Nice and peaceful, Nabias offers a great place to start your journey or stock up on supplies before heading out to brave the rest of the wilderness out there. They also have Barakka's largest hospital facility to treat all sorts of injuries you could get out there. (+2 Precision)

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Castledown Clinic [Now TEEN]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/19/2007 11:35 AM

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Darian paced back and forth over the cold linoleum flooring, and closed his eyes, running through a mental checklist. Bandages. Medications. Toys for the kids that came in. Equipment... He couldn't think of anything else that he truly needed that was readily attainable. Of course, he WAS just starting out, but the place only had the very minimum, the bare essentials in other words. There were a great many things he would have liked to have brought in and set up, but as of yet, they did not have the money or a place for these things. Things such as an X-ray machine, CAT scanner, Ultrasound machine, Echo machine.. Those would have to wait. He'd use his own knowledge for now. Broken bones were pretty easy to diagnose, after all.
He yawned as the pacing started again. Hadn't gotten much sleep last night, what with moving in, and getting everything organized. His new doctors and nurses should be here shortly, and he definitely hadn't forgotten about that. He needed to stay awake! ... What he wouldn't give for some coffee right now....
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Postby Kyrit » 09/19/2007 5:57 PM


"Hey Darian." his oddly soft voice broke through the silence as the door was pushed open. A tall, lanky young male walked into the clinic, already sporting a white coat on over the rest of his clothes. Shaggy black hair hung about his face, a pink cat collar oddly wrapped about it. Well, it wasn't like he was in the operating room yet, so no one could fuss about any of this. "I think we've already got a case to work on." the humanoid doom kitty spoke, his silver eyes darting about the room.

"I found him in a ditch on my way here... hope you don't mind me bringing in strays!" It was obvious that despite his species he was kind and warmhearted. Disappearing out the doors for a few moments he soon came back, wobbling a bit as he carried in a fully grown man with two plush fox ears and tails. Blood that stained his clothing and he was clearly not going to wake up any time soon. "I hope we can hurry and get some blood into him... If not we'll lose him before even finding out what's wrong."
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Darian [2]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/19/2007 8:26 PM

The young doctor that came in was his head surgeon, and one of the best he'd ever seen. However, he might have been a bit TOO kind-hearted. Especially when he mentioned...

"You brought in a stray?" Darian asked

It wasn't that he minded, and he wasn't going to protest - especially not after seeing the patient that was then dragged in. His medical mind snapped into action, and he slid into doctor-mode easily as slipping on his white coat. He wheeled over a stand that was already loaded with blood that would work well with any type. However, they'd have to type cross-match him as soon as he stabilized, to avoid nasty reactions to other things. Quickly, he cut off the boy's shirt-sleeve with a pair of scissors, and slid the IV in, taping it up, and to his arm so that it wouldn't be in the way. He also started the blood, and dragged a gurney over to where they were.

"Let's load him on. I want him back into the trauma unit five minutes ago."
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Postby Kyrit » 09/19/2007 8:55 PM

As the needle of the IV slid into his skin the fellox let out a small groan. So he was definately able to feel pain... but there was no telling yet if he knew exactly what was going on. There was no telling how long he had been wounded and bleeding, but one thing that was for sure was that the wound was aweful close to his heart.

"By the looks of it, I'd say the wound was caused by an arrow." Rukaj spoke, gently placing the patient down on the gurney. "It's amazing how high his temperature is for one that's been bleeding so much. You'd think he'd be ice cold." Now that they had him all set up, the doom kitty began wheeling him back to the trauma unit as told. So far so good... they hadn't lost him yet.
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Postby Kyrit » 09/24/2007 2:10 PM

(Arriiii? Where are youuuu?)

Rukaj had begun to clean the wound, trying to figure out the full extent of exactly what they were dealing with. "Well... It is close to the heart, but it didn't go too deep and didn't strike anything vital. I believe just a few stitches to keep it from bleeding would work."

Idzuna let out a small growl, not injoying the feeling of the feline's hands moving about his tender flesh. He had definately begun to awake from his slumber.
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Darain [3]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/25/2007 8:59 AM

"Seems as though we may have a live one on our hands presently." Darian observed as Idzuna began to wake up. "Restrain him - but don't scare him. The blood loss could prove too much if his heart starts pounding in fear BEFORE we get the extra blood in..."

He sighed, and shook his head, moving over to the other counter to grab monitoring equipment and things to flush out the wound and seal it. While Darian did pride himself on his skills, surgical and otherwise, it was clear that he had to take EXTREME caution with this wound. It was too near the heart for comfort - Near enough that, past the bit of exposed bone, the doctor could actually see the tip of the heart thudding away in the ribcage. He bit his lip.

"I don't envy him if he wakes up during this..."
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Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2007 5:22 PM

(Arri! 'Chu is alive!! *snuggles* I miss getting to talk you. T_T )

Rukaj had moved to the straps, begining to wrap one around Idzuna's wrist, when the doom kitty humanoid found claws digging into his flesh. The lean male let out a small wince, his eyes tightly closing. "I-I think it's a little late to hope that he's not going to wake up, Darian." he managed to force out before jerking his arm away from the fellox's grip.

Idzuna's eyes slowly opened, looking at Darian with an icy coldness to them. "Just get what must be done done... It matters not if I'm awake or asleep, strapped down or free... Either way it's going to happen so I don't care..." he muttered, his voice weak and barely above a whisper. At least he kept the IV in, letting it send more blood into his body.

Rukaj walked back over to the table, some bandages wrapped rather quickly about his arm. "Could have just said that..." he muttered with a sigh.
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Darian [4]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/28/2007 11:06 AM

Darian dropped what he was doing to move over and check on Rukaj. It was only AFTER seeing that he was ok that he turned to his patient, eyes narrowed. Even as he worked on the wound, he did not sound pleased.

"Next time you see it fit to mangle one of the hospital staff, try me. Either that, or don't do it at all."

He injected a massive dose of painkiller in various spots around the wound, waiting for it to take effect for a few moments before starting to sew up the muscle, tissue, and skin.

"Want to tell me exactly how you got this? Or is it none of my business."
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Postby Kyrit » 09/28/2007 1:49 PM

"It's okay Darian, I'm really okay." the feline human spoke with a soft smile. He didn't mind if he got hurt during his line of work. He was just there to help others. "No need to scold a patient... He's just in pain." Another thing he knew was that sometimes others tended to want to hurt someone else if they were in pain.

Idzuna's heart rate had slowed a tad bit, but there was no sign of him going back to sleep. He seemed to just ignore Rukaj, but answered Darian's question. "I was struck by an arrow..." the male turned his head, his bangs falling down over his eyes. "To protect someone that now hates me..."
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Darian [5]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/28/2007 2:34 PM

Darian's deft movements had the wound dressed and closed within about five minutes. With gentle fingers, the doctor smoothed back his patient's hair, and smiled at him, trying to comfort.

"Just forget that for now... focus on getting well. There is no one here that hates you."

He peered into the other fellox's eyes to check exactly how conscious he was, before putting his stethoscope on again, and listening to the heartbeat.
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Postby Kyrit » 09/28/2007 5:10 PM

Hate... Such a strong word. Did the kitsune female truely hate him...? Or... was she just afraid that he'd hurt her once again? Why had he done such a terrible thing anyways?

"I cannot sit back and rest while they are all still stuck out there in the desert. I was supposed to protect her..." He was rather thankful for their help, but at the same time he was wishing he had never been found.

"'Her'? A special lady friend of yours?" Rukaj asked, keeping distance between him and the temple fellox. Amazingly, all that happened was the fact that his words were ignored, as if they had no purpose.
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Darian [6]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/28/2007 8:04 PM

Darian finished up sewing the wound, and started to bandage it, looking grim.

"If someone's out there, you don't have to go rescue them alone. I'll go with you. So will Rukaj. Neither of us want to see you ruining our hard work."

He may have said that, but he was honestly very worried about the poor boy. His brow creased in an attitude of concern.

"Just who is she? And why does she mean so much to you that you'd risk your life to protect her?"
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Postby Kyrit » 09/28/2007 8:11 PM

Once he was bandaged Idzuna began to sit up, a bit of the pain coming back to him as he moved. At least he had allowed them to get the wound closed up and bandaged. "I don't see why you two feel the need to get into my business. Who I want to protect and why is my business and mine alone."

"S-Sir... you should really lay back down. Your wound may be sewn up... but you can still cause it to bleed a lot." Rukaj voiced, taking a small, skittish step forward. He backed away though upon recieving a glare from the fellox.
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Darian [7]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/28/2007 8:23 PM

Darian shook his head a bit, and smirked, pushing his patient back to the bed, and strapping him there. Both arms, at least.

"You're not going anywhere. And as soon as you mentioned it, it became our business."

He looked over towards his surgeon.

"Rukaj - you don't object to going with this one to find whatever he lost, do you?"
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Postby Kyrit » 09/28/2007 8:45 PM

Had he not been injured and medicated, the sulking male would have fought against being restrained. "Seems as though you believe I'm going to up and walk out of here within seconds... I bet either of you could beat me to the door." he muttered, looking to the side so his gaze didn't fall on either of them.

"Of course not!" the doom kitty chimmed with a soft smile. "If it means I can help someone I'll be there in a heart beat."
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