Nestled between Barakka and Lambastia, this salty sea's ownership is always under debate. One thing is known though; dangerous currents pass through the sea, sweeping from the northeast down through the southwest outlet. (+3 Speed)

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Return to Ree'ne Sea

Postby Kyrit » 06/21/2012 1:05 AM

Upon hearing the familiar clearing of a throat, Riphest did indeed quickly move away from the man he had, somehow, pinned down. He didn't quite scurry like a scared animal but instead after getting off Asaine he slowly stood up and turned to face their Captain. His teal eye had a tint of fear though, as well as shame, as he stared directly at the Captain - his father. He'd for sure be disappointed in him, if not enraged. While he stood tall, the expression on his face was clearly that of a child that knew they were in trouble. He didn't speak a single word but instead his head drew slightly downward in a bow as well, no longer wanting to make eye contact with his father.

Unlike the other three, Tariet was still lacking common sense in his current state. Though rebellious at times, the Mekkayena would not normally ignore the Captain's presence and would have instantly given him his regards. Instead, hands now free, Tariet pushed himself up off the ground and ran a hand across his bleeding lip. A few chuckles escaped his lips now, grin growing even wider. More of a man than he was? Oh he would love to how her just how much of a man he was. "I knew the Cap'an wouldn't really let a woman on board," he started out, moving closer to her.

"Ridu!" The commotion was quickly stopped with one word, or rather name, from Kyndar's lips. On command, the Fenref came from behind the captain and rushed toward Tariet to grab his arms as one reached out to Spearow, pulling his arms behind him.

"Apologies, Cap'an. The wheel was calling I'm afraid," he called back while pulling the stuggling man away from Spearow with ease. "I'll take 'em down below ta spend some time cooling off. Maybe listenin to Tsig will cool his circuits." Tariet seemed displeased with these words, but even in his current state he somehow knew that pulling away from Ridu would be a terrible idea. The whole while he was being taken away though he was focused on Spearow, even giving another lick of his lips momentarily.

"All four of you," the captain started out as he walked down the steps, holding his arm out for his little pet to climb back on to, "will be spending some time downstairs. I don't know yet what started this quarrel, but I'll talk to each of you individually in time. I expect you all to follow Ridu and allow him to take care of this until I have the chance to come talk to each of you."
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/26/2013 10:14 PM

Despite bowing her head in respect to the captain, Spearow's eyes gave a sideways glance toward Riphest, who had taken a similar position as she. Immediately, she felt bad for getting him involved in all of this. She knew very well that this was likely going to be more difficult for him, out of them all. She suspected that being his son only made the captain even more strict toward him, probably more so than all of the others. At all costs, she would have to try to take the fall for what happened. Previously, she told him that she would, even though he disagreed with her, but she honestly preferred it that way. She'd been on her own since she had made the decision to leave the sea and her life as a mermaid behind, Riphest being the first person to even somewhat understand her. Toward him, she felt indebted, and didn't want to drag him any farther down with her.

Though she had, indeed, tried her very best to ignore Tariet and his laughter, his advances caused her to lift her head and growl quietly in warning. Luckily for them both, he was quickly restrained by Ridu, and she was silently thankful that at least one person on the damn ship still held enough respect for their captain to follow orders. She couldn't say so much for their assailants.

Asaine had risen to his feet when the other man had climbed off of him, dusting himself off before bowing his head, too. Unlike Tariet in that state of his, he could at least appear to be civil and somewhat well mannered in the presence of their captain. With how things stood, he was well aware that it looked like he and his partner looked victimized, which he fully planned to use to his benefit. Hopefully, Tariet would come back to senses to take advantage of it as well. Though, when given instructions, he only nodded. His head was still throbbing from the impact against the hard deck.

Spearow responded with a firm, "Yes, Captain," and immediately moved to follow the  navigator. Already, she was trying to work out their story. She had nothing to hide, other than the fact that she was some mythical creature by their standards, so she was hoping that the truth would be enough explanation, though she wondered just what sort of lies Tariet and Asaine would feed the captain. Certainly, they had blamed their disappearance on the storm, so she could only hope she would be believed when she expressed that they intentionally knocked Riphest overboard. Could the captain not see that half of his crew was corrupt?

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Postby Kyrit » 11/28/2013 3:28 AM

For some it might have been hard to believe that the Captain would have sent his own son to the brig, but over all it didn't seem to phase the crew much. While Kyndar was a rather lax captain, he obviously tried to show as little bias as possible, even if he did have a soft spot somewhere deep down for his son. Riphest bit down on his lip almost hard enough to draw blood, doing his best not to move forward to the captain and try to explain what had happened now. He knew though that if he did this it would only be used against him in the end, so he resigned to follow after Ridu. The navigator did not miss the anger in his eyes though as he made a backward glance to ensure that all three of them were following.

It took a short amount of time before all five of them made it to their destination, met by a gruff looking man with black, spiky hair and stubble lining his jaw. His eyes fell first on Tariet, as his hands were still held tightly behind his back as he'd been forced to walk in front of Ridu the entire time just to make sure he didn't snap on anyone again. He raised an eyebrow though as his eyes moved on back to the other three that had been brought down. Was the whole damn crew coming down here to have a party and ruin his silence.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" he finally broke the silence.

Ridu gave a smirk and followed up, "Cap'an though' you could use some company? Might want to put this one in a cell on his own. He got pretty riled up." He ignored a sharp glare from his captive and just continued talking to Tsig, "Guess it wouldn' hurt ta put them all in individual cells, really. Caused all sorts of trouble on deck, so the cap'an will be coming down to get each of them later."

Riphest listened to them both ramble for a bit longer with a heavy heart, giving an apologetic glance toward Spearow since it seemed like they weren't even going to be allowed in the same cell. At least that meant that the other two weren't as well, and that neither of them would be put in a cell with one of them. Everything was in close vacinity though, so it wasn't like any of them would be away from ear shot of one another.

Tariet was first to find himself in one of the cells since there was the highest concern about him. All of the others were left to individually enter one of the open cells, which Tsig would make sure to lock up behind them. Getting ready to leave, Ridu gave a glance at them all and then at Tsig once again to comment, "Feel free to give 'em an earful. Not that they won't hear one from the cap'an I'm sure."
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/03/2013 3:51 AM

The female pirate had obediently followed Ridu without complaint or so much as an unpleasant look in her eyes, her face nearly void of all emotion. If one thing was true about Spearow, it was that she usually very much respected the pirate's code, thus, showed respect when it came to her captain's orders. There were, of course, the occasional deviations, but that wasn't commonly anything to bring any harm or disrespect to anyone. She would only defend herself when absolutely necessary, she didn't pick fights, but trouble and conflicts always seemed to come to her solely based on her gender. Oh, how she had come to hate most men for the trouble they caused her. Life really never could be as simple or enjoyable as she wanted it to be.

Thankful that, at the very least, Tariet and Asaine were separated from Rip and herself, Spearow entered into her own cell wordlessly. She gave little reaction to the look the first mate gave her, only the corner of her mouth turned up in a slight smile. He didn't have to be apologetic with the outcome. As she had said many times, none of this was really his fault. It had all been caused by Tariet and the others, Rip had technically only done his job to try to keep things in order, though that had landed them in even more dangerous waters.

She entered her own cell, sitting herself down on the floor without wasting a moment, flicking stray strands of red hair out of her face with vague annoyance. There was little point in standing, wondering what was going to happen next. It would have just been a waste of energy, although, admittedly, she was hoping that Tsig would allow them to speak at some point, if only to pass the time.

Asaine appeared nearly as agitated as his cohort, but allowed himself to be locked up in a cell without any unnecessary fuss. Causing a racket now would only bring them more unwanted trouble. They had to appear as if they were the innocent ones, the ones telling the truth, which he tried to portray with his obedient behavior. He did, however, glare across to Riphest as he settled in, still feeling the remnants of his throbbing head.

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Postby Kyrit » 12/03/2013 4:32 AM

With four crew members now stuck in cells and one watching over them, there weren't many crew members to tend to the deck or anything of the sort. He would probably eventually be needed on deck, but for the time being Tsig would be around to reprimand them and make sure they settled in for a nice stay in the brig. The initial plan had been to nag them for a while, but Tsig had caught the stain of blood on Tariet's busted lip and couldn't help but let a chuckle out once Ridu had finally left the room.

"So," he broke the deafening silence that had come about the room with a fanged grin. "Which one 'a ya did that?" The quick slight tilt of his head that he gave toward Tariet was an indication to the others of what he was talking about. He leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up against the wall, "Gotta be a damned fool if ya ask me."

He knew that no reply would come from the Mekkayena himself, having caught the gleam of blue that glared his way momentarily. He did make a small note of the cautious glance given toward Spearow from Riphest though. This was enough to tell him the woman had managed to do it, to which he couldn't help but give a small chuckle, but he still awaited an answer from the group as a whole.
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/03/2013 7:27 AM

Breathing a sigh of relief that Ridu had taken his leave, if only because that entailed that they were one small step closer to having things settled, Spearow continued not to make eye contact with much of anyone, especially not their attackers. However, when Tsig spoke up with an open question, her reddish eyes shifted to him. She noted the tilt of his head, motioning toward Tariet and his evident injury. The woman remained silent at first, not missing the glance that Riphest had given her, knowing that it ultimately gave her away.

Asaine didn't speak, although the man was attempting to weave some sort of statement together that would pin the blame entirely on the other two. Until someone else spoke, he would follow Tariet's lead, not revealing the details yet.

The silence remained between the group, until she cleared her throat and eyed Tsig with a smirk, answering evenly, loud and clear, "Then I must be a damned fool." It was difficult not to chuckle as she admitted this, because she truly was glad that the awful man that was Tariet had sustained at least some mild injury for what he had put both her and Rip through. Though, saying this, it hopefully pinned more of the troubles on her rather than on the first mate. "If I am attacked, I will defend myself if I have to." Spearow tended to put up with a lot because of her gender and unusual superstitions, but there was only so much she would take. On a lighter note, she continued with, "So, how has the food been without me around to cook? I can't imagine it has been very edible," leaving little room for anyone else to interject.

The Leebra had opened his mouth to speak, to deny that Spearow had been defending herself, but was effectively cut off as she continued on, already shocked enough that she openly admitted what she had done. How could she possibly go on making jokes? Was she not afraid of the consequences? Up until now, Asaine's impression of her had been someone that liked to appear perfectly perfect toward the Captain and those of higher ranking than her own, something of a brown noser.

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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby Kyrit » 10/01/2017 9:34 PM

While he wasn't going to openly admit it, Tsig respected that Spearow spoke up and admitted that it had been her. Granted, he also still thought she had to have been crazy to pull a stunt like that.

To her question, he gave a shrug. "Could'a been worse. I ain't the best cook, but it ain't killed no one at least. Anything's good enough to eat with enough beer or rum, yeah?" With how rarely he had visitors down here, it'd fallen on him to pull the slack while she was gone. Really basic food, but it had been food none the less.

"Maybe I should ask the cap'n to punish you for making me work so hard?" While the question was meant in jest, it would be easy for her to mistake otherwise.
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Re: Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/21/2019 3:50 AM

Spearow was actually surprised to hear that Tsig had been the one to cook in her absence, but, sure enough, that meant that no one had keeled over yet, at least. They were being fed and making it just fine. Not that they were gone for that long to begin with.

It was difficult to tell if he was being serious or not with his last comment, but the woman decided to operate on the idea that maybe it wasn't. And, even if it was, maybe he'd still take the deal she proposed, "How about instead of giving me that sort of punishment, I make your meals up real nice from now on to make it up to you?"

While she spoke, she never even glanced toward Riphest, intentionally leaving him out of this and keeping the attention on herself. In spite of the situation, she even ventured to ask, "Any interesting news while I was out?"

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