to get the process over with.

As he neared the white stone building, his nerves got the better of him, and he paused to collect himself.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/30/2017 1:10 PM

Cassus took a deep breath, and tried to slow his beating heart down; it felt like it was about to hammer its way out of his chest. He was about to find out whether they could be mated; after all, there was no reason why they couldn't be, but the landlady's reaction had him worried they would be rejected on the grounds that the pups were not his.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/30/2017 1:12 PM

He felt Ebele nuzzle the back of his hand again, and smiled grimly; whether they would be rejected or not, it was time he found out. He strode towards the open doorway with head high and shoulders squared.He felt uncomfortable entering such a building with his ragged clothes, but still pushed himself to the information desk.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/26/2018 6:00 PM

Cassus drew in a deep breath, and leaned toward the female behind the counter.

"Good morning," he said, trying to be polite and keep his nerves at bay. "I hope you can help me; what do you need to register a new lifemating and the - the birth of a litter of pups."
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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/26/2018 6:05 PM

The lady behind the counter frowned at him and sniffed, and Cassus swallowed thickly, trying to stop the nerves from showing. He felt Ebele gently rub her head against his hand, and breathed in through his nostrils, taking comfort in that small gesture that reminded him he was not alone any more.
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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/26/2018 6:10 PM

"We encourage people to register their lifemating before having pups, but I suppose what's already done is done."

Cassus swallowed again and scratched his ear nervously at the look he was receiving from her.

"Is there any doubt they are yours, Mr...?" She said suddenly, narrowing her eyes at him in suspicion.
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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas: Part B (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/26/2018 6:12 PM

Cassus felt his heart beating in his chest; this was the deciding moment, and he was terrified that he was about to lose the little family he hadn't realised he adored until he was already hooked.

For a moment, he considereal lying to her, but he knew that anyone who took one look at the pups would know the truth.
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