Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Return to Craiss Caverns

Whoo. Bonding. Wait, what? [Private hunt]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/21/2008 4:50 PM

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Now wasn't this just special? Walking down throughout the cave, just barely getting past the entrance, was a strange little group, here for a bit of Akail hunting fun, just like everyone else who was coming around.
At the head of the group was a young girl, looking somewhere around nine, who was dressed up similar to a maid, or perhaps it was better to say like a lolita. Her frilly dress was black with a few white accents, rimming the bottom, top, and sleeve openings. Longer white sleeves came down from under the shorter black sleeves as well, and her hands were covered in dainty black gloves. Her legs were covered by black leggings with similar white rimming, pretty much all the way up. Cute buckled shoes, also black, covered her feet. Unlike her mother, despite being a Kuhna, she wasn't showing off her ears or tails while in this form. The only thing that gave her away for what she was were the rainbow colored flames that harmlessly burned in each step she made.
A Void Battleheart walked just behind her with an emotionless look to it's face, seemingly loyal. It blended in well with the darkness, covered in the black scales that it was. The only thing that gave it away was the bits of purple glowing properties it had. It had been fine with coming on this journey, but wasn't so happy about the other company aside from Emilia.
And by that other company, it was meant to point out the two Rooskens just some odd steps behind them. Both of them looked human, like that leading them, but they were a good bit older. In their late teens, early twenties, perhaps. The first was the Treasure Roosken. He was a blond, the hair cropped short in a choppy way at the sides, but styled back into a weird spike pattern. He was simple with his wear, compared to the other. A pair of bland tennishoes, really didn't stand out what so ever, gray-white pants adorning a golden thread line, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket. He may have been walking alongside the other Roosken, but was leaning away from him, like he much rather would have gone here without him, but it was all his own fault that the Blaze kept getting closer and closer. He was leaning his own self over, to counter act the first male's leaning away. What was funny was that he was smiling, chattering away about some random nonsense. Obviously, he had a sunny disposition. His hair was a red-orange, a little more on the orange side, with blond highlights. It just hung down, almost to the shoulders, also choppy. He was wearing a tight deep orange tube top with an elegant yellow-golden swirl pattern, which was rimmed in the same yellow-gold, the top and bottom. There was a more red belt, three or some inches wide, with a gold clasp around his waist, just on the bare flesh. Held on by gold, metal, arm bands, on the upper part of his arm just below the shoulder, he had semi see threw sleeves that draped down, matching the tube top he wore. Likewise, he had something like a wrap, made of the same material as the sleeves, around his lower half. It draped off to the right, reaching about mid-calf. Which meant is whole left leg was seen, all the way up, but he was wearing small reddish shorts, matching the belt, beneath the wrap. As for shoes? He wasn't wearing any at the moment.

It went without saying that the group really did have nothing in common, aside from the two facts that they came from the same place, and they were all seeking an Akail, just for the heck of it.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 06/22/2008 1:06 PM

When they finally got deeper into the cave, Emilia was relying a good bit on the flames that trailed behind to show her previous steps. It illuminated the cave, so she was able to see. Perhaps they were nice to have after all. What was funny was that it wasn't she who was having problems seeing. Her eyes adjusted oh so easily and could see it all as if it was day time here in the cave, even though it obviously wasn't. She was more concerned for the other members in her party.
She came to an abrupt stop, forcing the Batteheart to do so as well. He stopped just short of stepping on her, and lowered his head beside her own, his indifferent gaze not changing, but the slight turning of his head displayed him as questioning her. The Kuhna girl understood him well enough to know this.
"I don't...Know how to actually catch up with one of these creatures." Her voice came out as soft, almost distant.

No doubt that the feminine dressed Roosken paid attention when the girl spoke up. She'd said very little thus far, so figured it was best to give attention when she did, which his chattering completely ceased, relieving the other Roosken greatly, since the other stopped leaning toward him. "Why worry about that?!" The Blaze one asked, skipping forward to stand in front of her, purposefully going around the dragon creature, and not looking him in the eye. Very few seemed to like the Battleheart, they didn't trust it. It was only Emilia that handled his temper, so... "If we find one, we can just deal with it then. There is four of us!" Always cheerful, wasn't he? Abruptly, he leapt a few steps back and began to twirl around, so the wrap-skirt piece wavered around his frame, as did the sleeves, laughing lightly, then suddenly stopping again. "Nothing to worry about!"
'Heh...' was about the only reaction from the treasure Roosken. Personally, he was glad the other male went on up ahead. Away from him.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 06/22/2008 4:28 PM

Absently, the little girl watched as the young man began to twirl around. He was...so carefree...Something that she hardly ever got to be.... Part of her was jealous of him, for that, but she'd sort of chose her life. Alright, so it hadn't been her choice to be born from a vampire and a mortal, but she couldn't very well change any of that. It just was.
"I...suppose so..."

"Hey! Quit acting so gloomy! It doesn't suit the face of a cute little girl like you!" The Blaze Roosken got closer to Emilia, kneeling down at eye level, still making sure not to offend the Battleheart standing there with her. And no, that wasn't at all hitting on her, that was just how he was, happy, gave complements to his friends. "You're like, a half vampire, hun. You have that vicious little beastie with you," he paused, "No offense." and sort of apologized to the large creature with those words before continuing on, "I'm sure he could do something!" Add in a gesture toward the other man, who grimaced at being brought up, and in such an awful light. "And I could be...uh...the distraction! It'd work perfectly!" He said, jumping back up into a full standing posistion when the Battleheart let out a restrained growl.
"Alright, alright! I didn't touch her!" And he tried to defend himself with those words. There was no reason to attack him, none at all.

"It's okay..." The girl said, to her guardian, setting her small hand on the top of his head. "He wouldn't do anything..."

"Of course I wouldn't!" The cheerful man said, clapping his hands together. "Now...plans...plans..."
He ran back again, toward the Treasure Roosken gone human, and said Roosken took a few steps back. "Hey, what're you-" But the Blaze already had a hold of his arm and dragged him over before the other two.

"Go ahead, tell them that you can help too!"

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Postby ToxicShadow » 06/22/2008 5:02 PM

The first Roosken, upon giving his command, had playfully pushed the other one forward a bit, almost causing him to tumble over when a little too much strength was put into it. Thus, the more 'manly' dressed one, had to catch himself before falling over on their other comrades. The girl leaned back into the creature behind her when he started to tumble toward her, the Battleheart moving a protective claw around her, pulling her closer with the use of his foreleg. If she had tried, she probably could have stopped him very easily from falling, but she didn't want to. Not because she wanted him to fall; she didn't like showing off her abilities much, so that was that. He really was able to catch himself and saved the possible disaster. Only the Kuhna girl was truly safe with that beast, and maybe not even her, despite how they acted.  
But when he was standing back on his feet, sturdy, he turned to glare and snap at the other man. "What gives you the idea!?" And his only response was an amused "Hehe~"
Even though he'd pushed the other man into it, he had his hands behind his back, leaned slightly back, acting as if he was perfectly innocent.

"We should just get a move on." The girl broke back in, slipping around the protective arm that had come around her. However, she didn't make any more steps. She'd paused to think about something...
"You two...should really get along..."

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Postby ToxicShadow » 07/19/2008 1:32 AM

[Not like anyone is reading, but now that the Rooskens are named, I'll be referring to them as such.]

Blayze tilted his head curiously at the young girl when she gave her statement. He, himself, moved his hands from behind his back and stood in a perfectly normal manner now. As for Adair, his glare continued in the other man's direction, annoyed. Apparently, at this moment in time, the Treasure Roosken was very easily annoyed. If one was to guess why, you could say it had something to do with having to come here against his will with this particular company. It was the stress of possibly being hit on, and the fact that the dragon beast could turn on him any second. He'd already spent enough time with them back home, so why here too? Couldn't they have just left him in peace while they came here?

Being silently prompted by the Blaze Roosken, despite one of them not paying too much attention, was enough to make her elaborate just a little more. "It's a waste...not getting along with one another. At some point, you may be the only thing each other has. And life...shouldn't be filled with bickering. It's too short to waste..." And no more was said before she started moving along on her way again, moving just around them. The Battleheart continuing to follow her, going around them in more distance then she.

That left Blayze to glance between them and Adair- the latter of which he gave a smile to. "Well...come on!" Still cheerful. The other male blinked a time, his glare having faded away, and just nodded. He still wasn't too keen on the idea, but didn't seem to have much of a choice in the matter. He started walking, following them still, while the one in the more feminine outfit was practically skipping beside him. Ugh.

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Postby MillietheWarrior » 09/24/2008 8:22 PM

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[Tracks and Seaspray in Anthro form]

The woman's pale, almost albino like skin seemed to glow in the dark as she stepped easily through the cave. Her yellow eyes were well adjusted to the gloom of the Caverns, having spent her entire life here. Her long hair, a pale peach color, and a light, sea blue, reached down her back, curling up at the ends near her waist. She wore a Sari, a traditional Indian woman's robe, colored in a pale blue and silver. It was patterned with stars, and seemed to flow around her with every step she took. Slipped on her feet were a pair of soft blue shoes, sandals almost, that made very little noise as she walked.

Behind her, a young man followed along, his dark hair tipped in white, and big, blue eyes looking around cautiously. He wore a white collared shirt, with a red and white tie hanging out of a dark blue sweater. He walked a few paces behind the girl, who was looking about warily. He couldn't see as well in the dark as she, and so, every once in a while, he would trip, let loose a string of curses, and then glare at the ground for a few paces before fore getting he had tripped in the first place. This amused the strange woman who glided easily in front of him, and the large creature that followed behind her. It was rather hard to miss this creature, as it's bulk was massive enough to take up most of the caverns.

It's large wings were folded nearly to it's side, head ducked low so as not to bang it on the ceiling. His large form was a bright and strangely refreshing color in the gloom of the caves. He seemed to radiate a soft purple light, which, from time to time, lit the way for the man who walked behind the woman. The caverns were vast, but not vast enough, for the woman paused, and tilted her head to the side. 'Voices,' she called to her companions, her gentle, yet till dangerous thought-speech floating back to them. 'Others in tunnel.' Rohan tilted his head, eyes blinking slowly. "Others?"he asked. "Now who would be foolish enough to venture down here, besides us?"he added, at a cross look from the boy.  Tracks scowled. "I don't know,"he muttered. "But this place is really annoying. I can't see anything. when are we going to meet those o-"

He was cut off as the woman reached back and placed her hand over his mouth, unnatural yellow eyes glowing softly in the dark. 'Tracks be quiet now. We near.' She glided forward, and Tracks got a good look at the strange feather like appendages that were folded nearly against her back, like individual wings. A long, serpent like tail, with feathers near the end waved out from beneath her Sari. Seaspray might have mastered turning human, but she still had a ways to go before she was fully acceptable. At the present moment, she'd scare the living daylights out of anyone they met. 'Up ahead. They there.' She reached out and pointed with one pale hand. Tracks looked past her, and Rohan narrowed his eyes. Looked like four individuals, one a Battleheart, one a Kuhna female, and two others, whose species he could not identify.

'Strange people. Come into home, take brethren from caverns. Not good people. We eat them now?' She looked curiously at Tracks and Rohan, who both looked amused and appalled.  "No, we won't eat them," Tracks muttered. "Let's go see who they are. And don't eat them." He grabbed Seaspray's hand, and she smiled innocently, allowing herself to be pulled along as he dragged her down the path, Rohan following. "Hey there,"Tracks called, grinning as he approached. He was so absorbed in the strangers, he didn't notice the rock until it was too late. Seaspray did, but she wanted to eat the people. Tracks didn't deserve to be warned if he wouldn't let her eat them. So there.

Tracks, needless to say, fell flat on his face, and Seaspray leaned down to smirk at him, eyes glowing. Her mental voice was projected to all in the cave. 'If you no want eat strangers, you no get warned about big rocks.' Rohan chuckled, and shook his head. "Er, hello. I'm Rohan,"he said, gesturing to himself with one claw. "And this is Seaspray, a native of the caverns, and Tracks."

[R 1 - T 1 - S 1, 7]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Ander » 09/26/2008 11:59 AM

(Human Form)

The third newcomer to the tunnels was a man who had no such problems with the darkness of the Caverns. His black eyes glinted sharply, shining in the dark like a Kuhna's, and granting much of the same effect - the dark was like day to him. He brushed a large hand though his hair, shoving the ropey locks from his shoulders. They fell right back into place, of course, and he grunted. Pale tongues of a not-quite-green fire escaped his lips as he did. Clothing-wise, the slightly tanned man was dressed for his impromptu spelunking. The simply black slacks he wore, with their matching jacket cast over a reddish-orange top... nice, but nothing too fancy, in his opinion.

The only odd thing about his dress hung about his neck. It looked like some kind of shackle, gleaming grey steel. It was a bit too large for his throat, and hung loosely, the chain attached to the wide collar wound a time or two around his shoulders. The end of it seemed melted off - something he had done himself? It didn't look comfortable. And as he swept his hair back again, it clearly wasn't: there were large sores and many chafed places, where the collar must fit him in a larger form. His hair swept back, and they were invisible. They didn't appear to hurt him, since of course, he had borne that collar for a very long time now.

So. He frowned, glancing around him. The problem was not that he was unable to see, so much as that he was unable to see anything to see. There were rocks, of course, a great many of those. And branching caves. And overhangs. But those were only, essentially, more rocks. He saw not the slightest hint of those he was looking for, ome of his pen-mates: a Nyghtmare, a Rattengan and a Hallowheart. That was who he had been sent out here to retrieve. And now, by gods, hadn't he lost their scent entirely? As if, at one point, they had been there, adventuring - and in the next moment, were gone. Very frustrating.

But what was this? Sound? Voices? Scorch lengthened his stride, coming to the edge of one of the branching caves. His eyes narrowed silently as he stepped out a bit further, still too shadowed to be seen, he thought. One hand reached out, sinking long Paragon claws into the wall at his side to stabilize him. He was much closer to the strange company than he thought he would be, but they weren't the company he sought. For one thing, there was a Paragon among them, one of the brightest that Scorch had ever seen. He got a glimpse of rainbow flames; but thanks to his angle, he couldn't catch sight of their maker, or many of those that stood beside her. But he could see a very disgruntled young man, whose eyesight evidently needed some work. And just on the edge of his vision, a woman that he couldn't even begin to recognize.

Scorch shook his head. Definitely not who he was looking for, but interesting nonetheless.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/27/2008 9:46 PM

Just as they could be heard, it was no difficult task for Emilia and her guardian to hear those hearing them. Well, not all of them, seeing as Tracks and Rohan were the only ones doing any of the speaking heard by ears.
It was the Battleheart who first turned to gaze into the distant direction, followed by Emilia's glancing look. She didn't stare very long, choosing to glance up at the huge beast beside her, who was almost smirking, as it were. "Don't be hasty." Her instructions were more like a warning of sorts, to which the beast looked away from everything briefly, rolling his eyes. She wanted his protection, didn't she? Then she'd better get used to letting him do as he wished- including attack a stranger, if it was deemed necessary.

Blayze and Adair, they were both completely oblivious that anything had changed right up until Tracks called out, which was shortly followed by the sound of him crashing into the stone floor.
"Oh goodness!" Blayze jumped to the fallen man's side, totally oblivious of the woman who wanted to eat him and his companions. He knelt down a bit, a worried look plastered onto his face and, had one not already known better, he could have very easily been mistaken for a woman by these strangers. "Are you alright?" Even his voice held concern, and he didn't even know who this guy was!

"You idiot, have some sense!" Adair, the Treasure Roosken gone human, practically barked under his breath. He wasn't about to approach them so easily, not after what Seaspray had projected through the entire cave about wanting to make them her next meal.

It was then that Emilia stepped forward, past Adair, and closer to Blayze, Tracks and Seaspray, multicolored flames following each of her steps still. Despite appearing as a child, if a fight needed to ensue, she'd be the one to stand in the way of the Akail woman. To get to her companions, one would go through her. It was the art of shifting her age appearance. "Emilia. That is my name. That is Blayze," she gestured to the one decked out in feminine clothes. "He is Adair, and he retains no calling." Likewise, she gestured to both the last Roosken and the Battleheart. "It is a pleasure to meet you?" It was more like a question then a statement, her eyes cautiously scoping out the three while curtsying. There weren't many other thoughts aside from the level of threat each held. While Rohan was a Paragon, so large in size, she felt no need to fear him what so ever- which explained why she was so at ease in giving a response, it being he who spoke to them.

Was it just his imagination or were they being watched...? Adair felt a shiver crawl down his spine suddenly, but it had nothing to do with these three... Perhaps someone else was around? It would make sense, he decided, as he noted that the creature of their group was still keeping his guard up and wits all about him.

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Postby MillietheWarrior » 09/27/2008 10:46 PM

Tracks looked up at the man who rushed to his side, his gaze a bit embarrassed, but also curious. This dude was...Well, a dude? Really? He looked like a girl. He allowed Blayze to get close to him, and sat up, nodding slightly at the man, while smiling lightly. "I'm fine. I just hate this stupid darkness. I may not be able to see very well, but they can." He jerked his thumb in his companions direction, completely oblivious to the threats that hung in the air on both sides (Of course, the threats mainly came from the Battleheart and the Akail.) He patted Blayze's arm in a comforting manner. "No worries. I've fallen on my face too many times to count. One more time won't be the death of me. Unless I happen to fall off a cliff. Then it might be the death of me."He chuckled to himself, before standing up, and nodding to Blayze. He liked this guy already. "Nice to meet you, dude," he said amiably, sticking out his hand for Blayze to shake.

Rohan swung his head around to stare at Tracks, an amused twinkle in his wise eyes. Tracks had no problem making friends or talking to someone new. He was really rather good at it. Seemed he had taken a shine to Blayze already, but he knew Tracks most likely wouldn't get along with the second Roosken. They were too much alike (When Tracks was being grumpy, of course). He swung his eyes back around to smile at Emilia, lowering his head to be on her level. "A pleasure to meet you, miss Emilia. You and your companions. I must say, I was not expecting to run into such a group down here in the caverns. There are many explorers, but I hadn't thought we'd come across any. Tell me, are you exploring, or searching for an Akail?"

Seaspray's yellow eyes narrowed as Rohan spoke, her hair bristling much like a cat's fur might when it was angry. Hackles raised, she glared at the feline with rainbow colored flames, and turned then to the Roosken. He seemed like the only one with common sense. And Roosken were probably a lot more tasty. She eyed him suspiciously, as one might eye a good meal, and stepped a bit closer, tail wagging like a giant cat ready to launch itself at it's prey. But before she could, another presence caught her attention, and she whipped her head around to stare at the spot where Scorch stood in the shadows, picking out his form easily.

She stepped away from the Roosken, and glided easily across the cave floor, a predatory gleam in her eyes. Her Akail instincts were never gone or dampened, and she considered everything in her home territory a potential meal. As she neared him, she opened her mouth, showing small, lethal fangs, and hissed, one clawed finger coming up to point at him accusingly. Her eyes glowed a bright, eerie gold. 'Intruder. Should not be here. Bad place for you.' She stepped forward slightly, and her tail waved behind her. 'Speak business of being here. Why? Be good business, or I eat you.' Seaspray eyed him hungrily. 'You look good. Tasty...'

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Ander » 09/30/2008 2:25 PM

Ah, there. Now everything was clearer. Scorch lifted a thin brow as those he could not make out before became more visible, watching them evenly. The rainbow flames he had seen belong to the feet of a female - how interesting. Feline, he would expect. And the great creature beside her was a Void Battleheart, obviously. He smiled. That thing wouldn't let him stand hidden for long, he bet. And the two Roosken were certainly opposite sides of some spectrum. Such a peculiar company.

Paying more attention to the speaking than to words spoken, Scorch was actually contrating on listing to what he had missed before when the woman her could not recognize began to move. He did not turn to her until she had neared him, quite obviously surrendering his position to anyone who cared to look. He stil had no idea who she was; only that she was not, like him, a Paragon; or anything else he could recall. So at the threat, he stepped forward slightly, and was amused. At the prospect of eating him? He laughed outright.

"Forgive me, madam. But you? Will eat me?" Scorch looked down, shoulders still shaking slightly in his humour. "You look barely a morsel for a Voidbringer." He spoke with a kind of cordial tone, a firm courtesy, that that last statement severely lacked. It had a definite, threatening edge... But it was gone when he spoke again. "But I can gladly tell you why I'm here, and I don't think it should cause offense with any of you. I am Scorch, and I wander these caverns in search of some friends of mine. I must bring them out of here and take them back home." That is, if they were still here at all. They didn't seem to be though, not anywhere.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 10/02/2008 7:48 PM

Blayze's eyes stayed mostly on Tracks, yet seemed to accept that the other man was alright. He didn't appear to be hurt in any way, shape or form, so all was well, in his mind. "Good to hear you're alright~!" He stood, getting out of his less comfortable crouched posistion, ever smiling. "It's not very nice of them to let you fall like that, though. Aren't they your friends?" A sort of questioning look was given to both the woman and the Paragon that accompanied the fallen Kuhna. More so, it held a 'shame on you!' aspect. "Falling off a cliff would be terrible," he continued on to say, looking back to Tracks, meaning it despite his chuckling. This stranger was amusing already. More entertaining then Adair had been recently, anyway. "Pleasure to meet you~" A hand was offered back to Tracks so they could shake hands, and it was found that Blayze's hand was even more dainty then it should have been for a man, adding to his feminine qualities. Surprisingly, he didn't pay that much attention. Who cared what his hands were like? It would be silly to care.

Emilia nodded, no longer in her curtsying posistion. "You could say that we're hunting, she spoke with a mild smile. "It's more like...family night out." Those weren't exactly the most clarifying words she could say, but they fit to some minor degree. They were not family, but they were using this time as a bonding measure. It had been the main reason she insisted on the lot of them going somewhere together. They'd just ended up here, in particular, because she was a being that loved to work with...normally unruly creatures.
Obviously, considering the Battleheart, which now huffed, warm air escaping from his nose. He was agitated, to say the least, eyes not leaving the more threating female. He felt it too, the presence of another, but that would be dealt with when the time need be. Seaspray was dancing a thin line when it came to his patience.

Being confronted wasn't something Adair liked, and in the moment the woman- Seapray was her name, no? That's what the Paragon said -he had taken steps backward. Cautious. In the same moment, the Battleheart advanced closer to him and, for once, he didn't flinch away from that beast. It wasn't difficult to recognize the hungry look in the other's eyes. Roosken's were typically looked at that way often. Should she have jumped him, he wouldn't have hesitated to fight back either- natural reaction. Thankfully, he wasn't the only one sensing something else.

Had she her feline ears at this moment, Emilia's ears would have perked up, taking notice of Scorch and Seaspray. "You really ought to learn to watch what is said!" she shouted in their direction, obviously at the Akail, eyes narrowing a few degrees. If she intended to start trouble, trouble she would get. Those kind of people, Emilia didn't like them much.
Violet eyes shifted to the...Paragon. Yes, he was one too. "Do you have a name?" Now, that was more of curiosity.

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Postby MillietheWarrior » 10/28/2008 8:44 PM

Tracks brushed off his pants with a scowl as he headed back over to the little group. "Pff. Some friends. They might act like they are, but we all know she'd eat me before helping me up,"he told the Roosken turned human, jerking his thumb in Seaspray's direction. Tracks was a bit surprised at how delicate his man's hand was. Or was he a man? Unwilling to stare, he turned his gaze away, deciding he'd ponder it later. He chuckled at Emilia. "Some family,"he told her with a small smile. "But I know what that's like. You don't need to look alike to be related, even if it isn't by blood."He smiled gently, his eyes shining in the dark.

Rohan, on the other hand, seemed amused by the entire affair. At the delicate question that was posed to him, he swung his massive head around to smile at Emilia. "She never watches what she says. She is still very much a product of the wild. She only recently learned to take human form, and even then, you can still tell she is anything but human. Look at her eyes, and her tail. And she cannot speak, except in broken fragmented thoughts." He frowned. "Do not fault her too much. The wild beast that lurks within us all is far too dominant in her mind. She cannot control her natural impulses as easy as you or I. But I apologize for her behavior. She is learning, and learning well. Soon she'll come to understand that it is not acceptable to tell someone you will eat them."He laughed lightly, but it was more like deep rolling thunder. His fellow Paragon was neither intimidated or afraid of Seaspray. Instead, she seemed to amuse him. Rohan settled his wings against his broad back, a small puff of smoke issuing from his nose.

Seaspray hardly took kindly to being laughed at. Indeed, her yellow eyes had narrowed, one clawed hand twitching as if she wanted to strangle him. She knew she could not, and was well aware that she would not be allowed to eat anyone, but nevertheless, she still wished to. This man infuriated her, enraged her, yet she did nothing more than hiss and bare her fangs, eyes glowing a sickly yellow in the dim caverns. 'Fine. I not eat, then. As long as you not hunt Akail, is good.' She nodded to herself, but her hair was still bristled, as though she were an angry cat, unwilling to let go of the mouse it had caught. She rounded on Emilia, looking at her curiously, with an innocent edge, like a lost puppy who returned to it's master. she seemed finally to accept the strange Kuhna girl, and padded over to her like a dog returning to it's owner. She glared at the new Paragon, however. 'Why ask him? Him name not important...' she said innocently, her tone softly curious as she stood close to the Kuhna. Perhaps it was Emilia's love of working with hard to manage animals, but Seaspray accepted her, and that was certainly saying something.

((Sorry for the typos I know are in here. And really sorry about the super late reply. I'm trying to catch up on stuff. Sorry for forgetting about these guys. ))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby MillietheWarrior » 11/14/2008 9:21 PM

Rohan swept his wings down,. looking off into the distance. He sighed softly. They had lingered here for too long. if they stayed much longer, Seaspray may very well succumb to her wild nature. she was more prone to do that when she was in these caves. He shook his head, and Tracks came to stand beside him, guiding a hungry looking Akail. "Should we go?" He asked softly. The cave was getting darker, which meant night was most definitely falling now. They needed to leave before it was too dark for any of them to see.

((Sorry, gotta take them out.))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby MillietheWarrior » 11/14/2008 9:26 PM

Rohan nodded to his companions. he turned to Emilia, his frown evident in his eyes and on his face. He was loathe to leave so quickly, but he knew they had to get back home very soon. Tracks dipped his head to the companions, before setting off with a wistful Akail behind him. Rohan's great wings flapped softly, blowing a gentle breeze through the caverns. "Forgive our rudeness, but we must depart. It is time for us to return home. Thank you for your time. We were sorry to have bothered you."he turned, a great feat for one so large, and left without a word.  


(They've gone.)

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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