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What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:17 PM

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"...We're doin' what now?" The very softly colored wolf pup would finally ask with an irritated huff after having gotten dragged away from a fisherman's haul that he'd been eyeing just a short while ago. He may or may not have been planning on stealing a few choice fish from that particular pile just before he'd gotten snatched away...

But now that plan's fallen on the wayside, with zero regards for Lukas' poor poor stomach that was definitely rumbling away now with nothing to fill the empty void, all the little guy could do was get dragged away to god knows where.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:18 PM

"Come on. We've got work to do."

That was all the information Lukas had gotten from the all too familiar annoying voice just before he'd get suddenly pulled away from a really good looking Inessi he had found in the pile. His teeth were just mere inches away from it too! But alas, his hopes of enjoying the delicious taste of fresh fish were dashed in that moment.

Naturally he would start making a fuss as soon as that had happened, but the freakishly tall black skinned brute wouldn't give a damn and just let the pup simply wear himself out.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:20 PM

In the meantime, that so called brute would focus on his own thoughts as he made his way through the port. Yes... if all that captain had needed was some information about the whereabouts of the crew, and whatever was going on out at sea, Midnight felt confident that it could be done.

Ever since he'd heard about it, the dragon had started forming his very own plan for those mysterious underwater creatures that the pirate had mentioned.

If his assumptions were correct, these aquatic beings hiding beneath the surface of the water out at sea were something new that hadn't been properly witnessed before - on account that anyone that may have encountered them before this recent incident were quickly drowned shortly after - then this meant they were rare. Rare meant good money with the right connections. They were also a complete mystery, which sent the deep curiosity quivering down into in his very soul that needed satisfying.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:20 PM

To accomplish this particular deed, he was going to have to do some gathering of his own in preparation. This also meant he was going to work on both this and his main task independently from the pirate crew during all of it. Having them catch wind of his current scheme just wouldn't do at all, so it was better for him to steer clear of them in the meantime.

When the annoying pup had finally calmed down enough for him to explain, he lifted up his arm to raise Lukas out over the water towards the sea."There." He stated simply. "We're going out to check up on something in those waters."

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:21 PM

For all the trouble Midnight had caused him in regards to lunch, Lukas most certainly expected an answer of some sort. It wouldn't justify him missing out on a bite to eat, but at least he'd know where he was getting taken to against his will.

Thing is though, him getting lifted up to now be precariously hanging over the edge of the port was definitely NOT what he had in mind when he picture how this would play out. "W-Whoa whoa whoa, hey! I'm not okay with this!" He would start yapping anxiously as soon as he noticed what was happening, flailing his legs uselessly about in the air.

The only thing between him and that salty water, was the dark fingers curled around not only golden fur, but also the stupid harness that he'd been forced to wear.

He didn't trust that hand one bit in this situation.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

Zoo PenImp. DocsWishlistJournal
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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:21 PM

An otherworldly series of giggles would quickly cut in, as if amused by the spectacle. Truly, the wolf looked absolutely ridiculous to the hidden observer. "S-Shut up!" Lukas would snap at the voices, turning his head as far as he could to bare his teeth towards the mirror hanging from Midnight's waist. A moment after there was a flash of color, and he could've sworn that it was mocking him now. God he hated that thing!

But Midnight would simply ignore it. The two never got along anyway, so there was no point in doing anything about them. Instead he would dump the wolf back onto solid wood again. "I have to go and find us a ship, and secure a few essentials. I need you, he pointed a finger at the pup, "to do something for me."

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:21 PM

Just as soon as he had been dangled over the water, he had been just a quickly tossed back onto the port where he belonged. It was a rough landing as he landed awkwardly against the flat surface and let out a small "oof!", but hey, at least he wasn't in danger anymore. No more than usual anyway...

Which wasn't saying very much, as now the brute clearly wanted him to do something. As soon as he had gotten himself back up, a slender finger was being shoved in his face. He was awfully tempted by the thought of biting that finger, for all the trouble and annoyance its owner caused him. "Oh yeah? And what's that!?" He snapped back defiantly.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:22 PM

Hmph. Clearly the pup still hadn't lost his spunk, and had absolutely no manners or respect for his master. Midnight was going to have to work on that eventually to get him to behave better.

But that would have to come later, as there was no time at the moment for any training, or getting into a pointless argument with the pup.

"You are going to go do some spying for me." He responded flatly, ignoring the attitude from Lukas. "There's a band of pirate nearby at this port, commanded by a Captain West. I need to make sure they don't find out what I'm doing. So you're going to be keeping a close eye on them for now."

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:24 PM

Oh, wonderful. Just wonderful.

Lukas had heard plenty of stories about pirates before and what they're like. None of them good. So he already knew he was going to be in for a great time doing this brute's dirty work... I'm gonna be dead meat for sure. He thought darkly.

"Just don't get caught." Midnight would add in a moment after, practically insulting him. "And don't go stealing anything you grubby furball. I'll feed you later." With that, the dragon currently disguised in his humanoid form quickly left, disappearing into the crowd to go do who knows what.


Now all alone, he flopped down right where he was and let out a heavy sigh. The rumblies in his tummy further reminding him of his hunger. "He actually expects me to find pirates with only a name?" He grumbled, staring out at the sea.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 07/28/2019 11:32 PM

It's not like he even had a choice in the matter either... No matter what, Midnight would always surely get his way, and Lukas just had to follow along like an obedient dog.

Raising up his head to look down at his chest, Lukas would take a claw to hook it onto the infernal harness that snugly fit against his body and tugged on it lightly. A constant reminder that he could never get away, not with the inherit risk that would be involved if he chose to do such a thing.

He didn't want to think about it...

So like an obedient dog, he lifted himself up off the ground and slowly walked off. Doing whatever he could to track down these pirates and do what he was told.

[Wild Pet Found]

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 08/04/2019 9:15 PM

Having left the pup to his task, it was up to Midnight to do all the other work. While he was making his way through the port, he would be keeping an eye out for anything that he was going to need.

But now where could he go to get himself a ship around here? Obviously this was a port, so of course there'd be tons of ships coming and going through here. That part wasn't the issue here. The real trouble was finding the right one, commanded by the right individual that Midnight could convince to go out to sea with him and quietly haul back anything they catch to a safe location.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 08/04/2019 9:21 PM

It would be just his luck that this would all have to happen in a place he wasn't completely familiar with yet...

Without any of the reliable connections he could depend on to get this job done, Midnight was just going to have to make do with whatever he could get his hands on. "Excuse me..." He started with as he tried getting the attention of a random man. They didn't really look like the type to be sailing around out at sea, but there was still a chance they might know something useful.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 08/04/2019 9:34 PM

Interrupted from what they were doing, the random man turned to face Midnight with a particularly sour look on his face, which quickly changed into an odd look when the man gave him a quick once over. He could only assume that the look had a lot to do with his current appearance not perfectly matching up with what an average human looked like.

"Wha'dya want?" The man responded gruffly, moving on from whatever thoughts may have crossed his mind to deal with the stranger.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 08/04/2019 9:57 PM

Midnight would visibly narrow his eyes at the man, as the look he was given clearly didn't go unnoticed, but otherwise no remarks would be made about it as he continued with what he was going to say. "Mmm, yes, do you know of someone I could speak to about a ship? I currently require one." This man didn't need to know more than that. Unless it ended up being necessary, Midnight would opt for not getting into any specifics about what he was up to with anyone he spoke to.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: What Lies Beneath [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 08/04/2019 10:15 PM

"A ship?" The man would scratch at his scraggly beard as he spent a moment thinking about it. "Hmm... There might be one of two of 'em around here, though the names be escapin' me at the moment..." Ah, Midnight was pretty familiar with that line, and already knew where the man was going with this. So to speed things up before they could say another word, he would pull out some coin from his coat. "Just give me the names, and you can have this."

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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