Often called the claw of Barakka, much of Iiy'lagon is covered in dense rain forests. If you can make it to the heart of the region, easiest to reach from the southern coast, you'll find the quaint town of Nabias and the vast Sekudui farmlands. Scientists from around the world often trek the risky northern waters and rocky shores to visit the islands at the tip of the region and study the great diversity there.

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Adventuring! [b]closed[/b]

Postby Protocol » 05/10/2008 11:46 PM

Image Tuka
Image Evar Koosu
Image Nepmos

Dusk was starting to fall as a rather strange trio looking out across the horizon. A Temple Yonyuu closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the humid air.
"It's beautiful out here..." She sighed.

The Rave Lucain sitting next to her itched the back of his ear with a back paw. His body glowed with bioluminescence and he smiled. A rare thing to see on this Lucain's face. "Yes..." He rasped. "Yes it is beautiful."
He paused and then looked about, his ears pricked. "Tuka, where is Nepmos?"
The Yonyuu looked about slightly, not wanting to miss the sunset. "He was here a moment ago. Don't forget that he is adventurous Evar."

Before Evar could say anything a loud screech came from behind them and the two characters turned around to see a Biolune Serraptor come running towards them. His eyes were wide with terror as he sped past them and a squawking hawk flying fast after him.
"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" He screamed. "I didn't do anythin' to yer babies I swears! I wus just lookin' at 'em!"
Before the hawk reached the Serraptor, Tuka snarled angrily and batted her large wings at the hawk and it quickly flew away in fright.
"Take that. Stupid bird." Tuka snorted.

Tuka- lv. 0 (1/5)
Evar- lv. 0 (1/5)
Nepmos- lv.0 (1/5)
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Postby Protocol » 05/11/2008 1:53 AM

After watching the bird fly away, Evar made his way over to the scared Serraptor and poked his rump with a paw. "Get up, it's not here anymore."
Nepmos peeked out from behind his claws and breathed a sigh of relief. "AhhhHA! I knew that bird was too wimpy to mess with me!"
He gave a little victory pose and then cringed when Tuka growled behind him. "Ahehehehe...I mean...Thanks Tuka!"
"That's better you little impudent.." She snarled.

Evar silenced her with a glare and then pulled a map out of the small pack he wore around his waist. He used his forepaws to stretch it out on the ground and the other's looked at it. It was a detailed map of Barakka! The Lucain looked it over for a moment before pointing to a spot.
"We could go to the Tengel Rainforest..." He rasped. "I've heard it's beautiful in there. Filled with all kinds of wondrous things."

Tuka- lv. 0 (2/5)
Evar- lv. 0 (2/5)
Nepmos- lv.0 (2/5)
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Postby Protocol » 05/11/2008 3:31 AM

Tuka clasped her paws together in delight. "Oh! The jungle is wonderful! Such pretty flowers and birds!"
Nepmos itched his head with a claw. "Oh yeah, and tons of flesh-eating bugs, diseases and quicksand!" he said, his voice heavy with sarcasm.
He dodged Tuka's wing as she pointed happily to a spot on the parchment. "Oh my! We should definitely go to Lamenolai, City of the Guardians!! Temple creatures are always welcome there!" She giggled.

Evar studied the map and then rolled up the paper and stuck it back into his bag. "Okay, we should go to Lamenolai to stock up on supplies and then head into the Tengel Rainforest and spend a few days there. Sound good?"
His companions nodded their heads and Evar looked at the fading light.
"We should get some good rest tonight, tomorrow is going to be a busy day of preparation!"

Tuka- lv. 0 (3/5)
Evar- lv. 0 (3/5)
Nepmos- lv.0 (3/5)
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Postby Protocol » 05/13/2008 6:56 PM

Nepmos looked at him. "Awwwww....But I want to say up longer! Night is my time to shine!"
Evar glared at him as Tuka started walking towards a large tree. She sat down wearily and folded her wings beside her. "He's right Nepmos. We need our rest."
The Biolune almost complained and sighed. No use arguing with Tuka, she would tan his hide if he got in a fight with her. The creature lay down beside her and in less than two minutes, he was fast asleep.

Evar took one last look at the sun as it disappeared behind the horizon. He quickly trotted over to a spot not far off from his friends and gathered a bit of dried grass to sleep on. He hated sleeping on bare earth, the Lucain always had to have some sort of support under his body otherwise he woke up sore and cranky. Evar looked up at the darkening skies, closed his eyes and quickly drifted off into a deep slumber.

Tuka- lv. 0 (4/5)
Evar- lv. 0 (4/5)
Nepmos- lv.0 (4/5)
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Postby Protocol » 05/13/2008 8:56 PM



Evar awoke suddenly as a raindrop fell on his nose. He shook the droplet off and stood up as lightning snaked across the sky. The Lucain stood for a moment and then jumped under the shelter of the tree his companions were sleeping under and sat down softly, curling his two tails around his paws like a cat.
He watched the sky light up as a light rain started to sprinkle the area around him. He closed his eyes and let his remaining senses envelope him. The feel of the grass beneath his paws, the sound of the rain on the leaves of the trees and the smell of the warm wet earth. Evar slowly started to hum a melody his sister had taught him. His hum slowly turned into a low, whispering song.

Listen listen
Listen listen
Listen listen
Listen listen

Listen (listen) Listen (listen)
Listen (listen) Listen (listen)
Listen (listen) Listen (listen)
Listen (listen) Listen (listen)

Listen to each drop of rain (listen listen)
whispering secrets in vain, (listen listen)
Frantically searching for someone to hear
their story before they hit ground.

Please don't let go!
Can't we stay for awhile?
It's just too hard to say goodbye.
Listen to the Rain!

Listen listen listen ... to the Rain

Listen (listen) Listen (listen)
Listen (listen) Listen (listen)

I stand alone in the storm.
Suddenly sweet words take hold:
"Hurry!" they say, "for you haven't much time!
Open your eyes to the love around you;
you may feel you're alone,
but I'm here still with you.
You can do what you dream,
just remember to
Listen to the Rain."


As he finished his song, Evar could feel Tuka and Nepmos shift in their sleep beside him. He looked at them to make sure they were both still asleep and he slowly walked out into the rain. He felt his fur being tickled by the bloodwarm rain as he walked. The Lucain walked several yards away before he stopped. He just stood there like a statue, unmoving. He watched the rain pool on the rocks beneath his paws. Evar loved the rain. He loved how free it was. Free to do what it wished. It was also destructive and powerful, but life-giving as well. No other element was like the water that plitted down from the skies.
Evar tilted his head up until he was looking straight into the sky, closed his eyes and just felt the tingling sensation as the drops fell softly upon his face.

Tuka- lv. 1 (5/5)
Evar- lv. 1 (5/5)
Nepmos- lv. 1 (5/5)
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Postby Kyrit » 05/15/2008 7:53 PM

"Oh come on now. Don't tell me you're afraid for the rain." the male's voice spoke in a soft huff. Kyest had drug him out away from his club, away from Beat who he liked to keep a close eye on least the poor guy fall ill, and forced him to travel around with her. But what purpose did that serve if all she did was jump and try to hide under him?
"It's not the rain.." she whined, not minding that her dark pelt was soaked with the rain. "The thunder.. and lightning.." She had buried herself under the male lucain, the glow stick attached to her ear and the few around her neck the only way of telling that she was there. Kyest might have loved flashy lights, but if there was one thing that she didn't like it was a storm. "I didn't know it was going to storm tonight..." To think that this had just started as a night walk to manage to drag him out of the club.

(Kat doesn't have the lights on him in the rp. That's for the sake of another rp. XD )
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Postby Protocol » 05/15/2008 9:37 PM

Evar finished his song and stood there. Letting the lifegiving water flow down his body.
His ear twitched at a slight sound and his head snapped in the direction of the noise. Others? Out here in the middle of a storm?
He saw their silhouettes and the light glow of another.
Evar suddenly got in a battle with his conscience. Should he go and investigate? Or stay where he was?

Go and investigate is what he came out with. Making sure that his comrades were still asleep he slowly trotted towards the figures. As he got closer he could see that they were Lucain! A female and a male. The male looked tough and lean. His blue coat was sleek with the rain. Underneath him however was the female, trembling. Her beautiful black pelt with ancient markings gleamed as a flash of lighting ran across the sky and booming thunder chased it and Evar could almost feel the ground tremble. He stayed a short distance away, his green eyes glowing dully in the rain.
"Hello there." He stated, "Are you alright?"

Evar was mainly worried about the female, she looked scared out of her wits!

Tuka- lv. 1 (1/5)
Evar- lv. 1 (1/5)
Nepmos- lv. 1 (1/5)
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Postby Kyrit » 05/15/2008 9:54 PM

"Y-Yeah..." she muttered out, shivering the whole while.

Meanwhile, her companion moved away from being her shelter, looking down at the female and shaking his head. "Oh come on and suck it up, Kyest!" Sounded like the words of a big brother almost, fussing at his little sister for being afraid of something that seemed ridiculous. "It's not like the lightning is going to strike you. It usually strikes the tallest thing in an area, which around here would be a tree. Now stop being a big baby."

Her plush black ears hung against her skull, slowly pushing herself back to wobbly legs. Kat was probably right. No use in being scared of just a little storm, right? Besides, she was making herself look ridiculous infront of this other lucain that she didn't know. "Sorry.. Don't mind Kat for being grouchy. Pulled him away from his b-" Her words were cut off when she heard the blue lucain speckled with colors of the rainbow growl. "Don't mind him..."
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Postby Protocol » 05/15/2008 10:22 PM

Evar watched the male scold her and frowned slightly. Sure it was kind of sad that she was cowering under him but she was scared, and scared of a very powerful force of nature. He heard the male say her name. Kyest. It was a pretty name Evar decided. A pretty name for a pretty female.

He heard Kat growl when she said something and he bowed his head respectfully. "My name is Evar Koosu." He smiled at her, flashing his white teeth. "It's alright to be scared of lightning, it's a powerful force and should be feared." He looked back at the trees with a quick glance and then turned back to them, his body glowed slightly in the night. "Would you like to join me under the shelter? I'm sure there's plenty of room."
He remembered the 'lightning strikes the tallest' rule and looked about. Taller tree's seemed to dwarf the one his companions were under so he felt it would be safe.
"I'm sure my companions wouldn't mind the extra company."

Tuka- lv. 1 (2/5)
Evar- lv. 1 (2/5)
Nepmos- lv. 1 (2/5)
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Postby Kyrit » 05/15/2008 10:38 PM

Kyest smiled at Evar's kind words, her soaking wet tails slowly beginning to waver about behind her. There were others with him? Sounded like fun to her. It'd be much better then walking around in the rain with Kat fussing at her every two seconds. "I think that'd be very nice." her words came out, spoken softly. "I hope Kat won't be too much of a bother for you and your friends."

Behind her the male lucain rolled his eyes, looking off in the direction they had come from. Why were they even in their animal forms anyways? He disliked being in this form and Kyest knew it. Usually she too preferred to be in her human form. Oh well... maybe it was time for a bit of change for once. Now he'd just have to put up with smelling like a wet dog. Great. He'd have to take a shower once he got back to the club. Surly Beat wouldn't want to be around the smell of a wet dog.

The female's eyes traveled to the area that Evar had looked toward. "So shall we head on over?"
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Postby Protocol » 05/16/2008 5:54 PM

Evar smiled at her soft voice. "I don't think he will be a problem. I'm sure my friends wont mind." The tips of his tails started to twitch slightly. It was rare to see him wag his tail even slightly, normally Evar kept his emotions locked up but every now and then a little bit of joy sneaks out.

The Lucain watched Kat roll his eyes and decided that he would be the one to keep his eyes on. Evar didn't trust males much, always fighting and such. The females were always calm and cute...at least the ones he had met.
He turned around and smiled a bit. "Sure! It's nice and dry over there and I'm sure my friends will be awake soon."

Evar was almost tired of being in his Lucain form for this long. He usually only turned into this form when he was doing long distance traveling or when he was sneaking about the city but this would have to do for now. Maybe when his group got to the Jungle he would turn into human form.

Tuka- lv. 1 (3/5)
Evar- lv. 1 (3/5)
Nepmos- lv. 1 (3/5)

((OOC: sorry for long reply times...Playing Mass Effect with my toes takes alot of concentration XD and my internet usually dies around 9:00 on weekdays))
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Postby Kyrit » 05/17/2008 1:12 AM

Within seconds the black pelted female lucain began bounding toward the tree, running into Kat on purpose on the way there to sort of push in along. "I'm going... I'm going..." he muttered with a sigh, beginning to slowly head there as well. He had nothing against Evar or his companions as he didn't know them, but he was just a little grouchy today. Yeah. Guess that was the best word to describe it.

Kyest's amber eyes turned to the darkly colored male lucain, his ancient markings seeming to glow in the darkness. "So you you on some sort of journey?" Might as well do a bit of talking to get to know each other, right? Kyest was someone that needed to be around others. When left alone she tended to get in different sorts of trouble... But then again sometimes she got in trouble with other people as well. That was after all why she did have a few kids already.
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Postby Protocol » 05/17/2008 2:52 PM

Evar walked calmly towards his companions. He had no worries about Nepmos, except that Kat would probably attack the annoying twerp. Tuka was another matter all together. She was far too protective of him and hated it when other females joined the group. Maybe that's why Evar could never get a girlfriend.

He came to his senses when Kyest asked him a question. "We were going to go to Lamenolai tomorrow but I'm thinking about just making a one way trip to Tengel Rainforest. I've always wanted to do some exploring and the city doesn't sound like a place for exploration."
He looked at her with neon green eyes. "Might I ask what you and your companion are doing here?"

Tuka heard voices in her sleep. She was awake but she kept her eyes closed to try and identify the voices. One was Evar's but she didn't know the other two, all she knew is that one was a female.
She opened her blue eyes and looked at them. Two lucain, a male and female. The female was talking to Evar and looked a bit like him too. Tuka felt her hackles raise slightly. Females around Evar was unacceptible but she kept her cool. Might as well get on the good side of her now.

Tuka- lv. 1 (4/5)
Evar- lv. 1 (4/5)
Nepmos- lv. 1 (4/5)
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Postby Kyrit » 05/20/2008 10:25 PM

She had slowed down finally, walking side by side with the brightly colored lucain of the group. "I just wanted to go on a walk and didn't want to go alone. Plus Kat seemed like he could use the fresh air." Her voice was cheerful, now having completely forgotten the flashing lightning and the roaring thunder. She heard Kat grumble something about preferring to stay at the club, but let this slid for now.

It was then that the blue lucain with the rainbow markings caught sight of Tuka, his eyes locking on the fact that she didn't look exactly all too happy when she saw Kyest. He decided then that it was probably best to keep himself between the two of them. Kyest might have been a pest at times, but he wasn't about to let someone hurt her or upset her.

"Tengel does sound fun though." the black female lucain continued, sitting down under the tree now. "I've heard that it's hard to get through, but once you get inside things spread out a tiny bit and there's all kinds of things to see. I wouldn't doubt it if they had plants that made their own light!"
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Postby Protocol » 05/25/2008 12:56 AM

Tuka stood up and gave a low growl as the Lucain approched. Her icey eyes locked onto Kyest.
"Who is this Evar?" She asked with a snap in her voice. She planned on scaring her off, keeping her away from him.
Nepmos let out a loud snore as he turned over and got a swift kick from the Yonyuu's back leg. But the Serraptor didn't wake and only turned over in the grass. She hated it when creatures snored but she always had her ways of shutting them up.

Evar could tell that Tuka wasn't happy that he brought a female back with him. But she would just have to deal with it. He enjoyed Kyest's company, even if her companion didn't seem too fond of him.
"Oh, Tengel is supposed to be beautiful. One of my friends has been there and he said that it was the best place to be, especially when the flowers were in full bloom." Before they reached his companions he whispered to Kyest. "Don't mind Tuka, she doesn't like other females of any species."
He poked a paw towards the Yonyuu. "Tuka, this is Kyest. Kyest this is Tuka."

Tuka- lv. 2 (5/5)
Evar- lv. 2 (5/5)
Nepmos- lv. 2 (5/5)
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