A wide open area of flat, grassy land and rocky trenches, supposedly a wide range of ancient civilizations once lived here. Species that like wide, open areas, such as Gyrophants, Serraptors, and Sahound, thrive here, though only the agile survive. (+3 Speed)

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Postby LilyFlower258 » 04/09/2008 10:57 PM

"Hm, this seems very open and airy," an aqua Draculi said, padding around in the tall grass.

"Yes, it is. Remember Mina? We trained here when you were still young," a young girl with blazing red hair said, brushing a few locks of her hair out of her face.

"Ah... yes. We did. And we came here to train Kendaki as well," Mina reminisced.

"Mhm," Lily nodded with a smile on her face.

"Kenny is a hyper one. Good thing we have Olive to keep him in check," Lily pointed out.

Mina chuckled and nodded.
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Postby Ke'ra » 04/10/2008 12:24 AM

A slight wind blew against the young girls face as she tranversed the plains. Of course she wasn't alone but right at the moment her friend Alpine was flying in the sky circling his friend.   Looking up the girl yelled

"Do you see anything?"

Alpine cawed back "No nothing as of yet"

Scoffing in disappointment she muttered "Typical"

The girl was beginning to wonder if there were anyone out in this lonely flat plains area.  She looked back up and yelled "Keep searching I am sure we will run in to something"

Alpine cawed back "You said that yesterday and the day before that Charlie"

Charlie sighed and made no comment on that because she knew he was right and there was no need to start another argument like the one that had happned last week.  The two continued their trek across the lonely flat plains.
<center>Image<br>Blaze Polly</br></center>

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Postby LilyFlower258 » 04/10/2008 1:12 AM

"Mina, do you see something? Or is that just my eyes playing tricks on me again?" Lily asked her little companion.

"I think I do... is that a Polly flying up there?" Mina asked, fluttering a bit higher on her little wings.

"A Blaze Polly if I'm not much mistaken," Lily said, staring up at the soaring red bird.

"It doesn't look much like a stray," Mina added.

"Maybe it's master is with it," Lily commented, looking towards the place above where the Polly was circling.

Sure enough, a shape was there. A human shape.

"It looks like a girl..." Mina trailed off.

"Hm... maybe she's just training her Polly," Lily suggested, but they continued to make their way towards the pair anyways.
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Postby Ke'ra » 04/10/2008 11:14 AM

Alpine stopped circling his friend and let out three sharp caws.  Charlie stopped and looked up.

"Do you see something Alpine"

"Yes two figures coming towards us"

Charlie narrowed her eyes to get a better view and sure enough she could see the two figures coming towards them.  

"They must of saw us first."

"I concur" replied her friend.

"Well I suppose we should go introduce ourselves. I wonder if they too are training..."

The two started towards the two figures on the horizon.
<center>Image<br>Blaze Polly</br></center>

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Postby LilyFlower258 » 04/10/2008 6:54 PM

"Hello," Lily said as they came into talking distance with the girl and her Polly.

"I'm Lily, and this is Mina," Lily introduced.

"Are you here training?" Mina asked, fluttering around with her small wings.
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Postby Ke'ra » 04/10/2008 9:59 PM

"Hello" Charlie replied.  

"I am Charlie and this is my friend Alpine and yes we are training. "

Alpline landed on the ground and clanked his beak which was his way of showing a greeting. "Are you training as well?" asked Alpine.
<center>Image<br>Blaze Polly</br></center>

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Postby LilyFlower258 » 04/10/2008 10:40 PM

Mina shook her head.

"No, we're just taking a walk. Might I ask what you're training is? I've never seen people train just by walking, unless they're trying to build strength and stamina..." Mina asked.

Lily smiled.

"It's lovely to meet you too," she said.
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Postby Twisted_Shadow » 04/11/2008 11:36 AM



"I'll get it! I'll get it" Sunny dashed through the high grass, followed by Toxyc, who tried to keep up with her. "hey! Wait up, will ya?" Sunny snapped rapturely at the tail of the rat, wich desperately tried to escape the claws of the two hunters. The saffron Gyrraptor only had eyes for the
bait, so she did not notice the girl in front of her.
"Whoa!! Watch it!" yelled Sunnys brother, but it was to late.The rat ran past Lily, and Sunny crashed into the girl with emense speed. Both fell to the ground. "ngh...my head!" Sunny shook her feathers, and saw Lily sitting on the ground, looking a little confused. "oh my! I'm so sorry! I hope I dind not hurt you." Sunny shrieked, jumping up and offering the girl a claw. Toxyc nearly fell of his feet because he laughed so hard, he really wasnt big help as always. "I'm Sunny" she said, hoping that Lily wouldnt be to angry on her, and bobbed her head at Charlie, Alpine and Mina too.
"and this little psycho here is my brother,Toxyc" toxyc raised his head, still giggling. "oy! I heard that!"
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Postby LilyFlower258 » 04/11/2008 7:08 PM

Mina spotted them first, the 2 Gyrraptors running after what looked like a rat. And one of them was heading straight for where the 4 of them were talking.

"Lily!" Mina screamed, but just as Lily turned her head, she was bowled over by one of the Gyrraptors.

"Lily! Lily! Are you alright?!" Mina asked, frantically pacing around her master.

"Yeah," Lily grunted, sitting up.

"I'm fine," she said.

"It's ok," she said to the Gyrraptor that ran her over, and shot him a small smile. Getting to her feet, she grinned at the other one.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lily, and this is Mina," Lily said, gesturing to the Aqua Draculi at her feet.
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Postby Ke'ra » 04/11/2008 9:43 PM

Charlie and Alpine just blinked at the two brothers because neither didn't know what to say at first. It was Alpine whom found his voice and he spoke to the two Gyrraptors.  

"Hello I am Alpine and this is my friend Charlie." Then he turned his head and spoke to Mina and Lily. "To answer your earlier question. Yes we were training on Strength I am hoping to strengthen my wings so I can fly higher and cover more ground.  It is slow going because we are new to the whole training thing."
<center>Image<br>Blaze Polly</br></center>

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Postby LilyFlower258 » 04/12/2008 12:48 AM

"Oh," Mina said.

"That's good! You should train! Mina and I have been here many times before, and sometimes with some of my other animals," Lily encouraged.

"Would you mind if we trained together? Mina needs to train on Endurance. So I'll have her sprint a while," Lily said, voicing aloud her thoughts.

"Hm... I could use some exercise," Mina said thoughtfully.
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Postby Twisted_Shadow » 04/12/2008 7:00 AM

"Its nice to meet you too" Sunny said. Toxyc got his attention on a little red butterfly,and seemingly had forgotten the world around him.
//Training// Sunny thought, seeing a little chance "uhm...would you guys mind if we two would join too?" she asked carefully. "we're new at that training stuff too and..." "...jeah, sadly our master is to busy to train us"her brother suddently said, his voice a little sad. "Toxyc!" The Saffron Gyrraptor warned, stepping on his foot. Her brother jelped, but didnt complain. "we would like to train our thoughness...would you give us a hand? I mean only if it really doesnt bother you" Sunny sayd, looking a little nerveous.
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Postby Ke'ra » 04/12/2008 11:18 AM

Charlie and Alpine nodded their head in agreement.  The two had known each other for so long they could read each other's mind.  

"Sure I don't mind if you join besides I could use the company it gets really lonely out here after a while. Besides I could learn something new when it comes to training right Alpine?

Alpine clicked his beak in agreement.
<center>Image<br>Blaze Polly</br></center>

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Postby LilyFlower258 » 04/12/2008 2:52 PM

'They seem nice enough...' thought Mina.

'Yeah. Quit being so stiff. Loosen up a bit' Lily thought back. Mina just yawned and fluttered up onto Lily's shoulder.

"Great! Then we can all train together! But Mina and I really aren't the fighting sort. Actually, I'm not a person to be much interested in combat at all," Lily said.

"Yes, violence has really never rested well with us," Mina added. Lily nodded.

"But since I'm training in Endurance, I'm going for a run. Alpine, if you want to come with me, you can fly, and I can run. That way, you can get more Strength and I can get the exercise I need," Mina suggested.
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Postby Ke'ra » 04/12/2008 10:49 PM

Alpine clicked his beak in happiness. "I would enjoy spending time with you Mina"

Charlie to her friend and said "Have fun and be careful we don't need an injury like last time."

Alpine lowered his head in agreement and took off in to the air.

Charlie turned to Lily and said "We aren't the violent type either. That is partly why Alpine is training in Strength so he can spot trouble ahead of time.  We defend ourselves with illusion and mastery of the mind."
<center>Image<br>Blaze Polly</br></center>

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