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Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/09/2021 7:56 PM

Alternative Title: I travelled to Baldur's Gate And All I Got Were These Lousy Memories


They finally left Harbreeze Bakery leaving the smell of cinnamon and sugarbread behind them. Ura proudly marched at the front as usual, the tiny Kobold guiding the merry band of misfits through the maze that was Baldur’s Gate, with Ishmael and Valor not too far behind.

Daeva’s travelling companions seemed in high spirits as they counted out coins between themselves and were enthused about the promise of baked goods being delivered to their accommodations in the following days.

The red Dragonborn wished she could share their good spirits, but she failed to see how this little distraction fit in the grand scheme of things. They’d learned nothing beyond what they already knew - that the Watch was acting strangely. It didn’t solve their Sending Stones problem, it had nothing to do with the growing evil beneath the city and it didn’t help her find her quarry - the Dragonborn from her clan that she’d been seeking.

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/09/2021 7:56 PM

Instead, she was now gripped with a single thought; that this city was beginning to test her, her devotion to her god and her ability to leave her past firmly where it should belong: behind her. If there was one thing Baldur’s Gate had provided, it was the return of malignant memories.

Daeva found herself staring down at her scaled hands and black tipped claws and the clamour of the busy city around her faded into background noise, the only thing she kept a tab on was Ura’s drawl, Ishmael’s deep voice and Valor’s muffled tones as a compass to guide her feet whilst she ruminated. As Baldur’s Gate slipped away and her mind jumped back to the same place it had gone the day she’d chased that cart down; the same place her mind had been moments before, when she was restraining that rogue baker. Her mind was no longer in Baldur’s Gate, nor even Faerûn for that matter but much further than that.

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/09/2021 7:56 PM

The mountains of North Laerakond lay before her and Skelkor somewhere behind. Sweat beaded from her brow and she curled her fingers into fists, ignoring the bite of her nails against her palm, sharp enough to draw blood. She remembered this day, too well.

It had started like any other. She awoke, visited the clan’s temple and said her prayers. Then, she was given her orders. Usually it was small prey, animals for food. Sometimes, it was humanoids, escaped slaves trying desperately to make their way to safer kingdoms, though she’d been taught that they were barely above the animals.

Today, it was different.

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/09/2021 7:57 PM

She’d received her orders, tracked her quarry through the forests, her squadron following up the rear. It was always the same textbook tactics. Advance on the target, send runners around to flank, and then close in. Capture, not kill. Most were destitute, slaves on the run from their former owners in the city, barely clothed, their feet already bleeding and malnourished. They were not worthy prey, most of her clan had agreed, but they were needed. She demanded it.

In front of her was a young creature, barely much older than herself but much shorter. Her body was covered in glittering, golden scales, a sloped pair of horns haloed around her head and her eyes were soft and friendly. Her armour was beautiful, silver polished metal accented with deep blue fabric cut a fine contrast against her skin, and although she seemed too clean, too impeccable and to her eye, it wasn’t just attention to detail, it was military-trained discipline, judging from the way she held herself. Her claws were like needles, her horns were filed down to points and Daeva was willing to bet that the estoc that was strapped across her back was just as well maintained.

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/09/2021 7:57 PM

She… looked like a dangerous foe, a worthy prey and yet...

The creature raised out her hand in a friendly gesture with a welcoming smile on her face. She’d offered her name - gods, why could she not remember her name?- , and an outstretched paw as a greeting and something within her broke free of her training and pleaded with her to take the offered paw. The words caught in her throat, and she faltered, one step back and another until her foot collided with the maroon and black striped Dragonborn lurking behind her, her second-in-command. His head listed as confusion flickered in his eyes.


"Dae, orders!" His hiss was quiet and wavering, unaccustomed to challenging the larger Dragonborn - without retribution.

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/16/2021 6:52 PM

Guilt welled as multiple pairs of reptilian eyes alighted on her, some wide and panicked, some narrowed. This was their trial as much as theirs, if she proved to be a poor leader, they'd be punished as badly as she would be and it would be all her fault.

"R-right. We get her Adra. No change." Daeva inhaled deeply, one of her mother's harsh lessons dancing to the forefront of her mind. That was enough to steel her resolve; her pack didn't deserve that punishment for her error.

The Golden Dragonborn quickly flashed her eyes between Daeva and Adrammelek, smile quickly fading as Daeva bared her fangs in a snarl and started advancing on her.

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/16/2021 7:05 PM

The memory grew dark here, but some fragments yet lingered. The wind whipping between her horns, the feeling of grass as she’d dropped onto all fours to give chase, the excitement in her chest as she surrendered her thoughts to the hunt, her mind dim and animal.

When the memories clarified, she held the squirming Golden Dragonborn in her arms whilst her pack hastily tied her and carried her away back to the clan. Daeva didn’t see her again that day.

The next day, Daeva hadn't been able to focus.

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/16/2021 7:05 PM

One thing she hadn’t been able to shake was the look of the Golden Warrior as she’d been carried off. She had… not seemed angry, instead her eyes were filled with something else. Like pity, like observing a child who was too small, too young to understand.

It had left her deeply unsettled.

But this one, this Dragonborn, was the same as her. So why did they hunt her in the same way?

"Ack Dae!" A sharp yelp cut across her thoughts, followed up by a clawed slap across her face, careless enough to rip through her scales. "Sorry, sorry! I didn't think I'd... actually get you." Adrammelek winced, wiping his paw on his jerkin. His bright orange eyes flicked across her face briefly, assessing her mood before tentatively taking a step closer.  Daeva had to dimly wonder, and not for the first time, if she had imparted too much of her mother’s brutal tendencies into her own training regime.

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/16/2021 7:05 PM

“Heh.. look at that. You finally got me." Daeva numbly mumbled, raising a hand to cup her cheek. Thick red blood laced between her fingers, lazily rolling down her face, before a gentle hand reached out and pressed a soft wad of fabric against her face.

“Nah, wasn’t fair. Next time, maybe. You were distracted.” He shook his head, smiling wryly. Then something like guilt passed his face and he reluctantly pulled back, casting a glance around to make sure they weren’t observed. Neither of them had tested whether their familiarity was acceptable - nor had they wanted to. “... Why were you distracted?”

“She… was Dragonborn.” Daeva lunged forward and gripped Adrammelek’s shoulders. He had to understand! He was different, not like the other Dragonborn here. They’d called him weak, sensitive, put him under her ruthless command in the hopes that she’d beat some sense into him. He’d changed her instead, softened her blunt edges, even if she had to put on a callous front in front of the others. He had to understand. “She was just like us, Adra!”

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/16/2021 7:06 PM

He only shook his head. “I do not know what you saw, but… I saw a soldier; we just had her outnumbered. The reports, you saw them. They said she was a spy. She could be a threat to all the clans if they think she’s an agent of the Platinum Dragon” He carefully shrugged off her claws and she let her hands fall to her sides, defeated. Adrammelek’s ears drooped a little and he thoughtfully tapped a claw against one of his tightly curled ram-like horns as he chewed out his words. “Listen, take a break, get your head straight. They don’t want us until later tonight. Maybe you’ll feel better after a nap. And then at least you’ll have time to hide that scratch so your mother won’t actually flay me alive.”

Daeva blinked at Adrammelek, a bitter feeling twisting in her gut as she realised she wasn’t going to be able to change his mind. She… was alone. In that moment, the Golden Dragonborn’s look of pity came back. She knew so little of the outside world, what if she’d been wrong all of her life?

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Re: Malignant Memories [Self - Event]

Postby Redd » 07/16/2021 7:06 PM

She pushed it down, the thoughts fighting like the bile in her throat, refusing -- denying those thoughts the presence on her face as she sighed and gave him a reassuring smile. “Nay, I think that she-devil would give you command of the unit just to spite me.” She took a step back and casually stretched, feeling the ache of combat in her muscles. “You know, maybe you’re right. A nap will do me some good. Stay safe Adrammelek. Maybe one day you’ll get that hit in, fair and square, alright?”

Daeva turned her back on Adrammelek and headed back to her quarters.  She knew that would be the last thing would say to him. She’d pen a note, begging for understanding but she knew he’d never forgive her. She prayed that he’d find the strength to survive in the clan without her to look out for him.

She had hoped that she made the right decision.

-     -

As the city swam back into view, she still wasn’t sure of that. She knew Tiamat’s ilk were wrong about so many things. She knew what it was like to serve a god who cared, who responded. She bitterly wondered if Adrammelek survived his trials.

Her brooding was cut short by a sharp cry from Valor and she snapped back to attention, just as her team broke into a jog. She pushed the memories back down once more and her steely facade settled back into place like a well-worn helmet once more.

[Crystal Synthesis Complete]

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