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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:36 PM

But nothing happened. Nothing touched him and as his vision regained focus all he could see in the pool was his waterskin resting against the bottom, a few fish swimming about, and his own reflection. Was he hallucinating the voice, or had it come from somewhere behind him? Did he even dare to turn around and see if it had come from behind him? He wouldn’t have to answer that question as he felt the ground quiver ever so slightly beneath him. Something had definitely stepped closer from behind him. Just how close though?
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:36 PM

“No need to be afraid, you’re safe here,” The voice called again. “I’m sorry if I startled you, but I grew tired of simply watching.”

He could trust those words, right? If they had wanted to kill him they did have plenty of time to have done so before now. His hands still trembled as Friend slowly pushed himself first to his knees and then managed to shakily hoist himself to his feet. His legs wanted to give out on him, but he knew he had to pull himself together. His eyes fixated on the waterskin only briefly, hoping he would remember to grab that at a later point before he turned around to greet the unexpected visitor.
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:36 PM

An even more unexpected visitor than he’d thought. He knew he hadn’t seen any sign of bipedal lifeforms, but as his eyes landed on scales and slowly began to venture upward his heart began racing once again. There was a good three feet at least between him and the beast’s shoulder, let alone its head. Finally his eyes came to meet with its as he staggered back a step. Was this. A dragon? He’d heard of them, but certainly never seen one with his own eyes. It was terrifying, yet at the same time…. Amazing. He could feel his legs quivering again at her mere presence, but at the same time… he didn’t feel scared.
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:37 PM

“I-” his voice cut out on him. His throat was so dry after walking for so long, not to mention the onset of a panic attack he’d been having before she stepped forth. He did his best to clear his throat. Not that it’d really help. What was he supposed to tell a dragon about how he wandered right in to its den? And how was he going to do that when his throat felt like razors? His gaze tore back to the pool briefly, debating on if he should venture to drink before responding or not.
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:37 PM

The ground shook beneath him as the dragon settled on the ground, as if preparing to listen to his story. “Take all the time you need,” she began as her tail curled around from behind, now blocking less of the entrance. “We have as long as needed, and you seem to be in no shape to run back in to the desert. I’ll tell you now,” there was a pause as she smiled, “you wouldn’t have made it here if you hadn’t been led, little one. I doubt you’ll make it back without help either. Rest as long as you should need, though do please tell me all about yourself. I’ve met so few Tabaxi, and I’ve never seen one come all the way out here.”
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:38 PM

This was far from the expected turn of events, but Friend knew there was certainly no way he was in any position to deny her a chat. Admittedly, he was also now curious about exactly what she had said. If he hadn’t been led? Had those footprints somehow been her doing? Question after question began to fill his head, but he knew he was unable to ask them right now. First, a drink. Back to the task he had failing at before she had showed up. He turned away, fully trusting now that it was safe to take his sight off of her. Instead he stared back down at the water once again.
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:38 PM

His fears were eased slightly now, knowing that the dragon intended him no harm. Surely that meant it would allow nothing within its lair that meant a potential guest harm. That was what he had to tell himself as he knelt back down and forced himself to thrust his hand beneath the ripples to take hold of the waterskin again. The familiar feeling of the fish nibbling at his hand returned, though it wasn’t so bad this time. He still felt a little dizzy reaching so deep in to the water, but this time he was able to retrieve it and pull the container to his lips, downing half the container within seconds.
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:38 PM

“Please don’t consider me rude, but happened I noticed this last time as well. Are you perhaps… Afraid of the water?”

It wasn’t the voice itself that startled him this time as Friend’s ears darted back momentarily, catching on her words. His ears hung low against his head as he slowly turned back to the dragon, wiping stray droplets of water from his lips. “It’s…. A long story that I’d rather not talk about if that’s alright.” His eyes did not meet hers this time, gazing unfocused toward the ground this time.
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:39 PM

“That is alright.”

His body instinctively jumped ever so slightly as he felt a claw press beneath his chin, pushing against it to bring his head upward to look at her again. “Visitors are few and far between, at least the non-hostile sort, around here. It leaves one such as myself with little to do, and none to chat with. As long as you will tell me at least a little bit about yourself, I will not press the matter with the water. Perhaps we could start with our names at least, little one? I am Vadra.”
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:39 PM

It was reassuring that she didn’t press him about his fears, and her voice was soothing on the ears. Able to put his fears behind him once again, the Tabaxi thrust out a hand upward, reaching out toward her, as if to shake. Perhaps that would be a bit much to ask, considering the great size difference between the two of them, but it didn’t stop him.

“I’m Friend of Fl-” A brief cut-off. It’d been well over a year now, possibly closer to two even, and he was still getting used to that adjustment. “Friend of Foe, from the Foe Woods. I know you asked question first… but I can’t help but ask. What did you mean by me being led here?” Perhaps it was rude to ask a question before responding to hers, but he needed to know.
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:40 PM

The claw that had been used to lift him chin moved to graze his hand, her other claws beginning to wrap around it as if to return the gesture of the handshake. Before the claws met flesh though they began to morph, and looking closer Vadra’s entire body was beginning to change before his eyes. It was… admittedly a little unsettling at first, yet at the same time very interesting to watch as her body became much smaller, scales melting and giving way to flesh. Eventually, before him stood a sight much more common among the woods. Humanoid in form with pointed ears, standing at perhaps a few inches shorter than himself - maybe 5”11? Was she perhaps actually an elven druid that had shifted in to the shape of a dragon to scare off any potential threat? That didn’t really make any sense, he’d never heard of a druid able to take on the form of a dragon of all things.
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:40 PM

Her hand intertwined with his now, giving it a gentle shake. He could feel the warmth radiating from her grip. Not just that, her smile was so warm, so welcoming. Honestly, he couldn’t say he’d felt this sort of welcome since he’d left home. It almost pained him to feel her let go of his hand, pulling it back to herself.

“Yes, Friend, I guided you here. When one’s lived long enough you learn several tricks. Tricks to prevent foes from finding your lair and tricks to ensure what you want found is found.”
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Re: Meeting of a Lifetime

Postby Kyrit » 04/19/2019 5:41 PM

She turned from him now, giving a small wave of her hand for him to follow. “Let us continue our talk in the conversation hall. For any question of mine that you answer I will gladly answer one of yours. I hope you have many stories to tell.”

As Vadra continued on all he could do for a few moments was stare after her, still in utter awe. A dragon…. A dragon. Right in front of him. It had guided him of all people here, welcomed him in to its lair with open arms. His heart was pounding once again, this time with excitement. His feet finally began moving on their own, bounding forward to catch up to her. Now this would be a story to tell to Wonder.
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