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ToxxicRenegadeAngel's Templates.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/21/2012 12:41 PM

Zoo Pen Templates

New Mini-template (Characters) (borrowed from MangaRaven and adapted):

Code: Select all
[imgright]IMAGE HERE[/imgright]
    [align=center][font=Old English Text MT][size=150][u][ol].:HERE:.[/ol][/u][/size][/font]
    [smcaps][b]Gender; Gender Preference[/b][/smcaps]
Character Images: URL HERE[/align]_________________________________________
   [font=Monotype Corsiva]Character Bio[/font]

Main Template - Non-Breedables (borrowed from MangaRaven and adapted):

Code: Select all
[imgright]IMAGE HERE[/imgright]
    [align=center][font=Old English Text MT][size=150][u][ol].:HERE:.[/ol][/u][/size][/font]
    [smcaps][b]Gender; Gender Preference[/b][/smcaps]
Character Images: URL HERE[/align]_________________________________________
   [font=Monotype Corsiva][size=85]Lifemate Status:
   Trade Status:
   Additions Needed:[/size][/font]
        [size=85][font=Times New Roman][b]Name:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color]
        [i][b]Definition:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE (Lingual Origin)[/color][/i]
        [color=#BF0000][i]Name Definition and Origin Info from: [url=]HERE[/url][/i][/color]
        [b]Gender:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color]
        [b]Alignment:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color] [b]Diet:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color]
        [b]Height: [/b] [color=#646464]HEIGHT[/color] [b]Length:[/b] [color=#646464]LENGTH[/color] [b]Weight:[/b] [color=#646464]WEIGHT[/color]
    [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b]
    [b]H I S T O R Y[/b]
    [color=#646464]TEXT[/color][/font][/size][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi][size=200][u]Notes[/u][/size][/font][/align][size=85][b]Posts[/b]: [color=#646464]0[/color] [b]Level[/b]: [color=#646464]1[/color]
    [b]Element:[/b] [color=#646464]ELEMENT[/color]
         Offense: 0
         Defense: 0
         Precision: 0
         Endurance: 0
         Speed: 0
         Fame: 0
    [i]-Species Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Color Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Acclimation Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Healing Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Magic Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Personality Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Physical Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Social Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [u][b]Battle Traits:[/b][/u] [color=#646464]o [i](Species traits: o) (Color traits: o)[/i]) [/color]
    [b]RP Color:[/b] [color=#646464]ColorCode[/color][/size][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi][size=200][u]Roleplays[/u][/size][/font]
    [font=Courier New][size=120][url=]No plot yet[/url][/size][/font][/align][u][b]Relations[/b][/u]
    [size=85][i]Mate[/i] --
    [i]Family[/i] --
    [i]Friends[/i] --
    [i]Allies[/i] --
    [i]Enemies[/i] --
    [i]Neutral[/i] --[/size]
[u][b]Plot Notes[/b][/u]

[align=center][b][u]Previous-Closed Threads[/u][/b]
    --> None - Post count[/align][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi]General Notes[/font][/align][i][size=85]Text[/size][/i][hr][/hr]

Main Template - Breedables (borrowed from MangaRaven and adapted):

Code: Select all
[imgright]IMAGE HERE[/imgright]
    [align=center][font=Old English Text MT][size=150][u][ol].:HERE:.[/ol][/u][/size][/font]
    [smcaps][b]Gender; Gender Preference[/b][/smcaps]
Character Images: URL HERE[/align]_________________________________________
   [font=Monotype Corsiva][size=85]Restrictions:
   Breeding Status:
   Trade Status:
   Additions Needed:[/size][/font]
        [size=85][font=Times New Roman][b]Name:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color]
        [i][b]Definition:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE (Lingual Origin)[/color][/i]
        [color=#BF0000][i]Name Definition and Origin Info from: [url=]HERE[/url][/i][/color]
        [b]Gender:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color]
        [b]Alignment:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color] [b]Diet:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color]
        [b]Height: [/b] [color=#646464]HEIGHT[/color] [b]Length:[/b] [color=#646464]LENGTH[/color] [b]Weight:[/b] [color=#646464]WEIGHT[/color]
    [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b]
    [b]H I S T O R Y[/b]
    [color=#646464]TEXT[/color][/font][/size][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi][size=200][u]Notes[/u][/size][/font][/align][size=85][b]Posts[/b]: [color=#646464]0[/color] [b]Level[/b]: [color=#646464]1[/color]
    [b]Element:[/b] [color=#646464]ELEMENT[/color]
         Offense: 0
         Defense: 0
         Precision: 0
         Endurance: 0
         Speed: 0
         Fame: 0
    [i]-Species Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Marking Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Acclimation Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Healing Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Magic Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Personality Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Physical Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Social Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [u][b]Battle Traits:[/b][/u] [color=#646464]o [i](Species traits: o) (Marking traits: o)[/i] [/color]
    [b]RP Color:[/b] [color=#646464]ColorCode[/color][/size][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi][size=200][u]Roleplays[/u][/size][/font]
    [font=Courier New][size=120][url=]No plot yet[/url][/size][/font][/align][u][b]Relations[/b][/u]
    [size=85][i]Mate[/i] --
    [i]Family[/i] --
    [i]Friends[/i] --
    [i]Allies[/i] --
    [i]Enemies[/i] --
    [i]Neutral[/i] --[/size]
[u][b]Plot Notes[/b][/u]

[align=center][b][u]Previous-Closed Threads[/u][/b]
    --> None - Post Count[/align][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi]General Notes[/font][/align][i][size=85]Text[/size][/i][hr][/hr]

Main Template - Kuhna (borrowed from MangaRaven and adapted)

Code: Select all
[imgright]IMAGE HERE[/imgright]
    [align=center][font=Old English Text MT][size=150][u][ol].:HERE:.[/ol][/u][/size][/font]
    [smcaps][b]Gender; Gender Preference[/b][/smcaps]
Character Images: URL HERE[/align]_________________________________________
   [font=Monotype Corsiva][size=85]Restrictions:
   Breeding Status:
   Trade Status:
   Additions Needed:[/size][/font]
        [size=85][font=Times New Roman][b]Name:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color]
        [i][b]Definition:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE (Lingual Origin)[/color][/i]
        [color=#BF0000][i]Name Definition and Origin Info from: [url=]HERE[/url][/i][/color]
        [b]Gender:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color]
        [b]Alignment:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color] [b]Diet:[/b] [color=#646464]HERE[/color]
        [b]Height: [/b] [color=#646464]HEIGHT[/color] [b]Length:[/b] [color=#646464]LENGTH[/color] [b]Weight:[/b] [color=#646464]WEIGHT[/color]
    [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b]
    [b]H I S T O R Y[/b]
    [color=#646464]TEXT[/color][/font][/size][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi][size=200][u]Notes[/u][/size][/font][/align][size=85][b]Posts[/b]: [color=#646464]0[/color] [b]Level[/b]: [color=#646464]1[/color]
    [b]Element:[/b] [color=#646464]ELEMENT[/color]
         Offense: 0
         Defense: 0
         Precision: 0
         Endurance: 0
         Speed: 0
         Fame: 0
    [i]-Species Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]Padded Paws[/color]
    [i]-Breed Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Acclimation Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Healing Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Magic Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Personality Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Physical Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Social Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [u][b]Battle Traits:[/b][/u] [color=#646464]o [i](Species traits: o) (Breed traits: o)[/i] [/color]
    [b]RP Color:[/b] [color=#646464]ColorCode[/color][/size][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi][size=200][u]Roleplays[/u][/size][/font]
    [font=Courier New][size=120][url=]No plot yet[/url][/size][/font][/align][u][b]Relations[/b][/u]
    [size=85][i]Mate[/i] --
    [i]Family[/i] --
    [i]Friends[/i] --
    [i]Allies[/i] --
    [i]Enemies[/i] --
    [i]Neutral[/i] --[/size]
[u][b]Plot Notes[/b][/u]

[align=center][b][u]Previous-Closed Threads[/u][/b]
    --> None - Post Count[/align][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi]General Notes[/font][/align][i][size=85]Text[/size][/i][hr][/hr]

Character's Pet Template (adapted from MangaRaven and Dyranthis' templates):

Code: Select all
[imgright]IMAGE HERE[/imgright]
    [align=center][font=Old English Text MT][size=150][u][ol].:HERE:.[/ol][/u][/size][/font]
    [i]Notable Traits:[/i][/align]
[font=Monotype Corsiva]Bio[/font]
[smcaps]Toys:[/smcaps][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi][size=200][url=]Roleplay[/url][/size][/font][/align][size=85][b]Posts[/b]: [color=#646464]0[/color] [b]Level[/b]: [color=#646464]1[/color]
    [b]Element:[/b] [color=#646464]ELEMENT[/color]
         Offense: 0
         Defense: 0
         Precision: 0
         Endurance: 0
         Speed: 0
         Fame: 0
    [i]-Species Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Marking Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Acclimation Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Healing Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Magic Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Personality Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Physical Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Social Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [u][b]Battle Traits:[/b][/u] [color=#646464]o [i](Species traits: o) (Marking traits: o)[/i] [/color]
    [b]RP Color:[/b] [color=#646464]ColorCode[/color][/size]
    [align=center][b][u]Previous-Closed Threads[/u][/b]
    --> None - Post count[/align][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi]General Notes[/font][/align][i][size=85]Text[/size][/i][hr][/hr]

Character's Mount Template (adapted from MangaRaven and Dyranthis' templates):

Code: Select all
[imgright]IMAGE HERE[/imgright]
    [align=center][font=Old English Text MT][size=150][u][ol].:HERE:.[/ol][/u][/size][/font]
    [i]Notable Traits:[/i][/align]
[font=Monotype Corsiva]Bio[/font][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi][size=200][url=]Roleplay[/url][/size][/font][/align][size=85][b]Posts[/b]: [color=#646464]0[/color] [b]Level[/b]: [color=#646464]1[/color]
    [b]Element:[/b] [color=#646464]ELEMENT[/color]
         Offense: 0
         Defense: 0
         Precision: 0
         Endurance: 0
         Speed: 0
         Fame: 0
    [i]-Species Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Marking Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Acclimation Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Healing Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Magic Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Personality Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Physical Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [i]-Social Traits-[/i] [color=#646464]o[/color]
    [u][b]Battle Traits:[/b][/u] [color=#646464]o [i](Species traits: o) (Marking traits: o)[/i] [/color]
    [b]RP Color:[/b] [color=#646464]ColorCode[/color][/size]
    [align=center][b][u]Previous-Closed Threads[/u][/b]
    --> None - Post count[/align][hr][/hr][align=center][font=Vivaldi]General Notes[/font][/align][i][size=85]Text[/size][/i][hr][/hr]

Stat Bonus Template

Code: Select all
[color=#FF0000](+X [Place Name] Bonus)[/color]

Forum-Availables Codes

Code: Select all



[Colour x3] ~ [Colour x3] ~ [Colour x3][/align]
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 2489
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Roleplay Post Count Templates

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/07/2013 11:44 AM

The Alpha Of The Omegas

Cassus/Borealis Post Count Code

Code: Select all

Added Kale Post Count Code

Code: Select all

Added Ebele Post Count Code

Code: Select all

Silence And Serenity Post Count Template

Code: Select all
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 2489
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Personal Templates

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/07/2013 11:45 AM

Challenge 24 Template

Code: Select all
[align=center]Congratulations, your challenge has been accepted!
Please enjoy this reward of 10 KS, and don't forget to post the challenge letter through my door [url=]here[/url].
Many thanks![/align]

Journal Font Code

Code: Select all
[align=center][font=AngloSaxon Runes](Insert Text Here)[/font][/align]

Christmas Deliveries

Code: Select all

[align=center][i]The snowdrift was piled up to the door, and swirls of snowflakes glittered as they flew past the window. The fire was lit, and it's warmth and glow reached the eyes of the traveller wrapped in a warm cloak, who smiled as he knocked on the door.


The door creaked open, and the cloaked figure removed his hood and smiled warmly at the figure huddled in the doorway, before introducing himself.

"Hi, I'm Thornton. You are [NAME], I believe? I'm playing messenger for Toxxic. I'm afraid she was unable to make the journey herself, but she asked me to send you her [GREETING] - and [GIFT HINT]."

The robed figure [REVEALING ACTION], so that the person in the doorway could see their gift - [GIFT DESCRIPTION].



Thornton looked up at [NAME], and this time his speech was a little quicker and higher pitched, indicating his nervousness about the reception his gift would get. "I do hope you like him... Toxxic seemed to think you would. Saw a request for one of them in your wishlist, or something..."

He carefully handed [GIFT] to the figure in the doorway, before taking a step back and pulling his cloak tight around himself once again. "I must be off; there are still a few deliveries I must make. Myself and Toxxic wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Goodnight!" And with that, he raised his hood and made his way into the night, smiling as he heard the door shut behind him. He hoped [NAME] would be happy with [GIFT]![/i]

Breeders Code

Code: Select all
    [imgright]IMAGE HERE[/imgright]
        [align=center][font=Old English Text MT][size=150][u][ol].:Name:.[/ol][/u][/size][/font]
        [smcaps][b]GENDER; Preference[/b][/smcaps]
        [smcaps]Markings:[i][/i][/smcaps][/align]    _________________________________________
       [font=Monotype Corsiva]Character Bio[/font]

Rentals Codes

Code: Select all


Body (Kuhna):
Code: Select all
.: Name :.
{Lineage - /-\}[/align]

Body (Other):
Code: Select all
.: Name :.
{Lineage - /-\}
Previous Offspring:

Availability Codes:

Code: Select all

Tentative or Limited:
Code: Select all

Temporarily Unavailable:
Code: Select all
[color=#FF0000]Temporarily Unavailable[/color]


Code: Select all

Trade Records (Incoming - Non-Breedable)

Code: Select all
[url=Screenshot]Date[/url] - Pet(s) - Trader ---> Me

Trade Records (Incoming - Breedable/Custom)

Code: Select all
[url=Screenshot]Date[/url] - [url=Image Hyperlink]Pet(s)[/url] - Trader ---> Me

Trade Records (Incoming - Reward/Purchase)

Code: Select all
[url=Screenshot]Date[/url] - Pet(s) (Source) - Trader ---> Me

Trade Records (Outgoing Non-Breedable)

Code: Select all
[url=Screenshot]Date[/url] - Pet(s) - Me ---> Receiver

Trade Records (Outgoing Breedable/Custom)

Code: Select all
[url=Screenshot]Date[/url] - [url=Image Hyperlink]Pet(s)[/url] - Me ---> Receiver

Wishlist Most-Wanted Indication

Code: Select all
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 2489
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

War Templates

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/07/2013 11:46 AM

War Count Templates

Vanni -
Code: Select all

Teira -
Code: Select all

Corthrim -
Code: Select all

SMWGH War RP Post Count Template

Code: Select all

Dialogue Templates

Vanni -
Code: Select all

Teira -
Code: Select all

Corthrim -
Code: Select all
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 2489
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Old Templates

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/25/2015 11:38 AM

Old Mini-template:

Code: Select all
[Colour][align=center][size=150][font=Old English Text MT].: Name :.[/font][/size]
-Species; Gender-
{Lineage - }[/align]
Human Form: [size=50][url=]Candybar Doll Maker[/url][/size]

Old Main Template:

Code: Select all
[Colour][align=center][size=150][font=Old English Text MT].: Name :.[/font][/size]
-Species; Gender-
{Lineage - }[/align]
Human Form:

[font=monotype corsiva]
Species Traits:
Color Traits:

Personal Traits:

Side notes:
Other form(s):


Donated By:

Human Form Template:

Code: Select all
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

User avatar
Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 2489
Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Lucain General Info & Marking Traits

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/14/2021 5:46 PM

General Info:

Code: Select all
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.

Code: Select all
Species: Male Lucain (M)
Diet: Carnivore
Offense: 10
Defense: 6
Precision: 6
Endurance: 11
Speed: 8
Fame: 10
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Spiked Body

Code: Select all
Species: Female Lucain (M)
Diet: Carnivore
Offense: 9
Defense: 5
Precision: 7
Endurance: 13
Speed: 8
Fame: 10
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Spiked Body


Code: Select all
The Akita breed of Lucain are a rather peaceful species, who are know for their understanding and easygoing temperament. They forgive easily and make great housepets, as most are never aggressive...

Code: Select all
Known to have existed around the time of the ancient civiliation that was destroyed long ago, these Lucain were genetically created along with the Ancient Kuhnas so that they could have another chance. They are always cool in stressful situations and communicate easily with other Lucain.

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: None

Code: Select all
These Lucain are an extraordinary breed, for they possess the ability to walk on nearly any surface at nearly any angle. Only the most slippery and oddly angled surfaces will give them trouble, but even then they can traverse these obstacles with more ease than many other creatures. They are solitary in their hunting habits and use a mild venom to stun their prey before killing it.

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Spider Climb
Battle Traits: None

Code: Select all
An amphibious species, the Backsplash Lucain are able to swim rather well and often save drowning people when they are in need. They are quite social with anyone and highly intelligent, bonding easily to others in no time at all. Because of their cooperative nature, they can sometimes be very innocent but prove to be quite skilled hunters.

Code: Select all
Element: Water
Passive Traits: Breath Holder, Hydrodynamic
Battle Traits: None

Code: Select all
A robust breed, Bearhound Lucain are well-known for their lightning reflexes and fearlessness. They are commonly employed on hunting trips for large and aggressive game animals, such as Taosig, Tuskow, and even Bruma. In fact, the breed's particular talent for hunting Bruma and other bear-types (and protecting its master against them) is what earned it its name. Although they are wonderful hunting Lucain, however, they make poor companion Lucain, as they need lots of exercise and can be prone to aggression if not well- trained. Strangely enough, they seem to be aggressive towards those of the medical profession regardless of training, however.

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Evasive, Fearless
Battle Traits: None

Code: Select all
In the beginning examples is a common Lucain. This example is one with a characteristic belly mark that often shows up sometimes. The Common Lucain is the most widely distributed of the breeds and can be seen often as a starter pet for any new Lucain breeder. They are often paired with a specific other breed of Lucain, so that the pups will retain only that specific trait and not mix.

No official description.

Code: Select all
Both majestic and whimsical, the Lucain of the Celestial breed are wise and reserved, their starry pelts blending smoothly against a clear night sky. They expend their energies wisely, taking care not to waste it on anything, and their ever growing knowledge is gained through insight and observation. They also seem to possess the longest life of any Lucain breed.

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Passive Traits: Extended Life Span, Intellectual
Battle Traits: None

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The DesertRunner is FAST, even faster than the sly Jacketfox! Though their speed comes only in short bursts, they can top around 90mph easily for short distances. People often breed pure DesertRunners for the sake of Lucain races to see who can breed the fastest DesertRunner ever. Their legs are think and muscular because of their efforts, and their slim bodies help reduce the wind resistance.

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Passive Traits: Dash
Battle Traits: None

No official description.

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A wild breed, the Dingo Lucain is very rambunctious and full of exploration. Their territory boundaries seem to range as far as they can travel and they never stay in one area for too long unless domesticated. They prefer open areas and wide fields of grass such as found in the Vast Plains in Lambastia.

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Passive Traits: Plains Dweller
Battle Traits: None

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Aside from their brute strength, Doberman Lucain are a proud race of graceful domestics. They are both intelligent and compassionate as well as fiercely loyal and protective; their reputations as home guardians is widely known. It is said the first king of Lambastia did not set stone statues of gargoyles outside his castle, but instead figures of his three loyal Doberman Lucain sentinels.

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Lucain with the Drizzle marking love nothing more than the rain, no matter how cold or stormy it may be. Call it a fascination with the weather, but many have been seen strolling around right at home during the most blustery of days. Much like the Storm Lucain, these canines are portents of upcoming showers.

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While scientists are still trying to find where their markings have originated from, Dweller Lucain are a rather odd bunch. They show no signs of any positive emotions and will strive to obtain whatever they need regardless of how they go about doing it, even if it means harming others. They are a horribly reckless bunch who do not seem to value their own lives, Dweller Lucain seem to be in search of something they do not quite understand themselves. These Lucain are also exceptional fighters.

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Element: Dark
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span, Spirit Sense
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike, The Will's Connection

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A rare coloration, the Feyline pattern can only be found on female Lucain! Feyline Lucain are said to be the most mysterious and whimsical of the species, tending to stray far from the reaches of human civilization, though they too do make great house pets. They are gentle and are not easily provoked, never harming anyone unless out of serious self-defense. They also have the lightest skeletal builds, suggesting that these species may have been able to fly in the earlier ages of the world...

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Those with the Firebelly marking are usuall very subtle and tend to live on their own in marshy wilderness. They do however seem to hide another side to them; whether this is a good side or a bad side depends on the individual. Firebellies are also prone to conversing with spirits as well, though no one is quite sure how it is that they are so receptive. This often leads to Lucain plagued with insanity if the spirits are particularly cruel.

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A species of Lucain that is very shy normally, during great times of stress, can often overreact. This makes them not so level-headed when they're needed most. However, in much calmer times, they will help friends solve problems that would normally be carried out forever, as they are really great at communicating when they need to. Freckled Lucain open up to very few friends, but those friends they make for life.

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These Lucain come from the coldest regions of the Fe’gan Mountains. Their fur is said to be as cold as ice, frosting the fingers of people and the paws of pets, if they’re not careful. They can move very well in snowy regions, and their vision remains crystal clear even during snowstorms. They get along well with the Malamute Lucain, both breeds sharing a common love for cold, snowy places.

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Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation, Mountain Dweller
Battle Traits: Freezing Touch, Snowshoes

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A species of plains-dwelling canines, the Giraffe Lucain have evolved teeth that allow them an omnivorous lifestyle. As well, their physiology is slightly different, possessing longer, more elegant necks and legs much in the way of Yonyuu. Each Giraffe's pattern is individual to the Lucain, differentiating it from its peers.

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These Lucain tend to be slightly smaller than average and tend to be quite sneaky/crafty. Their street smarts come from an acute ability to memorize their surroundings as well as tolerate large words.

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Hyaena Lucain are hardy beasts, often seen in large, supportive packs that take down prey much larger than themselves. These packs are matriarchal, ruled by a strong female head who directs all of the pack's actions. Should any disobey, these Lucain are able to use one of the strongest bites knwon on Evelon. They are also lighthearted creatures, able to see the funny side in serious situations. Hyaena Lucain will always try to take the good with the bad in any case.

Jacket Fox
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The Jacket Fox breed is born for speed and cunning. Rarely seen outside the cover of the forests and woods they inhabit, they rarely come in contact with humans if they are wild. If tame, they are very mischievious and should be kept outside so they don't break or steal anything.

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Passive Traits: Dash, Forest Dweller
Battle Traits: None

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Leopard Lucain prefer the dense, moist jungles, especially that of the Tengel rainforest, where they live their lives mostly in solitude. Because of their lack of a pack to bring down prey, this breed has been known to take down more dangerous prey by itself by brute force. They are often seen with battle scars because of this...

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Passive Traits: Independent, Jungle Dweller
Battle Traits: None

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Born for the cold winter wastelands where life barely thrives, the thick pelt of the Malamute Lucain is designed especially to keep the cold out. However, when moved to warmer climates, they often shed off several layers of their fur to accomodate. They are very loyal and are a hard-working bunch, able to pull things twice their size.

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Element: Ice
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation
Battle Traits: Snowshoes

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Baal's favorite type of fur pattern, the Mudbellies are not afraid to get dirty since they already look like it! Some scientists say this is a fairly new breed, branching off from the Splotched gene. They also are highly loyal and enjoy guarding their owners from all harm. Some have been known to sacrifice their own lives for a truly loved master.

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Passive Traits: Inner Discipline
Battle Traits: None

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Not necessarily attuned with the water, despite their marking's name and appearance, Orca Lucain do work together in small packs like their namesake. They are much larger than even their Warrior brethren, and as a result seek larger prey that requires more cunning to catch, which they can easily be said to possess.

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Passive Traits: Hulking Figure
Battle Traits: None

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Often a silent and sombre breed, Reapers barely open up to anyone but have an immense sense of duty towards whatever goal they work towards, be it a good or evil one. They are hard working, have great endurance, and seem to take the idea of death and the concept of Xai're with a deep understanding and acceptance. This species also consists of quick learners who try an adapt to various situations in the best way possible and enjoy working mostly in a discreet, behind-the-scenes manner.

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Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Diehard

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The most water-loving breed, the Ringed Lucain can be seen strolling along the shores of breezy beaches or near some sort of water source. Their fur is hollow and allows them to swim more easily than any other, their wing blades acting as 'fins' to help guide them through the water. They prefer both fish and, if in a large enough pack, Kalamarei.

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Passive Traits: Hydrodynamic
Battle Traits: None

No official description.

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Born to lurk in the shadows, Shadebane Lucain that come in bright colors are often a rare sight to see. Their footfalls are barely heard, as they take great care in not making too much noise. They are highly protective of themselves and their life mates, and will attack any who threaten them without a moment's hesitation. Because of their stealthy dispositions, Shadebane Lucain rely on surprise and ambush to take down their prey...

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Passive Traits: Padded Paws
Battle Traits: None

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These lucain are highly intelligent and protective of their family. Trainers are advised to be consistent with this breed since they are adept at sensing weakness and won't hesitate to manipulate an owner into giving them scraps from the table, letting them into bed, and asserting dominance over their trainer in underhanded ways. Because of their immense loyalty however, many Shepherds are celebrated throughout history as some of the most notable canine partners for important figureheads.

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Despite their marking, these Lucain don't actually stink. However, we would not suggest surprising them in the event that they go into a blind panic. They have been known to raise their tails as a sign of aggression and attack if they feel threatened.

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According to their name, not only is the Split Lucain pelt split in two, most often have dual personalities as well. They are often incapable of making a sure decision and sometimes quarrel within themselves over small things; they also change moods rather quickly as well. Split Lucain also are very unique characters and have alot to say about themselves.

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Passive Traits: Chaotic Mind
Battle Traits: None

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Often domesticated, this breed is full of energy and loves to play in their younger stages of life. As they grow older, they grow less energetic and would prefer to contemplate on the things around it.

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Good with children, the StarSpeckled Lucain makes a great addition to the family environment. They are often very understanding and playful and prefer to eat regular dog food rather than anything that resembles anything living. They are also the best breed for training tricks and doing performances.

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A rather energetic bunch, the Storm Lucain are a wild and free bunch who don't take well to following orders. Controlling powers over electricity, they love vast, open plains in which they thrive. People often tend to avoid these Lucain, as it is said that a dark cloud always seems to follow them wherever they go. They're also quite moody around others.

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Element: Electricity
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Conductivity, Elusive Foe

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The Streak Lucain are a breed that completes the Skunk Lucain. With their relaxed personalities and ability to work under great pressure, they can often provide good support and will often be able to think of solutions in dangerous situations. Streak Lucain will often raise their tails to show happiness and excitement.

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A water-loving breed as well, the Striped Lucain are a hardy species who normally never back down from a fight, whether the odds are in their favor or not. They are especially trained to protect their masters because of their nature, as well.

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Passive Traits: Fearless
Battle Traits: None

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This breed is able to withstand even the hottest climates. Their fur is the thinnest of any breed, and for good reason, as they enjoy living in desert or volcanic environments. They have the greatest endurance and can run for several miles without stopping.

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Passive Traits: Dash, Desert Dweller
Battle Traits: None

No official description.

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Creatures of the forests and woodlands, the Vines-marked Lucain almost always have something to do with plants or vegetation. Vines Lucain seem to enjoy the bright sunlight and get along well with all other types of creatures without too much of a fuss. In this way, these Lucain may have great allies and alliances with others. Oftentimes, they are quite charismatic or extravagant, and prefer to try an be unique as much as possible even if they don't particularly succeed.

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Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Entangling Roots, Mother Nature's Son

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A rare coloration, the Warrior pattern can only be found on male Lucain! The Warrior marking is considered to be a symbol of great honor and responsibility and those who bear the mark are often leaders and protectors of the pack. If there is more than one Warrior in a pack, the males will often fight to the death to proclaim their stature. They are a hardy species and can fend for themselves if necessary.

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Passive Traits: Independent
Battle Traits: Powerful Jaws


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Also possessing lots of stamina, the Appaloosa Lucain is hardly ever tame. They roam free throughout the mountainous wilderness in search of ever-moving prey in small packs, usually from 2-5 Lucain.

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Element: Earth
Passive Traits: Mountain Dweller
Battle Traits: None

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Not much is known about those with the Banded minimark, only that they are often temperamental and unpredictable.

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A rather strange marking, Lucain with the BoneFish minimark often have comical streaks and love the sea, being adept dog-paddlers. They are witty and almost always have a joke to tell.

No official description.

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We're not exactly sure whether this is an actual minimark or the aftermath of the Lucain's latest meal.

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Always hungry, Coontail Lucain are adept foragers and food theives, able to sneak by and take someone's food without them knowing of it. They are also sometimes kleptomaniacs, who love to gather things they get in large piles hidden away somewhere.

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Passive Traits: City Dweller, Hoarder, Scavenger
Battle Traits: None

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Those with the Ears minimarking have hearing to rival the Sahound. They will often relay messages heard from far away to the rest of their pack because of their incredible detection of sound.

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Obsessed with the stars and the workings of the celestial bodies, Eclipse Lucain prefer to spend their days sleeping and their nights studying the night sky. During inclement weather, they stay indoors and read books on astrology and astronomy.

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Passive Traits: Night Vision
Battle Traits: None

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FullTails are lazy creatures that love nothing better to do than sit on their haunches all day.

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Preferring to live a non-violent life, these Lucain love to watch the world passively. They are highly optimistic and love to try and cheers others up whenever they can.

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Ever the manipulative bunch, Lucain sporting the Kohl marking have a flair for the dramatic. Many times you'll find yourself tricked by their ability to talk around others, acting just as well as they can breathe.

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Strong in both presence and character, those with the Mane coloration take pride in whatever they do. Protective and territorial, these Lucain can survive in both dry, arid climates and snowy, mountainous regions thanks to the large mass fur fur around their necks. These Lucain also work together in packs, often with an alpha male, female, or pair heading the group.

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Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation, Heat Adaptation
Battle Traits: None

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Lucain who possess the Mask minimark are a reclusive bunch and tend to stay away from large crowds. Often times, they try to hide their emotions beneath a cold exterior, but beneath they are usually quite sensitive.

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Mudpaw Lucain vary quite drastically in disposition. Either they are completely serious and stoic or immensely passionate and expressive in whatever they do. At times, they can switch from one to the other as easily as blinking. As well, special oils in their paws help their pawpads free of suction, which helps them to 'dash over swampy or semi-liquid surfaces much easier than most and they never get stuck in thick puddles of mud.

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Lucain with the Psi-Eye marking are proved to be often withdrawn and quiet, watching the world passively. They are extremely knowledgeable and love to research, study, and calculate. Believed to actually be psychic, these Lucain usually never show off their powers to others but their own species. They are also quite peaceful and don't like to fight all that much.

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Passive Traits: Perceptive
Battle Traits: Blindsense

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Most Lucain with the Socks marking are both playful and careful at the same time, enjoying things but at a safe pace. A select few are known to be a bit clumsy.

No official description.

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Those with the Spade minimark are daring, loving to take risky chances whenever they can. They are also a highly competitive bunch and can be sore losers at times.

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Lucain with this minimark are often laid-back and easygoing. They love to bask in the sun!

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Those of the TailTip type are usually disciplined artists. Though their markings are natural, you will often find the tips of their tails as different colors, usually from the paints these Lucain will mix. They are extremely skilled at painting with their bushy tails, whether for art, territorial markings, or communication.

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Passive Traits: Artist
Battle Traits: None

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Having suffered since birth, the Tearstain Lucain are believed to all have originated from the same area a long time ago, near the Tuun Mountains and Basantha Shrine. There it is said that they were cursed to live unfortunate lives, hence the Tearstain marking that some believed is caused by all the sorrow they undergo.

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Striving to keep their souls pure, Lucain with the X minimark are easily distinguished from others by their strength of will and innocence of mind. Trying to tempt one of these Lucain to do an act of evil is just as fruitless as trying to douse the flames of a Fellox.

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Passive Traits: Pure Soul
Battle Traits: None
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
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Paragon General Info & Marking Traits

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/14/2021 6:22 PM

General Info:

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It seems a recent turmoil has awoken these great, slumbering beasts from all corners of the world! Coming in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, Paragons are immense creatures that are extremely hard to bond with unless you've had them since they were little eggs. Their main diet consists of pretty much everything that moves, including people for some species, and they are usually quite reserved, tending only to hunt when necessary. (If you're lucky.) To catch their prey, some have been known to be able to change themselves into a human form in order to 'deceive' their prey...


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The Ambia Paragon has always been revered in history as a symbol of power and grace, associated with the changing of seasons. The Ambia species are regal and disciplined, able to train for years in a single practice to near perfection. For this reason, they are also masters over the elemental powers that are gifted to them at birth; Ambia hatchlings are born without any power at birth. Elder Ambia Paragon who are chosen to watch over the hatchling bestow their power to the child and ultimately lose their own.

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Species: Ambia (H)
Diet: Omnivore
Element: None
Offense: 6
Defense: 5
Precision: 8
Endurance: 10
Speed: 8
Fame: 7
Passive Traits: Graceful, Inner Discipline
Battle Traits: [Elemental Attack – you may choose which, but it still counts as a Racial Trait]

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The Carapace Paragon are a hardy species that are very aggressive. During mating season, male Carapace Paragon will rut. As a result the hard shell covering their faces may be dented and the horns at the tip of their snout broken. These Paragon prefer in live in warmer, tropical climates feeding on rotting trees that have grown old and soggy on the forest floor.

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Species: Carapace (L)
Diet: Xylophagous
Element: None
Offense: 10
Defense: 7
Precision: 5
Endurance: 14
Speed: 7
Fame: 5
Passive Traits: Jungle Dweller
Battle Traits: Puncture

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A hardy breed, the DesertHorn, as it's name suggests, favors the dry, arid regions of Evelon as it's habitat. Despite it's massive size (towering easily over a human being), the DesertHorn can quickly claw through the sand and fully submerge itself within seconds. To conserve it's energy, this Paragon buries itself under the burning sands with only the top of it's head revealed and it's mouth open. Unknowing travelers will often mistaken it's gaping maw as an empty cavern...

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Species: DesertHorn (H)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Earth
Offense: 10
Defense: 7
Precision: 3
Endurance: 14
Speed: 6
Fame: 8
Passive Traits: Desert Dweller, Sand Camouflage
Battle Traits: Sandskimmer, Sandstorm, Tough Hide

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Fairy Paragons are by definition 'wild and free'. Soaring through the air effortlessly, these creatures have migratory patterns similar to birds, traveling thousands of miles at a time in small groups, with barely any time to rest. Because of this, their wings can sometimes become strong enough to knock over large foes with gusts of wind.

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Species: Fairy (L)
Diet: Insectivore
Element: Air
Offense: 8
Defense: 3
Precision: 8
Endurance: 10
Speed: 9
Fame: 7
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Wingstorm [only if it possesses wings that grant Aerodynamic]

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Able to breath harsh gusts of ice, the Frost Paragon's natural habitat makes it tough to find a meal. They must move constantly across the frozen wastelands and vast mountain ranges in search of prey. Highly adapted to going weeks without food, this creature has the ability to 'switch' it's vision to detect any single sign of heat, much like a snake sees, allowing the Paragon to seek out prey that would normally blend into it's surrounding environment. They are also often quite stubborn and hard-headed, tending to think that they are always right in most situations, and will not hesitate to back up their position.

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Species: Frost (H)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Ice
Offense: 10
Defense: 5
Precision: 6
Endurance: 14
Speed: 5
Fame: 4
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation, Scavenger
Battle Traits: Blizzard, Snowshoes

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Said to have come back from the dead, Grim Paragons have no fear of death whatsoever. They are a resilient species that make great warriors, and can spew forth poisonous fumes stored in their bodies to harm it's opponents. Their eyes are also expecially adapted to seeing in the night, when they are more active. Their hollow skulls trap sound and magnify it so that they can hear things a mile away.

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Species: Grim (H)
Diet: Animavore/Carnivore
Element: Dark
Offense: 10
Defense: 5
Precision: 5
Endurance: 13
Speed: 5
Fame: 7
Passive Traits: Fearless, Keen Hearing, Night Vision
Battle Traits: Miasma, Stubborn Ferocity

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Withstanding even the hottest of temperatures, Lavamancer Paragon are particularly fond of gold and treasures, which they melt down to sculpt themselves their own treasures. They are quite greedy and hide away within the maws of active volcanoes, out of reach from most other living creatures. They are also easily agitated and will not hesitate to kill and or eat anything that gets on their bad side (though they've decided humans don't taste as good as others say.)

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Species: Lavamancer (H)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Fire
Offense: 9
Defense: 4
Precision: 7
Endurance: 13
Speed: 7
Fame: 8
Passive Traits: Altitude Adaptation, Mountain Dweller
Battle Traits: Flame Resistant, Pyro

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Preferring to live among misty bamboo forests, the Nago is slightly smaller than it's cousins and is very hard to spot amongst it's natural environment. If seen, people believe that you will recieve ten years of good luck, though these creatures are extremely fast and thus also makes them hard to spot. Most rely on a herbivorous diet, eating the shoots of bamboo plants and lotus that grows in hidden ponds. When in the company of others, they are shy but polite most of the time and will not resort to violence unless necessary.

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Species: Nago (L)
Diet: Carnivore
Offense: 8
Defense: 5
Precision: 8
Endurance: 11
Speed: 9
Fame: 6
Passive Traits: Dash, Forest Dweller
Battle Traits: First Initiative

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Soaring high in the sky, farther than most other flying creatures can go, the Pipe Paragon is an incredibly independant creature that does not like associating itself with others unless it really has to. It''s tough, mesh-like skin allows it to withstand the freezing temperatures of such high altitudes as well as the crushing pressure of the deepest oceans, as it can also swim with grace. The feathery tendrils on it's head helps it detect changes in air or water pressure and it's eight eyes help it see in many directions at once so that it can coordinate it's movements.

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Species: Pipe (H)
Diet: Piscivore
Element: Air/Water
Offense: 8
Defense: 2
Precision: 8
Endurance: 11
Speed: 8
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Altitude Adaptation, Hydrodynamic [if it does not possess wings that grant Aerodynamic, Assisted Flight may be taken as a Racial Trait]
Battle Traits: Blubber

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A rather fragile creature and barely the size of a full grown human, Placid Paragons were definitely not meant for fighting. Coexisting peacefully alongside pretty much any other creature, they will instantly run from a threat rather than fight back. Easily bonding to it's owner, the Placid Paragon will often bring 'gifts' like flowers or shiny trinkets it finds to it's master. They are also very nurturing and caring, seemingly gifted in the art of healing. Some have been known to resurrect a dearly-loved master from death with healing magic.

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Species: Placid (M)
Diet: Herbivore
Offense: 7
Defense: 3
Precision: 6
Endurance: 10
Speed: 8
Fame: 7
Passive Traits: Evasive, Inner Discipline
Battle Traits: Augment Healing, Healing Touch

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As it's name suggests, the Primal is the oldest species of Paragon and has the most longevity out of all it's cousins. They are a normally lazy and inactive species who enjoy sitting in one place for long periods of time without moving, as they do not have to eat every day. Because of this moss or plantlife can often be seen growing upon it's rock-like hide, allowing them to blend in even more with it's surroundings. However, if angered a Primal Paragon's bite force is a power to be feared as they can crush boulders with one snap of the maw. Despite this, they are generally mild mannered and won't say no to sharing their knowledge of the world.

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Species: Primal (H)
Diet: Carnivore
Offense: 10
Defense: 5
Precision: 2
Endurance: 13
Speed: 9
Fame: 4
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: Powerful Jaws, Snatch and Snap

No official description or stats

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Possessing lighter bones than other Paragon, the Rockbeaks make their nests on the side of cliffs leading to the sea, where they shovel out vast amounts of rock from the cliffside in order to make room for their nests. With their specially adapted claws, they can cling in a fully vertical manner as they work and can catch slippery fish with ease. It's skull is rounded in the front, giving it the characteristic 'beak', which acts as a scoop as well as a hollow chamber, which it uses to make almost bird-like calls. Rockbeaks are very friendly if not a bit wary and enjoy keeping things tidy, such as their cliff nests or their master's homes.

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Species: Rockbeak (H)
Diet: Piscivore
Offense: 8
Defense: 4
Precision: 7
Endurance: 10
Speed: 5
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Altitude Adaptation, Mountain Dweller
Battle Traits: Powerful Jaws

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A territorial creature, Sailfins use the characteristic 'sails' to communicate their feelings to others from far distances. When not agiatated or excited, they will relax these sails. While not as large as many other Paragon, Sailfins can make great mounts as they obey orders quite well and feel a sense of duty towards others. Because they work so well with humans, many cities often use them for police force mounts instead of automobiles, as they can adapt to harsh situations that cars normally cannot. Their bodies are made for power and speed, quite they often use to protect others from creatures much larger than themselves. They also possess thick blood which helps them heal faster should they lose a limb or two.

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Species: Sailfin (L)
Diet: Carnivore
Offense: 8
Defense: 4
Precision: 5
Endurance: 13
Speed: 8
Fame: 5
Passive Traits: Dash, Disciplined
Battle Traits: Powerful Jaws, Stoneblood

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A race of Paragon hardly seen, these subterranean creatures have evolved without eyes. Instead, the sensitive folds of skin in the spikes lining their skulls detect vibrations in the ground which they follow to find prey. Their powerful legs and scales help them 'swim' through the sand and dirt of dry and arid regions, though they escape the heat by making their homes in complex tunnels beneath the ground.

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Species: Sandshark (L)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Earth
Offense: 9
Defense: 3
Precision: 5
Endurance: 14
Speed: 6
Fame: 6
Passive Traits: Desert Dweller, Sand Camouflage
Battle Traits: Sandskimmer

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Spark Drakes can produce high amounts of electricity every second, capable of delievering a killing blow or just a paralyzing shock to it's victims. They are always full of energy and crane their heads like birds, always jumping it's eyes to something eles with the flick of it's head. If they trust in someone enough, these Paragon can discharge themselves so that they can touch others. When with their own kind, Spark Drakes are know to exchange volts of electricity by touching horns rather than actually speaking words.

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Species: Spark Drake (H)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Electricity
Offense: 7
Defense: 4
Precision: 9
Endurance: 12
Speed: 8
Fame: 4
Passive Traits: Dash, Hyper
Battle Traits: Conductivity, Resistor

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Normally active around the night, VoidBringer Paragons are a nasty bunch that take orders from no one unless they trust the other. Their ill tempers and unpredictable attitudes make them normally an unfavorable species, though their fighting skills and ability to drain the life of others through prolonged physical contact makes them a respected creature. It's spines are sharp as knives and can cut through steel easily. Some say that if you stare directly into one's eyes, you will come face to face with your worst memories and fears.

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Species: VoidBringer (H)
Diet: Animavore/Carnivore
Element: Dark
Offense: 8
Defense: 4
Precision: 4
Endurance: 12
Speed: 7
Fame: 8
Passive Traits: Night Vision
Battle Traits: Dark Heart, Life Drain

Code: Select all
Often serving as sky mounts, the Windgills are a social and optimistic species that enjoy making others laugh with their complicated aerial tricks. They are often seen in large groups, chattering amongst each other and sharing stories of their travels. When there is a shortage of food, they will fly in great masses across vast distances in search of more. In an old Evelonian tale, one was said to have raised a human child, teaching it the ways of flight and thus inspiring the invention of aerial mechanics.

Code: Select all
Species: Windgill (H)
Diet: Omnivore
Element: Air
Offense: 7
Defense: 3
Precision: 9
Endurance: 11
Speed: 8
Fame: 5
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Aero

Wing Types:

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: None

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

No associated traits

Code: Select all
[i]Does Not Enable Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Pyro

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Code: Select all
[i]Does Not Enable Flight[/i]

No associated traits

Code: Select all
[i]Does Not Enable Flight[/i]

No associated traits

Code: Select all
[i]Does Not Enable Flight[/i]

No associated traits

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Code: Select all
[i]Enables Flight[/i]

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic
Battle Traits: Wing Buffet

Tail Types:

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Hydrodynamic
Battle Traits: None

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Pyro

No associated traits

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Toxin

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits


Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: None

No associated traits

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Resist Death

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span, Intellectual
Battle Traits: None

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Chaotic Mind
Battle Traits: None

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Flame Resistant

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Entangling Roots, Mother Nature's Son

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Swamp Dweller
Battle Traits: None

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Animalistic Nature
Battle Traits: None

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits


Belly Line
No associated traits

Body Bar
No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Fat Tail
No associated traits

Lizard Legs
Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Climber
Battle Traits: Extended Claws

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Resist Death

Tail Band
No associated traits

No associated traits
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Diosol General Info & Stats

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/14/2021 6:29 PM

Code: Select all
"Every year, many onlookers will see shooting stars racing across the night sky on the day just before summer. What most do not realize, is that these falling stars are really errant Diosols falling from the heavens, or so rumors go. Regardless of tales, the Diosol is a rare find indeed. Other stories about the Diosol include that they are 'servants of Yepha', and if you can harvest the energies of enough Diosol, one will be granted the gift of everlasting life. Others believe it bad luck to harm a Diosol. Even so, most Diosol are hunted for the former belief, so many Diosol are usually untrusting of others. The floating wings on their back that grant them flight cannot be explained, but seem attached to a Diosol when they are needed and can also be discarded or taken off on command. An absent-minded Diosol could actually misplace their wings. Once a Diosol learns to bond with someone, they trust in that person for life."

Code: Select all
Species: Diosol (S)
Diet: Herbivore/Mentivore
Offense: 2
Defense: 4
Precision: 9
Endurance: 8
Speed: 6
Fame: 10
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic, Dash, Evasive, Extended Life Span, Keen Hearing
Battle Traits: Dodge
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Soveris General Info & Marking Traits

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/14/2021 6:40 PM

General Info:

Code: Select all
The Soveris is a majestic creature that is believed to be one of the first recorded species, having inspired much lore and art in Evelonian history. The Soveris are a highly adaptable species whose habitat ranges widely in both Lambastia and Barakka; the coloration and markings of their plumage vary greatly, a genetic trait that stems from this vast range. It is an apex predator and actively hunts large terrestrial mammals and reptiles by pouncing down on its prey from the sky.

Code: Select all
Species: Soveris (L)
Diet: Carnivore
Offense: 10
Defense: 6
Precision: 9
Endurance: 19
Speed: 8
Fame: 10
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic, Terrain Traveler
Battle Traits: Flyby Attack, Wingstorm


No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Extended Life Span, Intellectual
Battle Traits: None

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Resist Death

No associated traits

Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Fearless
Battle Traits: None

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Wing Markings:

Alternate Full
No associated traits

Alternate Head
No associated traits

Alternate Legs
No associated traits

Alternate Primary
No associated traits

Alternate Secondary
No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Broad Stripe
No associated traits

No associated traits

Dual Tone
No associated traits

No associated traits

Eye Wings
No associated traits

Half Osprey
No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Soft Edge
No associated traits

Soft Inner
No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits


No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Inner Striped
No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

Speckle Wing
No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits

No associated traits
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Kuhna General Info & Stats

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/14/2021 7:00 PM

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Coloration General Info & Traits

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/14/2021 7:01 PM


Code: Select all
This color incorporates all standard teal pets. Teal pets are oddly, soft to the touch and often experience radical jumps in emotion according to it's surroundings.

Code: Select all
Element: Water
Passive Traits: Hydrodynamic, Ocean Dweller
Battle Traits: Flood


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A rare, and very selective color, a pet is lucky to have been colored so. Not many species are known to have the specifics genes needed for such a coloration. It is said that the very first Battlefield pets were genetically created during the early Warring Periods of Evelon, bred solely for the purpose of war. Pets of the Battlefield color are often successful hunters as they can blend into surroundings quite well, and are also great fighters as their namesake describes. They are hardy creatures that won't give up, even if almost at the point of losing, and will risk their lives (and even give up their lives) for their owners if need be. They are also very cautious, and often spend some time alone away from their owners to reminisce. Battlefield includes colors such as olive, khaki, tan, jade, and darkgreen.

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Rousing Speech


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More plant and fungus than animal, the Biolune's body tissues are soft and almost fully malleable. Pets of this color normally don't take a liking to fire, unless they're naturally born with the element. They also are incredibly hard to find, preferring cool, damp places during the night; in fact, no one really evers sees a Biolune creature in the light, as they are extremely sensitive to it. The glow from their bodies comes from special cells giving off chemical energy converting to light energy, used for things such as communication and attracting a mate. Because of their fragility and shy nature, Biolune pets will retire.

Code: Select all
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: Cave Dweller, Luminescent
Battle Traits: None


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All creatures of this color are known to incorporate mixes of dark red, red, hot pink, orange,and yellow. Creatures of this color are often thought to have descended straight from the sun, due to their radiant coloration.

Code: Select all
Element: Fire
Passive Traits: Heat Adaptation
Battle Traits: Flame Resistant, Pyro


Code: Select all
Characterized by their soft looks and dulled colors, Bleached pets usually have calm personalities and get along well with others of their species. They are quite selfless and aspire to help others no matter the cost, often blindly sacrificing themselves for the causes of others. Bleached pets are usually low maintainance but can sometimes be somewhat vain, though they pale in comparison to the luster and shine of pets such as of the Jewel color... They include colors like white, light green, and light pink. All bleached pets eventually retire...

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Photosensitivity
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
This color incorporates all standard red pets. Despite their color's name, the blood pets do not get their coloration from blood. Blood pets are known to be very hyper and full of energy.

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Dash
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
Blossom pets are often very intellegent, peaceful, and whimsical but at the same time, reserved. They like to keep to themselves and often wander from place to place without stopping. It is said that wherever they go, happiness seems to follow them but they themselves, however, are not always happy. Their high intellegence often makes them very self-conscious as if they are being judged at all times, making them often insecure or withdrawn. If they are in a good mood, their footsteps can oftentimes leave behind a trail of flourishing flowers.

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Herbalist
Battle Traits: Mother Nature's Son


Code: Select all
All creatures of this color are known to incorporate mixes of pink, purple,and blue. And no, you cannot eat them. XD

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Hyper
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
All creatures of this color are known to be both black and crimson. Chaos creatures are often very destructive (even if they mean not to) and are highly aggresive.

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Chaotic Mind
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
More machine than animal, Clockwork creatures have internal mechanisms instead of organs, oil instead of blood. They are fully capable of living on their own but would much rather have orders to follow or tasks to perform, as they were mostly programmed to serve. They can appear emotionless but actually do experience feelings deep within. It is supposed that these are some of Xai're, the death god's creations, but that theory can never be proved. Clockwork pets will retire.

Code: Select all
Element: Metal
Passive Traits: Cyborg, Diligent
Battle Traits: Metal Plating


Code: Select all
This color incorporates all standard blue pets. These pets like to either take to the air or hang around water-abundant areas for a habitat. It is said that before paint was invented, fur, scales, and feathers of Cobalt creatures were ground to make the first blue pigment.

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Night Vision
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
The normal color a pet can be found in.

No associated traits


Code: Select all
Pets of this color are exactly what they appear to be... 'concepts' or sketches. However, these pets are true existing creatures who were once thoughts or imaginations of the owner but came to life! They are living figments of imagination, some referring to them as imaginary friends come to life, and can interact with others just like any other pet. The 'lines' they are made up of are rough to the touch. Also, Concept pets do not benefit from eating or sleeping...

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Elusive Foe


Code: Select all
A newly discovered 'color', not much is known how or why pets are suddenly turning up misshapen and deformed so. Cursed pets are known now to be black, maroon, and red, and strangely all have some things in common; each bear [url=]this symbol[/url] burned somewhere onto their bodies (even if not visible sometimes) It wouldn't have anything to do with the shady owner of the Evelon Preservation Zoo, now would it?:
They also have a tendancy to have vine-like appendages growing from their skin that seem to move on their own and piercing lights for eyes...

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Chaotic Mind, Disease Immunity, Fast Healing
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
Thought to be merely solid spirits, Dreamsnare pets live and travel within the metaphysical realm of which true Chaos are thought to dwell. In this realm, these pets hold sway over the dreams of others, catching fleeting thoughts and memories to rearrange them more in an order to their liking and weaving them back into the unconscious mind that sleeps. While most of these pets are ominous or mischievous, having said to have come to life after the fall of the Seraph Nyssydriel, some actually seem nostalgic, lost, or compassionate even. Their bodies glow with a distinctive aura and some have strange patterns that crosscross or look similar to a Lunafly somewhere upon their bodies, as well as black feathers which seem to hover just above them. Dreamsnare pets will sadly retire.

Code: Select all
Element: Energy
Passive Traits: Dream Weaver, Planar Travel
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
All creatures of this color are known to be both black and blue. Pets of this color, of course, prefer cold regions in which to live but can vary well adapt to any environment with time.

Code: Select all
Element: Ice
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation
Battle Traits: Frost, Snowshoes


No Description
Code: Select all
Passive Traits: City Dweller, Smooth Talker
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
A rather dubious color, hollow pets are known to incorporate colors of black and orange. They are colored perfectly for the Halloween season, yet owners all around the world have been seen with these pets any time of the year all year round!

Code: Select all
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: Spirit Sense
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike


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These majestic creatures are even genetically color to show their grandeur. Imperial pets are often very prideful and noble at heart, but if you don't watch out, they can get very snobbish as well. They will eat only the best of foods and prefer pillows where they sleep if your pet is snobbish. It also seems that, due to some power struggles in the land of Evelon, pets of the Imperial crest are at war with pets of the Purine crest! The Imperialist crest consists of a hand with a sun resting upon it's palm. Because of the war, they show negative signs of behavior when around Purine pets. Imperial pets seem to incorporate colors of white and red somewhere.

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Defender, Loyal
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
This color incorporates all standard violet pets. Jewel pets are rare and valued highly for their coats or plumage. Many owners of jewel pets enjoy showing off their prized pets.

Code: Select all
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: None
Battle Traits: Tough Hide


No Description
Code: Select all
Element: Light
Passive Traits: Celestial Heritage, Defender, Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: Shining Aura


No Description
Code: Select all
Passive Traits: Swamp Dweller
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
A seasonal addition to Evelon, Noel pets are perfect for the holidays. Because of their sweet tendencies and ability to mimic Christmas carols in their own ways, they are often given as gifts to friends and family! So why not do the same for someone close to you? These pets do not retire, but no new Noel pets will be released until the next Christmas time! Noel pets include the colors of dark green, ruby red, and gold.

Code: Select all
Element: Ice
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation, Pure Soul
Battle Traits: Snowshoes


Code: Select all
This color incorporates all standard green pets. These pets are often the best hunters in the wild, able to blend right in to their surroundings.

Code: Select all
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: Jungle Dweller
Battle Traits: Mother Nature's Son


Code: Select all
This color incorporates all standard pink pets. For the more softer-sided people, plush pets are highly favored by cheerleaders. o.O

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Defender
Battle Traits: Team Defense


Code: Select all
Prismatic is among the brightest, most colorful colors that pets can be available in. Prismatic pets are often very cheerful and their coats/feathers/scales shimmer with all colors of the spectrum. They are really good pets for parents, as the pet tends to blend in with all the other cheery toys that an infant might have. These pets are also very friendly and get along well with humans. Prismatic includes colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and pink.

No associated traits


Code: Select all
As mentioned before, pets of the Purine color seem to be at war with Imperial pets, due to some power struggles by a few of the ruling lords of the land of Evelon. My researchers and I have managed to adopt a few from the ranks of the Purists and in turn, allow you to have a chance at one! The Purist crest consists of a scale upon a spruce of olive leaves. Purine pets seem to incorporate colors of mainly white and some blue.

Code: Select all
Element: None
Passive Traits: Defender, Loyal
Battle Traits: None


Code: Select all
This color incorporates all standard yellow pets. Pets of this color are often very outgoing and showy, tending to flaunt their attractive colors to other, less-fortunate creatures.

Code: Select all
Element: Energy
Passive Traits: Plains Dweller
Battle Traits: Razzle Dazzle, Sink


No Description
Code: Select all
Element: Light
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic, Celestial Heritage, Extended Life Span
Battle Traits: Shining Aura, Healing Touch


Code: Select all
A super rare color, the sky pets are known to be white, grey, and sky blue. Sky pets are highly sought after and are known for their calm dispositions and beautiful cloud-like markings upon their skin, feathers, or fur. So get your hands on one now before they retire!

Code: Select all
Element: Air
Passive Traits: Altitude Adaptation
Battle Traits: Bolstering Winds, Solid Stance


No Description
Code: Select all
Element: Energy
Passive Traits: Defender
Battle Traits: Bomber


Code: Select all
From the depths of the Basantha Shrine in Evelon comes these rather ancient-looking creatures. Their bodies are made entirely of stone, and glowing, blue lines of light course all along their bodies. Their soulless eyes seem to bore right through your soul and beyond. Their gaze is also somewhat hypnotic as they try to sway you to their whim, so be sure not to stare eye-to-eye with these pets for too long... Not much else is known about these pets, besides the fact that they do not eat. When they sleep their eyes 'go out'. Temple pets incorporate the colors of grey, light grey, black, and blue. Strangely, there is also [url=]this uncanny symbol[/url] that seems to appear on every pet:

Code: Select all
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: Hulking Figure, Thought-Speech
Battle Traits: Earthquake Stomp, Stoneblood


Code: Select all
Thanks to some really determined researchers of the Preservation Zoo, it seems yet another color has been discovered! And it's now deemed even rarer than even the Sky color, as the pets seem to disappear quickly! Pets of the Treasure color seem to incorporate colors of white and gold/yellow somewhere. They are very shy and for good reason, many people have been found to illegally hunt these beautiful creatures for their hides...

Code: Select all
Element: Light
Passive Traits: Hunted
Battle Traits: Blinding Blaze, Shining Aura


Code: Select all
All creatures of this color are known to be both black and green. Most pets born of this color were exposed to radiation at some point in their lives and have survived. Venom pets' skin are know to have a high toxidity level.

Code: Select all
Element: Acid
Passive Traits: Toxic
Battle Traits: Bioaccumulation, Poison Immunity


Code: Select all
The scientists here at the Evelon Preservation Zoo have discovered yet ANOTHER type of color out there. These void creatures show no emotion whatsoever, seemingly devoid of feeling anything but emptyness. They seem to be searching for something, some kind of emotion that they cannot attain. We do not prefer this pet for the 'loving' owners who wish to cuddle and pamper their pets, for they will find no happiness with these such pets. They also seem to be fearsome battlers when pitted against another pet in a duel. Pets of the Void color seem to incorporate colors of black and violet somewhere.

Code: Select all
Element: Dark
Passive Traits: Stoic
Battle Traits: Dark Heart, The Will's Connection


Code: Select all
Unable to sit still for more than a few moments, Voltage pets are always full of energy and enthusiasm. Their bodies emit small sparks of electricity similar to static shock but, if trained enough, can be amplified and used as a deadly weapon. Many times, you will find metallic objects clinging to your because of the magnetism they emit. The only thing that can drain a Voltage pet is if it uses too much electrical power, which can make them weak and exhausted.

Code: Select all
Element: Electricity
Passive Traits: City Dweller
Battle Traits: Conductivity, Lightningstorm, Voltage


Code: Select all
This color incorporates all standard brown pets. Wood pets make great pets for those owners who favor color coordination, as they go great with a nice vanity or table... These pets also have an affinity for nature.

Code: Select all
Element: Wood
Passive Traits: Forest Dweller
Battle Traits: Enhanced Regeneration, Mother Nature's Son
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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