There are some documents that you just don't want getting lost. You might need a mod to be able to see them one day. Breeding records, documentation of where you'd like your pets to go if you leave forever, ect. Only one thread is allowed per person, but with proper indexing of posts many important documents can be put in one place.

Moderator: Retired Staff

Return to Important Documentations

Outgoing Totals

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/09/2016 7:23 AM

2011: None

2012: Biolune Serraptor, Bleached Leebra, Bronze Stargoyle, Diosol, Dragonfly Skordrak, Female Lucain, Male Paragon x2, Nightwind Kuhna, Serene Bleeder, Sucrose Kuhna x2, Treasure Serraptor

2013: Carol Kuhna, Equi Sygriff, Male Paragon, Plague Baskerville, Sucrose Kuhna

2014: Carol Kuhna, Female Paragon, Tuxedo Egg x2

2015: Biolune Serraptor, Bleached Fellox, Female Lucain, Female Paragon, Male Lucain x2, Male Paragon x2, Moss Gruss, Perevi Drakel, Radill, Riopath, Solterra Sygriff, Sundae Kuhna, Tundragoon

2016: Male Lucain, Mud Kalamarei, Rabbot C6, Rust Velix, Breeder Boost V2, Great Sea Bork, Phantom Matches

2018: Ecoshinzo


Biolune Serraptor
Biolune Serraptor
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Leebra
Breeder Boost V2
Bronze Stargoyle
Carol Kuhna
Carol Kuhna
Dragonfly Skordrak
Equi Sygriff
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Great Sea Bork
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Moss Gruss
Mud Kalamarei
Nightwind Kuhna
Perevi Drakel
Phantom Matches
Plague Baskerville
Rabbot C6
Rust Velix
Serene Bleeder
Solterra Sygriff
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Treasure Serraptor
Tuxedo Egg
Tuxedo Egg
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Ownership totals - Excl. New Retiring Pets

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/09/2016 7:32 AM

Alabaster Stargoyle
Alabaster Stargoyle
Albino Langerine
Albino Merham
Albino Sparquill
Amnity Fellox
Anniversary Tavil
Aquaberry Kuhna
Arche Malphas
Arctic Fenling
Arctic Fenling
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Balance Nonaga
Balance Nonaga
Banana Slikey
Banana Slikey
Bilby Rollaby
Biolune Albie
Biolune Albie
Biolune Cavallion
Biolune Cavallion
Biolune Cavallion
Biolune Ferrikoon
Biolune Ferrikoon
Biolune Rexxel
Biolune Rexxel
Biolune Rexxel
Biolune Rollaby
Biolune Rollaby
Biolune Rollaby
Biolune Serraptor
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Black Silkie Piyo
Blaze Banatoyle
Bleached Beetanke
Bleached Beetanke
Bleached Beetanke
Bleached Bleeder
Bleached Bleeder
Bleached Bleeder
Bleached Carpetfang
Bleached Carpetfang
Bleached Cuniflare
Bleached Cuniflare
Bleached Cuniflare
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Ferrikoon
Bleached Ferrikoon
Bleached Ferrikoon
Bleached Ferrikoon
Bleached Ferrikoon
Bleached Gyrophant
Bleached Gyrophant
Bleached Leebra
Bleached Lilysite
Bleached Lilysite
Bleached Lilysite
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Rattegan
Bleached Shielupe
Bleached Shielupe
Bleached Shielupe
Bleached Taigra
Bleached Tali
Bleached Tavil
Bleached Tavil
Bleached Tavil
Blooming Kasuga
Bronze Stargoyle
Bumble Lilisyte
Burnt Scribblen
Buzzing Sparquill
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Shinzo
Candycane Myu Reaper
Capillus Matches
Carnival Teigu
Carnival Teigu
Carol Kuhna
Carol Kuhna
Carol Kuhna
Charcoal Garagnir
Chocolate Cuniflare
Chocomallow Teigu
Clockwork Bleeder
Clockwork Bleeder
Clockwork Choopa
Clockwork Choopa
Clockwork Choopa
Clockwork Garudor
Clockwork Garudor
Clockwork Garudor
Clockwork Garudor
Clockwork Garudor
Clockwork Hollowheart
Clockwork Hollowheart
Clockwork Hollowheart
Clockwork Hollowheart
Clockwork Yonyuu
Clockwork Yonyuu
Clockwork Yonyuu
Clockwork Yonyuu
Clockwork Yonyuu
Clockwork Yonyuu
Clown Seamare
Cocoa Bruma
Constellation Penticorn
Constellation Shinzo
Crested Alluria
Crops Nyghtmare
Custom Baal Dragony
Custom Bandol
Custom Bleeder
Custom Chombones
Custom Chombones
Custom Cuniflare
Custom Evergreen
Custom Evergreen
Custom Hollowheart
Custom Hypofly
Custom Icthysaur
Custom Imeut
Custom Imeut
Custom Insonia
Custom Kalamarei
Custom Kuni
Custom Leawolf
Custom Leumoo
Custom Lohlani
Custom Lubshi
Custom Nagi
Custom Nonaga
Custom Phyrette
Custom Pot O' Embers
Custom Roosken
Custom Shielupe
Custom Slydra
Custom Werecain
Custom Wockee
Custom Wombear
Dawn carpetfang
Delusion Cavallion
Dino Fenref
Dino Fenref
Dire Fenref
Dominion Bruma
Dori Kuni
Dove Lubshi
Dreamsnare Battleheart
Dreamsnare Battleheart
Dreamsnare Battleheart
Dreamsnare Beetanke
Dreamsnare Beetanke
Dreamsnare Beetanke
Dreamsnare Bleeder
Dreamsnare Bleeder
Dreamsnare Bleeder
Dreamsnare Bleeder
Dreamsnare Bleeder
Dreamsnare Bleeder
Dreamsnare Choopa
Dreamsnare Choopa
Dreamsnare Choopa
Dreamsnare Garudor
Dreamsnare Garudor
Dreamsnare Garudor
Dreamsnare Garudor
Dreamsnare Garudor
Dreamsnare Gorgeel
Dreamsnare Gorgeel
Dreamsnare Gorgeel
Dreamsnare Hollowheart
Dreamsnare Hollowheart
Dreamsnare Hollowheart
Dreamsnare Hollowheart
Dreamsnare Hollowheart
Dreamsnare Roosken
Dreamsnare Roosken
Dreamsnare Roosken
Dreamsnare Roosken
Dreamsnare Roosken
Dreamsnare Sygriff
Dreamsnare Sygriff
Dreamsnare Sygriff
Dreamsnare Yonyuu
Dreamsnare Yonyuu
Dreamsnare Yonyuu
Dreamsnare Yonyuu
Dreamsnare Yonyuu
Drought Trumpetter
Dulcet Florana
Equi Sygriff
Evren Discovery
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Festive Kitrell
Festive Quicksylph
Frost Mahool
Frosted Leaflet
Fuyuzakura Shinzo
Ghost Polly
Gilded Kuchi Nagi
Gilded Kuchi Nagi
Giving Kuhna
Great Sea Bork
Gypsy Nyghtmare
Gypsy Nyghtmare
Headless Kuhna
Humble Pingune
Independence Turkezilla
Industrial Draculi
Litchi Kuhna
Lost Barghest
Lunar Matches
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Malice Wyrm
Malware Mekkayena
Marbled Terratops
Marbled Terratops
Marbled Terratops
Marrow Corbine
Memory Corbine
Memory Corbine
Memory Corbine
Mirror Kuhna
Monarch Florana
Moor Baskerville
Mountain Garagnir
Mountain Gruss
Mouse Maus
Mud Kalamarei
Mysterious Egg
Myu Reaper
Nature Lubshi
Nian Cavallion
Nightwalker Kuhna
Nightwind Kuhna
Nitro Fellox
Observe Sabbit
Obsidian Slydra
Oilspill Barghest
Orchid Leaflet
Pachy Shinzo
Paras Shinzo
Pastel Nagi
Pastel Nagi
Peacer Fellox
Peppermint Snicky
Perevi Drakel
Phantom Fenling
Phantom Matches
Phoenix Alluria
Phoenix Pingune
Pipistrelle Batti
Plague Baskerville
Pot O' Oil
Prehistoric Insonia
Pumpkin Kasuga
Pumpkin Kuhna
Pumpkin Teigu
Rabbot C6
Regal Kuhna (Replacement - No Lineage)
Revamped Custom Leawolf
Rockhopper Alluria
Rockhopper Alluria
Rockhopper Pingune
Rockhopper Pingune
Rose Nemuwit
Rust Velix
Rustico Magistrey
Sad Sleepyheart
Serene Bleeder
Silk Larvie
Silk Larvie
Sky Ferrikoon
Sky Ferrikoon
Sky Lilysite
Sky Lilysite
Sky Lilysite
Sky Slynx
Sky Slynx
Sky Yonyuu
Sky Yonyuu
Sky Yonyuu
Sky Yonyuu
Sled Shielupe
Slime Snicky
Slime Snicky
Snow Nonaga
Snowlight Matches
Snowshoe Sabbit
Snowy Kamee
Solterra Sygriff
Speed Sparquill
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sugilite Hunter
Sula Matches
Sun Leaflet
Sun Leawolf
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Surf Myu Reaper
Sweetheart Larvie
Tanuki Tali
Tanzanite Stargoyle
Tarnished Garagnir
Thistle Kuni
Thought Corbine
Thought Corbine
Tomb Imeut
Translucent Garagnir
Translucent Garagnir
Treasure Albie
Treasure Fenling
Treasure Hollowheart
Treasure Hollowheart
Treasure Hollowheart
Treasure Hollowheart
Treasure Majistrey
Treasure Roosken
Treasure Serraptor
Trick Chombones
Truffle Myu Reaper
Turquoise Grondalith
Underbrush Cavallion
Unity Garudor
Verdure Yonyuu
Weaver Nonaga
Wilt Florana
Wilt Florana
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Currently Freely Available (Retiring)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 07/20/2017 1:54 PM

19th June 2011 - Kuni x3, Morloth x3
16th October 2016 - Matcha Mocha Picchu x3, Iron Stargoyle x3
13th October 2018 - Treasure Gorgeel x3
13th October 2018 - Mark I Khalmar x3, Mark II Khalmar x3, Mark III Khalmar x3, Mark IV Khalmar x3, Mark V Khalmar x3, Mark VI Khalmar x3
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Previously Freely Available

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 07/20/2017 3:56 PM

19th June 2011 - Clockwork Yonyuu x3, Clockwork Garudor x3, Clockwork Hollowheart x3, Clockwork Choopa x3
19th June 2011 -  Dreamsnare Yonyuu x3, Dreamsnare Garudor x3, Dreamsnare Roosken x3, Dreamsnare Sygriff x3, Dreamsnare Hollowheart x3, Dreamsnare Battleheart x3, Dreamsnare Bleeder x3, Dreamsnare Choopa x3, Dreamsnare Gorgeel x3, Dreamsnare Beetanke x3
[Screenshot not available] - Treasure Hollowheart x3, Bleached Beetanke x3, Bleached Bleeder x3, Bleached Ferrikoon x3, Bleached Shielupe x3, Bleached Tavil x3
16th October 2016 - Bleached Lilysite x3
16th October 2016 - Sky Lilysite x3
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Claim Thread - New Pet Codes

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/20/2018 2:28 PM

13th October 2018 - 1, 2
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Trade/Receipt records 2018 (Incoming)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/20/2018 3:58 PM

1st January 2018 - Male Paragon - Omnisearch ---> Me
5th January 2018 - Giftboxes 5, 7, 8 - The Marketplace ---> Me
5th January 2018 - Giftboxes 1, 3, 4 - The Marketplace ---> Me
16th January 2018 - Albino Langerine to replace Giftbox 1 - The Marketplace ---> Me
16th January 2018 - Snow Nonaga to replace Giftbox 5 - The Marketplace ---> Me
16th January 2018 - Black Silkie Piyo to replace Giftbox 3 - The Marketplace ---> Me
16th January 2018 - Marghest to replace Giftbox 7 - The Marketplace ---> Me
16th January 2018 - Sled Shielupe to replace Giftbox 8 - The Marketplace ---> Me
16th January 2018 - Arctic Fenling to replace Giftbox 4 - The Marketplace ---> Me
25th January 2018 - Male Lucain - Flame ---> Me
29th January 2018 - Female Lucain - Flame ---> Me
30th January 2018 - Male Lucain - Indigo ---> Me
21st April 2018 - Tanzanite Stargoyle, Industrial Draculi, Beastbones, Tanuki Tali - Birthday Boutique ---> Me
15th October 2018 - Female Lucain - Indigo ---> Me
28th October 2018 - Female Paragon - Flame ---> Me
28th October 2018 - Female Lucain, Male Lucain - Staff ---> Me
28th October 2018 - Trick Chombones - Random Event 2 ---> Me
7th November 2018 - Speed Sparquill - ToxicShadow (Quest Master Reward) ---> Me
7th November 2018 - Rustico Magistrey, Phoenix Alluria, Phoenix Pingune, Humble Pingune, Frosted Leaflet, Attenuwockee, Phantom Fenling, Arctic Fenling, Surf Myu Reaper, Truffle Myu Reaper, Snowlight Matches - [Request Post] - [Permission Post] - MillietheWarrior ---> Me
9th November 2018 - Lost Barghest - Random Event 2 ---> Me
9th November 2018 - Rockhopper Alluria, Rockhopper Pingune, Bumble Lilisyte, Blooming Kasuga, Lunar Matches, Neuleef, Weaver Nonaga, Carnival Teigu, Dawn carpetfang, Dino Fenref, Dire fenref, Pachy Shinzo, Paras Shinzo, Prehistoric Insonia, Dyebones, Ecoshinzo, Male Paragon, Male Paragon, Female Lucain, Male Lucain - [Request Post] - [Permission Post] - MillietheWarrior ---> Me
30th November 2018 - Veiled Nyghtmare, Veiled Bleeder - Elie (Seasonal Specialties) ---> Me
5th December 2018 - Male Paragon - Thunder ---> Me
7th December 2018 - Custom Kuhna - Kyrit (Wish-a-thon) ---> Me
10th December 2018 - Lost Choopa - RE2 ---> Me
16th December 2018 - Silent Night Sygriff - RE2 ---> Me
16th December 2018 - Male Lucain, Male Lucain, Female Lucain - Crow ---> Me
17th December 2018 - Lost Hollowheart - ToxicShadow (Advent Calendar Event) ---> Me
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Trade/Receipt records 2018 (Outgoing)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/20/2018 4:13 PM

26th December 2018 - Ecoshinzo - Me ---> jobiehanna
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Trade/Receipt Records 2019 (Incoming)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/31/2019 9:16 PM

2nd January 2019 - Female Paragon - Indigo ---> Me
2nd January 2019 - Female Paragon, Male Paragon, Male Lucain, Male Lucain, Male Lucain, Male Paragon, Female Paragon, Male Paragon, Bred Custom Kuhna - Thunder ---> Me
3rd January 2019 - Albino Mahool, Snow Snicky, Borealis Cavallion, White Silkie Piyo, Voltaic Tundragoon, Blizzard Garudor, Choirwockee, Tempest Kasuga - The Marketplace ---> Me *Recorder included in message but automatically exchanged for Dalma in another message
5th January 2019 - Larvie, Mango Mahool - ToxicShadow (Advent Calendar Event) ---> Me
7th January 2019 - Custom Dalma - The Marketplace ---> Me
19th January 2019 - Papillon Fenling, Valkyrie Yonyuu, Chow Sleepyheart, Nian Fellox (Birthday Boutique) - The Marketplace ---> Me
30th December 2019 - Ailur Kuhna (Wish-a-thon Gift) - Mod Add
30th December 2019 - Nian Kuhna, Stranger Leplora, Ornate Leawolf, Annotated Barghest (Birthday Boutique) - Mod Add
30th December 2019 - Nightprowler Gyrraptor, Clydesdale Nyghtmare (War Rewards Claim) - Mod Add
30th December 2019 - Elixir of Fertility, Generative Draught (Mage's Brewery Purchase) - Mod Add
30th December 2019 - 2019 Christmas Giftbox #1, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #2, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #3, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #4, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #5, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #6, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #7 (Seasonal Specialties Purchase) - Mod Add

No Outgoing Trades Made In This Year
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Ownership Masterlist 2011 - 2019

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/31/2019 9:53 PM

Ailur Ursice
Alabaster Stargoyle
Alabaster Stargoyle
Albino Langerine
Albino Mahool
Albino Merham
Albino Sparquill
Amnity Fellox
Anniversary Tavil
Aquaberry Kuhna
Arche Malphas
Arctic Fenling
Arctic Fenling
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Baby Doom Kitty
Balance Nonaga
Balance Nonaga
Banana Slikey
Banana Slikey
Bilby Rollaby
Biolune Albie
Biolune Albie
Biolune Cavallion
Biolune Cavallion
Biolune Cavallion
Biolune Ferrikoon
Biolune Ferrikoon
Biolune Rexxel
Biolune Rexxel
Biolune Rexxel
Biolune Rollaby
Biolune Rollaby
Biolune Rollaby
Biolune Serraptor
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Blackberry Slikey
Black Silkie Piyo
Blaze Banatoyle
Bleached Carpetfang
Bleached Carpetfang
Bleached Cuniflare
Bleached Cuniflare
Bleached Cuniflare
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Fellox
Bleached Ferrikoon
Bleached Ferrikoon
Bleached Gyrophant
Bleached Gyrophant
Bleached Leebra
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Penticorn
Bleached Rattegan
Bleached Taigra
Bleached Tali
Blizzard Garudor
Blooming Kasuga
Borealis Cavallion
Bred Custom Kuhna
Bronze Stargoyle
Bumble Lilisyte
Burnt Scribblen
Buzzing Sparquill
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Lubshi
Candle Shinzo
Candycane Myu Reaper
Capillus Matches
Carnival Teigu
Carnival Teigu
Carol Kuhna
Carol Kuhna
Carol Kuhna
Charcoal Stargoyle (Evolved to charcoal garagnir)
Chocolate Cuniflare
Chocomallow Teigu
Clockwork Bleeder
Clockwork Bleeder
Clockwork Garudor
Clockwork Garudor
Clockwork Hollowheart
Clockwork Yonyuu
Clockwork Yonyuu
Clockwork Yonyuu
Clown Seamare
Chow Sleepyheart
Cocoa Bruma
Constellation Penticorn
Constellation Shinzo
Crested Alluria
Crops Nyghtmare
Custom Baal Dragony
Custom Bandol
Custom Bleeder
Custom Chombones
Custom Chombones
Custom Cuniflare
Custom Dalma
Custom Evergreen
Custom Evergreen
Custom Hollowheart
Custom Hypofly
Custom Icthysaur
Custom Imeut
Custom Imeut
Custom Insonia
Custom Kalamarei
Custom Kuhna
Custom Kuni
Custom Leawolf
Custom Leumoo
Custom Lohlani
Custom Lubshi
Custom Nagi
Custom Nonaga
Custom Phyrette
Custom Pot O' Embers
Custom Roosken
Custom Shielupe
Custom Slydra
Custom Werecain
Custom Wockee
Custom Wombear
Dawn carpetfang
Delusion Cavallion
Dino Fenref
Dino Fenref
Dire Fenref
Dominion Bruma
Dori Kuni
Dove Lubshi
Dreamsnare Bleeder
Dreamsnare Bleeder
Dreamsnare Bleeder
Dreamsnare Garudor
Dreamsnare Garudor
Dreamsnare Hollowheart
Dreamsnare Hollowheart
Dreamsnare Roosken
Dreamsnare Roosken
Dreamsnare Yonyuu
Dreamsnare Yonyuu
Drought Trumpetter
Equi Sygriff
Evren Discovery
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Lucain
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Female Paragon
Festive Kitrell
Festive Quicksylph
Frost Ball (Renamed to Frost Mahool)
Frosted Leaflet
Fuyuzakura Shinzo
Ghost Polly
Gilded Kuchi Nagi
Gilded Kuchi Nagi
Giving Kuhna
Great Sea Bork
Gypsy Nyghtmare
Gypsy Nyghtmare
Headless Kuhna
Humble Pingune
Independence Turkezilla
Industrial Draculi
Litchi Kuhna
Lost Barghest
Lost Choopa
Lost Hollowheart
Lunar Matches
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Magma Creeper
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Lucain
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Male Paragon
Malice Wyrm
Malware Mekkayena
Mango Mahool
Marbled Terratops
Marbled Terratops
Marbled Terratops
Marrow Corbine
Memory Corbine
Memory Corbine
Memory Corbine
Mirror Kuhna
Monarch Florana
Moor Baskerville
Mountain Garagnir
Mountain Gruss
Mouse Maus
Mud Kalamarei
Mysterious Egg
Myu Reaper
Nature Lubshi (Evolved to Ecoshinzo)
Nature Lubshi
Nian Cavallion
Nian Fellox
Nightwalker Kuhna
Nightwind Kuhna
Nitro Fellox
Observe Sabbit
Obsidian Slydra
Oilspill Barghest
Orchid Leaflet
Pachy Shinzo
Paras Shinzo
Papillon Fenling
Pastel Nagi
Pastel Nagi
Peacer Fellox
Peppermint Snicky
Perevi Drakel
Phantom Fenling
Phantom Matches
Phoenix Alluria
Phoenix Pingune
Pipistrelle Batti
Plague Baskerville
Pot O' Oil
Prehistoric Insonia
Pumpkin Kasuga
Pumpkin Kuhna
Pumpkin Teigu
Rabbot C6
Regal Kuhna
Regal Kuhna Replacement
Revamped Custom Leawolf
Rockhopper Alluria
Rockhopper Alluria
Rockhopper Pingune
Rockhopper Pingune
Rose Nemuwit
Rust Velix
Rustico Magistrey
Sad Sleepyheart

Serene Bleeder
Silent Night Sygriff
Silk Larvie
Silk Larvie
Sky Ferrikoon
Sky Ferrikoon
Sky Slynx
Sky Slynx
Sky Yonyuu
Sky Yonyuu
Sky Yonyuu
Sky Yonyuu
Sled Shielupe
Slime Snicky
Slime Snicky
Snow Nonaga
Snow Snicky
Snowlight Matches
Snowshoe Sabbit
Snowy Kamee
Solterra Sygriff
Speed Sparquill
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sucrose Kuhna
Sugilite Hunter
Sula Matches
Sun Leaflet
Sun Leawolf
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Sundae Kuhna
Surf Myu Reaper
Sweetheart Larvie
Sweetheart Larvie (Evolved into Dulcet Florana)
Tanuki Tali
Tanzanite Stargoyle
Tarnished Garagnir
Tempest Kasuga
Thistle Kuni
Thought Corbine
Thought Corbine
Tomb Imeut
Translucent Garagnir
Translucent Garagnir
Treasure Albie
Treasure Fenling
Treasure Hollowheart
Treasure Majistrey
Treasure Roosken
Treasure Serraptor
Trick Chombones
Truffle Myu Reaper
Turquoise Grondalith
Underbrush Cavallion
Unity Garudor
Valkyrie Yonyuu
Veiled Bleeder
Veiled Nyghtmare
Verdure Yonyuu
Voltaic Tundragoon
Weaver Nonaga
White Silkie Piyo
Wilt Florana
Wilt Florana
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
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Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Trade/Receipt Records 2020 (Incoming)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/02/2021 2:05 PM

1st January 2020 - Female Lucain - Indigo ---> Me
3rd January 2020 - Mysterious Egg x2 (Nix's Nacks Purchase) - Mod Add
3rd January 2020 - Male Lucain, Female Lucain, Iridescent Kuhna, Marbled Anura, Rathril, Phantom Grondalith - Redd (Giveaway) ---> Me
3rd January 2020 - Pipistrelle Batti, Rinkuhna, Merkuhna, Common Corbine, Rangifer Kasuga, Fallow Frightmare, Lab Rattegan, Frostbite Yonyuu - Mod Add
3rd January 2020 - Psychadelic Fenref, Albino Baby Doom Kitty, Festive Battleheart, Cyber Velix, Australis Whallos, Powder Snowball, Ethair Rabbot (Christmas 2019 Giftboxes) - Item Use
3rd January 2020 - Bred Lucain, Custom Lucain, Bred Lucain, Bred Lucain, Bred Lucain, Custom Lucain, Bred Paragon, Custom Paragon, Bred Paragon, Bred Paragon, Bred Paragon, Custom Paragon, Bred Paragon, Custom Paragon, Custom Paragon, Bred Paragon, Custom Paragon, Bred Paragon, Custom Paragon, Custom Paragon, Bred Paragon, Bred Paragon, Custom Paragon, Carol Kuhna, Sorrow Kuhna, Borealis Kuhna, Kalamikuhna, Custom Kasuga, Bred Soveris, Bred Soveris, Crowbones, Custom Turkezilla, Zombones, Cephalori Seamare, Storm Frightmare, Pumpkin Teigu, Pachy Shinzo, Skellie Morloth, Weaver Nonaga, Common Velix, Gilded Florana, Kanua - Middy ---> Me
4th January 2020 - XX Draught - Middy ---> Me
8th January 2020 - Infantry Kuhna, Ooputu Kuhna, Doomsberry Kuhna (Self-Breeding) - Mod Add
10th January 2020 - Paras Shinzo, Pachy Shinzo (Giveaway) - MillietheWarrior ---> Me (Via Mod Transfer)
10th January 2020 - Basic Custom Token, Basic Random Token (Huntsman's Hall Purchase) - Mod Add
26th January 2020 - Biolune Bruma x3, Biolune Kasuga x3, Biolune Tavil x3 (Retiring Thread) - Mod Add
26th January 2020 - Frigid Lunafly (Hunt Reward) - Mod Add
29th February 2020 - Sweetheart Baby Doom Kitty (Claim Thread) - Mod Add
27th March 2020 - Tbones - Mousen Heath ---> Me
31st March 2020 - Fallowfoot Riopath, Vulpine DNA (Hunt Event Reward) - Mod Add
2nd April 2020 - Peace Goussanke (April Fools Gift) - Mod Add
10th April 2020 - Eggsnatcher Shartile, Vulpine DNA (Hunt Event Reward) - Mod Add
10th April 2020 - Lost Yingshee, Vulpine DNA (Hunt Event Reward) - Mod Add
21st April 2020 - Everfall Fragment
4th May 2020 - Cheeping Baby Doom Kitty - Silver ---> Me
4th May 2020 - Jade Stargoyle, Everfall Fragment x2 (Hunt Event Reward) - Mod Add
8th May 2020 - 2020 Easter Egg #1, 2020 Easter Egg #2, 2020 Easter Egg #3, 2020 Easter Egg #4, 2020 Easter Egg #5, 2020 Easter Egg #6, 2020 Easter Egg #7 (Seasonal Specialties Purchase) - Mod Add
13th May 2020 - Bumble Snowball, Peacock Ptarmie, Cacao Jirbii, Lori Lilisyte, Bunnyhop Dalma, Strelia Insonia, Spring Leaflet (Easter Eggs) - Item Use
17th May 2020 - Grinbones - Jaden Wolf ---> Me
20th June 2020 - Gilded Leawolf - Thunder ---> Me
26th December 2020 - Hurried Mocha Pichu (Advent Calendar Prize) - Mod Add
28th December 2020 - Custom Diosol (Christmas Gift - Claim Thread) - Jaykobell (Shrewdberry/Omnisearch) ---> Me
30th December 2020 - Female Lucain (Christmas Gift - Claim Thread) - Indigobook ---> Me
30th December 2020 - Lost Fenref (Hunt Reward) - Mod Add
30th December 2020 - Nian Rattegan (Wish Event Reward) - Mod Add
31st December 2020 - Tragic Insonia - Kitsumi ---> Me
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
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Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Trade/Receipt Records 2020 (Outgoing)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/02/2021 3:52 PM

3rd January 2020 - 2019 Christmas Giftbox #1, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #2, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #3, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #4, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #5, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #6, 2019 Christmas Giftbox #7 - Item Use
13th May 2020 - 2020 Easter Egg #1, 2020 Easter Egg #2, 2020 Easter Egg #3, 2020 Easter Egg #4, 2020 Easter Egg #5, 2020 Easter Egg #6, 2020 Easter Egg #7 - Item Use
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
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Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Trade/Receipt Records 2021 (Incoming)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/02/2021 3:53 PM

1st January 2020 - Custom Insonia - Jaykobell (Shrewdberry, Omnisearch) ---> Me
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
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Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Trade/Receipt Records 2021 (Outgoing)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/02/2021 3:56 PM

1st January 2020 - Elixir of Fertility - Me ---> Jaykobell
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
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Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Placeholder - Ownership List - Breedables

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/02/2021 5:31 PM

Code: Select all
[align=center][img][image code][/img] || [img][image code][/img]
[name] || [name]
[Breed] - [Lineage] || [Breed] - [Lineage]
[Genes] || [Genes]

Image || Image
Reginald || Vladius Niarkos
Ailur - No Lineage || Aquaberry - Ryvr x Present
Wildcard Genes || Berry x Hydrokuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Borealis - Markus x Lori || Custom - Nero x Davina
Hydrokuhna x Spectrakuhna || Custom Genes

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Calamikuhna - A'rayum x Lanika || Carol - No Lineage
Calamikuhna x Calamikuhna || Carol x Carol

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Carol - No Lineage || Carol - No Lineage
Carol x Carol || Carol x Carol

Image || Image
Unnamed || Timothy
Carol - No Lineage || Custom - No Lineage
Carol x Carol || Custom Genes

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Doomsberry - Reginald x Sophia || Giving - No Lineage
Calamikuhna x Berry || Carol x Carol

Image || Image
Khisa || Heidi
Headless - No Lineage || Hydrokuhna - Vladius Niarkos x Khisa
Trikuhna x Trikuhna || Hydrokuhna x Hydrokuhna

Image || Image
[name] || [name]
Hydrokuhna - Dylan x Tallulah || Hydrokuhna - Dylan x Tallulah
Hydrokuhna x Hydrokuhna || Hydrokuhna x Hydrokuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Fizz
Infantry - Reginald x Sophia || Iridescent - No Lineage
Kamo x Spectrakuhna || Hydrokuhna x Spectrakuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Kanua - Sabre x Art || Litchi - Vladius Niarkos x Khisa
Kanua x Kanua || Berry x Trikuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Sophia
Merkuhna - No Lineage || Mirror - No Lineage
Hydrokuhna x Hydrokuhna (Wildcard when bred with Hydrokuhnas) || Wildcard

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Molten - Davin x Mildred || Nian - No Lineage
Preluhna x Calamikuhna || Ancient x Ancient

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Nightwalker - No Lineage || Nightwind - Vladius Niarkos x Khisa
Sulkuhna x Sulkuhna || Hydrokuhna x Trikuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Ooputu - Reginald x Sophia || Preluhna - Davin x Mildred
Ancient x Berry || Preluhna x Preluhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Preluhna - No Lineage || Pumpkin - Carl x Faye
Preluhna x Preluhna || Trikuhna x Trikuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Regal - No Lineage || Rinkuhna - No Lineage
Common x Kamo || Hydrokuhna x Hydrokuhna (Wildcard when bred with Hydrokuhnas)

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Smilo - No Lineage || Sorrow - Boromir x Samantha
Calamikuhna x Calamikuhna || Sulkuhna x Spectrakuhna

Image || Image
Kit || Unnamed
Sucrose - No Lineage || Sucrose - No Lineage
Kanua x Kanua || Kanua x Kanua

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Sucrose - No Lineage || Sucrose - No Lineage
Kanua x Kanua || Kanua x Kanua

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Sucrose - No Lineage || Sucrose - No Lineage
Kanua x Kanua || Kanua x Kanua

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Sundae - No Lineage || Sundae - No Lineage
Kanua x Calamikuhna || Kanua x Calamikuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Sundae - No Lineage || Sundae - No Lineage
Kanua x Calamikuhna || Kanua x Calamikuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Sundae - No Lineage || Sundae - No Lineage
Kanua x Calamikuhna || Kanua x Calamikuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Sundae - No Lineage || Sundae - No Lineage
Kanua x Calamikuhna || Kanua x Calamikuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Tide - Dylan x Tallulah || Tide - Dylan x Tallulah
Hydrokuhna x Hydrokuhna || Hydrokuhna x Hydrokuhna

Image || Image
Unnamed || Unnamed
Tide - Dylan x Tallulah || Headless - No Lineage
Hydrokuhna x Hydrokuhna || Trikuhna x Trikuhna
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
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Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Placeholder - Ownership List - Breedables

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/02/2021 6:37 PM

Code: Select all
[align=center][img][image code][/img] || [img][image code][/img]
[name] || [name]
[Lineage] || [Lineage]
[Markings] || [Markings]
[Mini-Marks] || [Mini-Marks]
[Restrictions] || [Restrictions]

Image || Image
Misha || Cvesanka
Lord Baal x Radenisk || Lord Baal x Myxed
Malamute, Striped || Ancient, Mudbelly
Eclipse || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Dylana || Dahlia
Lord Baal x Khelse || Mochi x Miami
Ancient, Doberman || Feyline, Sundancer
Psi-Eye, X || Banded, Masked
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Ula || Cassiah
Yuki x Joanna || Annabelle x Copper
Vines || Backsplash, Mudbelly
Mudpaw || No Mini-Marks
5 breedings decreasing with each generation || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Coco || [name]
Orion x Aco || Elli x Fleur
Hyena, Reaper || Leopard, Vines
Socks || No Mini-Marks
No restrictions || No restrictions

Image || Image
Reyne || Lupa Alopex
Cookie x Anjo || Russell x Wymarc
Feyline, Jacket Fox || Malamute, Striped
Hearts || No Mini-Marks
Two breedings for her, decreasing || No restrictions

Image || Image
[name] || [name]
Bastian x Grelle || Slender x Miami
Reaper || No Markings
Appaloosa, Coontail || Sunbear
None. Just don't go crazy. || None. Just don't go crazy.

*Image || Image
[name] || [name]
Springtrap x Mike || Duke x Thelma
Backsplash, Shepherd || Hyaena, Orca
Appaloosa || Hearts, Sunbear
None. Just don't go crazy. || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Aveline || Laika
Warren x Raasi || Nabath x Shyver
Bearhound, Giraffe || Mudbelly, Rings
Carnivore, Coontail || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Ketaki || Pumpkin
Murphy x Aranka || Jaxitenutte x Austriel
Doberman || Hyaena, Leopard
Appaloosa, Coontail || Coontail, Socks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Mindy || [name]
Jarek x Zakiya || Coviell x Nation
Celestial, Reaper || Belly
No Mini-Marks || Appaloosa
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Nieve || Shaya (Ballama named Mick)
Region x Quarter || Senervel x Naerna
Akita, Ancient || Jacket Fox, Shadebane
No Mini-Marks || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Vanyana || Borealis
Xenophon x Merrith || Aurora x Raisun
Jacket Fox, Striped || Ancient, Celestial
Spade || No Mini-Marks
Don't go crazy with breeding. || Incest is only permissable for plot breedings.

Image || Image
Yvaine || Nisha
Lysis x Araphena || Lysis x Araphena
Celestial, Feyline || Celestial
Socks || No Mini-Marks
Incest is only permissable for plot breedings. || Incest is only permissable for plot breedings.

Image || Image
Nova || Angelica
Lysis x Araphena || Acheron x Mimsy
Ancient, Celestial || Feyline, Giraffe, Jacket Fox
Hearts || Banded, Mane
Incest is only permissable for plot breedings. || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Teira || Nerina
Sageeth x Jocasta || Pelagos x Calypso
Ancient, Split || Celestial, Jacket Fox
No Mini-Marks || No Mini-Marks
2 Breedings, decreasing each generation. || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Delora || Lorina
Kale x Borealis || Kale x Borealis
Arach, Celestial || Ancient, Splotched
Kohl || Socks, Sunbear
Don't overbreed; incest is only for plot breedings. || Don't overbreed; incest is only for plot breedings.

Image || Image
[name] || Giulietta
Alexander x Veronica || Tohru x Wisteria
Leopard || Split, Sundancer
Mudpaw, Sunbear || Eclipse, Socks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Giulietta || Morgana
Tohru x Wisteria || Alexander x Donovan
Split, Splotched || Freckled, Hyena
Masked, Psi-Eye || Socks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
[name] || [name]
Weylin x Roland || Wilson x Rhea
Storm, Warrior || Celestial, Warrior
Sunbear, Tearstain || Banded, Psi-Eye
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Lago Alopex || Corthrim
Armatas x Veronica || Arthur x Sedimus
Celestial, Dingo || Ancient, Warrior
Ears || Coontail, Tearstain
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Khenan || Cassus (Normal Form)
Lord Baal x Linhue || Lord Baal x Lilac
Ancient, Sundancer || Malamute, Dingo
No Mini-Marks || Banded, Tearstain
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Toru || [name]
Yuki x Joanna || Lucius x Noah
Celestial, Sundancer || Leopard, Skunk
Banded, Coontail || Hearts
5 breedings decreasing with each generation || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Bryce || [name]
Feorge x Gred || Khazriel x Nocturne
Mudbelly, Warrior || Backsplash
No Mini-Marks || Coontail, Sunbear
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Harvey || Thornton
Halvard x Cantella || Cookie x Anjo
Dingo, Warrior || Desertrunner, Jacket Fox
Banded, Hearts || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Orion || [name]
Canvas x Catharsis || Flake x Xaviar
Belly, StarSpeckled || Reaper, Sundancer
No Mini-Marks || Tailtip
No Restrictions || None. Just don't go crazy.

Image || Image
Peyote || [name]
Thanos x Seijuurou || Fioray x Veronica
Dweller, Skunk || Celestial, Mudbelly
Socks || Appaloosa, Hearts
No Restrictions || Restrictions

Image || Image
William || Cassandros
Nabath x Shyver || Ricktaven x Hestia
Belly, Warrior || Warrior
No Mini-Marks || Hearts, Psi-Eye
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Matthew 'Matt' Andrews || Kaine
Aeragorn x Nation || Luca x Roux
Belly, Ringed || Striped, Vines
No Mini-Marks || Spade
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Nexus || Celestus
Myka x Markus || Zahir x Lusia
Arach, Celestial || Ancient, Celestial
Banded, Spade || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || Incest is only permissable for plot breedings.

Image || Image
Pepper || [name]
Vincent x Tavi || Vincent x Tavi
Giraffe, Striped || Drizzle, Striped
Mudpaw || Socks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Kale || [name]
Shiloh x Raito || Veneziano x Khelse
Arach, Splotched || Doberman, Warrior
Spade || Psi-Eye
Don't breed like a bunny. || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Tristan || [name]
Kale x Borealis || Alexander x Veronica
Ancient, Splotched || Celestial, Leopard
No Mini-Marks || No Mini-Marks
Don't overbreed; incest is only for plot breedings. || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Dion || Viram
Tohru x Wisteria || Ren x Sedimus
Doberman, Sundancer || Vines, Warrior
Eclipse || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Caram || Yuram
Ren x Sedimus || Ren x Sedimus
Ancient, Doberman || Doberman, Warrior
No Mini-Marks || Coontail
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Victor || [name]
Alexander x Donovan || Custom
Freckled, Leopard || Drizzle, Scalebelly
Appaloosa, Sunbear || Psi-Eye, X
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Meringue || Oracle
Custom || Custom
Doberman, Feyline || Freckled, Split
No Mini-Marks || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
[name] || Frazil
Custom || Custom
Hyaena, Malamute (Hidden - left side of neck, shading on top of head) || Arach, Jacket Fox
Appaloosa, Socks || No Mini-Marks
None. Just don't go crazy. || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Candi || Dinah
Custom || Custom
Feyline, Giraffe || Doberman, Shepherd
Mudpaw, Sunbear || Appaloosa, Kohl
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Tohru || Alexander
Custom || Custom
Doberman, Split || Leopard, Gold
Eclipse, Socks || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Alistair || [name]
Custom || Custom
Belly, Striped || Backsplash, Mudbelly
Appaloosa, Carnivore || Appaloosa, Tearstain
No Restrictions || None. Just don't go crazy.

Image || Image
Iilanthys || Julius
Custom || Custom
Reaper, Striped || Celestial, Warrior
Mudpaw || Hearts, Socks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Dumas || [name]
Custom || Custom
Arach, Dingo || Reaper, Vines
X || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
[name] || Ren
Custom || Custom
Dingo, Giraffe || Doberman, Vines
Carnivore || No Mini-Marks
No Restrictions || No Restrictions

Image || Image
Obito || Cassus (Demon Form)
Custom || Custom
Jacket Fox, Split || Malamute, Warrior
No Mini-Marks || Banded, Tearstain
No Restrictions || No Restrictions
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 1352
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!


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