The Fe'gan Mountains are the highest, coldest mountains Lambastia has to offer, with the highest peak recorded at 8589 m (28,179 ft). Only the toughest creatures survive here, and the trek to get to the Basantha Shrine lays through these harsh conditions. (+3 Endurance)

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Return to Fe'gan Mountains

[16] [4]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/10/2019 3:54 AM

Earthstrike had to admit he never set paw inside the leader's den. It was meant for the leaders, their mate, and specific Kuhnas in the clan. Even Scarcrown, the offspring of the former leader, had barely ever been in this place, stepping inside only to report things back when necessary.

The place was spacious, and the amount of bedding made it look like the coziest nest in the camp. Justifiably so, Earthstrike figured.

He had expected Scarcrown to sit or lie down, to get comfortable, but his leader just turned around to face him, looking somewhat tense — or was it uncertainty that Earthstrike could pick up from him?
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[17] [5]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/10/2019 3:59 AM

Before Earthstrike could urge his leader on, Scarcrown took a deep breath. "I need you to go on a mission for me," he declared.

Silence. It took a moment for Earthstrike to understand what this could imply. "What do you mean?" he asked, his eyes widening a little.

Scarcrown frowned, and he looked down, staring at the bedding at his feet. "We don't belong here," he whispered, but without giving up any emotion on his voice — anger, indignation, fear.

Earthstrike waited for his leader to elaborate. He wanted to ask his question a second time, but he had a feeling he knew what Scarcrown was referring to. "I thought that was fairy tales," he admitted in a whisper.
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[18] [6]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/10/2019 4:06 AM

Scarcrown whipped his head up, his eyes glaring at his interim. "It's not," he hissed. "My mom complained about it, and my grandparents before her, and her own grandparents, and their own ancestors." He had been but a kit when he could first remember when his parents had expressed concerns for him. Whether he would survive, or if starvation or the elements would get to him first.

Earthstrike flattened his ears. "But where would we go?" he asked quietly, and he looked around; as if he were expecting another Kuhna to walk in on them at any moment. "Where could we go?" Things were hard here, but they lived in peace. Would it be wise to leave everything behind for the hope they would find somewhere better?
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[19] [7]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/10/2019 4:12 AM

Scarcrown raised his chin high. "Back where we come from," he announced with confidence. "Where our ancestors came from. Where the seer is, where the Tree is." Tales and stories passed down from one generation to another: tales his parents had told him about.

Earthstrike looked at him with shock, eyes wide and mouth agape. "But we don't even know where that is!" he gasped. And yet, that wasn't even the only concern he had with Scarcrown's idea.

Scarcrown shook his head. "We do know. Our parents, and their parents, and their parents... they all told us those stories. By the Vast Plains, and Roraldi Forest." He took a slow, deep breath. "Where we belong."
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[20] [8]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/10/2019 4:16 AM

Earthstrike gritted his teeth and sunk his claws in the bedding beneath them. "Scar, I don't know," he admitted, trying to find words to express his worries. "I know things are hard here, but—"

"Hard?" Scarcrown interrupted him. "You think starving every winter is hard?" he asked. "You think losing healthy Kuhnas to the elements is hard?" By this time, he was starting to step towards Earthstrike, taking one menacing step after another. "You think losing all those Kuhnas to that avalanche is hard?"

Earthstrike felt like shrinking under his leader's approach, despite holding his ground. However, he kept his mouth shut. He knew better than to talk back, in that moment.

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[21] [9]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 6:53 PM

With no acceptable reply, only silence stood between them. At this point, Earthstrike figured it would be of no help for him to speak now.

After a moment, Scarcrown sighed, and then relaxed. He looked down at the ground, his eyes small and pensive. "We don't belong here," he repeated, a bit more gently this time, as he raised his eyes to look back at Earthstrike. "We belong where we come from. From Roraldi. Where there's no fatal elements like we have here, stuck in-between Wilt'no and the Fe'gan Mountains."

They were friends. Friends who had known each other since they had been but tiny Kuhna kits. And Earthstrike knew that, even if they disagreed, whatever Scarcrown had in mind, he wouldn't have entrusted it to any other Kuhna but Earthstrike.
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[22] [10]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 6:56 PM

Earthstrike sighed softly. "What do you have in mind?" he asked, finally, and keeping his voice level. He still had a lot of doubts over where Scarcrown was trying to say, but he would give his new leader and his closest friend the benefit of the doubt. "Moving the whole group back to Roraldi? It's much too far from here. What about the older Kuhnas? The babies?"

Scarcrown shook his head. "Not quite... not yet," he clarified. "I want to move the clan back, but not so blindly. You're not wrong. Even though it's so hard here, it's peaceful. And familiar." He closed his eyes. "We don't know what lies back near Roraldi."
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[23] [11]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 7:04 PM

Earthstrike waited. He was glad that grief and pressure wasn't getting to Scarcrown's head so much that he would consider moving an entire group of Kuhnas away from their home. Although that was the end goal, his leader was planning to go about it logically, and safely.

When Scarcrown opened his eyes, determination shined in them. "Earthstrike, there's something I need you to do. And you're the only one I know can do this for me."

Earthstrike was surprised by the strength in his leader's words. A genuine trust, determined that his thoughts were correct. They almost carried a sort of admiration to them; and with such strong feelings, how could Earthstrike say no? "What is it?"
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[24] [12]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 7:11 PM

When asked, Scarcrown almost hesitated. "I want you to go," he said softly, and then with more confidence, he added, "I want you to go out there and find our old home. I want you to find out if going back is possible, and to find the best route to get there."

Earthstrike's shock reflected throughout his face. "What?" he gasped in complete disbelief. "You want me to do this alone?" The idea sounded daunting enough.

Scarcrown calmly shook his head. "Of course not," he clarified. "But I want you to be in charge of this. I want you to observe the clan and find out which Kuhnas you can bring with you. You'll need a fast runner, and you'll need an Oracle, if you get hurt." There was a short pause before he added, "And anyone else you think would be an asset to the journey."
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[25] [13]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 7:17 PM

Earthstrike frowned with concern. "Shouldn't you be the one picking the Kuhnas?" he whispered hesitantly. "Why leave it up to me?" Sure, he carried the title of interim now, but that was far from him being a leader. "And what about the fact you won't have an interim if I leave? Won't the clan be angry?"

Judging by Scarcrown's collected expression, Earthstrike figured the leader had expected resistance and questions. "Because I won't be traveling with those Kuhnas: you will," he explained. "I want you to know for a fact, for yourself, that they're the ones you need. And I trust your judgement." As for the other question, Scarcrown tilted his head. "Whether they'll be angry or not, doesn't matter. It's for the good of the whole clan that I'm sending you on this mission. Whiskerdew is still here; I won't be completely alone."
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[26] [14]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 7:25 PM

Earthstrike tried to think of something else, something that he could say to tell Scarcrown about his doubts and fears towards this plan. "I'm not..." He trailed off, and he took a deep breath. "I'm not sure I know what you want me to do," he admitted at last. "What do I do if I make it to Roraldi? What do I need to look out for?" Once he would set out, that would be it: he wouldn't have Scarcrown around to ask for clearer instructions. They had to put everything down right now.

Scarcrown gave it some thought. "I want to find out if Kuhnas still live there," he said after a moment. "If the forest is still there. If it looks like it might be safer than here, more livable." After putting it all down, he straightened up. "I want to know if it's worth it to move back."
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[27] [15]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 7:33 PM

Scarcrown waited for Earthstrike's answer, for further questions. When his interim only remained silent, Scarcrown asked a question of his own: "Will you go?" If Earthstrike truly refused to do this, Scarcrown would begrudgingly try to find another Kuhna to do this. In his heart, though, only Earthstrike could do this.

Perhaps it had been the strength of their bond. Perhaps it had been the genuine trust Scarcrown had in Earthstrike, the faith that only he could lead this party of Kuhnas through such a journey.

Finally, Earthstrike closed his eyes, and took a moment to breathe. "I'll go," he promised. Opening his eyes, he asked, "When do you want me to leave?"
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[28] [16]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 7:38 PM

The joy that light up in Scarcrown's face when Earthstrike agreed was almost overwhelming. "Not right now," Scarcrown said, a bit of a chuckle in his voice. "As soon as you can, but I need you to find out who you want to take with you." With a musing tone to his voice, he added, "Maybe others who think we ought to live in a better place, and where we come from."

Earthstrike nodded his understanding. "Fine," he agreed. With all the happiness he could feel coming from Scarcrown, he was almost excited, himself. "I'll do my best. I'll let you know who I decide to take with me. I want to make sure you agree, too."
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[29] [17]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 7:50 PM

"Of course," Scarcrown agreed, and with that settled, he started to purr. "Thank you, Earthstrike," he said, emotion in his voice. "This was important to my parents too. It was on their minds a lot," he confessed. "Now that they're gone, I want to make sure I make it happen: for our sake, and for theirs, too."

Before his friend could say anything, Scarcrown stepped forward and touched noses with Earthstrike. "I trust you," Scarcrown said to him. "With my life. If any Kuhna here can lead this party to success, it's you."

Earthstrike was taken aback by Scarcrown's raw show of affection. After the initial shock, though, the brown Kuhna returned the gentle gesture. "It means a lot that you trust me like this," he said, his leader's trust both welcomed and stressful. "I'll do my best. For everyone's sake."
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[29] [18]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/16/2019 7:57 PM

After their discussion, Earthstrike headed outside the den, back to the camp, and back to the others. Standing just outside the leader's den, his mind started working overtime.

Now on his own, Scarcrown's mission started weighing down on him. Who should he take with him? How was he supposed to find out which Kuhnas would be the best for this mission? It was best for him to keep this mission between him and Scarcrown for now, but maybe he would get to share their intentions with Kuhnas Earthstrike would judge good picks for the journey.

A fast runner, and an Oracle: those had been Scarcrown's only specific requirements. Otherwise, Earthstrike had full discretion as to who could come along.

And those he would pick would shape their success — or their failure.

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