A very strange place indeed, this Shrine to the Holy Triumvirate is nestled within the icy peaks of the Fe'gan Mountains. You will find the warmth of spirituality here, together with works of great sculptural design based on the Holy Triumvirate religion. (+2 Fame)

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Return to Basantha Shrine

Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/18/2016 1:04 AM

Bali gazed in awe at the imposing shrine ahead, as the creaking of the wheels grew fainter. The coach (little more than a wagon with a blanket over it) had agreed to drop her at the base of the path, for it would go no further up the side of the mountain. The snow lay in thick piles on either side of the road, and the building loomed over it all, seeming fierce against the snowflakes which fell from the sky.

Bali sighed and shivered; she had brought her cold weather clothing, but the village was not used to such extremes of weather and the woven material was woefully thin. She paused to tighten the straps of her backpack, before beginning the slow ascent to the shrine doors.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/18/2016 1:12 AM

Her breath came out as little puffs of steam, and seemed to hang in the air for a moment. As she climbed, Bali thought back to the reason she was here; the issue which was affecting her life so deeply, it would give her cause to leave everything behind in the hope of finding a solution.

She had been chaos-marked from birth, and with it came the standard issues. Not just the stigma, not just the exasperation from everyone who thought she should just control herself; the influence of the chaos markings affected her more deeply than that.

Bali paused a moment to catch her breath and look down over the winding path below; she dared not to tarry too long, lest her chaos awaken.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:02 PM

She made it to the door of the shrine, and paused, uncertain about what would await her within, but painfully aware of the dropping temperature. The coach (if it could even be called that) would not return for another week, at least, and she would perish if she did not find shelter by nightfall. The mountain was unforgiving, and many who had sought the shrine and the teachings of those who dwelled here had never returned to their homes.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:05 PM

Bali sighed once more, her breath condensing on the cool metal of the ring hanging from the door in front of her. Ears back, she raised her hand and knocked firmly, startling herself with how loud it seemed in the surrounding silence. The snow lay in piles all around, and she grit her teeth together, willing them not to chatter and wishing she had more layers on. She had been so desperate for help, she had barely thought beyond finding a way to the shrine, and now she was paying for it.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:08 PM

Bali bowed her head as a young male dressed in what she assumed were traditional monk robes pulled the door open. "Good evening" she muttered, trying to avoid letting her teeth chatter; "I have come seeking help for my - for a problem I have. I respectfully request aid and sanctuary from you".

She paused, hoping he had understood her; her eyes grew wide as she realised he may not agree to let her in, and she shut them tightly as another shiver passed through her trembling limbs.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:21 PM

Bali felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked up in surprise. The monk smiled, and let go of her shoulder before beckoning her into the shrine, shutting the door behind her. She shivered as she looked around; whichever gods the monks worshipped, it wasn't the Holy Triumvitrate, and their unfamiliar statues cast long shadows in the flickering light from the oil lamps and open flames in the raised stone basins. The floor underfoot was polished, and the air was thick with sweet incense.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:24 PM

The monk waved her to follow, and Bali kept behind him, taking in the intricately decorated carvings on the stone pillars and the tapestries which hung on the walls, depicting some sort of ancient battle. She shivered as they passed under the eyes of a statue which she did recognise, the marble relief almost coming to life to watch her as she passed, and coughed as the mingled incense smoke choked her, disorienting her as her guide seemed to melt into the darkness.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:31 PM

A hand on her shoulder startled her, and she felt herself being steered until she came to an open window. She leaned forward with her hands on the window sill, and greedily gulped in the fresh mountain air, though the cold stung as she inhaled. She shook her head, and as she pulled her head back inside and turned to her guide she found the incense smoke had dissipated somewhat. She wondered idly what it would look like billowing out above the snow.

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:34 PM

Not for the first time, she wondered if she was getting herself into something dangerous, but there was nowhere else for her to go. She followed her guide as he led her deeper into the halls, not bothering to try to memorise the way - she knew her issues intimately, and knew that while she wouldn't remember if she tried, if her chaos took over it wouldn't matter anyway - nothing ever did, until she regained control and saw the damage she had caused.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:39 PM

She could feel it, lurking on the edge of her conciousness, testing her resolve. She tried to strengthen her will, picking up the pace to walk alongside her guide before he stopped and opened a door, motioning for her to enter ahead of him.

She found herself in a small, circular room with a bed, desk, wash basin and chest of drawers arranged around the room, and a roaring fire below what appeared to be a hollow chimney.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:41 PM

She turned to thank him, and he waved at her before pointing at the wash basin and bed; he then closed the door, and Bali noticed a key on the inside of the keyhole, which set her a little more at ease - if they meant her harm, surely they wouldn't have given her the means to keep them out, after all. She turned the key in the lock and tested the door, smiling a little when it wouldn't budge.

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:46 PM

She undressed, shivering as the feeling began to return to her fingers and toes, and washed herself in the basin, sighing in relief as the warm water soothed the sting she had been feeling since the coach had brought her to the mountain. Looking closer, she noticed the pipes running into the stone, and yelped when she touched them - they were hot, and she supposed either water or steam was used to heat the water for the basin and keep the room warm.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:48 PM

She put on some clean underwear from her backpack, and a long-sleeved robe which she found in the chest of drawers. It seemed to be fur-lined and very soft, but it had obviously been intended for someone much taller than her - it reached her ankles, and she had to turn the cuffs up four times before her hands were exposed, but it was much better than the clothes she had been wearing. They had been damp from the snow even before she had reached the shrine.

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:52 PM

She pulled the chair from the desk closer to the fire, and hung her clothes up to dry, resting her backpack on the seat after pulling out the remains of her travelling supplies - half a waterskin, a small jar of nuts and berries, and the last pieces of bread and cheese. It was a simple supper, but she hoped she would be provided for, or at least offered the opportunity to work for her board, even if it meant cleaning or domestic service.

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Re: Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT][SELF]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/29/2020 12:55 PM

She slipped into the bed, feeling the coarse linen sheets beneath her and the weight of the thick blankets resting on her as she lay her head on the thick pillows. They were simple, woven things, but the fire and heated room had made them warm, and her exhaustion made them feel like clouds supporting her as she floated off to sleep. She yawned, and hugged the blankets around herself, drawing her knees up and curling her tail around her for comfort.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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